#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use vars qw(%Build %Targets $Verbose $Test); use Text::Tabs; use Text::Wrap; use Getopt::Long; if (ord("A") == 193) { print "1..0 # EBCDIC sort order is different\n"; exit; } # Generate the sections of files listed in %Targets from pod/perl.pod # Mostly these are rules in Makefiles # # --verbose gives slightly more output # --build-all tries to build everything # --build-foo updates foo as follows # --showfiles shows the files to be changed # --test exit if perl.pod, MANIFEST are consistent, and regenerated # files are up to date, die otherwise. %Targets = ( manifest => 'MANIFEST', vms => 'vms/descrip_mms.template', nmake => 'win32/Makefile', dmake => 'win32/makefile.mk', gmake => 'win32/GNUmakefile', podmak => 'win32/pod.mak', unix => 'Makefile.SH', # plan9 => 'plan9/mkfile', ); require './Porting/pod_lib.pl'; require './Porting/manifest_lib.pl'; sub my_die; # process command-line switches { my @files = keys %Targets; my $filesopts = join(" | ", map { "--build-$_" } "all", sort @files); my $showfiles; my %build_these; die "$0: Usage: $0 [--verbose] [--showfiles] [$filesopts]\n" unless GetOptions (verbose => \$Verbose, showfiles => \$showfiles, tap => \$Test, map {+"build-$_", \$build_these{$_}} @files, 'all') && !@ARGV; if ($build_these{all}) { %Build = %Targets; } else { while (my ($file, $want) = each %build_these) { $Build{$file} = $Targets{$file} if $want; } # Default to --build-all if no targets given. %Build = %Targets if !%Build; } if ($showfiles) { print join(" ", sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } values %Build), "\n"; exit(0); } } if ($Verbose) { print "I will be building $_\n" foreach sort keys %Build; } my $test = 1; # For testing, generated files must be present and we're rebuilding nothing. # For normal rebuilding, generated files may not be present, and we mute # warnings about inconsistencies in any file we're about to rebuild. my $state = $Test ? get_pod_metadata(0, sub { printf "1..%d\n", 1 + scalar keys %Build; if (@_) { print "not ok $test # got Pod metadata\n"; die @_; } print "ok $test # got Pod metadata\n"; }) : get_pod_metadata(1, sub { warn @_ if @_ }, values %Build); sub generate_manifest { # Annoyingly, unexpand doesn't consider it good form to replace a single # space before a tab with a tab # Annoyingly (2) it returns read only values. my @temp = unexpand (map {sprintf "%-32s%s", @$_} @_); map {s/ \t/\t\t/g; $_} @temp; } sub generate_manifest_pod { generate_manifest map {["pod/$_.pod", $state->{pods}{$_}]} sort grep { !$state->{copies}{"$_.pod"} && !$state->{generated}{"$_.pod"} && !-e "$_.pod" } keys %{$state->{pods}}; } sub generate_manifest_readme { generate_manifest sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} ["README.vms", "Notes about installing the VMS port"], map {["README.$_", $state->{readmes}{$_}]} keys %{$state->{readmes}}; } sub generate_nmake_1 { # XXX Fix this with File::Spec (map {sprintf "\tcopy ..\\README.%-8s ..\\pod\\perl$_.pod\n", $_} sort keys %{$state->{readmes}}), (map {"\tcopy ..\\pod\\$state->{copies}{$_} ..\\pod\\$_\n"} sort keys %{$state->{copies}}); } # This doesn't have a trailing newline sub generate_nmake_2 { # Spot the special case local $Text::Wrap::columns = 76; my $line = wrap ("\t ", "\t ", join " ", sort(keys %{$state->{copies}}, keys %{$state->{generated}}, map {"perl$_.pod"} keys %{$state->{readmes}})); $line =~ s/$/ \\/mg; $line =~ s/ \\$//; $line; } sub generate_pod_mak { my $variable = shift; my @lines; my $line = "\U$variable = " . join "\t\\\n\t", map {"$_.$variable"} sort grep { $_ !~ m{/} } keys %{$state->{pods}}; # Special case $line =~ s/.*perltoc.html.*\n//m; $line; } sub do_manifest { my ($name, $prev) = @_; my @manifest = grep {! m!^pod/[^. \t]+\.pod.*!} grep {! m!^README\.(\S+)! || $state->{ignore}{$1}} split "\n", $prev; # NOTE - the sort code here is shared with Porting/manisort currently. # If you change one, change the other. Or refactor them. :-) join "\n", sort_manifest( @manifest, &generate_manifest_pod(), &generate_manifest_readme() ), '', # elegant way to add a newline to the end ; } sub do_nmake { my ($name, $makefile) = @_; my $re = qr/^\tcopy \.\.\\README[^\n]*\n/sm; $makefile = verify_contiguous($name, $makefile, $re, 'README copies'); # Now remove the other copies that follow 1 while $makefile =~ s/\0\tcopy .*\n/\0/gm; $makefile =~ s/\0+/join ("", &generate_nmake_1)/se; $makefile =~ s{(-cd \$\(PODDIR\) && del /f[^\n]+).*?(-cd \.\.\\utils && del /f)} {"$1\n" . &generate_nmake_2."\n\t$2"}se; $makefile; } # shut up used only once warning *do_dmake = *do_dmake = \&do_nmake; *do_gmake = *do_gmake = \&do_nmake; sub do_podmak { my ($name, $body) = @_; foreach my $variable (qw(pod man html tex)) { my_die "could not find $variable in $name" unless $body =~ s{\n\U$variable\E = (?:[^\n]*\\\n)*[^\n]*} {"\n" . generate_pod_mak ($variable)}se; } $body; } sub do_vms { my ($name, $makefile) = @_; # Looking for the macro defining the current perldelta: #PERLDELTA_CURRENT = [.pod]perl5139delta.pod my $re = qr{\nPERLDELTA_CURRENT\s+=\s+\Q[.pod]perl\E\d+delta\.pod\n}smx; $makefile = verify_contiguous($name, $makefile, $re, 'current perldelta macro'); $makefile =~ s/\0+/join "\n", '', "PERLDELTA_CURRENT = [.pod]$state->{delta_target}", ''/se; $makefile; } sub do_unix { my ($name, $makefile_SH) = @_; $makefile_SH =~ s{^(perltoc_pod_prereqs = extra.pods).*} {join ' ', $1, map "pod/$_", sort(keys %{$state->{copies}}, grep {!/perltoc/} keys %{$state->{generated}}) }mge; # pod/perl511delta.pod: pod/perldelta.pod # cd pod && $(LNS) perldelta.pod perl511delta.pod # although it seems that HP-UX make gets confused, always tried to # regenerate the symlink, and then the ln -s fails, as the target exists. my $re = qr{( pod/perl[a-z0-9_]+\.pod: pod/perl[a-z0-9_]+\.pod \$\(RMS\) pod/perl[a-z0-9_]+\.pod \$\(LNS\) perl[a-z0-9_]+\.pod pod/perl[a-z0-9_]+\.pod )+}sm; $makefile_SH = verify_contiguous($name, $makefile_SH, $re, 'copy rules'); my @copy_rules = map " pod/$_: pod/$state->{copies}{$_} \$(RMS) pod/$_ \$(LNS) $state->{copies}{$_} pod/$_ ", keys %{$state->{copies}}; $makefile_SH =~ s/\0+/join '', @copy_rules/se; $makefile_SH; } # Do stuff process($_, $Build{$_}, main->can("do_$_"), $Test && ++$test, $Verbose) foreach sort keys %Build; # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et: