#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use File::Find; =head1 NAME Porting/pod_lib.pl - functions for building and installing POD =head1 SYNOPSIS require './Porting/pod_lib.pl'; =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION This program, when Cd into other programs in the Perl 5 core distribution, provides functions useful during building and, secondarily, testing. As of this writing, the functions in this program are used in these other programs: installman installperl pod/buildtoc pod/perl.pod Porting/new-perldelta.pl Porting/pod_rules.pl Note: Since these functions are used during the Perl build process, they must work with F. That necessarily implies that these functions must not rely on XS modules, either directly or indirectly (e.g., C). =head1 SUBROUTINES =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Exit from a process with an error code and a message. =item * Arguments List of arguments to be passed with the error message. Example: close $fh or my_die("close 'utils.lst': $!"); =item * Return Value Exit code C<255>. =item * Comment Prints C to STDERR. =back =cut # In some situations, eg cross-compiling, we get run with miniperl, so we can't use Digest::MD5 my $has_md5; BEGIN { use Carp; $has_md5 = eval { require Digest::MD5; Digest::MD5->import('md5'); 1; }; } # make it clearer when we haven't run to completion, as we can be quite # noisy when things are working ok sub my_die { print STDERR "$0: ", @_; print STDERR "\n" unless $_[-1] =~ /\n\z/; print STDERR "ABORTED\n"; exit 255; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Opens a file or fails if it cannot. =item * Arguments String holding filename to be opened. Example: $fh = open_or_die('utils.lst'); =item * Return Value Handle to opened file. =back =cut sub open_or_die { my $filename = shift; open my $fh, '<', $filename or my_die "Can't open $filename: $!"; return $fh; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Read the contents of a file into memory as a single string. =item * Arguments String holding name of file to be read into memory. $olddelta = slurp_or_die('pod/perldelta.pod'); =item * Return Value String holding contents of file. =back =cut sub slurp_or_die { my $filename = shift; my $fh = open_or_die($filename); binmode $fh; local $/; my $contents = <$fh>; die "Can't read $filename: $!" unless defined $contents and close $fh; return $contents; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Write out a string to a file. =item * Arguments List of two arguments: (i) String holding name of file to be written to; (ii) String holding contents to be written. write_or_die($olddeltaname, $olddelta); =item * Return Value Implicitly returns true value upon success. =back =cut sub write_or_die { my ($filename, $contents) = @_; open my $fh, '>', $filename or die "Can't open $filename for writing: $!"; binmode $fh; print $fh $contents or die "Can't write to $filename: $!"; close $fh or die "Can't close $filename: $!"; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Verify that a makefile or makefile constructor contains exactly one contiguous run of lines which matches a given pattern. Cs if the pattern is not found, or found in more than one place. By "makefile or makefile constructor" we mean a file which is one of the right-hand values in this list of key-value pairs: manifest => 'MANIFEST', vms => 'vms/descrip_mms.template', nmake => 'win32/Makefile', dmake => 'win32/makefile.mk', gmake => 'win32/GNUmakefile', podmak => 'win32/pod.mak', unix => 'Makefile.SH', (Currently found in C<%Targets> in F.) =item * Arguments =over 4 =item * Name of target String holding the key of one element in C<%Targets> in F. =item * Contents of file String holding slurped contents of the file named in the value of the element in C<%Targets> in F named in the first argument. =item * Pattern of interest Compiled regular expression pertinent to a particular makefile constructor. =item * Name to report on error String holding description. =back =item * Return Value The contents of the file, with C substituted for the pattern. =item * Example (drawn from F C): my $makefile_SH = slurp_or_die('./Makefile.SH'); my $re = qr/some\s+pattern/; my $makefile_SH_out = verify_contiguous('unix', $makefile_SH, $re, 'copy rules'); =back =cut sub verify_contiguous { my ($name, $content, $re, $what) = @_; require Carp; $content =~ s/$re/\0/g; my $sections = () = $content =~ m/\0+/g; Carp::croak("$0: $name contains no $what") if $sections < 1; Carp::croak("$0: $name contains discontiguous $what") if $sections > 1; return $content; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Read a file from disk, pass the contents to the callback, and either update the file on disk (if changed) or generate TAP output to confirm that the version on disk is up to date. Cs if the file contains any C bytes. This permits the callback routine to use C bytes as placeholders while manipulating the file's contents. =item * Arguments =over 4 =item * Description for use in error messages =item * Name of file =item * Callback Passed description and file contents, should return updated file contents. =item * Test number If defined, generate TAP output to C. If defined and false, generate an unnumbered test. Otherwise this is the test number in the I line. =item * Verbose flag If true, generate verbose output. =back =item * Return Value Does not return anything. =back =cut sub process { my ($desc, $filename, $callback, $test, $verbose) = @_; print "Now processing $filename\n" if $verbose; my $orig = slurp_or_die($filename); my_die "$filename contains NUL bytes" if $orig =~ /\0/; my $new = $callback->($desc, $orig); if (defined $test) { printf "%s%s # $filename is up to date\n", ($new eq $orig ? 'ok' : 'not ok'), ($test ? " $test" : ''); return; } elsif ($new eq $orig) { print "Was not modified\n" if $verbose; return; } my $mode = (stat $filename)[2]; my_die "Can't stat $filename: $!" unless defined $mode; rename $filename, "$filename.old" or my_die "Can't rename $filename to $filename.old: $!"; write_or_die($filename, $new); chmod $mode & 0777, $filename or my_die "can't chmod $mode $filename: $!"; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Create a lookup table holding information about PODs to be installed. =item * Arguments None. =item * Return Value Reference to a hash with a structure like this: $found = { 'MODULE' => { 'CPAN::Bundle' => 'lib/CPAN/Bundle.pm', 'Locale::Codes::Script_Retired' => 'lib/Locale/Codes/Script_Retired.pm', 'Pod::Simple::DumpAsText' => 'lib/Pod/Simple/DumpAsText.pm', # ... 'Locale::Codes::LangVar' => 'lib/Locale/Codes/LangVar.pod' }, 'PRAGMA' => { 'fields' => 'lib/fields.pm', 'subs' => 'lib/subs.pm', # ... }, =item * Comment Broadly speaking, the function assembles a list of all F<.pm> and F<.pod> files in the distribution and then excludes certain files from installation. =back =cut sub pods_to_install { # manpages not to be installed my %do_not_install = map { ($_ => 1) } qw(Pod::Functions XS::APItest XS::Typemap); $do_not_install{"ExtUtils::XSSymSet"} = 1 unless $^O eq "VMS"; my (%done, %found); File::Find::find({no_chdir=>1, wanted => sub { if (m!/t\z!) { ++$File::Find::prune; return; } # $_ is $File::Find::name when using no_chdir return unless m!\.p(?:m|od)\z! && -f $_; return if m!lib/Net/FTP/.+\.pm\z!; # Hi, Graham! :-) # Skip .pm files that have corresponding .pod files return if s!\.pm\z!.pod! && -e $_; s!\.pod\z!!; s!\Alib/!!; s!/!::!g; my_die("Duplicate files for $_, '$done{$_}' and '$File::Find::name'") if exists $done{$_}; $done{$_} = $File::Find::name; return if $do_not_install{$_}; return if is_duplicate_pod($File::Find::name); $found{/\A[a-z]/ ? 'PRAGMA' : 'MODULE'}{$_} = $File::Find::name; }}, 'lib'); return \%found; } my %state = ( # Don't copy these top level READMEs ignore => { micro => 1, # vms => 1, }, ); { my (%Lengths, %MD5s); sub is_duplicate_pod { my $file = shift; local $_; return if !$has_md5; # Initialise the list of possible source files on the first call. unless (%Lengths) { __prime_state() unless $state{master}; foreach (@{$state{master}}) { next unless $_->[2]{dual}; # This is a dual-life perl*.pod file, which will have be copied # to lib/ by the build process, and hence also found there. # These are the only pod files that might become duplicated. ++$Lengths{-s $_->[1]}; ++$MD5s{md5(slurp_or_die($_->[1]))}; } } # We are a file in lib. Are we a duplicate? # Don't bother calculating the MD5 if there's no interesting file of # this length. return $Lengths{-s $file} && $MD5s{md5(slurp_or_die($file))}; } } sub __prime_state { my $source = 'perldelta.pod'; my $filename = "pod/$source"; my $contents = slurp_or_die($filename); my @want = $contents =~ /perldelta - what is new for perl v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\r?\n/; die "Can't extract version from $filename" unless @want; my $delta_leaf = join '', 'perl', @want, 'delta'; $state{delta_target} = "$delta_leaf.pod"; $state{delta_version} = \@want; # This way round so that keys can act as a MANIFEST skip list # Targets will always be in the pod directory. Currently we can only cope # with sources being in the same directory. $state{copies}{$state{delta_target}} = $source; # The default flags if none explicitly set for the current file. my $current_flags = ''; my (%flag_set, @paths); my $master = open_or_die('pod/perl.pod'); while (<$master>) { last if /^=begin buildtoc$/; } die "Can't find '=begin buildtoc':" if eof $master; while (<$master>) { next if /^$/ or /^#/; last if /^=end buildtoc/; my ($command, @args) = split ' '; if ($command eq 'flag') { # For the named pods, use these flags, instead of $current_flags my $flags = shift @args; my_die("Malformed flag $flags") unless $flags =~ /\A=([a-z]*)\z/; $flag_set{$_} = $1 foreach @args; } elsif ($command eq 'path') { # If the pod's name matches the regex, prepend the given path. my_die("Malformed path for /$args[0]/") unless @args == 2; push @paths, [qr/\A$args[0]\z/, $args[1]]; } elsif ($command eq 'aux') { # The contents of perltoc.pod's "AUXILIARY DOCUMENTATION" section $state{aux} = [sort @args]; } else { my_die("Unknown buildtoc command '$command'"); } } foreach (<$master>) { next if /^$/ or /^#/; next if /^=head2/; last if /^=for buildtoc __END__$/; if (my ($action, $flags) = /^=for buildtoc flag ([-+])([a-z]+)/) { if ($action eq '+') { $current_flags .= $flags; } else { my_die("Attempt to unset [$flags] failed - flags are '$current_flags") unless $current_flags =~ s/[\Q$flags\E]//g; } } elsif (my ($leafname, $desc) = /^\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/) { my $podname = $leafname; my $filename = "pod/$podname.pod"; foreach (@paths) { my ($re, $path) = @$_; if ($leafname =~ $re) { $podname = $path . $leafname; $filename = "$podname.pod"; last; } } # Keep this compatible with pre-5.10 my $flags = delete $flag_set{$leafname}; $flags = $current_flags unless defined $flags; my %flags; $flags{toc_omit} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/o//d; $flags{dual} = $podname ne $leafname; $state{generated}{"$podname.pod"}++ if $flags =~ tr/g//d; if ($flags =~ tr/r//d) { my $readme = $podname; $readme =~ s/^perl//; $state{readmes}{$readme} = $desc; $flags{readme} = 1; } else { $state{pods}{$podname} = $desc; } my_die "Unknown flag found in section line: $_" if length $flags; push @{$state{master}}, [$leafname, $filename, \%flags]; if ($podname eq 'perldelta') { local $" = '.'; push @{$state{master}}, [$delta_leaf, "pod/$state{delta_target}"]; $state{pods}{$delta_leaf} = "Perl changes in version @want"; } } else { my_die("Malformed line: $_"); } } close $master or my_die("close pod/perl.pod: $!"); my_die("perl.pod sets flags for unknown pods: " . join ' ', sort keys %flag_set) if keys %flag_set; } =head2 C =over 4 =item * Purpose Create a data structure holding information about files containing text in POD format. =item * Arguments List of one or more arguments. =over 4 =item * Boolean true or false =item * Reference to a subroutine. =item * Various other arguments. =back Example: $state = get_pod_metadata( 0, sub { warn @_ if @_ }, 'pod/perltoc.pod'); get_pod_metadata( 1, sub { warn @_ if @_ }, values %Build); =item * Return Value Hash reference; each element provides either a list or a lookup table for information about various types of POD files. 'aux' => [ # utility programs like 'h2xs' and 'perldoc' ] 'generated' => { # lookup table for generated POD files like 'perlapi.pod' } 'ignore' => { # lookup table for files to be ignored } 'pods' => { # lookup table in "name" => "short description" format } 'readmes' => { # lookup table for OS-specific and other READMEs } 'delta_version' => [ # major version number, minor no., patch no. ] 'delta_target' => 'perldelta.pod', 'master' => [ # list holding entries for files callable by 'perldoc' ] 'copies' => { # patch version perldelta => minor version perldelta } =item * Comment Instances where this subroutine is used may be found in these files: pod/buildtoc Porting/new-perldelta.pl Porting/pod_rules.pl =back =cut sub get_pod_metadata { # Do we expect to find generated pods on disk? my $permit_missing_generated = shift; # Do they want a consistency report? my $callback = shift; local $_; __prime_state() unless $state{master}; return \%state unless $callback; my %BuildFiles; foreach my $path (@_) { $path =~ m!([^/]+)$!; ++$BuildFiles{$1}; } # Sanity cross check my (%disk_pods, %manipods, %manireadmes); my (%cpanpods, %cpanpods_leaf); my (%our_pods); # There are files that we don't want to list in perl.pod. # Maybe the various stub manpages should be listed there. my %ignoredpods = map { ( "$_.pod" => 1 ) } qw( ); # Convert these to a list of filenames. ++$our_pods{"$_.pod"} foreach keys %{$state{pods}}; foreach (@{$state{master}}) { ++$our_pods{"$_->[0].pod"} if $_->[2]{readme}; } opendir my $dh, 'pod'; while (defined ($_ = readdir $dh)) { next unless /\.pod\z/; ++$disk_pods{$_}; } # Things we copy from won't be in perl.pod # Things we copy to won't be in MANIFEST my $mani = open_or_die('MANIFEST'); while (<$mani>) { chomp; s/\s+.*$//; if (m!^pod/([^.]+\.pod)!i) { ++$manipods{$1}; } elsif (m!^README\.(\S+)!i) { next if $state{ignore}{$1}; ++$manireadmes{"perl$1.pod"}; } elsif (exists $our_pods{$_}) { ++$cpanpods{$_}; m!([^/]+)$!; ++$cpanpods_leaf{$1}; $disk_pods{$_}++ if -e $_; } } close $mani or my_die "close MANIFEST: $!\n"; # Are we running before known generated files have been generated? # (eg in a clean checkout) my %not_yet_there; if ($permit_missing_generated) { # If so, don't complain if these files aren't yet in place %not_yet_there = (%manireadmes, %{$state{generated}}, %{$state{copies}}) } my @inconsistent; foreach my $i (sort keys %disk_pods) { push @inconsistent, "$0: $i exists but is unknown by buildtoc\n" unless $our_pods{$i} || $ignoredpods{$i}; push @inconsistent, "$0: $i exists but is unknown by MANIFEST\n" if !$BuildFiles{'MANIFEST'} # Ignore if we're rebuilding MANIFEST && !$manipods{$i} && !$manireadmes{$i} && !$state{copies}{$i} && !$state{generated}{$i} && !$cpanpods{$i}; } foreach my $i (sort keys %our_pods) { push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by buildtoc but does not exist\n" unless $disk_pods{$i} or $BuildFiles{$i} or $not_yet_there{$i}; } unless ($BuildFiles{'MANIFEST'}) { # Again, ignore these if we're about to rebuild MANIFEST foreach my $i (sort keys %manipods) { push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by MANIFEST but does not exist\n" unless $disk_pods{$i}; push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by MANIFEST but is marked as generated\n" if $state{generated}{$i}; } } &$callback(@inconsistent); return \%state; } 1; # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et: