#!/usr/bin/perl -w my $file = pop(@ARGV); my %meta; $ENV{'P4PORT'} ||= 'bactrian:1667'; $ENV{'P4CLIENT'} ||= 'ni-s'; open(FILE,$file) || die "Cannot open $file:$!"; while (<FILE>) { if (/^(From|Subject|Date|Message-ID):(.*)$/i) { $meta{lc($1)} = $2; } } my @results = `patch @ARGV <$file 2>&1`; warn @results; my $code = $?; warn "$code from patch\n"; foreach (@results) { if (/[Pp]atching\s+file\s*(\S+)/) { push(@edit,$1); } } my @have = `p4 have @edit`; if ($code == 0) { System("p4 edit @edit"); open(PIPE,"|p4 change -i") || die "Cannot open pipe to p4:$!"; print PIPE "Change: new\n"; print PIPE "Description:\n"; foreach my $key (qw(Subject From Date Message-Id)) { if (exists $meta{lc($key)}) { print PIPE "\t$key: ",$meta{lc($key)},"\n"; print "$key: ",$meta{lc($key)},"\n"; } } print PIPE "Files:\n"; foreach (@have) { if (m,^(.*)#,) { print PIPE "\t$1\n" } } close(PIPE); } else { if (@edit) { System("p4 refresh @edit"); } } sub System { my $cmd = join(' ',@_); warn "$cmd\n"; if (fork) { wait; } else { _exit(exec $cmd); } }