#!/usr/bin/perl # This script reorders config_h.SH after metaconfig # Changing metaconfig is too complicated # # This script is run just after metaconfig, and it # is run ONLY ONCE. Not to be used afterwards # # Copyright (C) 2005-2012 by H.Merijn Brand (m)'12 [22-09-2012] # # You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public # License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. use strict; use warnings; my ($cSH, $ch, @ch, %ch) = ("config_h.SH"); open $ch, '<', $cSH or die "Cannot open $cSH: $!\n"; { local $/ = "\n\n"; @ch = <$ch>; close $ch; } sub ch_index () { %ch = (); foreach my $ch (0 .. $#ch) { while ($ch[$ch] =~ m{^/\* ([A-Z]\w+)}gm) { $ch{$1} = $ch; } } } # ch_index my %dep = ( # This symbol must be defined BEFORE ... BYTEORDER => [ qw( UVSIZE ) ], LONGSIZE => [ qw( BYTEORDER ) ], MULTIARCH => [ qw( BYTEORDER MEM_ALIGNBYTES ) ], HAS_QUAD => [ qw( I64TYPE ) ], HAS_GETGROUPS => [ qw( Groups_t ) ], HAS_SETGROUPS => [ qw( Groups_t ) ], ); my $changed; do { $changed = 0; foreach my $sym (keys %dep) { ch_index; foreach my $dep (@{$dep{$sym}}) { print STDERR "Check if $sym\t($ch{$sym}) precedes $dep\t($ch{$dep})\n"; $ch{$sym} < $ch{$dep} and next; my $ch = splice @ch, $ch{$sym}, 1; splice @ch, $ch{$dep}, 0, $ch; $changed++; ch_index; } } } while ($changed); # 30327 for (grep m{echo .Extracting \$CONFIG_H} => @ch) { my $case = join "\n", qq{case "\$CONFIG_H" in}, qq{already-done) echo "Not re-extracting config.h" ;;}, qq{*)}, ""; s{^(?=echo .Extracting)}{$case}m; } push @ch, ";;\nesac\n"; open $ch, '>', $cSH or die "Cannot write $cSH: $!\n"; print $ch <