print "\nGenerating automated scripts for NetWare...\n\n\n"; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; chdir '/perl/scripts/'; $DirName = "t"; # These scripts have problems (either abend or hang) as of now (11 May 2001). # So, they are commented out in the corresponding auto scripts, and @ScriptsNotUsed = ("t/io/openpid.t", "t/lib/filehandle.t", "t/lib/memoize/t/expire_module_t.t", "t/lib/NEXT/t/next.t", "t/lib/Math/BigInt/t/require.t", "t/ext/B/t/debug.t", "t/lib/IPC/Open3.t", "t/ext/B/t/showlex.t", "t/op/subst_wamp.t", "t/uni/upper.t", "t/lib/Net/t/ftp.t", "t/op/sort.t", "t/ext/POSIX/t/posix.t", "t/lib/CPAN/t/loadme.t", "t/lib/CPAN/t/vcmp.t"); opendir(DIR, $DirName); @Dirs = readdir(DIR); close(DIR); foreach $DirItem(@Dirs) { $DirItem1 = $DirName."/".$DirItem; push @DirNames, $DirItem1; # All items under $DirName folder is copied into an array. if(-d $DirItem1) { # If an item is a folder, then open it further. # Intermediary automated script like,, etc. $IntAutoScript = "t/".$DirItem.".pl"; # Open once in write mode since later files are opened in append mode, # and if there already exists a file with the same name, all further opens # will append to that file!! open(FHW, "> $IntAutoScript") or die "Unable to open the file, $IntAutoScript for writing.\n"; seek(FHW, 0, 0); # seek to the beginning of the file. close FHW; # close the file. } } print "Generating t/ ...\n\n\n"; open(FHWA, "> t/") or die "Unable to open the file, t/ for writing.\n"; seek(FHWA, 0, 0); # seek to the beginning of the file. $version = sprintf("%vd",$^V); print FHWA "\n\nprint \"Automated Unit Testing of Perl$version for NetWare\\n\\n\\n\"\;\n\n\n"; foreach $FileName(@DirNames) { $index = 0; if(-d $FileName) { # If an item is a folder, then open it further. $dir = dirname($FileName); # Get the folder name foreach $DirItem1(@Dirs) { $DirItem2 = $DirItem1; if($FileName =~ m/$DirItem2/) { $DirItem = $DirItem1; # Intermediary automated script like,, etc. $IntAutoScript = "t/".$DirItem.".pl"; } } # Write into the intermediary auto script. open(FHW, ">> $IntAutoScript") or die "Unable to open the file, $IntAutoScript for appending.\n"; seek(FHW, 0, 2); # seek to the end of the file. $pos = tell(FHW); if($pos <= 0) { print "Generating $IntAutoScript...\n"; print FHW "\n\nprint \"Testing $DirItem folder:\\n\\n\\n\"\;\n\n\n"; } opendir(SUBDIR, $FileName); @SubDirs = readdir(SUBDIR); close(SUBDIR); foreach $SubFileName(@SubDirs) { $SubFileName = $FileName."/".$SubFileName; if(-d $SubFileName) { push @DirNames, $SubFileName; # If sub-folder, push it into the array. } else { &Process_File($SubFileName); # If file, process it. } $index++; } close FHW; # close the file. if($index <= 0) { # The folder is empty and delete the corresponding '.pl' file. unlink($IntAutoScript); print "Deleted $IntAutoScript since it corresponded to an empty folder.\n"; } else { if($pos <= 0) { # This logic to make sure that it is written only once. # Only if something is written into the intermediary auto script, # only then make an entry of the intermediary auto script in print FHWA "print \`perl $IntAutoScript\`\;\n"; print FHWA "print \"\\n\\n\\n\"\;\n\n"; } } } else { if(-f $FileName) { $dir = dirname($FileName); # Get the folder name $base = basename($FileName); # Get the base name ($base, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($FileName, '\..*'); # Get the extension of the file passed. # Do the processing only if the file has '.t' extension. if($ext eq '.t') { print FHWA "print \`perl $FileName\`\;\n"; print FHWA "print \"\\n\\n\\n\"\;\n\n"; } } } } ## Below adds the ending comments into all the intermediary auto scripts: opendir(DIR, $DirName); @Dirs = readdir(DIR); close(DIR); foreach $DirItem(@Dirs) { $index = 0; $FileName = $DirName."/".$DirItem; if(-d $FileName) { # If an item is a folder, then open it further. opendir(SUBDIR, $FileName); @SubDirs = readdir(SUBDIR); close(SUBDIR); # To not to write into the file if the corresponding folder was empty. foreach $SubDir(@SubDirs) { $index++; } if($index > 0) { # The folder not empty. # Intermediary automated script like,, etc. $IntAutoScript = "t/".$DirItem.".pl"; # Write into the intermediary auto script. open(FHW, ">> $IntAutoScript") or die "Unable to open the file, $IntAutoScript for appending.\n"; seek(FHW, 0, 2); # seek to the end of the file. # Write into the intermediary auto script. print FHW "\nprint \"Testing of $DirItem folder done!\\n\\n\"\;\n\n"; close FHW; # close the file. } } } # Write into print FHWA "\nprint \"Automated Unit Testing of Perl$version for NetWare done!\\n\\n\"\;\n\n"; close FHWA; # close the file. print "\n\nGeneration of t/ Done!\n\n"; print "\nGeneration of automated scripts for NetWare DONE!\n"; # Process the file. sub Process_File { local($FileToProcess) = @_; # File name. local($Script) = 0; local($HeadCut) = 0; ## For example: ## If the value of $FileToProcess is '/perl/scripts/t/pragma/warnings.t', then ## $dir1 = '/perl/scripts/t/pragma/' ## $base1 = 'warnings' ## $ext1 = '.t' $dir1 = dirname($FileToProcess); # Get the folder name $base1 = basename($FileToProcess); # Get the base name ($base1, $dir1, $ext1) = fileparse($FileToProcess, '\..*'); # Get the extension of the file passed. # Do the processing only if the file has '.t' extension. if($ext1 eq '.t') { foreach $Script(@ScriptsNotUsed) { # The variables are converted to lower case before they are compared. # This is done to remove the case-sensitive comparison done by 'eq'. $Script1 = lc($Script); $FileToProcess1 = lc($FileToProcess); if($Script1 eq $FileToProcess1) { $HeadCut = 1; } } if($HeadCut) { # Write into the intermediary auto script. print FHW "=head\n"; } # Write into the intermediary auto script. print FHW "print \"Testing $base1"."$ext1:\\n\\n\"\;\n"; print FHW "print \`perl $FileToProcess\`\;\n"; # Write the changed array into the file. print FHW "print \"\\n\\n\\n\"\;\n"; if($HeadCut) { # Write into the intermediary auto script. print FHW "=cut\n"; } $HeadCut = 0; print FHW "\n"; } }