#!/l/local/bin/perl -w # # Generate a nice changelist by querying perforce. # # Each change is described with the change number, description, # which branch the change happened in, files modified, # and who was responsible for entering the change. # # Can be called with a list of change numbers or a range of the # form "12..42". Changelog will be printed from highest number # to lowest. # # Outputs the changelist to stdout. # # Gurusamy Sarathy <gsar@activestate.com> # use Text::Wrap; $0 =~ s|^.*/||; unless (@ARGV) { die <<USAGE; $0 [-p \$P4PORT] [-bi branch_include] [-be branch_exclude] <change numbers or from..to> USAGE } my @changes; my %editkind; @editkind{ qw( add edit delete integrate branch )} = qw( + ! - !> +> ); my $p4port = $ENV{P4PORT} || 'localhost:1666'; my @branch_include; my @branch_exclude; my %branch_include; my %branch_exclude; while (@ARGV) { $_ = shift; if (/^(\d+)\.\.(\d+)?$/) { push @changes, $1 .. ($2 || (split(' ', `p4 changes -m 1`))[1]); } elsif (/^\d+$/) { push @changes, $_; } elsif (/^-p(.*)$/) { $p4port = $1 || shift; } elsif (/^-bi(.*)$/) { push @branch_include, $1 || shift; } elsif (/^-be(.*)$/) { push @branch_exclude, $1 || shift; } else { warn "Arguments must be change numbers, ignoring `$_'\n"; } } @changes = sort { $b <=> $a } @changes; @branch_include{@branch_include} = @branch_include if @branch_include; @branch_exclude{@branch_exclude} = @branch_exclude if @branch_exclude; my @desc = `p4 -p $p4port describe -s @changes`; if ($?) { die "$0: `p4 -p $p4port describe -s @changes` failed, status[$?]\n"; } else { chomp @desc; while (@desc) { my ($change,$who,$date,$time,@log,$branch,$file,$type,%files); my $skip = 0; my $nbranch = 0; $_ = shift @desc; if (/^Change (\d+) by (\w+)\@.+ on (\S+) (\S+)\s*$/) { ($change, $who, $date, $time) = ($1,$2,$3,$4); $_ = shift @desc; # get rid of empty line while (@desc) { $_ = shift @desc; last if /^Affected/; push @log, $_; } if (/^Affected/) { $_ = shift @desc; # get rid of empty line while ($_ = shift @desc) { last unless /^\.\.\./; if (m{^\.\.\. //depot/(.*?perl|[^/]*)/([^#]+)#\d+ (\w+)\s*$}) { ($branch,$file,$type) = ($1,$2,$3); $nbranch++; if (exists $branch_exclude{$branch} or @branch_include and not exists $branch_include{$branch}) { $skip++; } $files{$branch} = {} unless exists $files{$branch}; $files{$branch}{$type} = [] unless exists $files{$branch}{$type}; push @{$files{$branch}{$type}}, $file; } else { warn "Unknown line [$_], ignoring\n"; } } } } next if ((not $change) or $skip); print "_" x 76, "\n"; printf <<EOT, $change, $who, $date, $time; [%6s] By: %-25s on %9s %9s EOT print " Log: "; my $i = 0; while (@log) { $_ = shift @log; s/^\s*//; s/^\[.*\]\s*// unless $i ; # don't print last empty line if ($_ or @log) { print " " if $i++; print "$_\n"; } } for my $branch (sort keys %files) { printf "%11s: $branch\n", 'Branch'; for my $kind (sort keys %{$files{$branch}}) { warn("### $kind ###\n"), next unless exists $editkind{$kind}; my $files = $files{$branch}{$kind}; # don't show large branches and integrations $files = ["($kind " . scalar(@$files) . ' files)'] if (@$files > 25 && ($kind eq 'integrate' || $kind eq 'branch')) || @$files > 100; print wrap(sprintf("%12s ", $editkind{$kind}), sprintf("%12s ", $editkind{$kind}), "@$files\n"); } } } }