#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Digest::MD5 'md5'; # make it clearer when we haven't run to completion, as we can be quite # noisy when things are working ok sub my_die { print STDERR "$0: ", @_; print STDERR "\n" unless $_[-1] =~ /\n\z/; print STDERR "ABORTED\n"; exit 255; } sub open_or_die { my $filename = shift; open my $fh, '<', $filename or my_die "Can't open $filename: $!"; return $fh; } sub slurp_or_die { my $filename = shift; my $fh = open_or_die($filename); binmode $fh; local $/; my $contents = <$fh>; die "Can't read $filename: $!" unless defined $contents and close $fh; return $contents; } sub write_or_die { my ($filename, $contents) = @_; open my $fh, '>', $filename or die "Can't open $filename for writing: $!"; binmode $fh; print $fh $contents or die "Can't write to $filename: $!"; close $fh or die "Can't close $filename: $!"; } my %state = ( # Don't copy these top level READMEs ignore => { micro => 1, # vms => 1, }, ); { my (%Lengths, %MD5s); sub is_duplicate_pod { my $file = shift; # Initialise the list of possible source files on the first call. unless (%Lengths) { __prime_state() unless $state{master}; foreach (@{$state{master}}) { next if !$_ || @$_ < 4 || $_->[1] eq $_->[4]; # This is a dual-life perl*.pod file, which will have be copied # to lib/ by the build process, and hence also found there. # These are the only pod files that might become duplicated. ++$Lengths{-s $_->[2]}; ++$MD5s{md5(slurp_or_die($_->[2]))}; } } # We are a file in lib. Are we a duplicate? # Don't bother calculating the MD5 if there's no interesting file of # this length. return $Lengths{-s $file} && $MD5s{md5(slurp_or_die($file))}; } } sub __prime_state { my $source = 'perldelta.pod'; my $filename = "pod/$source"; my $contents = slurp_or_die($filename); my @want = $contents =~ /perldelta - what is new for perl v(5)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\n/; die "Can't extract version from $filename" unless @want; $state{delta_target} = join '', 'perl', @want, 'delta.pod'; $state{delta_version} = \@want; # This way round so that keys can act as a MANIFEST skip list # Targets will always be in the pod directory. Currently we can only cope # with sources being in the same directory. $state{copies}{$state{delta_target}} = $source; # process pod.lst my $master = open_or_die('pod.lst'); foreach (<$master>) { next if /^\#/; # At least one upper case letter somewhere in the first group if (/^(\S+)\s(.*)/ && $1 =~ tr/h//) { # it's a heading my $flags = $1; $flags =~ tr/h//d; my %flags = (header => 1); $flags{toc_omit} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/o//d; $flags{aux} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/a//d; my_die "Unknown flag found in heading line: $_" if length $flags; push @{$state{master}}, [\%flags, $2]; } elsif (/^(\S*)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/) { # it's a section my ($flags, $podname, $desc) = ($1, $2, $3); my $filename = "${podname}.pod"; $filename = "pod/${filename}" if $filename !~ m{/}; my %flags = (indent => 0); $flags{indent} = $1 if $flags =~ s/(\d+)//; $flags{toc_omit} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/o//d; $flags{aux} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/a//d; $flags{perlpod_omit} = "$podname.pod" eq $state{delta_target}; $state{generated}{"$podname.pod"}++ if $flags =~ tr/g//d; if ($flags =~ tr/r//d) { my $readme = $podname; $readme =~ s/^perl//; $state{readmes}{$readme} = $desc; $flags{readme} = 1; } elsif ($flags{aux}) { $state{aux}{$podname} = $desc; } else { $state{pods}{$podname} = $desc; } my_die "Unknown flag found in section line: $_" if length $flags; my ($leafname) = $podname =~ m!([^/]+)$!; push @{$state{master}}, [\%flags, $podname, $filename, $desc, $leafname]; } elsif (/^$/) { push @{$state{master}}, undef; } else { my_die "Malformed line: $_" if $1 =~ tr/A-Z//; } } close $master or my_die "close pod.lst: $!"; } sub get_pod_metadata { # Do we expect to find generated pods on disk? my $permit_missing_generated = shift; # Do they want a consistency report? my $callback = shift; __prime_state() unless $state{master}; return \%state unless $callback; my %BuildFiles; foreach my $path (@_) { $path =~ m!([^/]+)$!; ++$BuildFiles{$1}; } # Sanity cross check my (%disk_pods, %manipods, %manireadmes, %perlpods); my (%cpanpods, %cpanpods_leaf); my (%our_pods); # These are stub files for deleted documents. We don't want them to show up # in perl.pod, they just exist so that if someone types "perldoc perltoot" # they get some sort of pointer to the new docs. my %ignoredpods = map { ( "$_.pod" => 1 ) } qw( perlboot perlbot perltooc perltoot ); # Convert these to a list of filenames. ++$our_pods{"$_.pod"} foreach keys %{$state{pods}}; foreach (@{$state{master}}) { ++$our_pods{"$_->[1].pod"} if defined $_ && @$_ == 5 && $_->[0]{readme}; } opendir my $dh, 'pod'; while (defined ($_ = readdir $dh)) { next unless /\.pod\z/; ++$disk_pods{$_}; } # Things we copy from won't be in perl.pod # Things we copy to won't be in MANIFEST my $mani = open_or_die('MANIFEST'); while (<$mani>) { chomp; s/\s+.*$//; if (m!^pod/([^.]+\.pod)!i) { ++$manipods{$1}; } elsif (m!^README\.(\S+)!i) { next if $state{ignore}{$1}; ++$manireadmes{"perl$1.pod"}; } elsif (exists $our_pods{$_}) { ++$cpanpods{$_}; m!([^/]+)$!; ++$cpanpods_leaf{$1}; $disk_pods{$_}++ if -e $_; } } close $mani or my_die "close MANIFEST: $!\n"; my $perlpod = open_or_die('pod/perl.pod'); while (<$perlpod>) { if (/^For ease of access, /../^\(If you're intending /) { if (/^\s+(perl\S*)\s+\w/) { ++$perlpods{"$1.pod"}; } } } close $perlpod or my_die "close perlpod: $!\n"; my_die "could not find the pod listing of perl.pod\n" unless %perlpods; # Are we running before known generated files have been generated? # (eg in a clean checkout) my %not_yet_there; if ($permit_missing_generated) { # If so, don't complain if these files aren't yet in place %not_yet_there = (%manireadmes, %{$state{generated}}, %{$state{copies}}) } my @inconsistent; foreach my $i (sort keys %disk_pods) { push @inconsistent, "$0: $i exists but is unknown by buildtoc\n" unless $our_pods{$i}; push @inconsistent, "$0: $i exists but is unknown by MANIFEST\n" if !$BuildFiles{'MANIFEST'} # Ignore if we're rebuilding MANIFEST && !$manipods{$i} && !$manireadmes{$i} && !$state{copies}{$i} && !$state{generated}{$i} && !$cpanpods{$i}; push @inconsistent, "$0: $i exists but is unknown by perl.pod\n" if !$BuildFiles{'perl.pod'} # Ignore if we're rebuilding perl.pod && !$perlpods{$i} && !exists $state{copies}{$i} && !$cpanpods{$i} && !$ignoredpods{$i}; } foreach my $i (sort keys %our_pods) { push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by buildtoc but does not exist\n" unless $disk_pods{$i} or $BuildFiles{$i} or $not_yet_there{$i}; } unless ($BuildFiles{'MANIFEST'}) { # Again, ignore these if we're about to rebuild MANIFEST foreach my $i (sort keys %manipods) { push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by MANIFEST but does not exist\n" unless $disk_pods{$i}; push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by MANIFEST but is marked as generated\n" if $state{generated}{$i}; } } unless ($BuildFiles{'perl.pod'}) { # Again, ignore these if we're about to rebuild perl.pod foreach my $i (sort keys %perlpods) { push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by perl.pod but does not exist\n" unless $disk_pods{$i} or $BuildFiles{$i} or $cpanpods_leaf{$i} or $not_yet_there{$i}; } } &$callback(@inconsistent); return \%state; } 1; # Local variables: # cperl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: # # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et: