Please note: This file provides a summary of significant changes
between versions and sub-versions of Perl, not necessarily a complete
list of each modification.  If you'd like more detailed information,
please consult the comments in the patches on which the relevant
release of Perl is based.  (Patches can be found on any CPAN
site, in the .../src/5.0 directory for full version releases,
or in the .../src/5/0/unsupported directory for sub-version

Version 5.003_25

This release is beta candidate #3.  Here's hoping...


  Title:  "Make $] read-only"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  gv.c

  Title:  "New variable C<$^S> is a native version of C<$?>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  doio.c global.sym gv.c interp.sym lib/ mg.c perl.c
          perl.h pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlvar.pod
          pp_ctl.c pp_sys.c proto.h util.c

  Title:  "Make $^T work with undump, and don't taint it"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  perl.c


  Title:  "VMS patches for _24"
   From:  Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 31 Jan 1997 02:34:37 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  ext/DynaLoader/ ext/DynaLoader/dl_vms.xs
          lib/ lib/ExtUtils/
          lib/ExtUtils/ perl.h pp_hot.c t/lib/filehand.t
          t/op/closure.t vms/Makefile vms/config.vms vms/descrip.mms
          vms/ext/filespec.t vms/vms.c vms/vmsish.h

  Title:  "hints/ polishing the comments"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 1997 21:58:10 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  hints/

  Title:  ""
   From:  "Norbert Pueschel" <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 29 Jan 1997 11:39:49 +0100
  Files:  hints/


  Title:  "Require '-T' in argv[], not just on #! line"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  perl.c pod/perldiag.pod

  Title:  "Fix C<return @_> and associated stack bugs"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  cop.h pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c t/op/misc.t

  Title:  "Fix never-closing handle after C<select>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  pp_sys.c

  Title:  "Fix /\G/g with patterns that match empty string"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
  Files:  pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Fix scalar leak in av_unshift"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  av.c

  Title:  "Ignore refs to lexicals when making refs to lexicals"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  op.c

  Title:  "Don't create AV, HV, IO when assigning glob"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  mg.c


  Title:  "Configure updates for intsize and ssizetype"
   From:  Andy Dougherty
  Files:  Configure MANIFEST config_H config_h.SH handy.h

  Title:  "Ask about /usr/bin/perl iff STDIN and STDERR are terminals"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  installperl


  Title:  "Refresh CPAN to 1.19"
   From:  Andreas Koenig <>
  Files:  lib/Bundle/ lib/ lib/CPAN/

  Title:  "Debugger update"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 2 Feb 1997 23:06:34 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/

  Title:  "In Symbol::gensym, don't make glob fake by copying it"
   From:  John Hughes <john@AtlanTech.COM>
  Files:  lib/

  Title:  "Make POSIX::is*() eight-bit-clean"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs

  Title:  "Make IO::Handle::gets() an alias of getline"
   From:  Gisle Aas <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 1997 12:03:15 +0100
  Files:  ext/IO/lib/IO/ lib/IO/


  Title:  "More Amiga test patches"
   From:  "Norbert Pueschel" <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 29 Jan 1997 16:07:33 +0100
  Files:  README.amiga t/lib/safe2.t t/op/closure.t


  Title:  "c2ph.PL fix"
   From: (Larry W. Virden)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 1997 08:49:19 -0500
  Files:  utils/c2ph.PL

  Title:  "Make pod2man a little laxer for perltoc.pod"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  pod/pod2man.PL


  Title:  "Update to perl INSTALL file"
   From: (Larry W. Virden)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 1997 08:38:23 -0500
  Files:  INSTALL

  Title:  "Update to perl.pod suggested"
   From: (Larry W. Virden)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 1997 08:45:59 -0500
  Files:  pod/perl.pod

  Title:  "Document how extension pms go in $archlib"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  pod/perldelta.pod

  Title:  "perlfunc.pod tweaks"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 30 Jan 1997 16:20:55 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "new (Feb 1) perlembed.pod"
   From:  Jon Orwant <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 1 Feb 1997 18:34:59 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlembed.pod

  Title:  "Error lines must not have trialing periods"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  pod/perldiag.pod

Version 5.003_24

This release is the second candidate for a public beta test.
It's, well, bunches better than _23.


  Title:  "glob defaults to $_"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 27 Jan 1997 03:09:13 -0500
  Files:  op.c pod/perlfunc.pod t/op/glob.t

  Title:  "Re: an overloading bug "
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 26 Jan 1997 19:07:45 -0500
  Files:  pod/perldiag.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pp_ctl.c

  Title:  "Don't warn on C<$\ = undef>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  mg.c


  Title:  "Win32 port"
   From:  Gary Ng <>
  Files:  MANIFEST win32/*

  Title:  "Amiga files"
   From:  Norbert Pueschel <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 26 Jan 1997 17:42:15 +0100
  Files:  MANIFEST README.amiga hints/

  Title:  "New dec_osf hints"
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 27 Jan 1997 14:33:01 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  hints/


  Title:  "Prevent premature death of @_ during leavesub"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_hot.c t/op/misc.t

  Title:  "Deref old stash when re-blessing"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  sv.c

  Title:  "Don't abort when RCHECK and DEBUGGING"
   From:  Tim Bunce <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 27 Jan 1997 23:39:48 +0000
  Files:  malloc.c

  Title:  "Fix overloading macro conflict with Digital 'cc -fast'"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 28 Jan 1997 00:16:49 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  perl.h

  Title:  "global.sym: typo?"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 26 Jan 1997 21:37:59 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  global.sym


  Title:  "Put all extensions' modules in $archlib"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  installperl

  Title:  "Configure fixes: set $archlib, omit _NO_PROTO"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Configure

  Title:  "Make configure{,.gnu} ignore --cache-file option"
   From:  Norbert Pueschel <>
  Files:  configure configure.gnu


  Title:  "Version checking in XS bootstrap is optional"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  XSUB.h

  Title:  "Update $VERSION of DynaLoader and POSIX"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/DynaLoader/ ext/POSIX/

  Title:  "Refresh Text::Wrap to 97.011701"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  lib/Text/

  Title:  "Fcntl.xs: F_[GS]ETOWN were in wrong case branch"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 25 Jan 1997 17:10:20 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  ext/Fcntl/ ext/Fcntl/Fcntl.xs

  Title:  "Fix $Is_VMS typo in Test::Harness"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  lib/Test/

  Title:  "Allow for really big keys in Tie::SubstrHash"
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 28 Jan 1997 21:14:34 +0100 (MET)
  Files:  lib/Tie/

  Title:  "Avoid newRV_noinc() in IO, for compiling with old Perls"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/IO/IO.xs


  Title:  "New test op/closure.t"
   From:  Tom Phoenix <>, Ulrich Pfeifer
  Files:  MANIFEST t/op/closure.t


  Title:  "xsubpp handing of void funcs breaks extensions using XST_m*()"
   From:  Tim Bunce <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 27 Jan 1997 16:59:06 +0000
  Files:  lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp


  Title:  "perldelta Fcntl enhancement"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 25 Jan 1997 17:05:34 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  pod/perldelta.pod

  Title:  "Updates to perldelta re: Fcntl, DB_File, Net::Ping"
   From: (Paul Marquess)
  Files:  pod/perldelta.pod

  Title:  "Document restrictions on gv_fetchmethod() and perl_call_sv()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pod/perldelta.pod pod/perlguts.pod

  Title:  "perldiag.pod: No comma allowed after %s"
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 25 Jan 1997 17:41:53 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  pod/perldiag.pod

  Title:  "perlfunc.pod: localtime"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 25 Jan 1997 18:29:37 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "perlfunc diff: gmtime"
   From:  Peter Haworth <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 28 Jan 1997 14:52:08 +0000
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "Updates to guts"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 26 Jan 1997 19:34:18 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  pod/perlguts.pod

  Title:  "perltoot fixes"
   From:  Tom Christiansen <>
 Msg-ID:  <6807.854214205@jinete>
   Date:  Sat, 25 Jan 1997 09:43:25 -0800
  Files:  pod/perltoot.pod

  Title:  "5.003_23: small typo in perlsyn.pod"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 27 Jan 1997 03:24:25 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlsyn.pod

Version 5.003_23

This release is our first candidate for a public beta test.


  Title:  "Disallow changing $_[0] in __DIE__ handlers"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod util.c

  Title:  "Fix overloading with inheritance and AUTOLOAD"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 20 Jan 1997 17:26:32 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  gv.c lib/ lib/ pod/perldebug.pod
          pod/perldiag.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlop.pod
          pod/perlre.pod pod/perltoc.pod pod/perlxs.pod

  Title:  "Nested here-docs"
   From: (Larry Wall)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 20 Jan 1997 15:13:42 -0800
  Files:  toke.c

  Title:  "Revert $^X to old behavior (plus HP-UX bug fix)"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  hints/ toke.c

  Title:  "Protect against '0' in 'stmt while <HANDLE>'"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c

  Title:  "Don't warn when closure uses var at file scope"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c


  Title:  "VMS patches for _22"
   From:  Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 20 Jan 1997 22:50:21 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs lib/ExtUtils/ lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp
          lib/Test/ toke.c vms/Makefile vms/descrip.mms
          vms/ vms/perly_c.vms vms/vmsish.h x2p/a2p.h
          vms/Makefile vms/config.vms vms/descrip.mms vms/perly_c.vms

  Title:  "Re: Perl 5.003_21: OS/2 patches"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 16 Jan 1997 23:46:40 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  os2/Changes os2/os2.c

  Title:  "Plan9 update"
   From: (Luther Huffman)
  Files:  plan9/config.plan9 plan9/mkfile

  Title:  "Bugfixes for AmigaOS"
   From:  "Norbert Pueschel" <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 22 Jan 1997 00:13:54 +0100
  Files:  hints/ lib/File/

  Title:  "New hints file"
   From:  Achim Bohnet <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 24 Jan 1997 11:58:24 +0100
  Files:  hints/

  Title:  "on NeXT: gdbm problem fixed"
   From:  Andreas Koenig <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 21 Jan 1997 03:01:32 +0100
  Files:  hints/ hints/

  Title:  "patch for hints/"
   From: (Tom Horsley)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 18 Jan 97 13:33:26 -0500
  Files:  hints/

  Title:  "hints & Configure changes to build perl on DC/OSx"
   From:  Stephen Zander <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 16 Jan 1997 16:43:52 -0800
  Files:  Configure MANIFEST hints/

  Title:  "patch for hints/ perl5.003_22"
   From: (Tom Horsley)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 19 Jan 97 15:14:04 -0500
  Files:  hints/


  Title:  "Make PERL5LIB and -I work like C<use lib>"
   From:  Tim Bunce <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 23 Jan 1997 15:23:27 +0000
  Files:  lib/ perl.c

  Title:  "Fix /\G.a/"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  regcomp.c regcomp.h regexec.c regexp.h toke.c

  Title:  "Extend stack in pp_undef (!)"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c

  Title:  "Allow for sub to be redefined while executing"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  cop.h pp_hot.c t/op/misc.t

  Title:  "Eliminate redundant flag CVf_FORMAT"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  cv.h op.c perl.c perly.c perly.y proto.h sv.c toke.c

  Title:  "Generate IVs when possible in abs() and int()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c

  Title:  "Efficiency patchlet for pp_aassign()"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 20 Jan 1997 22:05:39 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  pp_hot.c

  Title:  "When sorting, promote to PVNV only for built-in comparison"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_ctl.c

  Title:  "Remove "suidperl security patch" message"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perl.c


  Title:  "Make configure.gnu a copy of configure; make configure writea
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  MANIFEST configure.gnu

  Title:  "Regen Configure with metaconfig: +ARCHNAME, -FILE_filbuf"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg and Charles Bailey
  Files:  Configure config_H config_h.SH hints/
          os2/diff.configure os2/os2ish.h plan9/config.plan9 sv.c
          utils/perlbug.PL vms/config.vms vms/

  Title:  "Compile with optimization when testing memory functions"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Configure

  Title:  "Minor patch for Debian installation"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  installperl


  Title:  "Debugger update"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 18 Jan 1997 23:54:59 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/

  Title:  "DynaLoader enhancement: support RTLD_GLOBAL"
   From:  Nick Ing-Simmons <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 24 Jan 1997 09:37:18 GMT
  Files:  ext/DynaLoader/ ext/DynaLoader/dl_aix.xs
          ext/DynaLoader/dl_dld.xs ext/DynaLoader/dl_dlopen.xs
          ext/DynaLoader/dl_hpux.xs ext/DynaLoader/dl_next.xs

  Title:  "Fcntl: add more constants"
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 19 Jan 1997 20:11:22 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  ext/Fcntl/ ext/Fcntl/Fcntl.xs

  Title:  "Refresh IO to 1.15 (plus DESTROY and new_tmpfile fixes)"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/IO/lib/IO/ ext/IO/lib/IO/
          ext/IO/lib/IO/ ext/IO/lib/IO/
          ext/IO/lib/IO/ t/lib/io_pipe.t

  Title:  "Allow IO.xs to remain at 1.15 while $VERSION is 1.1501"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  XSUB.h ext/IO/Makefile.PL ext/IO/lib/IO/

  Title:  "Refresh CPAN to 1.15"
   From:  Andreas Koenig <>
  Files:  lib/ lib/CPAN/

  Title:  "Add E* and SA_* constants"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 22 Jan 1997 21:36:07 -0500
  Files:  ext/POSIX/ ext/POSIX/POSIX.pod ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs


  Title:  "Test nested here-docs"
   From: (Hugo van der Sanden)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 21 Jan 1997 00:53:44 +0000 (GMT)
  Files:  t/base/lex.t

  Title:  "Fix tests of $^X and $0 to work with QNX"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  t/lib/io_pipe.t t/lib/open2.t t/lib/open3.t t/op/magic.t

  Title:  "Patch tests for systems without fork()"
   From:  "Norbert Pueschel" <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 23 Jan 1997 23:51:28 +0100
  Files:  t/io/pipe.t t/lib/filehand.t t/lib/io_pipe.t t/lib/io_sock.t
          t/lib/open2.t t/lib/open3.t t/op/fork.t

  Title:  "Test patches for OS/2"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 16 Jan 1997 23:48:18 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  os2/OS2/ExtAttr/t/os2_ea.t os2/OS2/PrfDB/t/os2_prfdb.t
          os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_cmprt.t os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_dllld.t
          os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_objcall.t os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_sql.test
          os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_tiesql.test os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_tievar.t
          os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_tieydb.t os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_varset.t
          os2/OS2/REXX/t/rx_vrexx.t t/README t/cmd/while.t
          t/comp/colon.t t/comp/multiline.t t/io/argv.t t/lib/anydbm.t
          t/lib/gdbm.t t/lib/ndbm.t t/lib/odbm.t t/lib/sdbm.t
          t/op/cmp.t t/op/magic.t


  Title:  "Translate \200 to &#200; in pod2html"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pod/pod2html.PL

  Title:  "VMS patches: '.com' extension on scripts"
   From:  Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 24 Jan 1997 18:42:29 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  pod/checkpods.PL pod/pod2html.PL pod/pod2latex.PL
          pod/pod2man.PL pod/pod2text.PL utils/c2ph.PL utils/h2ph.PL
          utils/h2xs.PL utils/perlbug.PL utils/perldoc.PL
          utils/pl2pm.PL utils/splain.PL vms/Makefile vms/descrip.mms
          x2p/find2perl.PL x2p/s2p.PL

  Title:  "Allow MakeMaker 5.34 to use libraries containing '+' in name"
   From: (Dennis Marsa)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 17 Jan 97 14:27:32 CST
  Files:  lib/ExtUtils/


  Title:  "First cut at INSTALL edit"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  INSTALL

  Title:  "Additional docs for __DIE__ and __WARN__"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlrun.pod pod/perlvar.pod

  Title:  "Document #line directive"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 24 Jan 1997 04:08:44 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlsyn.pod pod/perltoc.pod

  Title:  "Perlguts version 30"
   From:  Jeff Okamoto <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 17 Jan 1997 13:17:43 -0800
  Files:  pod/perlguts.pod

  Title:  "delta for perldelta"
   From:  Tom Christiansen <>
 Msg-ID:  <804.854121463@jinete>
   Date:  Fri, 24 Jan 1997 07:57:43 -0800
  Files:  pod/perlnews.pod pod/perltoc.pod

  Title:  "Updates to perldelta"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 20 Jan 1997 06:48:49 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  pod/perlnews.pod pod/perltoc.pod

  Title:  "perlnews.pod diff for the Fcntl"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 21 Jan 1997 18:00:56 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  pod/perlnews.pod

  Title:  "Rename perlnews -> perldelta per Tom's request"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  MANIFEST pod/Makefile pod/buildtoc pod/perl.pod
          pod/perldelta.pod pod/perltoc.pod pod/roffitall

  Title:  "Remove bad advice from perllocale.pod"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pod/perllocale.pod

Version 5.003_22

This release is primarily made up of bug fixes, the foremost among
which repairs a showstopper memory corruption bug in formats.


  Title:  "Fix parsing of C< ${ xyz } >"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c

  Title:  "Don't parse method calls in strings"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c

  Title:  "Fix overly picky carping about leading '{' in regex"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  regcomp.c


  Title:  "Fix memory corruption from formats"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c perl.c perly.c perly.c.diff perly.y proto.h sv.c toke.c


  Title:  "Fix '_mopop' typo"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Makefile.SH


  Title:  "Gut IO::Handle::DESTROY"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/IO/lib/IO/

  Title:  "RiscOS is case-insensitive"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  lib/File/


  Title:  "Fix thinko in db-recno.t"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  t/lib/db-recno.t


  Title:  "Make perlbug more cautionary and more verbose"
   From:  Kenneth Albanowski and Jarkko Hietaniemi
  Files:  utils/perlbug.PL


  Title:  "NEW roffitall + INSTALL fix"
   From:  Raphael Manfredi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 16 Jan 97 11:22:01 +0100
  Files:  INSTALL pod/roffitall

  Title:  "srand() doc update"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 15 Jan 1997 20:44:25 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "documentation of configpm (perl5.003_20)"
   From: (Winfried Koenig)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 15 Jan 1997 14:03:27 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  configpm

Version 5.003_21

This release includes several important bug fixes, and a couple of
minor but valuable language tweaks.  Please read on for a list of the
significant changes:


  Title:  "Fix overloading via inherited autoloaded functions"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 13 Jan 1997 05:22:47 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  gv.c lib/ pod/perldiag.pod t/pragma/overload.t

  Title:  "Method call fixes: Don't cache in alias, don't skip undef"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  global.sym gv.c gv.h hv.c op.c pod/perlguts.pod
          pod/perltoc.pod pp.c pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c proto.h scope.c sv.c

  Title:  "Formats can be closures"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  cv.h op.c perly.c perly.c.diff perly.y pp_sys.c sv.h

  Title:  "Quote 'foo' in C<$x{-foo}>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c

  Title:  "Forbid C< x->{y} > and C< x->[0] > under C<strict refs>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c pod/perldiag.pod t/pragma/strict-refs

  Title:  "Allow <=> to return undef when operands are not ordered"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg and Andreas Koenig
  Files:  MANIFEST pp.c t/op/cmp.t

  Title:  "Fail regex that starts with '{'"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  regcomp.c


  Title:  "Re: Perl 5.003_20: OS/2 patches"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 10 Jan 1997 06:02:16 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  hints/ os2/Changes os2/os2.c os2/os2ish.h pp_sys.c

  Title:  "VMS patches for _20"
   From:  Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 14 Jan 1997 17:34:43 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  configpm dosish.h os2/os2ish.h plan9/plan9ish.h proto.h
          t/pragma/strict.t t/pragma/subs.t t/pragma/warning.t toke.c
          unixish.h vms/Makefile vms/config.vms vms/descrip.mms
          vms/ vms/perly_c.vms vms/ vms/vmsish.h
          x2p/a2p.h x2p/str.c

  Title:  "Irix 6.3 & 6.4 and perl5.003_20"
   From:  John Stoffel <>
 Msg-ID:  <199701132242.RAA14601@jfs.Fluent.COM>
   Date:  Mon, 13 Jan 1997 17:42:50 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  MANIFEST hints/ hints/

  Title:  "Patch: MachTen hints, Configure"
   From:  Dominic Dunlop <>
 Msg-ID:  <v03010d00af0123a93670@[]>
   Date:  Tue, 14 Jan 1997 13:43:13 +0100
  Files:  Configure hints/

  Title:  "Rename to for MS-LOSS"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  MANIFEST hints/


  Title:  "Fix C< eval { my $x; eval '$x' } >"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c t/op/misc.t

  Title:  "Don't warn if eval '' uses outer func's lexicals"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c

  Title:  "Avoid memory wastage in wait(); make pidstatus global"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  global.sym interp.sym perl.c perl.h pp_sys.c

  Title:  "Forbid ++ and -- on readonly values"
   From:  "John Q. Linux" <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 10 Jan 1997 19:47:16 -0800 (PST)
  Files:  pp.c pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Keep array from dying during foreach(@array)"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  cop.h pp_ctl.c

  Title:  "Fix C< $a="simple"; split /($a)/o >"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c t/op/misc.t

  Title:  "Fix infinite loop for undef function in @SIG{__WARN__,__DIE__}"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  util.c

  Title:  "Fix for anon-lists with tied entries coredump"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 10 Jan 1997 02:45:11 -0500
  Files:  pp.c

  Title:  "Don't set SVf_PADBUSY on immortal SVs"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c

  Title:  "Patch for Object subroutines"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 7 Jan 1997 20:56:02 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  cop.h

  Title:  "Use an SVt_PVLV to hold stacked OP pointers when debugging"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Undo change that freed large pad vars"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  scope.c


  Title:  "Make MachTen hints file warn about db-recno failures"
   From:  Dominic Dunlop <>
 Msg-ID:  <v03010d00aef92fba6aca@[]>
   Date:  Wed, 8 Jan 1997 12:07:18 +0100
  Files:  hints/

  Title:  "5.003_20, FreeBSD 3.0 and minor patch"
   From: (Ollivier Robert)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 8 Jan 1997 14:37:47 +0100
  Files:  Configure

  Title:  "Make installperl quieter; only shared libraries need 0555"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  installperl


  Title:  "Advice on TEST failure"
   From:  Dominic Dunlop <>
 Msg-ID:  <v03010d01aefbaefcf3bc@[]>
   Date:  Fri, 10 Jan 1997 10:19:07 +0100
  Files:  t/TEST

  Title:  "UNIVERSAL tests"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
  Files:  MANIFEST t/op/universal.t

  Title:  "Test deletion of array during foreach"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
  Files:  t/op/misc.t

  Title:  "patch for db-recno.t"
   From: (Paul Marquess)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 12 Jan 1997 15:09:33 +0000 (GMT)
  Files:  t/lib/db-recno.t


  Title:  "Localize info about filesystems being case-forgiving"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  lib/File/ pod/checkpods.PL pod/pod2html.PL
          pod/pod2latex.PL pod/pod2man.PL pod/pod2text.PL
          utils/c2ph.PL utils/h2ph.PL utils/h2xs.PL utils/perlbug.PL
          utils/perldoc.PL utils/pl2pm.PL utils/splain.PL
          x2p/find2perl.PL x2p/s2p.PL

  Title:  "Fix for fd leak in IO::File::new_tmpfile"
   From:  Graham Barr and Chip Salzenberg
  Files:  ext/IO/IO.xs ext/IO/lib/IO/

  Title:  "Refresh Getopt::Long to 2.6"
   From:  Johan Vromans <>
  Files:  lib/Getopt/

  Title:  "Refresh DB_File to 1.10"
   From: (Paul Marquess)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 14 Jan 97 12:47:40 GMT
  Files:  ext/DB_File/ ext/DB_File/DB_File.xs

  Title:  "Re: FileCache::cacheout clobbers $_"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  08 Jan 1997 23:45:58 -0500
  Files:  lib/ lib/

  Title:  "PATCH: AutoSplit"
   From:  Graham Barr <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  11 Mar 1996 06:01:58 -0500
  Files:  lib/

  Title:  "Re: Uninitialized value in ? "
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 14 Jan 1997 13:15:25 -0500
  Files:  lib/

  Title:  "Avoid "uninitialized" warnings from POSIX::constant()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/POSIX/

  Title:  "Eliminate warning from C<use overload>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  lib/

  Title:  "low priority patches"
   From: (Paul Marquess)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 8 Jan 97 16:55:02 GMT
  Files:  lib/ t/comp/redef.t t/lib/db-btree.t


  Title:  "Re: xsubpp and Tk ==> segfault"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 8 Jan 1997 03:25:47 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp

  Title:  "Re: MakeMaker and 'make uninstall'"
   From:  Andreas Koenig <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 10 Jan 1997 13:43:39 +0100
  Files:  lib/ExtUtils/

  Title:  "Don't search for pod if path is already valid"
   From:  Wayne Scott <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 08 Jan 1997 15:25:19 -0800
  Files:  utils/perldoc.PL

  Title:  "Yet another perldoc option"
   From:  Gisle Aas <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 3 Oct 1996 00:00:35 +0200
  Files:  utils/perldoc.PL

  Title:  "Re: perldoc, temp files, async pagers"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  07 Jan 1997 22:54:14 -0500
  Files:  utils/perldoc.PL


  Title:  "Full documentation generation patch"
   From:  Raphael Manfredi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 15 Jan 97 11:16:28 +0100
  Files:  MANIFEST pod/roffitall pod/rofftoc

  Title:  "Re: documentation correction (i.e. patch) for perlsyn.pod"
   From:  "M.J.T. Guy" <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 10 Jan 1997 18:06:37 +0000
  Files:  pod/perlsyn.pod

  Title:  "Document use of pos() and /\G/"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 13 Jan 1997 15:13:12 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlnews.pod pod/perlop.pod
          pod/perlre.pod pod/perltoc.pod pod/perltrap.pod

  Title:  "Fix example #4 in perlXStut"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 5 Jan 1997 02:39:45 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  pod/perlxstut.pod

  Title:  "Document new closure warnings"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c pod/perldiag.pod

  Title:  "Misc. doc patches missing in _20"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 07 Jan 1997 22:55:33 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlsub.pod pod/perltoc.pod pod/perlvar.pod

Version 5.003_20

The only language change in this release is the recension of support
for named closures:  Now, no subroutine declared "sub foo {}" can be
a closure.  (This is a return to the behavior of 5.003.)  In addition,
there are new warnings triggered by any apparent attempt to use named
functions as closures.

And, as usual, there are the usual little fixes, documentation
updates, and expanded tests.  This is good stuff.  "I love you, man!"


  Title:  "Rescind named closures"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Makefile.SH op.c perly.c perly.c.diff perly.y pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Fix: empty @_ when calling empty-proto subs without parens"
   From:  Graham Barr <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 04 Jan 1997 10:29:04 +0000
  Files:  perly.c perly.y


  Title:  "Fix $^X on systems that set it to Perl's basename"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  hints/ toke.c

  Title:  "Configure/perl5/Compartmented Mode Workstation (fwd)"
   From:  Andy Dougherty <>
 Msg-ID:  <Pine.SOL.3.95.970106131505.1662C-100000@fractal.lafayette.ed
   Date:  Mon, 06 Jan 1997 13:15:38 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  Configure hints/

  Title:  "Remove obsolete file "dl_os2.xs"."
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
  Files:  MANIFEST


  Title:  "Fix C< sub foo (&@); sub bar (&); foo {}, bar {}, bar {} >"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perly.c perly.c.diff perly.y

  Title:  "plug for safe/opcode leaks"
   From:  Doug MacEachern <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 07 Jan 1997 17:20:46 -0500
  Files:  op.c

  Title:  "Finish OP= warnings: none on ^="
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  doop.c pp.c t/op/assignwarn.t

  Title:  "Fix Dynaloader failures with DProf"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 06 Jan 1997 12:18:46 -0500
  Files:  pp_hot.c


  Title:  "Make Configure default to the first domain in /etc/resolv.conf"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Configure

  Title:  "Start all helper scripts with $startsh"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Configure

  Title:  "Support under FreeBSD"
   From: (Ollivier Robert)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 5 Jan 1997 22:41:49 +0100
  Files:  Configure Makefile.SH


  Title:  "New test: comp/proto.t"
   From:  Graham Barr <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 06 Jan 1997 09:13:03 +0000
  Files:  MANIFEST t/comp/proto.t

  Title:  "More magic variable tests"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 06 Jan 1997 10:39:52 -0500
  Files:  t/harness t/op/magic.t


  Title:  "File::Basename::dirname bugs"
   From:  Robin Barker <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 7 Jan 97 17:19:59 GMT
  Files:  lib/File/ t/lib/basename.t

  Title:  "sigaction() problems"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 06 Jan 1997 15:42:04 -0500
  Files:  ext/POSIX/ ext/POSIX/POSIX.pod

  Title:  "Fix importation of FileHandle methods; fix POSIX docs"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/POSIX/ ext/POSIX/POSIX.pod lib/

  Title:  "Patch: make hints files warn about db-recno failures"
   From:  Dominic Dunlop <>
 Msg-ID:  <v03010d00aef53ac4d18a@[]>
   Date:  Sun, 5 Jan 1997 12:34:25 +0100
  Files:  MANIFEST hints/ hints/broken-db.msg hints/


  Title:  "pod2html.PL patch (for 5.003-19)"
   From:  Fabien TASSIN <>
 Msg-ID:  <199701052347.AAA21297@solar5>
   Date:  Mon, 6 Jan 1997 00:47:01 +0100
  Files:  pod/pod2html.PL


  Title:  "tiny doc patches"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 04 Jan 1997 11:12:13 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlapio.pod pod/perlnews.pod pod/perltoc.pod

  Title:  "doc patch for defined on perlfunc.pod"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  04 Jan 1997 21:28:30 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "doc patch: perldsc"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  04 Jan 1997 21:25:58 -0500
  Files:  pod/perldsc.pod pod/perltoc.pod

  Title:  "Re: constant function inlining"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  07 Jan 1997 15:27:50 -0500
  Files:  pod/perldiag.pod pod/perlsub.pod

  Title:  "scalar caller doc fix"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 06 Jan 1997 22:34:20 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "perlpod.pod possible patches"
   From: (Larry W. Virden, x2487)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 7 Jan 1997 07:56:30 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlpod.pod

  Title:  "Misc perlfunc updates"
   From:  Tom Christiansen <>
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perltoc.pod

Version 5.003_19

Lots of internal cleanup in this patch, especially plugged memory
leaks when embedded Perl interpreters shut down and restart.  The
method cache is now invisible to user code.  And there is a new test
directory, "t/pragma".

IMHO, this is Beta quality code.

Here's a list of the more significant changes...


  Title:  "Make method cache invisible to user code"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  dump.c gv.c gv.h hv.c op.c perl.c pp_hot.c pp_sys.c sv.c

  Title:  "Never parse "{m,s,y,tr,q{,q,w,x}}:{,:}" as package or label"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c


  Title:  "Fix $^X under HP-UX"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  hints/ toke.c

  Title:  "New hints/"
   From:  Jeff Okamoto <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 31 Dec 1996 15:09:32 -0800
  Files:  hints/


  Title:  "Fix segv when calling named closures"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Finish rationalizing "undef value" warnings"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  doop.c pp.c sv.c t/op/assignwarn.t

  Title:  "Arrange for all "_<file" entries to be in %main::"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  gv.c lib/

  Title:  "Introduce CVf_NODEBUG flag"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 01 Jan 1997 15:42:05 -0500
  Files:  cv.h pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Reword 'may be "0"' warning per Larry; fix its line number"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c pod/perldiag.pod

  Title:  "5.003_18: perl_{con,des}truct fixes"
   From:  Doug MacEachern <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 03 Jan 1997 15:42:04 -0500
  Files:  perl.c perl.h pod/perlembed.pod pod/perltoc.pod t/op/sysio.t

  Title:  "Fix lost value from READLINE after TIEHANDLE"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
  Files:  pp_hot.c sv.h

  Title:  "Free memory of large lexical variables when leaving scope"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  scope.c


  Title:  "Create t/pragma directory; populate with new and old"
   From: (Paul Marquess)
  Files:  MANIFEST Makefile.SH t/TEST t/comp/use.t t/lib/locale.t
          t/op/overload.t t/op/use.t t/pragma/locale.t t/pragma/overload.t
          t/pragma/strict-refs t/pragma/strict-subs t/pragma/strict-vars
          t/pragma/strict.t t/pragma/subs.t t/pragma/warn-global

  Title:  "New tests: comp/colon.t and op/assignwarn.t"
   From:  Robin Barker <>
  Files:  MANIFEST t/comp/colon.t t/op/assignwarn.t


  Title:  "Make libs clean under '-w'"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
  Files:  lib/ lib/Devel/ lib/
          lib/Math/ lib/Pod/ lib/Search/
          lib/ lib/Term/ lib/
          lib/ lib/ lib/ lib/


  Title:  "Perlguts, version 28"
   From:  Jeff Okamoto <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 3 Jan 1997 13:10:46 -0800
  Files:  pod/perlguts.pod

  Title:  "Re: perldelta, take 3"
   From:  Tim Bunce <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 3 Jan 1997 17:48:46 +0000
  Files:  pod/perlnews.pod

  Title:  "Miscellaneous pod patches"
   From:  Ralf S. Engelschall <>
  Files:  pod/Makefile pod/perldebug.pod pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "expanded flock() docs"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 03 Jan 1997 19:31:11 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "Use Text::Wrap in buildtoc; run buildtoc"
   From:  Ulrich Pfeifer <>
  Files:  pod/buildtoc pod/perltoc.pod

  Title:  "Remove obsolete perlovl.pod"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  MANIFEST plan9/mkfile pod/perlovl.pod vms/Makefile

Version 5.003_18

Yet further down the road to 5.004....


  Title:  "Inherited overloading"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 29 Dec 1996 08:12:54 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  gv.c lib/ perl.h sv.c sv.h t/op/overload.t

  Title:  "Hide lexicals from C<use>d or C<require>d module (!)"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_ctl.c

  Title:  "Closures at file scope must be anonymous"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c

  Title:  "Warn on '{if,while} ($x = X)' where X is glob, readdir, or <FH>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c pod/perldiag.pod

  Title:  "Warn on 'undef $x; $x OP 1' where OP is *=, /=, %=, or **="
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c


  Title:  "Ultrix setlocale() workaround"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  hints/ util.c


  Title:  "Get rid of 'Leaked scalars'"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  cop.h gv.c op.c

  Title:  "Don't forget $c in C<(($a,$b,$c)=(1,2))=(3,4,5)>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Fix core dump on perl_construct()/perl_destruct() loop"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perl.c

  Title:  "Add missing syms to global.sym; update magic doc"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  global.sym pod/perlguts.pod


  Title:  "Expanded locale.t and misc.t"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
  Files:  t/lib/locale.t t/lib/misc.t

  Title:  "Expanded my.t"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  t/lib/my.t

  Title:  "test harness for C<use x.xxxx>"
   From:  Graham Barr <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 30 Dec 1996 07:00:18 +0000
  Files:  MANIFEST t/op/use.t

  Title:  "More tests"
   From:  Tom Phoenix <>
 Msg-ID:  <
   Date:  Sun, 29 Dec 1996 17:46:21 -0800 (PST)
  Files:  t/op/each.t t/op/oct.t t/op/quotemeta.t t/op/rand.t


  Title:  "Improving"
   From:  Tom Phoenix <>
 Msg-ID:  <
   Date:  Mon, 30 Dec 1996 09:24:16 -0800 (PST)
  Files:  configpm

  Title:  "File::Copy under OS/2"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 27 Dec 1996 22:47:24 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/File/ t/lib/filecopy.t


  Title:  "Updates to perllocale.pod"
   From:  Dominic Dunlop <>
  Files:  pod/perllocale.pod

  Title:  "Locale-related pod patches, take 2"
   From:  Dominic Dunlop <>
 Msg-ID:  <v03007800aeea9e488b36@[]>
   Date:  Sat, 28 Dec 1996 10:56:41 +0100
  Files:  pod/perl.pod pod/perlform.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlop.pod
          pod/perlre.pod pod/perlsec.pod

  Title:  "Re: perldiag.pod entry for "Scalar value @%s{%s} ...""
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 31 Dec 1996 11:50:19 -0500
  Files:  pod/perldiag.pod

Version 5.003_17

The rate of patches is slowing down....  I see 5.004 at the end of the
tunnel!  (Hey, what's that whistle?)


  Title:  "Support named closures"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  cv.h op.c perl.c pp.c pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c


  Title:  "perl5.003_15 and Interactive Unix"
   From: (Winfried Koenig)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 26 Dec 1996 00:45:45 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  hints/ pp_sys.c

  Title:  "Suggest "usemymalloc='n'" for FreeBSD 2.*"
   From: (Ralf S. Engelschall)
  Files:  hints/

  Title:  "Minor OS/2 fixes"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 25 Dec 1996 16:05:42 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  os2/os2ish.h pod/perlxstut.pod


  Title:  "Fix {,un}tainting of $1 etc. when C<use locale>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  mg.c sv.c

  Title:  "Limit effects of "=pod" to a single file"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c


  Title:  "New tests: op/method.t and op/locale.t"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich and Jarkko Hietaniemi
  Files:  MANIFEST t/lib/locale.t t/op/method.t

  Title:  "Test C< ()=() >"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  t/op/misc.t


  Title:  "Refresh MakeMaker to 5.39"
   From:  Andreas Koenig <>
  Files:  lib/ExtUtils/ lib/ExtUtils/
          lib/ExtUtils/ lib/ExtUtils/

  Title:  "Newer debugger"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 26 Dec 1996 14:54:34 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/


  Title:  "Perlguts, version 27"
   From:  Jeff Okamoto <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 24 Dec 1996 17:44:23 -0800
  Files:  pod/perlguts.pod

  Title:  "perlpod.pod patch for _16"
   From:  Kenneth Albanowski <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 24 Dec 1996 23:00:10 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  pod/perlpod.pod

  Title:  "tiny perllocale.pod diff for _16"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 26 Dec 1996 15:06:04 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  pod/perllocale.pod

Version 5.003_16

This patch is all bug fixes, library updates, and documentation
updates.  We'll get to 5.004 RSN, I promise.  :-)


  Title:  "Fix closures that are not in subroutines"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c


  Title:  "_13: patches for unicos/unicosmk"
   From:  Dean Roehrich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 20 Dec 1996 14:38:50 -0600
  Files:  Configure MANIFEST hints/ hints/


  Title:  "Fix 'foreach(@ARGV) { while (<>) { push @p,$_ } }'"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  cop.h pp_hot.c scope.c

  Title:  "Eliminate warnings from C< undef $x; $x OP= "foo" >"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  doop.c pp.c pp.h pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Try again to improve method caching"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 23 Dec 1996 20:13:56 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  gv.c sv.c

  Title:  "Be more careful about 'o' magic memory management"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  mg.c sv.c

  Title:  "Fix bad pointer refs when localized object loses magic"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  scope.c


  Title:  "Refresh CPAN to 1.09"
   From:  Andreas Koenig
  Files:  lib/

  Title:  "Refresh Net::Ping to 2.02"
   From:  Russell Mosemann <>
  Files:  lib/Net/

  Title:  "Refresh IO to 1.14"
   From:  Graham Barr
  Files:  MANIFEST ext/IO/IO.xs ext/IO/README ext/IO/lib/IO/
          ext/IO/lib/IO/ ext/IO/lib/IO/
          ext/IO/lib/IO/ ext/IO/lib/IO/
          ext/IO/lib/IO/ t/lib/io_dup.t t/lib/io_pipe.t
          t/lib/io_sel.t t/lib/io_sock.t t/lib/io_tell.t
          t/lib/io_udp.t t/lib/io_xs.t


  Title:  "Don't recurse into subdirs twice on 'make realclean'"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Makefile.SH

  Title:  "Use root EXTERN.h when compiling x2p/malloc.c."
   From:  Paul Marquess
  Files:  x2p/Makefile.SH

  Title:  "Fix compilation errors when malloc.c used for x2p"
   From:  Robin Barker <>
  Files:  malloc.c


  Title:  "Edit INSTALL to describe new binary compat setup"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  INSTALL

  Title:  "Update to perllocale.pod"
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
  Files:  pod/perllocale.pod

Version 5.003_15

As soon as I posted 5.003_14, I found a fatal error in it.  :-(

This release is strictly a bug fix -- it removes some function caching
changes that were supposed to be improvements, but weren't.

Version 5.003_14

We seem to have achieved "release candidate" status.


  Title:  "Eliminate support for {if,unless,while,until} BLOCK BLOCK"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perly.c perly.c.diff perly.y toke.c

  Title:  "Taint $x after $x =~ s/pat/xyz/ if pat or xyz is tainted by locale"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  cop.h mg.c pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Complete support for modifying undefined array members in foreach"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  global.sym mg.c perl.h pp.c pp_hot.c proto.h sv.c


  Title:  "patch for regex bug: (x|x){n}"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 20 Dec 1996 21:59:22 -0500
  Files:  regexec.c

  Title:  "Bug in debugger with import manipulations"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 23 Dec 1996 05:37:48 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Import and dynamic methods"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 23 Dec 1996 01:45:37 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  gv.c hv.c sv.c

  Title:  "malloc.c patch"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 22 Dec 1996 02:48:58 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  malloc.c

  Title:  "sv_gets patch"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 22 Dec 1996 03:24:04 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  pp_hot.c

  Title:  "pos $str patch"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 22 Dec 1996 03:31:21 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  mg.c pp_hot.c t/op/pat.t

  Title:  "Prevent warnings when STDCHAR is unsigned"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perlio.c perlio.h


  Title:  "Fix bugs in bincompat3 usage"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perl.h perl_exp.SH

  Title:  "Support shared libperl on SunOS"
   From:  Ulrich Pfeifer
  Files:  Makefile.SH

  Title:  "Configure on OS/2"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 20 Dec 1996 18:25:30 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  Configure

  Title:  "Fixes for Interactive Unix"
   From: (Winfried Koenig)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 22 Dec 96 05:14 EET
  Files:  hints/ op.c pp_sys.c universal.c

  Title:  "Use "proto" instead of "_" in sdbm.h"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.h

  Title:  "VMS patches to 5.003_13"
   From:  Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 23 Dec 1996 01:26:47 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  deb.c ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs gv.c lib/File/ mg.c perl.c
          perl.h proto.h sv.c t/lib/filecopy.t taint.c toke.c util.c
          vms/Makefile vms/config.vms vms/descrip.mms
          vms/ vms/ vms/
          vms/perly_c.vms vms/perly_h.vms vms/ vms/vms.c


  Title:  "Remove libnet"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  MANIFEST pod/perlmod.pod

  Title:  "Refresh CPAN module to 1.08"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  lib/ lib/CPAN/

  Title:  "Refresh ExtUtils::Manifest to version 1.28"
   From:  Andreas Koenig
  Files:  lib/ExtUtils/

  Title:  "Update IO->VERSION() to 1.1201 for CPAN's sake"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/IO/lib/IO/ lib/IO/

  Title:  "Remodel File::Copy."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  lib/File/

  Title:  "dumb bug in"
   From:  Tom Christiansen <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 20 Dec 1996 04:45:37 -0700
  Files:  lib/User/


  Title:  "Better support for =for"
   From:  Kenneth Albanowski <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 20 Dec 1996 16:43:35 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/Pod/ pod/pod2latex.PL pod/pod2man.PL

  Title:  "perllocale.pod -- second draft"
   From:  Dominic Dunlop <>
 Msg-ID:  <v03007800aee1923e30a2@[]>
   Date:  Sat, 21 Dec 1996 15:00:50 +0100
  Files:  pod/perllocale.pod

  Title:  "Perlguts, version 26"
   From:  Jeff Okamoto <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 20 Dec 1996 11:43:38 -0800
  Files:  pod/perlguts.pod

  Title:  "Update pod/Makefile; s/perli18n/perllocale/"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/POSIX/POSIX.pod lib/I18N/ pod/Makefile
          pod/perl.pod pod/perlmod.pod pod/perlnews.pod pod/roffitall

  Title:  "obstruct pod2man doc tweaks"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 20 Dec 1996 13:23:57 -0500
  Files:  lib/Class/ lib/Time/

Version 5.003_13

The watchword here is "synchronization."  There were a couple of
show-stopper bugs in 5.003_12, so I'm issuing this patch to bring
everyone up to a common working base.


  Title:  "Disallow labels named q, qq, qw, qx, s, y, and tr"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c

  Title:  "Make evals' lexicals visible to nested evals"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_ctl.c


  Title:  "Fix core dump bug with anoncode"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c

  Title:  "Allow DESTROY to make refs to dying objects"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  sv.c


  Title:  "Add missing backslash in Configure"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Configure


  Title:  "Include libnet-1.01 instead of old Net::FTP"
   From:  Graham Barr <>
  Files:  MANIFEST lib/Net/ lib/Net/
          lib/Net/ lib/Net/ lib/Net/
          lib/Net/ lib/Net/ lib/Net/
          lib/Net/ lib/Net/ lib/Net/
          lib/Net/ pod/perlmod.pod

  Title:  "Use binmode when doing binary FTP"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich
  Files:  lib/Net/

  Title:  "Re: tries to close unopened file handle"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  18 Dec 1996 22:19:54 -0500
  Files:  MANIFEST lib/IPC/ lib/IPC/ lib/
          lib/ pod/perldiag.pod pod/perlfunc.pod t/lib/open2.t

  Title:  "Long-standing problem in Socket module"
   From:  Spider Boardman <>
 Msg-ID:  <199612190418.XAA07291@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
   Date:  Wed, 18 Dec 1996 23:18:14 -0500
  Files:  Configure Porting/Glossary config_H config_h.SH
          ext/Socket/ ext/Socket/Socket.xs

  Title:  "flock() constants"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 19 Dec 1996 01:37:17 -0500
  Files:  ext/Fcntl/ ext/Fcntl/Fcntl.xs pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "Re: find2perl . -xdev BROKEN still"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  19 Dec 1996 12:44:34 -0500
  Files:  lib/File/ lib/ lib/


  Title:  "small doc tweaks for _12"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 19 Dec 1996 11:05:57 -0500
  Files:  lib/ pod/perldiag.pod pod/perltie.pod

  Title:  "Re: missing E<> POD directive in perlpod.pod"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  19 Dec 1996 10:30:43 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlpod.pod pod/pod2html.PL

Version 5.003_12

This patch is huge.  A multitude of bug fixes, new modules (especially
CPAN and Net::FTP), a couple of new Configure variables, updated
docs...  it's a long list.  And speaking of lists, here's a list of
the more significant changes in 5.003_12:


  Title:  "Support C<delete @hash{@keys}>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c op.h pod/perldiag.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pp.c

  Title:  "Autovivify scalars"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  dump.c op.c op.h pp.c pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Allow any word, including keyword, as label"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c


  Title:  "Allow assignment to empty array values during foreach()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  cop.h global.sym mg.c op.c perl.h pp_hot.c proto.h sv.c

  Title:  "Fix nested closures"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c pp.c pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Fix core dump on auto-vivification"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Fix core dump on C<open $undef_var, "X">"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_sys.c

  Title:  "Fix -T/-B on globs and globrefs"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_sys.c

  Title:  "Fix memory management of $`, $&, and $'"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_hot.c regexec.c

  Title:  "Fix paren matching during backtracking"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  regexec.c

  Title:  "Fix memory leak and std{in,out,err} death in perl_{con,de}str
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  miniperlmain.c perl.c perl.h sv.c

  Title:  "Discard garbage bytes at end of prototype()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c

  Title:  "Fix local($pack::{foo})"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  global.sym pp.c pp_hot.c proto.h scope.c

  Title:  "Fix for AmigaOS - inplace operation"
   From:  "Norbert Pueschel" <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 08 Dec 1996 15:33:00 +0100
  Files:  doio.c

  Title:  "Disable warn, die, and parse hooks _before_ global destruction
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perl.c

  Title:  "Re: Bug in formline "
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 08 Dec 1996 14:58:32 -0500
  Files:  pp_ctl.c

  Title:  "Fix C<@a = ($a,$b,$c,$d) = (1,2)>"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_hot.c

  Title:  "Fix %ENV assignment when environment starts out empty"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  hv.c

  Title:  "Properly support and document newRV{,_inc,_noinc}"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  global.sym pod/perlguts.pod sv.c sv.h

  Title:  "Support SvREADONLY on arrays"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  av.c

  Title:  "Allow lvalue pos inside recursive function"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c pp.c pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c


  Title:  "Eliminate PerlIO warnings when setting cnt to -1"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perlio.c

  Title:  "Make $privlib contents compatible with 5.003"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  INSTALL ext/Opcode/ installperl lib/

  Title:  "Support $bincompat3 config variable; update metaconfig units"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Configure MANIFEST compat3.sym config_h.SH global.sym
 old_global.sym old_perl_exp.SH perl_exp.SH

  Title:  "Look for gettimeofday() in Configure"
   From:  John Hughes <john@AtlanTech.COM>
 Msg-ID:  <01BBE77A.F6F37F80@malvinas.AtlanTech.COM>
   Date:  Wed, 11 Dec 1996 15:49:57 +0100
  Files:  Configure config_H config_h.SH pp.c

  Title:  "Make $startperl a relative path if people want portable scrip
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Configure

  Title:  "Homogenize use of "eval exec" hack"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Porting/Glossary eg/README eg/nih eg/sysvipc/ipcmsg
          eg/sysvipc/ipcsem eg/sysvipc/ipcshm lib/
          makeaperl.SH pod/checkpods.PL pod/perlrun.pod
          pod/pod2html.PL pod/pod2latex.PL pod/pod2man.PL
          pod/pod2text.PL utils/c2ph.PL utils/h2ph.PL utils/h2xs.PL
          utils/perlbug.PL utils/perldoc.PL utils/pl2pm.PL x2p/a2py.c
          x2p/find2perl.PL x2p/s2p.PL

  Title:  "LynxOS support"
   From:  seibert@Lynx.COM (Greg Seibert)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 12 Dec 1996 09:25:00 PST
  Files:  Configure MANIFEST hints/ t/op/stat.t

  Title:  "In Linux hints, set suidsafe=no and dosuid=yes"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  hints/

  Title:  "5.003_11 on UnixWare 2.1.1 - Only one small UnixWare buglet"
   From: (Alan Burlison)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 11 Dec 96 18:34 GMT0
  Files:  hints/

  Title:  "Re: db-recno.t failures with _11 on Freebsd 2.1-stable"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  11 Dec 1996 18:58:56 -0500
  Files:  INSTALL hints/

  Title:  "OS/2 updates from Ilya"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
  Files:  README.os2 os2/Changes os2/Makefile.SHs os2/os2.c os2/os2ish.h

  Title:  "VMS patches to 5.003_11"
   From:  Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 09 Dec 1996 23:16:10 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  MANIFEST regexec.c t/lib/filehand.t util.c vms/*


  Title:  "recurse recurse recurse ..."
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 9 Dec 1996 23:44:27 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  MANIFEST t/op/recurse.t


  Title:  "Add CPAN and Net::FTP"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  MANIFEST lib/ lib/CPAN/ lib/CPAN/
          lib/Net/ lib/Net/ lib/Net/

  Title:  "Please update Text::Wrap and Text::Tabs"
   From:  David Muir Sharnoff <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 17 Dec 1996 22:59:59 -0800 (PST)
  Files:  lib/Text/ lib/Text/

  Title:  "Add File::Compare"
   From:  Nick Ing-Simmons <>
 Msg-ID:  <199612161844.SAA02152@pluto>
   Date:  Mon, 16 Dec 1996 18:44:59 GMT
  Files:  MANIFEST lib/File/ pod/perlmod.pod

  Title:  "Add Tie::RefHash"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 15 Dec 1996 18:58:08 -0500
  Files:  MANIFEST lib/Tie/ pod/perlmod.pod

  Title:  "Put "splain" in utils."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Makefile.SH installperl utils/Makefile utils/splain.PL

  Title:  "Some h2ph fixes"
   From:  Jeff Okamoto <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 13 Dec 1996 11:34:12 -0800
  Files:  utils/h2ph.PL

  Title:  "xsubpp patch to add #line"
   From: (Nick Ing-Simmons)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 16 Dec 1996 21:53:56 GMT
  Files:  lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp

  Title:  "Re: Proposed addition to File::Copy: move"
   From:  Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 14 Dec 1996 00:27:29 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/File/ t/lib/filecopy.t

  Title:  "DB_File 1.09 patch"
   From: (Paul Marquess)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 18 Dec 96 10:37:58 GMT
  Files:  ext/DB_File/ ext/DB_File/DB_File.xs

  Title:  "Debugger update"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 11 Dec 1996 05:38:28 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/


  Title:  "Update pods: perldelta -> perlnews, perli18n -> perllocale"
   From:  Tom Christiansen and Dominic Dunlop
  Files:  MANIFEST pod/perl.pod pod/perldelta.pod pod/perli18n.pod

  Title:  "perltoot.pod"
   From:  Tom Christiansen <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 09 Dec 1996 07:44:10 -0700
  Files:  MANIFEST pod/perltoot.pod

  Title:  "Perlguts, version 25"
   From:  Jeff Okamoto <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 6 Dec 96 11:40:27 PST
  Files:  pod/perlguts.pod

  Title:  "pod/perlipc.pod patch"
   From: (Daniel S. Lewart)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 9 Dec 96 3:10:02 CST
  Files:  pod/perlipc.pod

  Title:  "pod patches for English errors"
   From:  Steve Kelem <>
 Msg-ID:  <24616.850167191@castor>
   Date:  Mon, 09 Dec 1996 13:33:11 -0800
  Files:  pod/*.pod

  Title:  "Misc doc updates"
   From:  Tom Christiansen <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 14 Dec 1996 18:56:33 -0700
  Files:  pod/*

Version 5.003_11

This patch is (still) closing in on 5.004.  Nothing dramatic, lots of


  Title:  "Fix precedence problems with subs as uniops or listops"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perly.c perly.c.diff perly.h perly.y

  Title:  "Don't reset $. on open()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_sys.c

  Title:  "Support *glob{IO} (eventually deprecate *glob{FILEHANDLE})"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pod/perlref.pod pp_hot.c sv.c

  Title:  "Don't let expression context force return context"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c

  Title:  "Properly convert "1E2" et al to IV/UV"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  doio.c sv.c

  Title:  "Fix modulo operator in UV realm"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c

  Title:  "Fix stat(_) after stat(HANDLE)"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_sys.c

  Title:  "Fix: s/// and "$x =~ $y" under 'use locale'"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c toke.c


  Title:  "Eliminate spurious warning when splicing undefs"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c sv.h

  Title:  "Eliminate spurious warning from "x=" operator"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c

  Title:  "Fix line numbers near control structures"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c perly.c perly.c.diff perly.y proto.h

  Title:  "Don't let scalar unpack() underflow stack"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c

  Title:  "Fix core dump from precedence bug in "@foo" warning"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c

  Title:  "Move die() to utils.c; add varargs hack to croak()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_ctl.c util.c

  Title:  "Avoid memcmp() for magnitude test if it thinks char is signed"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Configure config_H config_h.SH doop.c
          ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/pair.c ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.h handy.h
          hv.c perl.h pp_hot.c proto.h regexec.c sv.c toke.c util.c

  Title:  "Less malloc in magic"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  mg.c

  Title:  "Re: 5.003_09: PADTMP fix"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 28 Nov 1996 06:50:58 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  pod/perlguts.pod

  Title:  "Fully paramaterize locales; disable all if NO_LOCALE"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs op.c perl.h pp.c pp_sys.c sv.c util.c


  Title:  "Bitwise op fix for Alpha"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c

  Title:  "hints/ update"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 29 Nov 1996 18:20:16 -0500
  Files:  hints/

  Title:  "BUG in hints/"
   From:  Jeff McDougal <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 03 Dec 1996 08:33:05 -0500
  Files:  hints/

  Title:  "VMS patches for 5.003_10"
   From:  Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 04 Dec 1996 16:40:12 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  EXTERN.h INTERN.h old_perl_exp.SH perl.c perl.h perl_exp.SH
          pp.c pp_ctl.c pp_sys.c proto.h sv.c toke.c util.c
          utils/perldoc.PL vms/config.vms vms/descrip.mms
          vms/ vms/ vms/vmsish.h

  Title:  "_10+ under OS/2"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 1 Dec 1996 06:07:19 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  malloc.c os2/diff.configure


  Title:  "{in,ob}structive pods"
   From:  Tom Christiansen <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 30 Nov 1996 09:52:57 -0700
  Files:  MANIFEST lib/Class/ lib/File/
          lib/Net/ lib/Net/ lib/Net/
          lib/Net/ lib/Time/ lib/Time/
          lib/Time/ lib/User/ lib/User/

  Title:  "FileHandle that 'ISA' IO::File"
   From:  Nick Ing-Simmons <>
 Msg-ID:  <199612021718.RAA04416@pluto>
   Date:  Mon, 2 Dec 1996 17:18:02 GMT
  Files:  MANIFEST lib/

  Title:  "Make IO::File::import use its parameters"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/IO/lib/IO/

  Title:  "10+ debugger patch"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 1 Dec 1996 06:37:31 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/ perl.c pod/perldebug.pod

  Title:  "Don't call CORE::close in file handle DESTROY method"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/IO/lib/IO/

  Title:  "Re: Namespace cleanup: Does SDBM need binary compatibility?"
   From:  Hallvard B Furuseth <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 3 Dec 1996 15:45:27 +0100 (MET)
  Files:  ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/pair.h ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.3

  Title:  "DB_File 1.07"
   From: (Paul Marquess)
  Files:  ext/DB_File/ ext/DB_File/DB_File.xs t/lib/db-btree.t

  Title:  "DB_File 1.08"
   From: (Paul Marquess)
  Files:  ext/DB_File/ ext/DB_File/DB_File.xs

Version 5.003_10

This patch is closing in on 5.004.  It contains lots of small and
valuable changes, but nothing dramatic.


  Title:  "Allow &{sub {...}} without warning"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c

  Title:  "Make parens optional on [gs]ethost and [gs]et{pw,gr} functions
   From:  John L. Allen <>
  Files:  toke.c

  Title:  "Fix syntax error with "$x [0]" and "$x {y}" and "@x {y}""
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c


  Title:  "Fix regex matching of chars with high bit set"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  regexec.c

  Title:  "Hash key memory corruption fix and naming cleanup"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  hv.c hv.h perl.h

  Title:  "Undo broken perf. patch (PADTMP stealing)"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  sv.c

  Title:  "Make SV unstudied in sv_gets()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  sv.c

  Title:  "Better support for UVs"
   From:  Paul Marquess
  Files:  global.sym old_global.sym perl.h pp.c pp.h proto.h sv.c sv.h

  Title:  "Minor locale cleanups"
          (Accept "POSIX" locale as standard like "C". Reset locale to
          'C' when testing strtod() in t/lib/posix.t.)
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  t/lib/posix.t util.c

  Title:  "Always taint result of sprintf() on float"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  doop.c

  Title:  "Fix spurious warning from bitwise string ops"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  doop.c

  Title:  "Eliminate warning on {,sys}read(,$newvar,)"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  doop.c pp_sys.c

  Title:  "Don't call fcntl(fileno(rsfp)) if !rsfp"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perl.c

  Title:  "Save message when calling __DIE__ hook"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_ctl.c

  Title:  "Namespace cleanup"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  global.sym old_global.sym perl.h

  Title:  "Modify perl_exp.SH; create old_perl_exp.SH; document old_*"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Configure INSTALL MANIFEST old_perl_exp.SH perl_exp.SH


  Title:  "Reliable signal patch"
   From:  Kenneth Albanowski <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 26 Nov 1996 05:40:50 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  global.sym mg.c old_global.sym perl.h pp_sys.c proto.h util.c

  Title:  "Emulate missing flock() with either fcntl() or lockf()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp_sys.c

  Title:  "3_09: minor patches for OS/2"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 27 Nov 1996 03:30:05 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  doio.c global.sym malloc.c old_global.sym os2/Makefile.SHs
          os2/OS2/ExtAttr/Makefile.PL os2/OS2/PrfDB/Makefile.PL
          os2/OS2/Process/Makefile.PL os2/OS2/REXX/Makefile.PL
          os2/os2.c os2/os2ish.h perl.h

  Title:  "Re: 5.003_09 and QNX"
   From: (Norton Allen)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 27 Nov 96 13:36:06 est
  Files:  Configure MANIFEST README.qnx hints/ qnx/ar qnx/cpp
          t/TEST toke.c util.c x2p/proto.h

  Title:  "Re: updated patch on the sysread, syswrite for VMS"
   From:  Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 26 Nov 1996 17:28:23 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  t/op/sysio.t


  Title:  "Minor patch to debugger"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 29 Nov 1996 00:33:49 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/

  Title:  "AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD optimization"
   From: (Nick Ing-Simmons)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 23 Nov 1996 19:54:52 GMT
  Files:  lib/

  Title:  "Diagnostic cleanup"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  lib/ pod/perldiag.pod


  Title:  "Improve documentation for sysread() and syswrite()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "Document how to use $SIG{ALRM} and alarm()"
   From:  Roderick Schertler <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 26 Nov 1996 11:42:49 -0500
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod

Version 5.003_09

This patch was a compendium of various fixes and enhancements from
many people, including some serious improvement in lexical variable
scoping and locale handling.


  Title:  "Lexical locales"
          (make effectiveness of locales depend on C<use locale>)
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  too many to list

  Title:  "Lexical scoping cleanup"
          (tighten scoping of lexical variables, somewhat on the
          new constructs and somewhat on the old)
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  many... but mostly perly.y and toke.c

  Title:  "Re: memory corruption / security bug in sysread,syswrite + pa
   From:  Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 25 Nov 1996 21:46:31 +0200 (EET)
  Files:  MANIFEST pod/perldiag.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pp_sys.c


  Title:  "Configure fix for handling DynaLoader"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  Configure

  Title:  "Properly prototype safe{malloc,calloc,realloc,free}."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  proto.h

  Title:  "UnixWare 2.1 fix for perl5.003_08 - cope with fp->_cnt < -1,
   From:  John Hughes <john@AtlanTech.COM>
 Msg-ID:  <01BBD6EE.E915C860@malvinas.AtlanTech.COM>
   Date:  Wed, 20 Nov 1996 14:27:06 +0100
  Files:  sv.c

  Title:  ""static" call to UNIVERSAL::can"
 Msg-ID:  <199611211547.PAA15878@pluto>
   Date:  Thu, 21 Nov 1996 15:47:46 GMT
  Files:  universal.c

  Title:  "die -> croak"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 21 Nov 1996 16:11:21 -0500
  Files:  pp_ctl.c

  Title:  "Patch for when !EMBED && !MULTIPLICITY"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>

  Title:  "Add new symbols to old_global.sym, too."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  global.sym old_global.sym

  Title:  "Cleanup of {,un}pack('w')."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c

  Title:  "Cleanups from Ilya."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  gv.c malloc.c pod/perlguts.pod pp_ctl.c

  Title:  "Fix for unpack('w') on 64-bit systems."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c

  Title:  "Re: LC_NUMERIC support is ready + performance"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 25 Nov 1996 22:08:27 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  sv.c

  Title:  "Hash key sharing improvements from Ilya."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  hv.c hv.h proto.h

  Title:  "Mortal stack pre-allocation from Ilya."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c pp.h pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c pp_sys.c


  Title:  "VMS patches post-5.003_08"
   From: (Charles Bailey)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Fri, 22 Nov 1996 18:16:31 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  lib/ExtUtils/ lib/ExtUtils/
          lib/ExtUtils/ lib/File/ mg.c pp_ctl.c
          utils/h2xs.PL vms/config.vms vms/descrip.mms
          vms/ vms/ vms/perlvms.pod vms/vms.c

  Title:  "5.003_08: OS/2-specific bugs/enhancements"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sun, 24 Nov 1996 06:47:25 -0500 (EST)
  Files:  README.os2 hints/ os2/Changes os2/Makefile.SHs
          os2/OS2/PrfDB/ os2/os2.c

  Title:  "HP patches didn't make it into _08 (fwd)"
   From:  Jeff Okamoto <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 25 Nov 96 18:15:26 PST
  Files:  ext/DynaLoader/dl_hpux.xs

  Title:  "Another HP "patch" that didn't make it (new hints file)"
   From:  Jeff Okamoto <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Mon, 25 Nov 1996 13:16:17 -0800
  Files:  hints/


  Title:  "Elide spurious space in db-hash.t"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  t/lib/db-hash.t

  Title:  "Update documentation and warning in I18N::Collate."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  lib/I18N/

  Title:  "Fix bitwise op test; clean up a couple of others"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  t/lib/bigintpm.t t/op/bop.t t/op/overload.t

  Title:  "minimal for _09"
   From:  Achim Bohnet <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Tue, 19 Nov 1996 19:54:23 +0100
  Files:  lib/Time/

  Title:  "Socket test improvement from Ilya."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  t/lib/io_sock.t

  Title:  "Re: blib"
   From: (Nick Ing-Simmons)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Sat, 23 Nov 1996 09:17:40 GMT
  Files:  lib/


  Title:  "perldiag documentation patch."
   From: (Paul Marquess)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 20 Nov 96 16:07:28 GMT
  Files:  pod/perldiag.pod

  Title:  "a missing perldiag entry"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Thu, 21 Nov 1996 15:24:02 -0500
  Files:  pod/perldiag.pod

  Title:  "perlfunc patch"
   From: (Paul Marquess)
 Msg-ID:  <>
   Date:  Wed, 20 Nov 96 14:04:08 GMT
  Files:  pod/perlfunc.pod

  Title:  "Patch for pod/perlpod.pod"
   From:  "Joseph S. Myers" <>
 Msg-ID:  <
   Date:  Wed, 20 Nov 1996 23:54:41 +0000 (GMT)
  Files:  pod/perlpod.pod

  Title:  "Update locale documentation."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pod/perli18n.pod


  Title:  "Fix type mismatches in x2p's safe{alloc,realloc,free}."
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  x2p/util.c

Version 5.003_08

This patch was a compendium of various fixes and enhancements from
many people.  Here are some of the more significant changes.


  Title:  "Make C<no FOO> fail if C<unimport FOO> fails"
   From:  Tim Bunce <>
  Files:  gv.c

  Title:  "Bitwise op sign rationalization"
          (Make bitwise ops result in unsigned values, unless C<use
          integer> is in effect.  Includes initial support for UVs.)
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c pod/perlop.pod pod/perltoc.pod pp.c pp.h
          pp_hot.c proto.h sv.c t/op/bop.t

  Title:  "Defined scoping for C<my> in control structures"
          (Finally defines semantics of "my" in control expressions,
          like the condition of "if" and "while".  In all cases, scope
          of a "my" var extends to the end of the entire control
          structure.  Also adds new construct "for my", which
          automatically declares the control variable "my" and limits
          its scope to the loop.)
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  op.c perly.c perly.c.diff perly.h perly.y proto.h toke.c

  Title:  "Fix ++/-- after int conversion (e.g. 'printf "%d"')"
          (This patch makes Perl correctly ignore SvIVX() if either
          NOK or POK is true, since SvIVX() may be a truncated or
          overflowed version of the real value.)
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  pp.c pp_hot.c sv.c

  Title:  "Make code match Camel II re: functions that use $_"
   From: (Paul Marquess)

  Title:  "Provide scalar context on left side of "->""
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  perly.c perly.y

  Title:  "Quote bearword package/handle FOO in "funcname FOO => 'bar'""
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c


  Title:  "Warn on overflow of octal and hex integers"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  proto.h toke.c util.c

  Title:  "If -w active, warn for commas and hashes ('#') in qw()"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  toke.c

  Title:  "Fixes for pack('w')"
   From:  Ulrich Pfeifer <>
  Files:  pp.c t/op/pack.t

  Title:  "More complete output from sv_dump()"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
  Files:  sv.c

  Title:  "Major '..' and debugger patches"
   From:  Ilya Zakharevich <>
  Files:  lib/ op.c pp_ctl.c scope.c scope.h

  Title:  "Fix for formline()"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
  Files:  global.sym mg.c perl.h pod/perldiag.pod pp_ctl.c proto.h sv.c

  Title:  "Fix stack botch in untie and binmode"
   From:  Gurusamy Sarathy <>
  Files:  pp_sys.c

  Title:  "Complete EMBED, including symbols from interp.sym"
          (New define EMBEDMYMALLOC makes embedding total by
          avoiding "Mymalloc" etc.)
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  MANIFEST ext/DynaLoader/dlutils.c
          ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.h global.sym handy.h malloc.c
          perl.h pp_sys.c proto.h regexec.c toke.c util.c
          x2p/Makefile.SH x2p/a2p.h x2p/handy.h x2p/util.h

  Title:  "Support old embedding for people who want it"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  MANIFEST Makefile.SH old_global.sym


  Title:  "Miscellaneous VMS fixes"
   From:  Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
  Files:  lib/ExtUtils/ lib/ExtUtils/
          lib/Math/ lib/Time/ lib/
          perl.h perl_exp.SH proto.h t/TEST t/io/read.t
          t/lib/findbin.t t/lib/getopt.t util.c utils/h2xs.PL
          vms/Makefile vms/config.vms vms/descrip.mms
          vms/ext/Stdio/ vms/ext/Stdio/Stdio.xs
          vms/perlvms.pod vms/ vms/vms.c

  Title:  "DJGPP patches (MS-DOS)"
   From:  "Douglas E. Wegscheid" <>
  Files:  doio.c dosish.h ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.c handy.h
          lib/ lib/ lib/File/ malloc.c perl.c
          perl.h pp_sys.c proto.h sv.c util.c

  Title:  "Plan 9 update"
   From:  Luther Huffman <>
  Files:  plan9/buildinfo plan9/config.plan9 plan9/exclude
          plan9/ plan9/mkfile plan9/setup.rc

  Title:  "Patch to make Perl work under AmigaOS"
   From:  "Norbert Pueschel" <>
  Files:  MANIFEST hints/ installman lib/File/
          lib/File/ pod/pod2man.PL pp_sys.c util.c


  Title:  "DB_File 1.05"
   From:  Paul Marquess (
  Files:  ext/DB_File/ ext/DB_File/DB_File.xs t/lib/db-hash.t

  Title:  "Getopts::Std patch for hash support"
   From:  Stephen Zander <>
  Files:  lib/Getopt/

  Title:  "Kludge for bareword handles"
          (Add 'require IO::Handle' at beginning of
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  ext/FileHandle/

  Title:  "Re: strtod / strtol patch for POSIX module"
   From: (David Hammen)
  Files:  Configure config_h.SH ext/POSIX/ ext/POSIX/POSIX.pod
          ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs t/lib/posix.t


  Title:  "Fix a2p translation of '{print "a" "b" "c"}'"
   From:  Chip Salzenberg <>
  Files:  x2p/a2p.c x2p/a2p.y

Version 5.003_07

This patch was primarily to fix bugs or include little things I missed
in 5.003_06.  5.003_07 is intended to be stable enough to merit serious
testing with an eye towards eventual release as 5.004.

If it doesn't work for you, try

	LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL

for Bourne shell users, or 

	setenv LC_ALL C

for C-shell users.  Some versions of IRIX are reported to have
problems with sort when the locale is other than C.  This manifests
as an infinite loop in the ./miniperl configpm step.

The details are described below.  A very brief summary is:

o Visible Changes to Core Functionality

   -Support for BER compressed integers.  See perlfunc.pod for
    documentation on the 'w' option.

   -untaint support added to IO extension.
o Changes in Core Internals

   -Perl's realloc is once again called 'Myremalloc' (with -DHIDEMYMALLOC),
    as it was pre-5.003_01.  Again, this is for binary compatibility
    with 5.003.  (5.003_06 erroneously called it Myrealloc.)

   -Getopt::Long updated to version 2.4.

o Configure and build enhancements

   -improved SCO hints.  Actually these are unconfirmed guesses, but
    they may be right.

   -OS/2 and Plan9 updates.

o Bug fixes

    -print sort (4,1,3,2);

    -group numbers are integers again.

    -other things.  See the specific changes for details.

o Specific Changes

Here are the specific file-by-file changes.

Index: Changes

    Updated for 5.003_07.

    Fixed a spelling error.

Index: Configure

    Detect GNU libc (thanks, Skimo!) and avoid nm if we have GNU libc.
    Since the GNU libc test requires compiling and linking a test
    program, the dependencies have been altered and lots of pieces of
    Configure have moved around unchanged.  The patch is big but the
    effect is little.

    Allow for both <sys/select.h> and <time.h> in fd_set tests.
    Systems which don't allow both (e.g. SCO) have to turn off one
    or the other in the hints file for now.


    Warn about re-using version-specific values.


    Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 22:24:48 -0400
    From: "Randy J. Ray" <>
    Subject: PATCH: untaint method for IO::Handle, 5.003_06 version

    This is a re-post of my patch to Graham's IO library to add a method in
    IO::Handle called "untaint", that sets the IOf_UNTAINT flag on an object
    that is of or inherits from IO::Handle. With this flag set, data read from
    said handle is not tainted, whether running under -T, suid or sgid.

    This patch adds the method to IO.xs, adds documentation and warning to the
    pod of IO/, creates a new test in t/lib called io_taint.t, and
    adds mention of the new file to MANIFEST.

    Add mention of t/lib/io_taint.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:29:44 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    os2/Changes added.

Index: Makefile.SH

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    All the executable targets are moved into the same chunk with
	shared library target, which is delegated to
	$osname/Makefile.SHs if found.
    config.h should depend on config_h.SH.

    Remove mkmanifest target, since it will generate incorrectly
    sorted MANIFEST file, I would imagine (I haven't checked).

Index: README.os2

    New version.

Index: config_H

    Update SH_PATH comment.

Index: config_h.SH

    Update SH_PATH comment.

Index: ext/IO/IO.xs

    Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 22:24:48 -0400
    From: "Randy J. Ray" <>
    Subject: PATCH: untaint method for IO::Handle, 5.003_06 version

    This is a re-post of my patch to Graham's IO library to add a method in
    IO::Handle called "untaint", that sets the IOf_UNTAINT flag on an object
    that is of or inherits from IO::Handle. With this flag set, data read from
    said handle is not tainted, whether running under -T, suid or sgid.

    This patch adds the method to IO.xs, adds documentation and warning to the
    pod of IO/, creates a new test in t/lib called io_taint.t, and
    adds mention of the new file to MANIFEST.

    Add method "untaint" into class IO::Handle

Index: ext/IO/lib/IO/

    Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 22:24:48 -0400
    From: "Randy J. Ray" <>
    Subject: PATCH: untaint method for IO::Handle, 5.003_06 version

    This is a re-post of my patch to Graham's IO library to add a method in
    IO::Handle called "untaint", that sets the IOf_UNTAINT flag on an object
    that is of or inherits from IO::Handle. With this flag set, data read from
    said handle is not tainted, whether running under -T, suid or sgid.

    This patch adds the method to IO.xs, adds documentation and warning to the
    pod of IO/, creates a new test in t/lib called io_taint.t, and
    adds mention of the new file to MANIFEST.

    Document IO::Handle::untaint and give warning about the bad
    things it can do.

Index: ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.h

    Change Myrealloc to Myremalloc to conform to 5.003's version.
    I left in the Mycalloc since malloc.c now includes a calloc,
    and we might need to hide it.

Index: gv.c

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Better error message for overload.

Index: hints/

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:29:44 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Some optimization (speedup in loading GNU utilities with some
	memory present - 32M should be quite enough).
    Test for revision of EMX, and setting fork()ing appropriately.
    libc was in .../st/... instead of mt.
    README.os2 is installed as pod/perlos2.pod.

Index: hints/

    Don't include <sys/select.h> along with <time.h>.

Index: installperl

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Restore timestamps under OS/2 (needed for binary install).

Index: lib/

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Use builtin methods if present under OS/2 (maybe should be
    done outside of OS/2 too?).

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Made `use strict'-clean even in parts shadowed by Autoloading.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/typemap

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    `bool' entry added.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Logic for processing RETVAL documented (at last!).

Index: lib/File/

    Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 00:42:29 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>
    Subject: Cleanup after new test

    Below are patches for File::Copy (copying to filehandles was just
    plain broken under OS/2 and VMS)

Index: lib/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:04:04 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: Documentation patch to the FindBin module

Index: lib/Getopt/

    Update to version 2.4.

Index: lib/

    Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 14:22:05 -0400
    From: "Brent B. Powers" <>
    Subject: Re: patch for

    Ignore undefined entries.

Index: lib/

    Updated to version 2.4 to match Getopt::Long.

Index: makedepend.SH

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    weed out perl_exp.SH, config_h.SH
    (They have these funny names to avoid names like perl.exp.SH
    with more than two '.'  Such names are illegal on some systems.)

Index: mg.c

    Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 14:33:08 +0000 ()
    From: Chip Salzenberg <>
    Subject: Re: Group fix for 5.003_06

    The group problems recently experienced are due to a small error
    introduced in 5.003_06.  This patch is required to fix the bug:

Index: os2/Changes

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:29:44 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    sys/un.h is not very useful without Merlin toolkit.
    updates for fork()ing.

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:29:44 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>


Index: os2/Makefile.SHs

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:29:44 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Convoluted process to create chimera executables added.
    aout_clean is done automatically on clean.

Index: os2/OS2/ExtAttr/t/os2_ea.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:29:44 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Use `unlink' where appropriate.

Index: os2/diff.configure


Index: os2/os2.c

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:29:44 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    /bin/sh is translated to the configured value of location of sh.exe.
    popen() used even if we can fork (as we do now).
    builtins added for the sake of path manipulation.

Index: os2/os2ish.h

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:29:44 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    sys/un.h is not very useful without Merlin toolkit.
    updates for fork()ing.

Index: patchlevel.h

    Change to subversion 7.

Index: perl.c

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 19:03:41 +0000
    From: Tim Bunce <>
    Subject: Infinte loop with perl_destruct_level and $SIG{__WARN__}

    I've just started using purify on a perl with DBD::Oracle linked in
    (the number of uninitialised memory reads in the Oracle libraries
    is frightning!).

    If perl_destruct_level and $SIG{__WARN__} are set then I see a range
    of problems typified by this example and folowed by a core dump:

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Copywrite of OS/2 port now has \n\n.
    Now deletes -e file (again!) if compilation is interrupted.

Index: perl.h

    Change Myrealloc to Myremalloc to conform to 5.003's version.
    I left in the Mycalloc since malloc.c now includes a calloc,
    and we might need to hide it.

Index: plan9/aperl

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/arpa/inet.h

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/buildinfo

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/config.plan9

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/exclude

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/fndvers

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/mkfile

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/myconfig.plan9

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/perlplan9.doc

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/perlplan9.pod

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/plan9.c

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/plan9ish.h

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/setup.rc

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: plan9/versnum

    Updated for 5.003_07

Index: pod/perldiag.pod

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    mention that malloc in berkeley DB is broken, and PERL_BADFREE.
    OS/2-specific messages added.

Index: pod/perlfunc.pod

    Date: 20 Sep 1996 13:17:14 +0200
    From: Ulrich Pfeifer <>
    Subject: Re: Patch for ASN.1 compressed integer in pack/unpack

Index: pod/perli18n.pod

    Updated version with high bits intact.

Index: pod/perlop.pod

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Crossrefs corrected.

Index: pod/perltrap.pod

    Clarified that warn() _always_ printed to STDERR, both in perl4
    and perl5.

Index: pod/perlvar.pod

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    $^E under OS/2.

Index: pp.c

    Date: 20 Sep 1996 13:17:14 +0200
    From: Ulrich Pfeifer <>
    Subject: Re: Patch for ASN.1 compressed integer in pack/unpack

Index: pp_sys.c

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 19:07:24 GMT
    From: Chris Faylor <>

    The problem is that SCO apparently needs to have a file opened
    with write privileges for chsize to work correctly.

Index: sv.c

    Date: Tue, 08 Oct 1996 23:54:47 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: Re: Sorting lists of integers doesn't always work

    >> >       print sort (4,1,2,3);
    >> >
    >> > actually prints "4123", i.e. doesn't actually sort.   Bug?  Feature?

    This broke between 5.001n and 5.002.  There was a long winded thread
    about sorting undefs in some order (rather than coredumping) around
    the 5.002beta times (search for "bogorefs" in the subject-line on
    p5p archive for details). Larry added in some code that presumes that
    the private flags are set by the time qsort() is called:

    Unfortunately, sv_2pv() does not set the POKp flag, so the above
    code breaks!  Here's a patch against 5.00306.

Index: t/lib/anydbm.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    File mode under OS/2 is not what you expect. However, this has
    nothing to do with databases, _and_ there is a test
    for this in stat.t (which dutifully fails). There is
    no point to consider this behaviour as a bug in
    database code.
    So OS/2 is special-cased in these tests.

Index: t/lib/db-btree.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    File mode under OS/2 is not what you expect. However, this has
    nothing to do with databases, _and_ there is a test
    for this in stat.t (which dutifully fails). There is
    no point to consider this behaviour as a bug in
    database code.
    So OS/2 is special-cased in these tests.

Index: t/lib/db-hash.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    File mode under OS/2 is not what you expect. However, this has
    nothing to do with databases, _and_ there is a test
    for this in stat.t (which dutifully fails). There is
    no point to consider this behaviour as a bug in
    database code.
    So OS/2 is special-cased in these tests.

Index: t/lib/db-recno.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    File mode under OS/2 is not what you expect. However, this has
    nothing to do with databases, _and_ there is a test
    for this in stat.t (which dutifully fails). There is
    no point to consider this behaviour as a bug in
    database code.
    So OS/2 is special-cased in these tests.

Index: t/lib/gdbm.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    File mode under OS/2 is not what you expect. However, this has
    nothing to do with databases, _and_ there is a test
    for this in stat.t (which dutifully fails). There is
    no point to consider this behaviour as a bug in
    database code.
    So OS/2 is special-cased in these tests.

Index: t/lib/io_pipe.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    Better error message on dying.

Index: t/lib/io_taint.t

    Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 22:24:48 -0400
    From: "Randy J. Ray" <>
    Subject: PATCH: untaint method for IO::Handle, 5.003_06 version

    This is a re-post of my patch to Graham's IO library to add a method in
    IO::Handle called "untaint", that sets the IOf_UNTAINT flag on an object
    that is of or inherits from IO::Handle. With this flag set, data read from
    said handle is not tainted, whether running under -T, suid or sgid.

    This patch adds the method to IO.xs, adds documentation and warning to the
    pod of IO/, creates a new test in t/lib called io_taint.t, and
    adds mention of the new file to MANIFEST.

    Test suite for the untaint method of class IO::Handle.

Index: t/lib/ndbm.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    File mode under OS/2 is not what you expect. However, this has
    nothing to do with databases, _and_ there is a test
    for this in stat.t (which dutifully fails). There is
    no point to consider this behaviour as a bug in
    database code.
    So OS/2 is special-cased in these tests.

Index: t/lib/odbm.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    File mode under OS/2 is not what you expect. However, this has
    nothing to do with databases, _and_ there is a test
    for this in stat.t (which dutifully fails). There is
    no point to consider this behaviour as a bug in
    database code.
    So OS/2 is special-cased in these tests.

Index: t/lib/sdbm.t

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    File mode under OS/2 is not what you expect. However, this has
    nothing to do with databases, _and_ there is a test
    for this in stat.t (which dutifully fails). There is
    no point to consider this behaviour as a bug in
    database code.
    So OS/2 is special-cased in these tests.

Index: t/lib/socket.t

    Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 01:09:59 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <>
    Subject: Re: 5.003_06 is available (results on ULTRIX)

    fix t/lib/socket.t to treat TCP like the stream protocol it is
    rather than expecting it behave rationally in all cases.

Index: t/op/pack.t

    Date: 20 Sep 1996 13:17:14 +0200
    From: Ulrich Pfeifer <>
    Subject: Re: Patch for ASN.1 compressed integer in pack/unpack

Index: t/op/sort.t

    Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 00:41:27 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: more t/op/sort.t tests

Index: util.c

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 22:32:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>

    uses my_syspopen, my_syspclose ifdef OS2. my_pclose is defined
    as my_syspclose ifdef OS2 and can FORK (as OS2 does).

Index: x2p/Makefile.SH

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 96 16:00:29 edt
    From: Norton Allen <>
    Subject: Re: sh Configure?

    Extract x2p/Makefile.SH and x2p/cflags.SH correctly down
    in the x2p directory, even if $0 isn't set to the full
    pathname of the file being extracted.

Index: x2p/cflags.SH

    Date: Wed, 9 Oct 96 16:00:29 edt
    From: Norton Allen <>
    Subject: Re: sh Configure?

    Extract x2p/Makefile.SH and x2p/cflags.SH correctly down
    in the x2p directory, even if $0 isn't set to the full
    pathname of the file being extracted.

Version 5.003_06
This patch was primarily to fix bugs, improve the documentation,
and work towards restoring binary compatibility with 5.003.
The details are described below.  A very brief summary is:

o Visible Changes to Core Functionality

   -Significantly improved support _with documentation_ for
    locales, including LC_COLLATE.  See the new pod/perli18n.pod.
    Thanks to Jarkko Hietaniemi.

   -new version of Math::Complex, with test suite.  Ought to be
    backwards compatible, but check it out if you use Math::Complex.

   -Pre-extending hashes now works.  keys %hash = 5000 will pre-size

   -__DATA__ filehandle is untainted.

o Changes in Core Internals

   -gv_fullname and gv_efullname have reverted to their pre-5.003_03
    versions for binary compatibility.  Actually, they are implemented
    as stubs pointing to the new 3-argument forms gv_fullname3 and

   -Perl's malloc is once again called 'Mymalloc' (with -DHIDEMYMALLOC),
    as it was pre-5.003_01.  Again, this is for binary compatibility
    with 5.003.

o Configure and build enhancements

   -many new tests for the standard library.

   -test suite now locale-friendly. and now made into pods.

o Bug fixes

   -whitespace lexer errors fixed.

   -many, many other things.  See details below.

o Specific Changes

Here are the specific file-by-file changes.

# This is my patch perl5.003_06.pat to perl5.003_05
# The full description is below.
# Please execute the following commands before applying this patch.
# (You can feed this patch to 'sh' to do so.)
#  Andy Dougherty		<>

# We'll create some new tests, but patch won't automatically make them
# executable.
for t in abbrev.t autoloader.t basename.t checktree.t complex.t \
	env.t fatal.t filecache.t filecopy.t filefind.t filepath.t \
	findbin.t getopt.t hostname.t parsewords.t searchdict.t \
	selectsaver.t symbol.t texttabs.t textwrap.t timelocal.t
    touch t/lib/$t
    chmod +x t/lib/$t

# The and pages have been changed into pods.
rm -f x2p/ x2p/

exit 0

This is patch perl5.003_06.pat to perl version 5.003_05.
This takes you from 5.003_05 to 5.003_06.

To apply this patch, run the above commands,
cd to your perl source directory and then type

	patch -p1 -N < perl5.003_06.pat

The changes are described after each /^Index:/ line below.  This is
designed so you can examine each change with a command such as

	csplit -k perl5.003_06.pat '/^Index:/' '{999}'

(Of course, since there are more than 100 Index entries, your
csplit may complain, since many csplit's have an arbitrary limit of 100
files.  Still, you can manually split the file or roll your own.)

Patch and enjoy,

    Andy Dougherty
    Dept. of Physics
    Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042

Index: Changes

    Updated for 5.003_06.

Index: Configure

    Add -Wl,rpath option for irix* to find the installed shared

    Add /shlib to libpth.  It is used by Digital Unix 4.0.

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 14:01:05 +0100
    From: Sven Verdoolaege <>

    Detect Cygnus Win32, or at least don't let Configure get fooled
    into thinking it's OS/2.


    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    added LC_COLLATE doc.


    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

    Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 15:11:06 +0200
    From: Andreas Koenig <>
    Subject: Dale's posting as patch (Was: Perl 5.003_5 make fails on NS3.2 - CURED)

    Handle NeXT, POSIX, and setpgid in pp_sys.c and POSIX.

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    added perli18n.pod.


    Changed Larry's address to

Index: configpm

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: configure

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 14:01:05 +0100
    From: Sven Verdoolaege <>

    Warn the user of case-insensitive file systems that they may have
    accidentally gotten 'configure' instead of 'Configure'.

Index: doio.c

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: doop.c

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 01:13:28 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
    Subject: Re: pre extending hash? - need speed

    The patch below (which is relative to perl5.001l) implements
    "keys %hash = 50_000;" (or other integer-evaluable sizes) for
    pre-sizing hashes.  I've only moved the patch forward from
    when I first did it.  I'm sure the code in hv_ksplit could be

Index: dump.c

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

Index: embed.h

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

Index: ext/DynaLoader/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: ext/FileHandle/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: ext/IO/

    Updated to IO-1.12.

Index: ext/IO/IO.xs

    Updated to IO-1.12.

Index: ext/IO/lib/IO/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Updated to IO-1.12.

Index: ext/IO/lib/IO/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Updated to IO-1.12.

Index: ext/IO/lib/IO/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Updated to IO-1.12.

Index: ext/IO/lib/IO/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Updated to IO-1.12.

Index: ext/IO/lib/IO/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Updated to IO-1.12.

Index: ext/IO/lib/IO/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Updated to IO-1.12.

Index: ext/NDBM_File/hints/

    Perl 5.003_05 compiles on DYNIX/ptx 4.0 (v4.1.3), and passes all tests.
    The only change needed is in "ext/NDBM_File/Makefile.PL" - on this system,
    ndbm is actually contained in the libc library, and must be linked against
    -lc when compiling.  (this is for dynamic ELF executables, I didn't compile

Index: ext/Opcode/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 12:59:21 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: Re: clobbers $_ at startup

    The same kind of problem seem to be present in

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: ext/Opcode/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: ext/POSIX/POSIX.pod

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    enhanced setlocale() docs and introduced the one-argument variant doc.

Index: ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    setlocale() allowed one argument only,
    call to perl_init_fold() (in util.c) if setlocale() succeeded.

Index: ext/POSIX/hints/

    Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 15:11:06 +0200
    From: Andreas Koenig <>
    Subject: Dale's posting as patch (Was: Perl 5.003_5 make fails on NS3.2 - CURED)

    Handle NeXT, POSIX, and setpgid in pp_sys.c and POSIX.

Index: ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.h

    Revert from Perl_malloc to Mymalloc for binary compatibility with

Index: ext/Socket/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: global.sym

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 01:13:28 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
    Subject: Re: pre extending hash? - need speed

    The patch below (which is relative to perl5.001l) implements
    "keys %hash = 50_000;" (or other integer-evaluable sizes) for
    pre-sizing hashes.  I've only moved the patch forward from
    when I first did it.  I'm sure the code in hv_ksplit could be

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    added var lc_collate_active and func mem_collxfrm.

Index: gv.c

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

Index: handy.h

    Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 21:33:15 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Kenneth Albanowski <>
    Subject: Full LONG_MAX & co. patch over 5.003_05

    This patch contains the changes I've collected for the various _MAX issues
    since 5.003_05. No patches issued between 5.003_05 and this one should be
    applied, use this one instead.

    The effect is to remove the CHAR_* and I8_* constants (which are
    ambiguous) and to explicitly cast all of the constants.

Index: hints/

    Add notes about MachTen 4.0.3 SYSV IPC.

Index: hints/

    Replace optimize="-g" by optimize="" since we're just trying to turn off
    the optimizier.

    Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 15:11:06 +0200
    From: Andreas Koenig <>
    Subject: Dale's posting as patch (Was: Perl 5.003_5 make fails on NS3.2 - CURED)

    Handle NeXT, POSIX, and setpgid in pp_sys.c and POSIX.

Index: hv.c

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:38:57 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: Re: "Attempt to free non-existent shared string"? (with patch)

    I found a subtle problem with the lazydelete mechanism (which is used
    to postpone the delete of a entry that may be getting iterated over).
    I was using the HeKLEN slot to hold the hint, but the real HeKLEN is
    needed later to call unsharepvn().  This means that only magical
    hash entries can use the HeKLEN slot to hold flags.

    Here's a tested patch against 5.00305 that fixes the problem.
    The patch simply moves the LAZYDEL hint to become a SV-level private

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 01:13:28 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
    Subject: Re: pre extending hash? - need speed

    The patch below (which is relative to perl5.001l) implements
    "keys %hash = 50_000;" (or other integer-evaluable sizes) for
    pre-sizing hashes.  I've only moved the patch forward from
    when I first did it.  I'm sure the code in hv_ksplit could be

Index: hv.h

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:38:57 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: Re: "Attempt to free non-existent shared string"? (with patch)

    I found a subtle problem with the lazydelete mechanism (which is used
    to postpone the delete of a entry that may be getting iterated over).
    I was using the HeKLEN slot to hold the hint, but the real HeKLEN is
    needed later to call unsharepvn().  This means that only magical
    hash entries can use the HeKLEN slot to hold flags.

    Here's a tested patch against 5.00305 that fixes the problem.
    The patch simply moves the LAZYDEL hint to become a SV-level private

Index: installman

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: installperl

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/

    Date: Mon Sep  9 09:29:44 1996
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: Re: problem with 'die' and UserAgent

    > This is a patch to the (from 5.003) that fixes the problem:
    This is a better patch (no need to test for /::DESTROY$/ twice):

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 00:54:37 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>

    The test and patches for AutoLoader were also non-functional,
    since the regexp context (curpm) was still being clobbered by the
    filename manipulations:

    Date: Sun, 06 Oct 1996 16:15:07 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: Re: Can't locate auto/U/autosplit.ix

    It would IMHO be much better if the AutoLoader exported the AUTOLOAD()
    function.  With an exported AUTOLOAD() we would not have to inherit
    from AutoLoader, and we would avoid these problems.

    This patch tries to explain the behavior of AutoLoader instead by
    updating its documentation.

Index: lib/

    Date: Sat, 28 Sep 1996 17:01:22 +0300 (EET DST)
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: a really really tiny typo

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/Devel/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Remove unwantd space after the I in -I$Config[archlib}

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp

    Change a reference from perlapi(1) to perlxs(1).

Index: lib/File/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 14:11:05 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: File::BaseName: "/" is legal path separator for MSDOS

    The File::BaseName module should allow "/" as path separator when
    fileparse_set_fstype("MSDOS") is in effect:

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 13:58:52 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: File::Basename documentation patch

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 00:54:37 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>

    For t/lib/basename.t, though, the associated patch for
    File::Basename was also wrong:

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: lib/File/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/File/

    Date: Sat, 7 Sep 1996 21:37:44 +0200
    From: Michael De La Rue <>
    Subject: File::Find assumes $_ remains unchanged; bug

    The File::Find perl module assumes that the $_ variable remains unchanged
    through the user defined function which is callbacked from find.  It carries
    out a stat operation

    Simplest fix is merely to document this

Index: lib/File/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/Getopt/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/I18N/

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    deprecated and trapped (will whine if called and tell to migrate away)

Index: lib/IPC/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/IPC/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/Math/

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    ord() is a dangerous thing.

Index: lib/Math/

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 96 18:38:08 +0200
    From: Raphael Manfredi <>
    # Complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
    # -- Raphael Manfredi, Sept 1996
    # New version.  Should be backwards compatible, but please
    # check it out if you use it.

Index: lib/Pod/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/Search/

    Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 23:02:42 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: look() in Search::Dict should use lc() istead of tr/A-Z/a-z/

    The Search::Dict look() function should use the lc() function instead
    of tr/A-Z/a-z/.  This will make folding of non-english letters work if
    the locale is set up correctly.

Index: lib/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 12:38:14 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: clobbers $_ at startup

      perl -le 'BEGIN {$_="foo";} use Symbol; print qualify($_)'

    I don't understand why the module want to initialize %global from
    <DATA> in the first place.  Perhaps we want to apply this patch

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/Sys/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/Term/

    Date: 23 Sep 1996 14:11:38 +0200
    From: Ulrich Pfeifer <>
    Subject: Patch for Term::Cap

    'use Term::Cap' produces a warning when diagnosics are active. The
    patch below avoids the warning.

    [The $entry .= $_ usage is idiomatic enough that it ought to be
    ok, I would think, but the patch certainly is ok too.]

Index: lib/Term/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/Term/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/Test/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: lib/Text/

    Date: 23 Sep 1996 11:33:01 +0200
    From: Ulrich Pfeifer <>
    Subject: Text::Abbrev (Re: More standard library test scripts)

    This patch merges the Text::Abbrev related patches/tests from Gisle
    and my previous patch (i.e. replaces both).

Index: lib/Text/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/Text/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/Time/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/

    Add in stub file.

Index: lib/

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    ord() is a dangerous thing.

Index: lib/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 00:34:58 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>
    Subject: Re: dereferencing a hash from the debugger won't work

Index: lib/splain

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: lib/

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: makedepend.SH

    Add explicit $touch $firstmakefile for QNX which apparently
    preserves modification times for a 'cp' command.
    I worry, though, that touch might not be portable to OS/2.
    If it is, then I'll remove the fancy case statement.

Index: malloc.c

    Not all sbrks return zeroed memory.

Index: mg.c

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

    Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 22:18:19 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Chip Salzenberg <>
    Subject: 5.003_05: Fix numeric value of $!

    This patch undoes a bit of over-zealous integerization in mg.c, related
    to the numeric value of $!.

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 01:13:28 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
    Subject: Re: pre extending hash? - need speed

    The patch below (which is relative to perl5.001l) implements
    "keys %hash = 50_000;" (or other integer-evaluable sizes) for
    pre-sizing hashes.  I've only moved the patch forward from
    when I first did it.  I'm sure the code in hv_ksplit could be

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

    Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 12:38:31 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Chip Salzenberg <>
    Subject: 5.003_05: Fix numeric $! and $^E

    This patch undoes a bit of over-zealous integerization in mg.c,
    related to the numeric values of $! and $^E.  This patch *REPLACES*
    the one I posted earlier, which was only effective for $!.

    [Some of this is superceded by similar stuff in the VMS patches.]

Index: op.c

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 01:13:28 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
    Subject: Re: pre extending hash? - need speed

    The patch below (which is relative to perl5.001l) implements
    "keys %hash = 50_000;" (or other integer-evaluable sizes) for
    pre-sizing hashes.  I've only moved the patch forward from
    when I first did it.  I'm sure the code in hv_ksplit could be

Index: opcode.h

    Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 16:37:48 -0700
    From: Jonathan Biggar <>
    Subject: Perl 5.003 bug when embedding in C++ program

    The following patch is necessary in order to embed the Perl5.003 interpreter
    into a C++ program without getting prototype mismatch errors from the
    C++ compiler.


    Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 16:37:48 -0700
    From: Jonathan Biggar <>
    Subject: Perl 5.003 bug when embedding in C++ program

    The following patch is necessary in order to embed the Perl5.003 interpreter
    into a C++ program without getting prototype mismatch errors from the
    C++ compiler.

Index: patchlevel.h

    Change to subversion 6.

Index: perl.c

    From: Roderick Schertler <>
    Subject: Re: -T flag and removal of `.' from @INC

    support C<perl -e'attached code'>

    Date: Tue, 01 Oct 1996 19:02:17 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: Re: 2 core dumps (patch)
    Message-Id: <>

    The problem is an uninitialized SV slot in errgv.  Here's a patch.

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: perl.h

    Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 21:33:15 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Kenneth Albanowski <>
    Subject: Full LONG_MAX & co. patch over 5.003_05

    This patch contains the changes I've collected for the various _MAX issues
    since 5.003_05. No patches issued between 5.003_05 and this one should be
    applied, use this one instead.

    The effect is to remove the CHAR_* and I8_* constants (which are
    ambiguous) and to explicitly cast all of the constants.

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 01:13:28 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
    Subject: Re: pre extending hash? - need speed

    The patch below (which is relative to perl5.001l) implements
    "keys %hash = 50_000;" (or other integer-evaluable sizes) for
    pre-sizing hashes.  I've only moved the patch forward from
    when I first did it.  I'm sure the code in hv_ksplit could be

    Revert from Perl_malloc to Mymalloc for binary compatibility with

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

Index: perl_exp.SH

    Add new function perl_init_fold.  (I'm not sure it goes here.)

Index: perlio.c

    Date: Thu, 12 Sep 96 15:58 PDT
    From: Hunter Kelly <>
    Subject: Re: 5.003_05 is available.

    Fix PerlIO_reopen parameters.

Index: perlsdio.h

    Date: Fri, 13 Sep 1996 17:24:01 -0400
    From: John Stoffel <>
    Subject: Re: 5.003_05 is available.

    Undef Irix getc_unlocked and putc_unlocked #defines.

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: pod/Makefile

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    perli18n.pod (and perlapio.pod, btw) added.

Index: pod/buildtoc

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perl.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Changed Larry's address to

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    perli18n advertised.

Index: pod/perlapio.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

Index: pod/perlbook.pod

    Updated for Second Edition.

Index: pod/perlcall.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perldata.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perldebug.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perldiag.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: pod/perldsc.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlembed.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlform.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlfunc.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlguts.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches
    Date: Mon, 23 Sep 96 13:18:01 PDT
    From: Jeff Okamoto <>
    Subject: Re: perlguts API Listing patch

    Here's the lastest complete version for inclusion into _06 or .004.  This
    incorporates and supersedes Dean's patch.

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perli18n.pod

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.


Index: pod/perlipc.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perllol.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlmod.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 16:52:08 -0400
    From: Roderick Schertler <>
    Subject: documentation for $? in END

    Document the behavior with $? WRT END subroutines.

Index: pod/perlobj.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlop.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 10:36:19 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Kenneth Albanowski <>
    Subject: Re: Suggestion for improving man page

    Add alternative names for various escape sequences.

Index: pod/perlpod.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlre.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 10:36:19 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Kenneth Albanowski <>
    Subject: Re: Suggestion for improving man page

    Add alternative names for various escape sequences.

Index: pod/perlref.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlrun.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlsec.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlstyle.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlsub.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlsyn.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perltie.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perltoc.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Changed Larry's address to

Index: pod/perltrap.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 13:26:18 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: a perl425 trap

    Here's an addition that should be self-explanatory.
    [interpolation issues]

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/perlvar.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 16:52:08 -0400
    From: Roderick Schertler <>
    Subject: documentation for $? in END

    Document the behavior with $? WRT END subroutines.

Index: pod/perlxstut.pod

    Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 11:55:18 -0500
    From: "Daniel S. Lewart" <>
    Subject: POD spelling patches

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: pod/pod2man.PL

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

    Bugs found in pod2man

    The following bugs were noticed, and some fixed:

    1. Where a L<> link extends over more than one line, pod2man does not
    treat it as a link but displays it literally, and so these have been
    rearranged to place the link on one line.  This is the only bug worked
    around.  [Fixed; the rearrangements, which were done beforehand,
    remain in some cases, but are no longer necessary, and pod paragraphs
    can now be safely reformatted to whatever width is desired in the pod,
    without breaking links.]

    2. It seems to swallow spaces after certain links: for example, part
    of the "open" entry in the perlfunc manpage comes out as "the
    \f(CWbinmode\fR entry elsewhere in this documentfor tips", the source
    having been "L</binmode> for tips".  [Fixed.]

    3. 'L</"Pass by Reference">', in perlsub.pod, comes out as '\fI/"Pass
    by Reference\fR', that is, with an initial '/"'.

    4. If a pod line begins with ".", nothing is done to prevent [tng]roff
    from treating it as a [tng]roff instruction.

    5. When the paragraph below =head1 NAME has more than one line, this
    confuses pod2man: so in the case of Term::Readline, the manpage begins
    with a stray line 'no real package is found, substitutes stubs instead
    of basic functions."'.

    Of course, it would be better to fix pod2man; I hope that the new Pod
    modules, when ready, will not have these defects.

Index: pp_ctl.c

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    sortcmp() sprouted a LC_COLLATE branch.

Index: pp_hot.c

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

    Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 11:58:22 -0400
    From: "Randy J. Ray" <>
    Subject: Patch: Untaint FH flag and clean DATA handles

    This patch adds a IOf_UNTAINT flag in sv.h, as one of the possibles
    on an xpvio->xio_flags struct member. It is used to mark the given
    file handle as a clean source, even when tainting is turned on.
    There are also patches to pp_sys.c in pp_sysread to check this flag
    before tainting data, and in pp_hot.c in do_readline for the same
    reason. Lastly, it patches toke.c to automatically set this flag on
    on a __DATA__ filehandle. The creation of the $pack::DATA
    pseudo-filehandle is already checked against running under eval, so
    this should not introduce any insecurity.

    This patch *does not*:

    * Add the "untaint" keyword.

Index: pp_sys.c

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

    Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 11:58:22 -0400
    From: "Randy J. Ray" <>
    Subject: Patch: Untaint FH flag and clean DATA handles

    This patch adds a IOf_UNTAINT flag in sv.h, as one of the possibles
    on an xpvio->xio_flags struct member. It is used to mark the given
    file handle as a clean source, even when tainting is turned on.
    There are also patches to pp_sys.c in pp_sysread to check this flag
    before tainting data, and in pp_hot.c in do_readline for the same
    reason. Lastly, it patches toke.c to automatically set this flag on
    on a __DATA__ filehandle. The creation of the $pack::DATA
    pseudo-filehandle is already checked against running under eval, so
    this should not introduce any insecurity.

    This patch *does not*:

    * Add the "untaint" keyword.

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 17:26:57 -0400
    From: "Randy J. Ray" <>
    Subject: Patch to patch for untainting

    The following patch ensures that a glob used as a filehandle that
    has had the UNTAINT flag set will not carry that flag over on a
    re-open. In a nutshell, a re-open of the DATA filehandle would be
    considered untainted, and an object of class IO::Handle (or one of
    its sub-classes) that is marked untainted with the untaint method,
    then closed and re-opened, retained the untaintedness.

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 00:54:37 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>

    First, with IO::untaint, the patches as posted resulted in a
    miniperl which couldn't open files, so the autosplitting of the
    library and the creation of Makefiles for the extensions didn't
    work.  Worse, it didn't just fail to open files, it dumped core.

Index: proto.h

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 01:13:28 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
    Subject: Re: pre extending hash? - need speed

    The patch below (which is relative to perl5.001l) implements
    "keys %hash = 50_000;" (or other integer-evaluable sizes) for
    pre-sizing hashes.  I've only moved the patch forward from
    when I first did it.  I'm sure the code in hv_ksplit could be

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    mem_collxfrm() and perl_init_fold() added.

Index: run.c

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

Index: sv.c

    Restore the 5.003 gv_fullname() and gv_efullname() functions.
    Provide new 3-arg forms gv_fullname3() and gv_efullname3().

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 01:13:28 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
    Subject: Re: pre extending hash? - need speed

    The patch below (which is relative to perl5.001l) implements
    "keys %hash = 50_000;" (or other integer-evaluable sizes) for
    pre-sizing hashes.  I've only moved the patch forward from
    when I first did it.  I'm sure the code in hv_ksplit could be

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

      I've added some DEBUG_Ps to sv.c which give a trace of the
      fast I/O fiddling with stdio in sv_gets().  These were useful
      to me in setting up the VMS fast I/O, and I left them in in
      case they're useful to someone in the future.  However, if you
      think it overloads -DP too much, feel free to drop it.  (-DP
      already adds a profile of op usage to its advertised output.)

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    sv_cmp() sprouted a LC_COLLATE branch.

Index: sv.h

    Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 11:58:22 -0400
    From: "Randy J. Ray" <>
    Subject: Patch: Untaint FH flag and clean DATA handles

    This patch adds a IOf_UNTAINT flag in sv.h, as one of the possibles
    on an xpvio->xio_flags struct member. It is used to mark the given
    file handle as a clean source, even when tainting is turned on.
    There are also patches to pp_sys.c in pp_sysread to check this flag
    before tainting data, and in pp_hot.c in do_readline for the same
    reason. Lastly, it patches toke.c to automatically set this flag on
    on a __DATA__ filehandle. The creation of the $pack::DATA
    pseudo-filehandle is already checked against running under eval, so
    this should not introduce any insecurity.

    This patch *does not*:

    * Add the "untaint" keyword.

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:38:57 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: Re: "Attempt to free non-existent shared string"? (with patch)

    I found a subtle problem with the lazydelete mechanism (which is used
    to postpone the delete of a entry that may be getting iterated over).
    I was using the HeKLEN slot to hold the hint, but the real HeKLEN is
    needed later to call unsharepvn().  This means that only magical
    hash entries can use the HeKLEN slot to hold flags.

    Here's a tested patch against 5.00305 that fixes the problem.
    The patch simply moves the LAZYDEL hint to become a SV-level private

Index: t/base/term.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    \n not necessarily lt ' '.

Index: t/comp/package.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    XYZ not necessarily gt xyz.

Index: t/lib/abbrev.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

    Date: 23 Sep 1996 11:33:01 +0200
    From: Ulrich Pfeifer <>
    Subject: Text::Abbrev (Re: More standard library test scripts)

    This patch merges the Text::Abbrev related patches/tests from Gisle
    and my previous patch (i.e. replaces both).

Index: t/lib/anydbm.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    A not necessarily gt a.

Index: t/lib/autoloader.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 00:54:37 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>

    The test and patches for AutoLoader were also non-functional,
    since the regexp context (curpm) was still being clobbered by the
    filename manipulations:

Index: t/lib/basename.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 00:54:37 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>

    Fix the number of tests.

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

    A different set of tests for File::Basename and friends.

Index: t/lib/checktree.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/complex.t

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 96 18:38:08 +0200
    From: Raphael Manfredi <>
    # Complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
    # -- Raphael Manfredi, Sept 1996

    Tests for new version.

Index: t/lib/db-btree.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    A not necessarily gt a.

Index: t/lib/db-hash.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    A not necessarily gt a.

Index: t/lib/env.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/fatal.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/filecache.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/filecopy.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/filefind.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/filepath.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/findbin.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/gdbm.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    A not necessarily gt a.

Index: t/lib/getopt.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/hostname.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/ndbm.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    A not necessarily gt a.

Index: t/lib/odbm.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    A not necessarily gt a.

Index: t/lib/parsewords.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/sdbm.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    A not necessarily gt a.

Index: t/lib/searchdict.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/selectsaver.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/symbol.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 00:54:37 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>

    The various new lib/*.t tests didn't all work.  For some, it was
    only because the count of tests was wrong:

Index: t/lib/texttabs.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/textwrap.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/lib/timelocal.t

    Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 00:59:56 +0200
    From: Gisle Aas <>
    Subject: More standard library test scripts

    This is a collection of test scripts for the standard library modules.
    Some of the tests does not pass unless some of the patches I have sent
    out are applied.

Index: t/op/each.t

    Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 01:13:28 -0400
    From: Spider Boardman <spider@Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
    Subject: Re: pre extending hash? - need speed

    The patch below (which is relative to perl5.001l) implements
    "keys %hash = 50_000;" (or other integer-evaluable sizes) for
    pre-sizing hashes.  I've only moved the patch forward from
    when I first did it.  I'm sure the code in hv_ksplit could be

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    A not necessarily gt a.

Index: t/op/glob.t

    Date: Tue, 01 Oct 1996 16:37:03 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: Re: glob test 1 failing...bad test or bug

    Under AIX 4.1.4, with LOCALE set en_GB (British english) glob test one
    fails because <op/*> sorts  op/re_* before op/rea*, while
    $otherway = `echo op/*`  sorts  op/re_* after op/re[a-z]*.t

    This version doesn't rely on the sorting order.

Index: t/op/magic.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

Index: t/op/readdir.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    A not necessarily gt a.

Index: t/op/sort.t

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    A not necessarily gt a.

Index: toke.c

    Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 17:08:16 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: whitespace induced lexer errors (with patch)

    I finally got around to fixing skipspace() to not indiscriminately
    overwrite oldbufptr and oldoldbufptr (which are used in making
    expectation decisions in the lexer).

    Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 18:55:16 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: perl lexer won't accept C<my($a,$b);$a<=>$b;>

    Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 11:58:22 -0400
    From: "Randy J. Ray" <>
    Subject: Patch: Untaint FH flag and clean DATA handles

    This patch adds a IOf_UNTAINT flag in sv.h, as one of the possibles
    on an xpvio->xio_flags struct member. It is used to mark the given
    file handle as a clean source, even when tainting is turned on.
    There are also patches to pp_sys.c in pp_sysread to check this flag
    before tainting data, and in pp_hot.c in do_readline for the same
    reason. Lastly, it patches toke.c to automatically set this flag on
    on a __DATA__ filehandle. The creation of the $pack::DATA
    pseudo-filehandle is already checked against running under eval, so
    this should not introduce any insecurity.

    This patch *does not*:

    * Add the "untaint" keyword.

Index: util.c

    Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 22:03:00 +0300
    From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <>
    Subject: LC_COLLATE.

    Big patch to add, document, and test LC_COLLATE support.

    rewrote perl_init_i18n() completely.
	- reworded to be much more friendly and clear.
	- perl_init_fold() split to its own function.
    wrote mem_collxfrm().

Index: utils/c2ph.PL

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: utils/h2ph.PL

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: utils/h2xs.PL

    Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 16:38:24 -0500
    From: Dean Roehrich <>
    Subject: h2xs bug fix

    The h2xs that is in perl5.003_05 has a regexp bug which prevents it from
    finding #define statements and filling the constant() function.  This patch
    fixes that.  The h2xs_test program found this--maybe people who are
    modifying h2xs should get a copy of the test program.

    This also adds a -d to enable debugging messages (there's just one for now).
    I've also placed some of the doc-related things in alphabetical order.

    h2xs_test can be found in my directory on CPAN.  Those of you modifying
    xsubpp should know there's a test suite for that, too, called XSTEST which
    can also be found in my directory on CPAN.

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    Here is a patch for various typos and other defects in the Perl
    5.003_05 pods, including the pods embedded in library modules.

Index: utils/perldoc.PL

    Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 22:00:09 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Kenneth Albanowski <>
    Subject: perldoc patch

    Ilya has found that this change makes perldoc much more useful under OS/2.

Index: vms/config.vms

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: vms/descrip.mms

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: vms/

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: vms/perlvms.pod

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: vms/vms.c

    Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Charles Bailey <bailey@HMIVAX.HUMGEN.UPENN.EDU>
    Subject: VMS patches to 5.003_05

Index: x2p/a2p.pod

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    This patch just changed the old page into a pod page.

Index: x2p/s2p.PL

    Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 15:08:33 +0100 (BST)
    From: "Joseph S. Myers" <>
    Subject: Pod typos, pod2man bugs, and miscellaneous installation comments

    This patch just changed the old page into a pod page.
    I then embedded the pod into the s2p script.

Version 5.003_05

This patch was primarily to fix bugs and to clean up some of
the remaining issues from in 5.003_04.  The details are described below.
A very brief summary is:

o Visible Changes to Core Functionality

   -Add support for a READLINE method to tied filehandles.

   -times function now uses CLK_TCK if HZ is not available, rather
    than just defaulting to 60.  times output might change on some
    systems, but should be correct now.

   -AnyDBM_File (modifying ISA does not work as expected)
    Now behaves as documented:  Modifying ISA works to select
    order in which *DB* modules are tried.  The default is still
    the same.

o Configure and build enhancements

   -Enhance detection of [gs]etpgrp() variants.  Some systems have
    BSD-style behavior for one and POSIX for the other.  Use
    [gs]etpgid() instead, whenever possible.

   -You can now build a shared without running through
    the LD_RUN_PATH hoops, if your system supports appropriate
    ld command-line options.  Solaris, NetBSD, and Linux are currently
    supported.  Others are easy to add.  (This makes like a lot easier
    for embedders.)

   -VMS updates.

   -Fix installperl and installman so that the -n option really only
    prints commands.  (previously, it would still do the mkdirs.)

o Bug fixes

   -debugger ought to work.

   -A new heredoc tag in Makefile.SH is now quoted.  This prevented
    5.003_04 from working most places.

   -numerous smaller ones, detailed below.

o Specific Changes

Here are the specific file-by-file changes.

# This is my patch perl5.003_05.pat to perl5.003_04
# The full description is below.
# Please execute the following commands before applying this patch.
# (You can feed this patch to 'sh' to do so.)
#  Andy Dougherty		<>

# We'll create a new test, but patch won't automatically make it
# executable.
touch t/io/read.t
chmod +x t/io/read.t

exit 0

This is patch perl5.003_05.pat to perl version 5.003_04.
This takes you from 5.003_04 to 5.003_05.

To apply this patch, run the above commands,
cd to your perl source directory and then type

	patch -p1 -N < perl5.003_05.pat

The changes are described after each /^Index/ line below.  This is
designed so you can examine each change with a command such as

	csplit -k perl5.003_05.pat '/^Index:/' '{99}'

Patch and enjoy,

    Andy Dougherty
    Dept. of Physics
    Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042

Index: Changes

    Updated for 5.003_05.

Index: Configure

    Allow command line or hint-file overrides of $afs.

    Allow trailing spaces in nm output for HPUX10.

    Check for newer BIND 'search' directives in /etc/resolv.conf as well
    as older 'domain' directive.

    Enhance detection of [gs]etpgrp() variants.  Some systems have
    BSD-style behavior for one and POSIX for the other.  Use
    [gs]etpgid() instead, whenever possible.

    Include -s in the -h summary of available options.

    Allow command-line override of $afs.

    Handle trailing spaces in nm-output on HPUX10.

    Set shrpenv for handling LD_RUN_PATH, if needed. (This used to
    be in Makefile.SH.  Now it's available for other modules too.)

    When using shared libperl, avoid LD_RUN_PATH if possible by adding
    correct ld flags.  Currently, Solaris and NetBSD get the correct
    -R $archlibexp/CORE, and Linux gets its
    -Wl,-rpath,$archlibexp/CORE flag.  Other contributions are


    Correct libperl5 -> libperl typo.

    Describe MakeMaker's Warning (will try anyway) messages.

    More info on where and how to send reports.

    Add info on non-Unix ports.


    Add new test t/io/read.t.

    Add new hints files for ODBM_File for ultrix and hpux.

    Add new pod checker script.

Index: Makefile.SH

    A new heredoc tag in Makefile.SH needs to be quoted.

    shrpenv stuff moved to Configure.

Index: Porting/Glossary

    Updated to match Configure.

Index: README.vms

    VMS 5.003_05 Update.

Index: av.h

    Subject: turbidity in av.[ch]
    Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 00:21:31 -0500
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>

    Some unclean code that I noticed today.

Index: config_H

    Updated to match newest config_h.SH.

Index: config_h.SH

    Updated to match Configure.

    Changed the DLSYM_NEEDS_UNDERSCORE comment to
    /**/ to conform to metaconfig style.

Index: emacs/cperl-mode.el

    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>
    Subject: Newer CPerl-mode

Index: ext/DB_File/

    Update to DB_File 1.03.

Index: ext/DB_File/DB_File.xs

    Update to DB_File 1.03.

Index: ext/Fcntl/

    Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 18:19:14 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Chip Salzenberg <>
    Subject: No AutoLoader for Fcntl

    Just like Socket, Fcntl doesn't need splitting and AutoLoading.

Index: ext/FileHandle/

    From: Roderick Schertler <>
    Subject: FileHandle::DESTROY for fd 0

    This fixes FileHandle::DESTROY when called on stdin.

Index: ext/ODBM_File/ODBM_File.xs

    Attempt to correct for "Bad free" in Ultrix and HPUX versions of

Index: ext/ODBM_File/hints/

    Try to work around "bad free" in dbmclose().

Index: ext/ODBM_File/hints/

    Try to work around "bad free" in dbmclose().

Index: ext/Socket/

    Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 09:58:08 +0200
    From: Andreas Koenig <>
    Subject: Patch to inhibit autosplit on

    This patch inhibits production and use of a completely useless

Index: handy.h

    Make a little more C++-friendly for IBM's CSET++ compiler.

Index: hints/

    Remove [gs]etpgrp workaround.  Configure & perl.h should handle
    this now.

Index: hints/

    Add note about possible gcc GR3 warning message.

    Remove [gs]etpgrp workaround.  Configure & perl.h should handle
    this now.

Index: hints/

    Turn off optimization for stock cc.  This appears to
    prevent miniperl core dumps.

Index: hints/

    Catch GNU ld even though it doesn't identify itself as a GNU tool.
    Thanks to Tim Pierce <>.

Index: hints/

    Describe solution for the __lib_version problem with acc on

Index: hv.c

    Date: Thu, 05 Sep 1996 00:25:28 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: minor misc. cleanup

    This patch makes some minor cleanups to the sources.  No change
    in functionality whatsoever.

    Date: Thu, 05 Sep 1996 02:52:21 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>

    Subject: debugger problems--another patch (was Re: 5.003_04)

    I have tried to avoid copying of hash keys that are passed to
    magical hashes, but it seems that copying may be unavoidable
    since the hv_*_ent() functions could be PADTMPs (and other
    SVs that may get reused) as keys.

    VMS dynamic %ENV fix

Index: installman

    Subject: Re: installperl feature request (was: Re: Upgrade 4.0x to 5.001m)

    Fix installperl so that the -n option really only prints commands.
    (previously, it would still do the mkdirs.)

    an "ignore installed" option, so that it doesn't bother to check
    to see if the target already exists (an optimization that I
    *don't* want it to do when I do #1 above)

Index: installperl

    Subject: Re: installperl feature request (was: Re: Upgrade 4.0x to 5.001m)

    Fix installperl so that the -n option really only prints commands.
    (previously, it would still do the mkdirs.)

    an "ignore installed" option, so that it doesn't bother to check
    to see if the target already exists (an optimization that I
    *don't* want it to do when I do #1 above)

Index: lib/

    AnyDBM_File (modifying ISA does not work as expected)
    Now behaves as documented:  Modifying ISA works to select
    order in which *DB* modules are tried.  The default is still
    the same.

    Add helpful "die" message to end of AnyDBM_File.  Previously
    it would return a 0, and the failure would eventually show up
    somewhere else in the script and be hard to track down.  It is
    a failure if perl can't open AnyDBM_File.  The test regression
    suite is supposed to indicate this as a failure too.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Updated to MakeMaker-5.38.

    Fix for VMS utime.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Updated to MakeMaker-5.38.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/
    Updated to MakeMaker-5.38.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Updated to MakeMaker-5.38.

    Updated to MakeMaker-5.39 to allow CFLAGS in hint files.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Updated to MakeMaker-5.38.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Updated to MakeMaker-5.38.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    Updated to MakeMaker-5.38.

Index: lib/File/

    From: Michael Mahan <>
    Subject: Cwd::fastcwd in File::Find

    Is there a good reason why File::Find uses Cwd::fastcwd instead of
    Cwd:cwd when fastcwd isn't as portable?
    [In particular, fastcwd() doesn't work on AFS.]

Index: lib/Math/

    There was a mistake in the sqrt routine in lib/Math/ that
    gave wrong answers when the magnitude of the imaginary part of the
    argument exceeded the magnitude of the real part.  Line 69 had too
    many sqrt($y)'s.  Further, expressions were re-arranged so that
    calls to the expensive real sqrt() routine were reduced from 4 to 2
    in this case.

Index: lib/

    The I/O directions on the dad_wtr and kid_rdr were backwards.
    IO/ didn't have this error.

Index: lib/

    Date: Tue, 03 Sep 1996 20:33:54 -0400
    From: Roderick Schertler <>
    Subject: `use Socket' lossage tries but fails to use, the problem is that use doesn't return a true value.  This
    module should be recast in terms of Sys::Syslog, of course.

Index: makedepend.SH

    This patch eliminates "\|" in sed patterns in makedepend.SH, since
    they're not really needed anyway in this one case.

Index: mg.c

    Ok, here's a tested patch for the debugger problem.
    I was missing the fact that DB::dbline magic is actually
    uppercase (which means hv_store_ent() etc., will pass SV keys
    to the vtbl_dbline handlers).

    Replace the oft-repeated mg_ptr incantation with
    the simple MgPVKEY macro.

    Rename MgPVKEY to MgPV (to match with HePV elsewhere).  Add
    additional parens around the "mg".

    (lines near 584) Part of VMS changes.  I don't know what this did.

    Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 17:20:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Chip Salzenberg <>
    Subject: Integerize mg.c; eliminate warning on C< local($)) >

    This patch converts magic variables ($!, $^E, etc.) to use integers
    (C<sv_setiv>) instead of floats.  It also eliminates a warning from
    C< local($)) >, via a hack similar to $!.

Index: mg.h

    Replace the oft-repeated mg_ptr incantation with
    the simple MgPVKEY macro.

    Rename MgPVKEY to MgPV (to match with HePV elsewhere).  Add
    additional parens around the "mg".

Index: nostdio.h

    Add _STDIO_LOADED (VMS) to list of guard symbols.

Index: op.c

    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: Re: \ ( @array ) busted for lexical @array (once more)

Index: patchlevel.h

    Change to subversion 5.

Index: perl.c

    Make floating point constants Locale-friendly.

Index: perl.h

    One last LONG & co. fix (yet another cut'n'paste error) and a few
    minor cleanups. Nothing crucial.

    Make a little more C++-friendly for IBM's CSET++ compiler.

    Enhance detection of [gs]etpgrp() variants.  Some systems have
    BSD-style behavior for one and POSIX for the other.  Use
    [gs]etpgid() instead, whenever possible.

Index: perlio.c

    Eliminate potential "signed vs. unsigned" warning

    Add PerlIO_reopen and PerlIO_cgetname functions.

Index: perlsdio.h

    Don't supply redundant parameters for PerlIO_open and PerlIO_fdopen.

    Include PerlIO_reopen and PerlIO_getname.

    This had prevented SV_FAST_FGETS from working anywhere.

    Include PerlIO_canset_cnt.  I'm not sure how this is supposed to
    differ from STDIO_CNT_LVALUE.

Index: pod/Makefile

    Remove trailing spaces in pods.
    Include a call to the checkpods script in the Makefile (though it's
    not ordinarily used by users).

Index: pod/checkpods.PL

    New script to check for common errors in pods.  This is not
    normally called during the perl build process, but you can
    use it with  B<make check>.

Index: pod/perlfunc.pod

    Document correct C<use POSIX ":wait_h";> usage.

    Add notes about POSIX [gs]etpgrp.

Index: pod/perlipc.pod

    Document correct C<use POSIX ":wait_h";> usage.

Index: pod/perlref.pod

    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: Re: \ ( @array ) busted for lexical @array (once more)

Index: pod/perltie.pod

    Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 15:14:51 +0200
    From: Sven Verdoolaege <>
    Subject: more TIEHANDLE

    This adds support for a READLINE method.

Index: pod/perltrap.pod

    Here's documentation on the change in split's behavior between Perl 4
    and Perl 5.

    Subject: More (and less!) 425traps

    Large integer traps


    warn STDERR

    Change blank lines to empty lines.

Index: pod/perlvar.pod

    Be explicit about $/="" matching empty lines, that is, lines
    with no spaces or tabs.

    Change blank lines to empty lines.

Index: pp.c

    Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 17:22:40 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Chip Salzenberg <>
    Subject: Minor integer speedups in mathematics

    This patch provides minor speedups by using integer math and SVt_IV
    values when performing bitwise operations and modulus.

    Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 17:49:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Kenneth Albanowski <>
    Subject: Pack Patch (was Re: 5.002 - pack/unpack does not do "I" right)

    (double)auint cast added for call to sv_setnv().

Index: pp_hot.c

    Date: Thu, 05 Sep 1996 00:25:28 -0400
    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: minor misc. cleanup

    This patch makes some minor cleanups to the sources.  No change
    in functionality whatsoever.

    Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 15:14:51 +0200
    From: Sven Verdoolaege <>
    Subject: more TIEHANDLE

    This adds support for a READLINE method.

Index: pp_sys.c

    Clear any buffer space exposed by by read().
    This is almost certainly a bug-fix.

    Undef and then re-define my_chsize from Perl_my_chsize to
    just plain chsize if this system HAS_CHSIZE.  This probably only
    applies to SCO.  This shows the perils of having internal
    functions with the same name as external library functions :-).

    Use CLK_TCK if HZ is not available.

Index: sv.c

    Fix more spots where we had PerlIO_stderr() and should have had
    Perl_debug_log instead.

    Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 17:26:42 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Chip Salzenberg <>
    Subject: Minor potential bug in AV creation

    I wasn't the one who originated this patch.  But it looks like it
    would improve the safety of AV creation.

    Remove potentially incorrect casts on PerlIO_set_ptrcnt.
    'ptr' is already STDCHAR, which is supposed to be the type of
    char used in stdio.h, so we shouldn't have to cast it.

Index: t/io/read.t

    Clear any buffer space exposed by by read().
    This is almost certainly a bug-fix.

Index: t/lib/db-btree.t

    Update to DB_File 1.03.

Index: t/lib/db-hash.t

    Update to DB_File 1.03.

Index: t/lib/db-recno.t

    Update to DB_File 1.03.

Index: t/lib/io_sock.t

    From: Lupe Christoph <>
    Subject: Perl 5.003.03: race condition in t/lib/io_sock.t

    io_sock.t works by forking a subprocess it can communicate with.
    It has the subprocess wait for the main process by sleeping 10
    seconds or until an alarm arrives.

    With my setup, the alarm signal arrives *before* the child
    has a chance to ignore the alarm signal.

    I fixed this by moving the "$SIG{ALRM} = sub {};" up before the
    fork. It does not hurt to have the parent ignore alarms, too.

Index: t/op/inc.t

    One last LONG & co. fix (yet another cut'n'paste error) and a few
    minor cleanups. Nothing crucial.

Index: t/op/misc.t

    Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 15:14:51 +0200
    From: Sven Verdoolaege <>
    Subject: more TIEHANDLE

    This adds support for a READLINE method.

Index: t/op/pack.t

    Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 17:49:22 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Kenneth Albanowski <>
    Subject: Pack Patch (was Re: 5.002 - pack/unpack does not do "I" right)

Index: t/op/ref.t

    From: Gurusamy Sarathy <>
    Subject: Re: \ ( @array ) busted for lexical @array (once more)

Index: universal.c

    Date: Thu, 29 Aug 96 07:05:10 BST
    From: Graham Barr <>
    Subject: Re: UNIVERSAL::class busted

    yes, but I also noticed that this does not check that the reference
    is an object, so the patch should be

Index: unixish.h

    Change comment style so that IBM's picky xlc compiler doesn't
    think we've mistakenly tried to nest comments.

Index: util.c

    One last LONG & co. fix (yet another cut'n'paste error) and a few
    minor cleanups. Nothing crucial.

Index: utils/h2xs.PL

    Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 06:09:20 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Ilya Zakharevich <>
    Subject: updated h2xs

	a) Docs and examples for -x updated;
	b) Path to xxxx.h would not be changed to /usr/include/xxxx.h
    unless this file exists (outside of VMS, I'm afraid to make an error
    there). - Useful with -x option, when the file may be eaten via -I
    inside -F.
	c) .h file would be scanned only if needed.
	d) typemap would be generated (with T_PTROBJ).
	e) Documentation (=list) for autogenerated guys would be
    included into POD.
	f) duplicated XSUBs would not be generated;
	g) arguments to XSUBs being arrays are recognized (note that
    xsubpp would probably choke on such guys).

    -x option requires C-Scan-0.3 (releases a couple of minutes ago to
    should propagate to CPAN soon).

Index: utils/perlbug.PL

    Fix typo $Config{'has_sockets'} ought to be $Config{'d_socket'};

Index: utils/perldoc.PL

    More choices in the pager war.  Unfortunately, we can't rely on
    all users agreeing with the Sysadmin's choice, nor can we
    assign a default preference order, since opinions vary.  If the
    user doesn't have $ENV{PAGER} set, we do want to pick up one that
    at least works, so we'll try whatever Configure found.

Index: vms/Makefile

    VMS 5.003_05 Update.

Index: vms/config.vms

    VMS 5.003_05 Update.

Index: vms/descrip.mms

    VMS 5.003_05 Update.

Index: vms/ext/Stdio/

    VMS 5.003_05 Update.

Index: vms/ext/filespec.t

    VMS 5.003_05 Update.

Index: vms/

    VMS 5.003_05 Update.

Index: vms/perlvms.pod

    VMS 5.003_05 Update.

Index: vms/vms.c

    VMS 5.003_05 Update.

Index: vms/vmsish.h

    VMS 5.003_05 Update.

Version 5.003_04

This patch was primarily to fix bugs and to clean up some of
the changes made in 5.003_03.  The details are described below.
A very brief summary is:

o Visible Changes to Core Functionality

   -Allow and document permissions for FileHandle::new and
   -glob in Safe compartment used to allow shell access; now
    it's in the same category as `` and system().

o Configure and build enhancements

   -perl library name is again -lperl, not -lperl5 in some cases.
   -Several hint files no longer set -g -DDEBUGGING by default.
    Instead, they just turn off optimization, since that is
    probably what was intended.
   -Include OS/2 and Plan9 updates.

o Bug fixes

   -SEGV with $_[0] and circular references fixed.
   -Ilya's debugger patch.
   -FAKE typeglobs fixed.
   -truncate with file name now works.
   -lval substr() no longer coredumps with refs
   -lval substr now clears lexicals in re-entered scopes.
   -core dump in caller() for signal handler for __DIE__.

o Specific Changes

Here are the specific file-by-file changes.

# This is my patch perl5.003_04.pat to perl5.003_03
# The full description is below.
# Please execute the following commands before applying this patch.
# (You can feed this patch to 'sh' to do so.)
#  Andy Dougherty		<>

# Obsolete perl4 hint file.
rm -f hints/
# Obsolete
rm -f os2/notes

# We'll create a new test, but patch won't automatically make it
# executable.
touch t/op/gv.t
chmod +x t/op/gv.t

exit 0

This is patch perl5.003_04.pat to perl version 5.003_03.
This takes you from 5.003_03 to 5.003_04.

To apply this patch, run the above commands,
cd to your perl source directory and then type

	patch -p1 -N < perl5.003_04.pat

The changes are described after each /^Index/ line below.  This is
designed so you can examine each change with a command such as

	csplit -k perl5.003_04.pat '/^Index:/' '{99}'

Patch and enjoy,

    Andy Dougherty
    Dept. of Physics
    Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042

Index: Changes

    Updated for 5.003_04.

Index: Configure

    Change name of shared libperl library back to,
    so that a simple -lperl picks up either libperl.a or

    Check if $sh='' in case we've reloaded an old


    Change name of shared perl library to libperl, instead of

    Add notes about fragility of shared libperl and the usefulness
    of archlib to separate different binaries.


    os2/notes removed

    obsolete hints/ removed.

    New typeglob test.

Index: Makefile.SH

    For building shared libperl, relocate whole rule to
    inside the if test -f $osname/Makefile.SHs case.

Index: Porting/Glossary


Index: README.os2


Index: av.c

    Subject: Re: SEGV with $_[0] and circular references

    Subject: random cleanup

    This patch removes a few obvious redundancies in the source.

Index: config_H

    Updated.  Note new comments to make AIX happy.

Index: config_h.SH

    Change /*#define../**/ into /*#define../ **/
    to make IBM's xlc compiler shut up about nested comments.
    The /*#define FOO /**/ is a perfectly legal un-nested comment, and
    I wish IBM would fix it's blasted compiler instead.  In the meantime
    we'll take mercy on the poor AIX user and get rid of the screenfulls
    of stupid warning messages.  Thanks to Hallvard B Furuseth
    <> for the fix.

Index: dump.c

    This patch changes neither behavior nor performance.  However, it does
    reduce code size and improve maintainability by combining some common
    code in gv_fullname() and gv_efullname().

Index: ext/FileHandle/

    This patch documents the behavior of FileHandle::{new,open} with
    regard to open modes.  It also documents the exportation of Fcntl

    This patch fixes a bug observed by Tom Christiansen: FileHandle::new
    didn't allow for file permissions after the file mode.  Here's a patch.

Index: ext/IO/lib/IO/

    This patch fixes a bug observed by Tom Christiansen: IO::File::new
    didn't allow for file permissions after the file mode.  Here's a patch.

    This patch documents the behavior of IO::File::{new,open} with
    regard to open modes.  It also documents the exportation of Fcntl

Index: ext/Opcode/

    Subject: Re: glob in Safe compartment allows shell access

    I've moved the glob op into the same opcode tag as backticks and system
    and added a comment.

Index: gv.c

    This patch changes neither behavior nor performance.  However, it does
    reduce code size and improve maintainability by combining some common
    code in gv_fullname() and gv_efullname().

Index: handy.h

    Subject: Patch for LONG_MAX & co.

    Sorry about adding yet another #ifdef forest, but hopefully this
    should resolve the *_MAX issues permanently. It adds to the
    previously defined PERL_LONG_MAX, PERL_LONG_MIN, and PERL_ULONG_MAX
    symbols the complete set of
    /PERL_U?(CHAR|SHORT|INT|LONG)_(MAX|MIN)/, and installs aliases to
    those from /(I|U)(8|16|32|V)_(MAX|MIN)/ so that for any standard
    Perl typedef, like I32 or UV, you can reference I32_MAX or UV_MIN,
    and get appropriate figures. All references to LONG_(MIN|MAX) are
    changed appropriately.

    The .c changes have the side effect of making cast_uv properly use quad
    limits if quads are in use, but longs aren't 64 bit. Hopefully this all
    works, but I don't have any handy Crays to try it out on.

    Add notes on perl's internal types, specifically Quad_t and IV.

Index: hints/

    Remove the d_bsdpgrp hint.  The defaults should be ok.

Index: hints/

    Change optimize=-g to optimize=none to avoid pulling in -DDEBUGGING,
    unless that's what the user really wants.

Index: hints/

    Change optimize=-g to optimize=none to avoid pulling in -DDEBUGGING,
    unless that's what the user really wants.

Index: hints/

    Fixes for sh vs. bin_sh + cleanup.

Index: hints/

    Don't call optimize=-g, just call optimize=none.  The -g
    pulls in -DDEBUGGING, which might not be wanted.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

    .C$(obj_ext) removed under OS/2 - conflicts with .c$(obj_ext).

Index: lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp

    Fix SCOPE?  (See pod/perlxs.pod).
    Up version number to 1.938.

Index: lib/Test/

    Add a return value to runtests - non-zero if all tests ran ok,
    zero otherwise.

Index: lib/

    Ilya's debugger patch.
	Undefined subroutine &Carp::longmess called at
	    /opt/perl5.003_03/lib/ line 1423.

    Make perl5db compatible with the recent 'strict refs' enforcement
    in %SIG.

Index: malloc.c

    A patch to perl5.003_02/malloc to give a sensible error abort() message
    in ANSI C, and to give it to stderr instead of stdout.

    Use config_h's STRINGIFY macro instead of pre-ANSI "p".

Index: mg.c

    Subject: FAKE typeglobs seriously busted (with patch)

    Handling of fake typeglobs (scalars that are really globs
    in disguise) is seriously busted since 5.002 (it wasn't
    so in 5.001n).
    The problem is that mg_get() on a glob calls gv_efullname()
    which might coerce its first arg to a string.

    Sub-critical patch to conceivably fix some %SIG problems. (Shared hash key
    weren't being properly detected by some of the sig magic, but as shared
    hash keys wouldn't normally be used in %SIG it's unlikely this is a
    significant problem.)

    This patch changes neither behavior nor performance.  However, it does
    reduce code size and improve maintainability by combining some common
    code in gv_fullname() and gv_efullname().

Index: myconfig

    Update perlio-related variables.

Index: op.c

    This patch changes neither behavior nor performance.  However, it does
    reduce code size and improve maintainability by combining some common
    code in gv_fullname() and gv_efullname().

Index: opcode.h

    Updated.  See


    Subject: Re: truncate with file name does not work (with patch)

    The prototype for truncate was changed so that perl won't die
    with C<use strict;> when the first arg is a bareword (filehandle).
    I think it was Tom (as in "tchrist") who brought this up.

    Here's a patch that undoes the damage, makes it work with
    C<use strict;>, and adds to the testsuite.

Index: os2/Makefile.SHs

    perllib vs. LIBPERL

Index: os2/diff.configure


Index: os2/os2.c


Index: os2/os2ish.h

    SH_PATH_INI added (needed to redefine SH_PATH for binary
    SH_PATH is redefined.

Index: patchlevel.h


Index: perl.h

    Subject: Patch for LONG_MAX & co.

    Sorry about adding yet another #ifdef forest, but hopefully this
    should resolve the *_MAX issues permanently. It adds to the
    previously defined PERL_LONG_MAX, PERL_LONG_MIN, and PERL_ULONG_MAX
    symbols the complete set of
    /PERL_U?(CHAR|SHORT|INT|LONG)_(MAX|MIN)/, and installs aliases to
    those from /(I|U)(8|16|32|V)_(MAX|MIN)/ so that for any standard
    Perl typedef, like I32 or UV, you can reference I32_MAX or UV_MIN,
    and get appropriate figures. All references to LONG_(MIN|MAX) are
    changed appropriately.

    The .c changes have the side effect of making cast_uv properly use quad
    limits if quads are in use, but longs aren't 64 bit. Hopefully this all
    works, but I don't have any handy Crays to try it out on.

    Add notes on perl's internal types, specifically Quad_t and IV.

Index: perlio.c

    Removes an incorrect prototype for setlinebuf from
    perlio.c because it conflicts with the correct declaration in
    MachTen's stdio.h (and possibly other stdio's as well).

    Secondly, the code in perlio.c is not handling the (!PERLIO_IS_STDIO &
    HAS_F[GS]ETPOS) case.  The patch fixes this omission (in a rather lumpen
    manner).  I don't think this should affect platforms which try to hack a
    different path through the #ifdef forest, but this assertion would benefit
    from testing...

    Dominic Dunlop

Index: plan9/config.plan9


Index: plan9/fndvers


Index: plan9/mkfile


Index: plan9/setup.rc


Index: pod/perldiag.pod

    Subject: lval substr() coredumps with refs (with patch)

    substr() coredumps with a target that is a ref, when it is used in
    an lvalue context.
    The patch below corrects the problem by stringifying the reference
    first (and emitting a warning when appropriate).

Index: pod/perlxs.pod

    document xsubpp SCOPE:

Index: pp.c

    Subject: lval substr() fails to clear lexicals in re-entered scopes (with patch)

    substr() in lvalue context interacts in buggy fashion with SVs that
    are !SvOK.  This manifests itself with lexicals that have a REFCNT of
    1, since these are merely "cleared in place" by setting SvOK_off.

    Subject: lval substr() coredumps with refs (with patch)

    substr() coredumps with a target that is a ref, when it is used in
    an lvalue context.
    The patch below corrects the problem by stringifying the reference
    first (and emitting a warning when appropriate).

    Subject: Patch for LONG_MAX & co.

Index: pp_ctl.c

    This patch changes neither behavior nor performance.  However, it does
    reduce code size and improve maintainability by combining some common
    code in gv_fullname() and gv_efullname().

Index: pp_hot.c

    Subject: Patch for LONG_MAX & co.

    This patch changes neither behavior nor performance.  However, it does
    reduce code size and improve maintainability by combining some common
    code in gv_fullname() and gv_efullname().

Index: pp_sys.c

    This patch changes neither behavior nor performance.  However, it does
    reduce code size and improve maintainability by combining some common
    code in gv_fullname() and gv_efullname().

Index: proto.h

    This patch changes neither behavior nor performance.  However, it does
    reduce code size and improve maintainability by combining some common
    code in gv_fullname() and gv_efullname().

Index: run.c

    This patch changes neither behavior nor performance.  However, it does
    reduce code size and improve maintainability by combining some common
    code in gv_fullname() and gv_efullname().

Index: sv.c

    Subject: random cleanup

    This patch removes a few obvious redundancies in the source.

    Subject: sv_setsv patch

    This patch changes neither behavior nor performance.  However, it does
    reduce code size and improve maintainability by combining some common
    code in gv_fullname() and gv_efullname().

    From: Chip Salzenberg <>
    Subject: Track SVs for destruction when -DPURIFY

    When checking for memory leaks, I compiled Perl with "-DPURIFY".
    Although that flag improves the leak checking, it also breaks
    destruction of global objects, because SVs aren't kept in captive
    arenas any more.

    This patch rectifies the problem by providing an alternative
    method for keeping track of SVs when Perl is compiled for Purify.
    It has no effect on normal operation.

    Add comment about assert(len >=0) when len is unsigned anyway.

Index: t/io/fs.t

    Subject: Re: truncate with file name does not work (with patch)

    The prototype for truncate was changed so that perl won't die
    with C<use strict;> when the first arg is a bareword (filehandle).
    I think it was Tom (as in "tchrist") who brought this up.

    Here's a patch that undoes the damage, makes it work with
    C<use strict;>, and adds to the testsuite.

    The "not implemented" branch is missing a "\n".

Index: t/op/gv.t

    Subject: FAKE typeglobs seriously busted (with patch)

    Handling of fake typeglobs (scalars that are really globs
    in disguise) is seriously busted since 5.002 (it wasn't
    so in 5.001n).

    The problem is that mg_get() on a glob calls gv_efullname()
    which might coerce its first arg to a string.

Index: t/op/substr.t

    Subject: lval substr() fails to clear lexicals in re-entered scopes (with patch)

    substr() in lvalue context interacts in buggy fashion with SVs that
    are !SvOK.  This manifests itself with lexicals that have a REFCNT of
    1, since these are merely "cleared in place" by setting SvOK_off.

    Subject: lval substr() coredumps with refs (with patch)

    substr() coredumps with a target that is a ref, when it is used in
    an lvalue context.
    The patch below corrects the problem by stringifying the reference
    first (and emitting a warning when appropriate).

Index: toke.c

    Subject: Re: truncate with file name does not work (with patch)

    The prototype for truncate was changed so that perl won't die
    with C<use strict;> when the first arg is a bareword (filehandle).
    I think it was Tom (as in "tchrist") who brought this up.

    Here's a patch that undoes the damage, makes it work with
    C<use strict;>, and adds to the testsuite.

Index: util.c

    Subject: Re: Perl 5.003 dumps core executing caller() in signal handler for
	    __DIE__ (with patch)

    sv_2pv() might call croak() (which is not prepared to handle that
    when it calls sv_2pv(), itself).  Likewise for warn() (but under
    slightly more esoteric circumstances--mg_get() in sv_2pv() might
    trigger a call to warn()).

    Subject: Patch for LONG_MAX & co.

    PERL_BADLANG is examined by default before issuing a warning during

Index: utils/h2xs.PL

    Make leading =head NAME item a paragraph so pod2man finds it.

Index: utils/perldoc.PL

    Use col -x to filter out half-line feeds (ESC-9) from
    HP-UX nroff -man output.  (col -x isn't portable -- SunOS
    doesn't support the -x option.)

Version 5.003_03

Most of the changes in 5.003_03 are to make the build and installation
process more robust.  The details are described below.  A very brief
summary is:

o Visible Changes to Core Functionality

   -Support for tied filehandles.

o Configure enhancements

   -How to build and install a shared is now documented
    and supported, though it's not the default for most platforms.

o Bug fixes

   -Support bit operations on strings longer than 15 bytes.

   -If a regex supplied to split() contains paranthesized subpatterns
    that can result in null matches, perl no longer coredumps.

   -Fix problems with each() on tied hashes.

   -Make h2ph architecture-independent by using Config at run-time
    rather than extraction time.

o Specific Changes

Here are the specific file-by-file changes.

# This is my patch perl5.003_03.pat to perl5.003_02
# The full description is below.
# Please execute the following commands before applying this patch.
# (You can feed this patch to 'sh' to do so.)
#  Andy Dougherty		<>

# Absorbed into Changes5.002
rm -f Changes.Conf

# Not needed.
rm -f ext/POSIX/

# Moved to README.os2.  I'm not sure why the README files are
# here rather than in the appropriate subdirectories.
rm -f os2/README

# Not needed.
rm -f pod/Makefile.PL

# New test for bit ops.
touch t/op/bob.t

# Patches that create new tests don't always make them executable.
chmod +x t/*/*.t

# Create a new directory for Porting and Patching info.
mkdir Porting

exit 0

This is patch perl5.003_03.pat to perl version 5.003_02.
This takes you from 5.003_02 to 5.003_03.

To apply this patch, run the above commands,
cd to your perl source directory and then type

	patch -p1 -N < perl5.003_03.pat

The changes are described after each /^Index/ line below.  This is
designed so you can examine each change with a command such as

	csplit -k perl5.003_03.pat '/^Index:/' '{99}'

Patch and enjoy,

    Andy Dougherty
    Dept. of Physics
    Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042

Index: Changes

	Include 5.003_03 change notes.

	Move older change notes to separate files.

Index: Changes5.000

	New file.  Changes from perl4.036 to 5.000.

Index: Changes5.001

	New file.  Changes from 5.000 to 5.001

Index: Changes5.002

	New file.  Changes from 5.001 to 5.002

Index: Changes5.003

	New file.  Changes from 5.002 to 5.003

Index: Configure

	Relaxed warning about ksh on exotic machines.

	Changed usesafe to useopcode.

	Add search for gzip and zip.

	Look more carefully for $sh (the Bourne-ish shell).
	Use that info to set $startsh correctly.

	Change prompts for PerlIO interface.  See INSTALL
	for how this is supposed to work.  The default is
	still the same as in 5.003_02, namely don't use
	any fancy new PerlIO stuff.

	Don't look for sigvec() since we don't actually use it.
	(Plus, it used to print an alarming misleading message about
	race conditions.)

	Look for stdio's _filbuf under the possible names of
	_filbuf, __filbuf, and _fill.

	New $useshrplib variable to control whether we build a shared  The name of the library is in $libperl.
	Always install it in $installarchlib/CORE/$libperl.

	Check for <sys/resource.h> and <sys/wait.h> for NetBSD.

	Replace old $altmake stuff with newer autoconf-ish
	$make_set_make, which checks if $make sets $(MAKE).  Now you
	choose an alternate make with sh Configure -Dmake=gmake (or

	Remove 'ln' for the list of essential commands.  Simulate
	it with 'cp' if necessary.

	Change `logname` prompts to handle extra gratuitous spaces in
	Ultrix output.

	Autodetect os2.

	Fix silly bug in checking for fully-qualified names in /etc/hosts.

	Generalize Gconvert tests.  Give correct and more useful
	error messages.

	Use $obj_ext instead of literal '.o' in the dynaloader test.

	Include appropriate header files in bcopy() and memcpy()
	tests.  Note whether memmove is available.

	Check whether struct sigaction works (needed for Solaris 2.5
	with -Xc).

	Include appropriate header files for randbits test.


	Add note about space requirements.

	Update to match Configure changes (Opcode vs. Safe,
	useperlio, useshrplib, etc.)

	Reorganize the structure of some of the hints.

	Miscellaneous clarifications.


	Updated.  5.003_02 introduced some massive patches, mostly
	due to spacing changes.  I didn't bother to sort them all out;
	I just started with 5.003's MANIEFST.

Index: Makefile.SH

	Support the new simplified shared libperl mechanism.

	Use new $make_set_make directive.

	Remove redundant libperl Make variable.

	Remove unnecessary MAB variable.

	Remove dependency of minitest on lib/, since it could
	well have been a failure of configpm that inspired testing
	miniperl in the first place!

Index: Porting/Glossary

	New file describing all the variables.
	Eventually, I hope to fill this directory with other useful

Index: README.os2

	Replace old README.os2 with more up-to-date os2/README.

Index: config_H

	Updated to match current Configure and config_h.SH.
	Some rearrangement of parts has occurred due to new
	dependencies in the metaconfig units.

Index: config_h.SH

	Updated to match current Configure and config_h.SH.
	Some rearrangement of parts has occurred due to new
	dependencies in the metaconfig units.

	Include full descriptions of ARCHLIB, OLDARCHLIB, PRIVLIB,
	SITEARCH, and SITELIB.  Previous versions just included the
	~-expanded names (with unhelpful descriptions).  No functionality
	is changed, but maybe it's a little better documented now.

Index: doio.c

	Possibly Include <signal.h> and <unistd.h>

Index: doop.c

	No longer prefer bcmp over memcmp when order doesn't matter.

	Support bit operations on strings longer than 15 bytes.

Index: embed.h



	Expand warning at the top.

Index: ext/IO/

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: ext/IO/lib/IO/

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: ext/IO/lib/IO/

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: ext/Opcode/Opcode.xs

	Add support for tied filehandles.

Index: ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/sdbm.h

	Change the Mymalloc to match Perl_malloc in perl.h.

Index: ext/util/make_ext

	Typo change.
	Get rid of unused altmake.

Index: global.sym

	Fix problems with each() on tied hashes.

Index: handy.h

	Change safe*alloc functions to have prototypes that
	match the system's malloc and free types.  That is, use
	Malloc_t instead of char *, and Free_t instead of void.
	This is necessary so . . .

	Safefree cast matches type of free() whether it's perl's
	malloc/free or the system's malloc/free.

Index: hints/README.hints

	Remove out-of-date info.

	Document a bit about how hint files work.

Index: hints/

	qmaxmem hint doesn't apply to gcc.

Index: hints/

	Configure will now automatically detect shared libperl stuff.

Index: hints/

	Fix typo in comment.

	Configure will now automatically detect shared libperl stuff.

Index: hints/

	Use glibpth instead of libpth.  This allows Configure to
	add local directories, such as /opt/local/lib, etc.

Index: hints/

	Include some info on cc -n32 compile.

Index: hints/

	Configure now tests gcvt() more thoroughly.

Index: hints/

	Update where to find dld.

Index: hints/

	Use glibpth instead of libpth.

Index: hints/

	Build up $mab dynamically.  Since $mab isn't used anywhere
	anymore, this is useless.  However, $mab was never used for anyway, so there's been no change in functionality.

Index: hints/

	Get rid of extraneous isnext_4 variable.  Configure and
	Makefile.SH will use $osname and $osvers instead.

	Build up $mab dynamically based on available architectures.

	Absorb $mab into ccflags and ccdlflags.  I hope that will
	cover everything.  (Configure should automatically remove
	the -arch stuff from cppflags.)

	Configure now knows next4 needs to use a shared

	Allow users to use -Dprefix.

Index: hints/

	Try to update to reflect newer shared libperl stuff.
	I probably goofed :-).

Index: hints/

	Additional notes on using icc.

	Additional flags for dynamic loading.

Index: hints/

	Perl.h no longer prefers bcmp, so it's again ok if Configure
	finds them, since perl will prefer the mem* versions anyway.

Index: hints/

	Don't include <unistd.h>

Index: hints/

	Add brief note about GNU as and ld.

	Don't include <unistd.h>

	Add notes about WHOA THERE messages.

Index: hints/

	Include sfio in libswanted.

	Don't set libpth any more.

Index: hints/

	New hint file.

Index: hv.c

	Use memcmp even in cases where ordering doesn't matter.

	Fix problems with each() on tied hashes.

Index: installperl

	Simplify installation of shared

	Avoid reaching Command Failed!!! with /usr/bin/perl.

Index: lib/

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

	Remove MAB references.

	Use 'useshrplib' instead of 'd_shrplib'

Index: lib/ExtUtils/

	Remove mab references.

Index: lib/

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: lib/

	Put back in the BEGIN { require 5.002; }.  The version in
	5.003_02 wouldn't work in 5.002 anyway.  Further, the whole
	point of the construct is to catch 5.001m, so we can't use
	syntax introduced after 5.001m to do that.

Index: lib/Text/

	Remove double 'use strict'.

Index: lib/

	Add explicit '&' to avoid warnings under strict refs.

Index: lib/

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: makedepend.SH

	Use Configure's $sh and $make_set_make variables.

Index: mg.c

	Include <unistd.h>

	Use Safefree() macro instead of safefree() function with
	a (possibly) incorrect cast.  The whole point of the
	Safefree() macro is that it does the correct cast for you.

Index: patchlevel.h

	Change to SUBVERSION 3.

Index: perl.c

	Include <unistd.h>

Index: perl.h

	No longer prefer bcmp slightly for comparisons that don't care
	about ordering.

	Rely on Configure setting SH_PATH.

	Change the function name to Pause() instead of pause() to
	avoid potential prototype problems.  (This naming convention
	is similar to the Fwrite and Fflush macros.)

	Fix problems with each() on tied hashes.

	Work around crypt prototype problem on NeXT.

Index: perlio.c

	Fixes to support non-std stdio.

Index: perlio.h

	Try to document the various #defines a bit.  This is far from

	Remove a lot of trailing whitespace.  (It's of no consequence, but
	but I'm not going to redo the patch just to put back in the trailing
	whitespace either.)

Index: perlsdio.h

	Fixes to support non-std stdio.

Index: perly.c

	Restore use of Safefree() macro.

Index: perly.c.diff

	Restore use of Safefree() macro.

Index: perly.h

	Delete duplicate line.

Index: plan9/buildinfo


Index: pod/perlapio.pod

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: pod/perlipc.pod

	Fix typo.

	Untaint port number.

Index: pod/perlmod.pod

	Fix a minor nit regarding Exporter.

Index: pod/perlre.pod

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: pod/perltie.pod

	Add support for tied filehandles.

Index: pod/perltrap.pod

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: pod/perlxstut.pod

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: pod/pod2man.PL

	Clean up docmentation installation errors.

Index: pp.c

	Add support for tied filehandles.

	If a regex supplied to split() contains paranthesized subpatterns
	that can result in null matches, perl coredumps.

Index: pp_hot.c

	Use memcmp instead of bcmp even when we don't care about order.

	Add support for tied filehandles.

Index: pp_sys.c

	Include <unistd.h>, <sys/wait.h>, and <sys/resource.h>.
	(The latter two are especially for NetBSD.)

	Don't assume sys/time.h and sys/select.h can't coexist.

	Use Pause macro.

Index: proto.h

	Fix safe*alloc and safefree prototypes.

Index: regexec.c

	Use memcmp instead of bcmp even when we don't care about order.

Index: sv.c

	Use memcmp instead of bcmp even when we don't care about order.

Index: t/lib/opcode.t

	Add support for tied filehandles.

Index: t/op/bop.t

	Support bit operations on strings longer than 15 bytes.

Index: t/op/misc.t

	Add support for tied filehandles.

Index: t/op/split.t

	If a regex supplied to split() contains paranthesized subpatterns
	that can result in null matches, perl coredumps.

Index: toke.c

	Include <unistd.h>.

	Use memcmp instead of bcmp even when we don't care about order.

Index: util.c

	Include <unistd.h>.

	Use correct types for safe*alloc and safefree functions.

Index: utils/h2ph.PL

	Make h2ph architecture-independent by using Config at run-time
	rather than extraction time.

Index: writemain.SH

	Remove unnecessary curlies.  (They are a leftover from
	an older auto_init mechanism.)

Index: x2p/Makefile.SH

	Use Configure's $sh and $make_set_make.

	Remove MAB stuff, since it's now in ccflags.

	Keep 5.003's RCS info.

Index: x2p/a2p.h

	Keep 5.003's RCS info.

Index: x2p/str.c

	Use Configure's FILE_filbuf macro instead of a raw _filbuf.

Version 5.003_02
o Visible Changes to Core Functionality
  - Redefining constant subs, or changing sub's prototype now give warnings.
  - Fixes for ++/-- of values close to max/min size of an integer
  - Warning for un-qualified bareword as handler in $SIG{}.
  - UNIVERSAL::isa can now be called as static method.

o Changes in Core Internals
  - PerlIO abstraction added.
    Perl core and standard extensions no longer assume ANSI C's stdio is IO
    mechanism, Default Configure mode is still to use stdio via set of C macros.
    Alternate modes are to use stdio via one perlio.c module, or
    to use sfio if available.

  - Several bug fixs from perl5-porters
      - Make sources non-ANSI C correct again.
      - SUPER in gv.c
      - Last of shared-hash-key patches
      - eval '(0,1..3)'; # --> SegFault
      - coredumps after simple subsitutes.
      - Correction to UNIVERSAL::VERSION docs.
      - Fixed io_udp test.
      - Fixed another abuse of malloc'ed memory.
  - Enabled DEBUGING_MSTATS whenever perl's malloc() is used.
  - Reverted to default of not hiding perl's malloc (if used).

o Changes in the Standard Library and Utilities
  - Fixed MakeMaker for static SDBM and builing in a link tree.
  - Upgraded to IO-1.09, and includes latest (still experimental) IO::Select.
  - Documentation/test tweak to DB_File
  - h2xs upgrade to allow use C::Scan module

o Changes in OS-specific and Build-time Support
  - Attempted to re-created 5.003_01's NeXT support with metaconfig units.
  - Updated MANIFEST
  - make minitest now depends on lib/, as some of tests require it.
  - Included latest plan9 sub-directory
  - Applied OS/2 patches.
  - Typo patch for VMS.

Version 5.003_01

Version 5.003_01 contains bugfixes and additions accumulated since
version 5.002_01, since the patch to version 5.003 was deliberately
kept simple.  In addition to numerous small bugfixes in the core,
library files, and documentation, this patch contains several
significant revisions, summarized below:

o Visible Changes to Core Functionality

  - A port to Plan9 has been started, and changes are integrated into
    the standard distribution.  As of this release, the Perl core
    and several common extensions are working.

  - A set of basic methods in the UNIVERSAL class have been added to
    the Perl core.  Since UNIVERSAL is an implicit member of every
    class's @ISA, the methods can be called via any object.

  - A mandatory warning has been added for 'declarations' of lexical
    variables using the "my" operator which mask an existing lexical
    variable declared in the same scope, making the previous variable
    inaccessible by its name.

  - The "use" and "require" operators have been extended to allow
    checking of the required module's version.  The "use" operator
    can now be used for an immediate version check of Perl itself.

  - A new "strict" pragma, "strict untie", has been added, which
    produces an error if a tied value is untied when other references
    exist to the internal object implementing the tie.

  - Barewords used as associative array keys (i.e. when specifying
    an associative array element like $foo{__BAR} or on the left
    side of the => operator) may now begin with an underscore as
    well as an alphabetic character.

  - Some of the configuration information previously produced by the
    -v switch has been moved to the -V switch, in order to keep -v
    output concise.

o Changes in Core Internals

  - Symbol table and method lookups have been made faster.

  - Perl subroutines which just return a constant value are now
    optimized at compile time into inline constants.

  - Management of keys for associative arrays has been improved to
    conserve space when the same keys are reused frequently, and
    to pass true Perl values to tie functions, instead of stringified

  - Messages normally output to stderr may be directed to another
    stream when Perl is built.  This allows some platforms to
    present diagnostic output in a separate window from normal
    program results.

  - A bug which caused suiperl to fail silently, albeit securely,
    in version 5.003 on some systems has been fixed.

  - Management of Unix-style signal handlers via the %SIG associative
    array has been made safer.

  - Several global C symbols have been renamed to eliminate collisions
    with system C header files or libraries on some platforms.
    Unfortunately, this means that dynamic extensions compiled under
    previous versions of Perl will need to be rebuilt for Perl
    5.003_01.  We're in the process of cleaning up Perl's C
    namespace to make it easier to link Perl with other binaries,
    so this will probably happen again between now and version 5.004.
    After that, we'll do our best to maintain binary compatibility
    between versions.

  - An alternate allocation strategy has been added to Perl's
    optional private memory management routines.  This strategy,
    which may be selected when Perl is built, is designed to
    conserve memory in programs which allocate many small
    chunks of memory with sizes near a power of 2, as is often
    the case in Perl programs.

  - Several memory leaks in the creation and destruction of
    multiple interpreters have been fixed.

o Changes in the Standard Library and Utilities

  - The Opcode extension, which allows you to control a program's
    access to Perl operations, has been added to the standard
    distribution.  This extends the work begun in the original
    Safe extension, and subsumes it.  The Safe interface is still

  - The IO extension, which provides a set of classes for object-
    oriented handling of common I/O tasks, has been added to the
    standard distribution.  The IO classes will form the basis
    for future development of Perl's I/O interface, and will
    subsume the FileHandle class in the near future.  The default
    class to which all Perl I/O handles belong is now IO::Handle,
    rather than FileHandle.

  - The ExtUtils::Embed library module, which provides a set
    of utility function to help in embedding Perl in other
    applications, has been added to the standard distribution.

  - The Fatal library module, which provides a simple interface
    for creating "do-or-die" equivalents of existing functions,
    has been added to the standard distribution.

  - The FindBin library module, which determines the full path
    to the currently executing program, has been added to the
    standard distribution.

  - The DB_File extension, and the Getopt::Long, Test::Harness,
    Text::Tabs, Text::Wrap, Time::Local and sigtrap library modules
    have been updated to the authors' latest versions.

  - The Carp library module now considers the @ISA chain when
    determining the caller's package for inclusion in error messages.

  - The h2xs, perlbug, and xsubpp utilities have been updated.

  - The standard Perl debugger has been updated, and the information
    provided to the debugger when an XSUB is called has been improved,
    making it possible for alternate debuggers (such as Devel::DProf)
    to do a better job of tracking XSUB calls.

  - The pod documentation formatting tools in the standard distribution
    can now handle characters in the input stream whose high bit is set.

  - The cperl-mode EMACS editing mode has been updated.

o Changes in Documentation

  - Typographic and formatting errors have been corrected in the pod
    documentation for the core and standard library files

  - Explanations of several core operators have been improved

  - The perldebug, perlembed, perlipc, perlsec, and perltrap documents
    extensively revised.

o Changes in OS-specific and Build-time Support

  - Support for the NeXT platform has been extended through
    NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP 4.0, and now includes the ability to create MABs.

  - Support for OS/2 has been extended as well, and now includes
    options for building a.out binaries.

  - Support for VMS has also been extended, incorporating improved
    processing of file specification strings, optional suppression of
    carriage control interpretation for record-structured files,
    improved support for the -S command line switch, a number of
    VMS-specific bugfixes, and significantly improved performance
    in line-oriented reading of files.

  - Several hints files have been added or updated: (updated), (updated), (updated), (updated), (updated), (updated), (new), (new), (new), os2/sh (updated), (updated), and (updated).

  - The test driver for the regression tests now reports when a set
    of tests have been skipped (presumable because the operation
    they're designed to test isn't supported on the current system).