#!/usr/bin/perl -ws # curliff.pl - convert certain files in the Perl distribution that # need to be in CR-LF format to CR-LF, or back to LF format (with the # -r option). The CR-LF format is NOT to be used for checking in # files to the Perforce repository, but it IS to be used when making # Perl snapshots or releases. use strict; use vars qw($r); # This list is also in makerel. my @FILES = qw( djgpp/configure.bat README.ce README.dos README.symbian README.win32 symbian/config.pl symbian/makesis.pl symbian/README symbian/xsbuild.pl win32/Makefile win32/makefile.mk win32/Makefile.ce win32/ce-helpers/compile-all.bat win32/ce-helpers/compile.bat win32/ce-helpers/registry.bat ); { local($^I, @ARGV) = ('.orig', @FILES); while (<>) { if ($r) { s/\015\012/\012/; # Curliffs to liffs. } else { s/\015?\012/\015\012/; # Curliffs and liffs to curliffs. } print; close ARGV if eof; # Reset $. } }