package CharClass::Matcher; use strict; use warnings; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Text::Wrap qw(wrap); use Encode; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Useqq= 1; our $hex_fmt= "0x%02X"; =head1 NAME CharClass::Matcher -- Generate C macros that match character classes efficiently =head1 SYNOPSIS perl Porting/ =head1 DESCRIPTION Dynamically generates macros for detecting special charclasses in latin-1, utf8, and codepoint forms. Macros can be set to return the length (in bytes) of the matched codepoint, or the codepoint itself. To regenerate regcharclass.h, run this script from perl-root. No arguments are necessary. Using WHATEVER as an example the following macros will be produced: =over 4 =item is_WHATEVER(s,is_utf8) =item is_WHATEVER_safe(s,e,is_utf8) Do a lookup as appropriate based on the is_utf8 flag. When possible comparisons involving octect<128 are done before checking the is_utf8 flag, hopefully saving time. =item is_WHATEVER_utf8(s) =item is_WHATEVER_utf8_safe(s,e) Do a lookup assuming the string is encoded in (normalized) UTF8. =item is_WHATEVER_latin1(s) =item is_WHATEVER_latin1_safe(s,e) Do a lookup assuming the string is encoded in latin-1 (aka plan octets). =item is_WHATEVER_cp(cp) Check to see if the string matches a given codepoint (hypotethically a U32). The condition is constructed as as to "break out" as early as possible if the codepoint is out of range of the condition. IOW: (cp==X || (cp>X && (cp==Y || (cp>Y && ...)))) Thus if the character is X+1 only two comparisons will be done. Making matching lookups slower, but non-matching faster. =back Additionally it is possible to generate C<what_> variants that return the codepoint read instead of the number of octets read, this can be done by suffixing '-cp' to the type description. =head2 CODE FORMAT perltidy -st -bt=1 -bbt=0 -pt=0 -sbt=1 -ce -nwls== "%f" =head1 AUTHOR Author: Yves Orton (demerphq) 2007 =head1 BUGS No tests directly here (although the regex engine will fail tests if this code is broken). Insufficient documentation and no Getopts handler for using the module as a script. =head1 LICENSE You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. =cut # Sub naming convention: # __func : private subroutine, can not be called as a method # _func : private method, not meant for external use # func : public method. # private subs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ($cp,$n,$l,$u)=__uni_latin($str); # # Return a list of arrays, each of which when interepreted correctly # represent the string in some given encoding with specific conditions. # # $cp - list of codepoints that make up the string. # $n - list of octets that make up the string if all codepoints < 128 # $l - list of octets that make up the string in latin1 encoding if all # codepoints < 256, and at least one codepoint is >127. # $u - list of octets that make up the string in utf8 if any codepoint >127 # # High CP | Defined #-----------+---------- # 0 - 127 : $n # 128 - 255 : $l, $u # 256 - ... : $u # sub __uni_latin1 { my $str= shift; my $max= 0; my @cp; for my $ch ( split //, $str ) { my $cp= ord $ch; push @cp, $cp; $max= $cp if $max < $cp; } my ( $n, $l, $u ); if ( $max < 128 ) { $n= [@cp]; } else { $l= [@cp] if $max && $max < 256; my $copy= $str; # must copy string, FB_CROAK makes encode destructive $u= eval { Encode::encode( "utf8", $copy, Encode::FB_CROAK ) }; # $u is utf8 but with the utf8 flag OFF # therefore "C*" gets us the values of the bytes involved. $u= [ unpack "C*", $u ] if defined $u; } return ( \@cp, $n, $l, $u ); } # # $clean= __clean($expr); # # Cleanup a ternary expression, removing unnecessary parens and apply some # simplifications using regexes. # sub __clean { my ( $expr )= @_; our $parens; $parens= qr/ (?> \( (?> (?: (?> [^()]+ ) | (??{ $parens }) )* ) \) ) /x; #print "$parens\n$expr\n"; 1 while $expr =~ s/ \( \s* ( $parens ) \s* \) /$1/gx; 1 while $expr =~ s/ \( \s* ($parens) \s* \? \s* \( \s* ($parens) \s* \? \s* ($parens|[^:]+?) \s* : \s* ($parens|[^)]+?) \s* \) \s* : \s* \4 \s* \)/( ( $1 && $2 ) ? $3 : 0 )/gx; return $expr; } # # $text= __macro(@args); # Join args together by newlines, and then neatly add backslashes to the end # of every line as expected by the C pre-processor for #define's. # sub __macro { my $str= join "\n", @_; $str =~ s/\s*$//; my @lines= map { s/\s+$//; s/\t/ /g; $_ } split /\n/, $str; my $last= pop @lines; $str= join "\n", ( map { sprintf "%-76s\\", $_ } @lines ), $last; 1 while $str =~ s/^(\t*) {8}/$1\t/gm; return $str . "\n"; } # # my $op=__incrdepth($op); # # take an 'op' hashref and add one to it and all its childrens depths. # sub __incrdepth { my $op= shift; return unless ref $op; $op->{depth} += 1; __incrdepth( $op->{yes} ); __incrdepth( $op->{no} ); return $op; } # join two branches of an opcode together with a condition, incrementing # the depth on the yes branch when we do so. # returns the new root opcode of the tree. sub __cond_join { my ( $cond, $yes, $no )= @_; return { test => $cond, yes => __incrdepth( $yes ), no => $no, depth => 0, }; } # Methods # constructor # # my $obj=CLASS->new(op=>'SOMENAME',title=>'blah',txt=>[..]); # # Create a new CharClass::Matcher object by parsing the text in # the txt array. Currently applies the following rules: # # Element starts with C<0x>, line is evaled the result treated as # a number which is passed to chr(). # # Element starts with C<">, line is evaled and the result treated # as a string. # # Each string is then stored in the 'strs' subhash as a hash record # made up of the results of __uni_latin1, using the keynames # 'low','latin1','utf8', as well as the synthesized 'LATIN1' and # 'UTF8' which hold a merge of 'low' and their lowercase equivelents. # # Size data is tracked per type in the 'size' subhash. # # Return an object # sub new { my $class= shift; my %opt= @_; for ( qw(op txt) ) { die "in " . __PACKAGE__ . " constructor '$_;' is a mandatory field" if !exists $opt{$_}; } my $self= bless { op => $opt{op}, title => $opt{title} || '', }, $class; foreach my $txt ( @{ $opt{txt} } ) { my $str= $txt; if ( $str =~ /^[""]/ ) { $str= eval $str; } elsif ( $str =~ /^0x/ ) { $str= chr eval $str; } elsif ( /\S/ ) { die "Unparseable line: $txt\n"; } else { next; } my ( $cp, $low, $latin1, $utf8 )= __uni_latin1( $str ); my $UTF8= $low || $utf8; my $LATIN1= $low || $latin1; #die Dumper($txt,$cp,$low,$latin1,$utf8) # if $txt=~/NEL/ or $utf8 and @$utf8>3; @{ $self->{strs}{$str} }{qw( str txt low utf8 latin1 cp UTF8 LATIN1 )}= ( $str, $txt, $low, $utf8, $latin1, $cp, $UTF8, $LATIN1 ); my $rec= $self->{strs}{$str}; foreach my $key ( qw(low utf8 latin1 cp UTF8 LATIN1) ) { $self->{size}{$key}{ 0 + @{ $self->{strs}{$str}{$key} } }++ if $self->{strs}{$str}{$key}; } $self->{has_multi} ||= @$cp > 1; $self->{has_ascii} ||= $latin1 && @$latin1; $self->{has_low} ||= $low && @$low; $self->{has_high} ||= !$low && !$latin1; } $self->{val_fmt}= $hex_fmt; $self->{count}= 0 + keys %{ $self->{strs} }; return $self; } # my $trie = make_trie($type,$maxlen); # # using the data stored in the object build a trie of a specifc type, # and with specific maximum depth. The trie is made up the elements of # the given types array for each string in the object (assuming it is # not too long.) # # returns the trie, or undef if there was no relevent data in the object. # sub make_trie { my ( $self, $type, $maxlen )= @_; my $strs= $self->{strs}; my %trie; foreach my $rec ( values %$strs ) { die "panic: unknown type '$type'" if !exists $rec->{$type}; my $dat= $rec->{$type}; next unless $dat; next if $maxlen && @$dat > $maxlen; my $node= \%trie; foreach my $elem ( @$dat ) { $node->{$elem} ||= {}; $node= $node->{$elem}; } $node->{''}= $rec->{str}; } return 0 + keys( %trie ) ? \%trie : undef; } # my $optree= _optree() # # recursively convert a trie to an optree where every node represents # an if else branch. # # sub _optree { my ( $self, $trie, $test_type, $ret_type, $else, $depth )= @_; return unless defined $trie; if ( $self->{has_multi} and $ret_type =~ /cp|both/ ) { die "Can't do 'cp' optree from multi-codepoint strings"; } $ret_type ||= 'len'; $else= 0 unless defined $else; $depth= 0 unless defined $depth; my @conds= sort { $a <=> $b } grep { length $_ } keys %$trie; if ( $trie->{''} ) { if ( $ret_type eq 'cp' ) { $else= $self->{strs}{ $trie->{''} }{cp}[0]; $else= sprintf "$self->{val_fmt}", $else if $else > 9; } elsif ( $ret_type eq 'len' ) { $else= $depth; } elsif ( $ret_type eq 'both') { $else= $self->{strs}{ $trie->{''} }{cp}[0]; $else= sprintf "$self->{val_fmt}", $else if $else > 9; $else= "len=$depth, $else"; } } return $else if !@conds; my $node= {}; my $root= $node; my ( $yes_res, $as_code, @cond ); my $test= $test_type eq 'cp' ? "cp" : "((U8*)s)[$depth]"; my $Update= sub { $node->{vals}= [@cond]; $node->{test}= $test; $node->{yes}= $yes_res; $node->{depth}= $depth; $node->{no}= shift; }; while ( @conds ) { my $cond= shift @conds; my $res= $self->_optree( $trie->{$cond}, $test_type, $ret_type, $else, $depth + 1 ); my $res_code= Dumper( $res ); if ( !$yes_res || $res_code ne $as_code ) { if ( $yes_res ) { $Update->( {} ); $node= $node->{no}; } ( $yes_res, $as_code )= ( $res, $res_code ); @cond= ( $cond ); } else { push @cond, $cond; } } $Update->( $else ); return $root; } # my $optree= optree(%opts); # # Convert a trie to an optree, wrapper for _optree sub optree { my $self= shift; my %opt= @_; my $trie= $self->make_trie( $opt{type}, $opt{max_depth} ); $opt{ret_type} ||= 'len'; my $test_type= $opt{type} eq 'cp' ? 'cp' : 'depth'; return $self->_optree( $trie, $test_type, $opt{ret_type}, $opt{else}, 0 ); } # my $optree= generic_optree(%opts); # # build a "generic" optree out of the three 'low', 'latin1', 'utf8' # sets of strings, including a branch for handling the string type check. # sub generic_optree { my $self= shift; my %opt= @_; $opt{ret_type} ||= 'len'; my $test_type= 'depth'; my $else= $opt{else} || 0; my $latin1= $self->make_trie( 'latin1', $opt{max_depth} ); my $utf8= $self->make_trie( 'utf8', $opt{max_depth} ); $_= $self->_optree( $_, $test_type, $opt{ret_type}, $else, 0 ) for $latin1, $utf8; if ( $utf8 ) { $else= __cond_join( "( is_utf8 )", $utf8, $latin1 || $else ); } elsif ( $latin1 ) { $else= __cond_join( "!( is_utf8 )", $latin1, $else ); } my $low= $self->make_trie( 'low', $opt{max_depth} ); if ( $low ) { $else= $self->_optree( $low, $test_type, $opt{ret_type}, $else, 0 ); } return $else; } # length_optree() # # create a string length guarded optree. # sub length_optree { my $self= shift; my %opt= @_; my $type= $opt{type}; die "Can't do a length_optree on type 'cp', makes no sense." if $type eq 'cp'; my ( @size, $method ); if ( $type eq 'generic' ) { $method= 'generic_optree'; my %sizes= ( %{ $self->{size}{low} || {} }, %{ $self->{size}{latin1} || {} }, %{ $self->{size}{utf8} || {} } ); @size= sort { $a <=> $b } keys %sizes; } else { $method= 'optree'; @size= sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $self->{size}{$type} }; } my $else= ( $opt{else} ||= 0 ); for my $size ( @size ) { my $optree= $self->$method( %opt, type => $type, max_depth => $size ); my $cond= "((e)-(s) > " . ( $size - 1 ).")"; $else= __cond_join( $cond, $optree, $else ); } return $else; } # _cond_as_str # turn a list of conditions into a text expression # - merges ranges of conditions, and joins the result with || sub _cond_as_str { my ( $self, $op, $combine )= @_; my $cond= $op->{vals}; my $test= $op->{test}; return "( $test )" if !defined $cond; # rangify the list my @ranges; my $Update= sub { if ( @ranges ) { if ( $ranges[-1][0] == $ranges[-1][1] ) { $ranges[-1]= $ranges[-1][0]; } elsif ( $ranges[-1][0] + 1 == $ranges[-1][1] ) { $ranges[-1]= $ranges[-1][0]; push @ranges, $ranges[-1] + 1; } } }; for my $cond ( @$cond ) { if ( !@ranges || $cond != $ranges[-1][1] + 1 ) { $Update->(); push @ranges, [ $cond, $cond ]; } else { $ranges[-1][1]++; } } $Update->(); return $self->_combine( $test, @ranges ) if $combine; @ranges= map { ref $_ ? sprintf( "( $self->{val_fmt} <= $test && $test <= $self->{val_fmt} )", @$_ ) : sprintf( "$self->{val_fmt} == $test", $_ ); } @ranges; return "( " . join( " || ", @ranges ) . " )"; } # _combine # recursively turn a list of conditions into a fast break-out condition # used by _cond_as_str() for 'cp' type macros. sub _combine { my ( $self, $test, @cond )= @_; return if !@cond; my $item= shift @cond; my ( $cstr, $gtv ); if ( ref $item ) { $cstr= sprintf( "( $self->{val_fmt} <= $test && $test <= $self->{val_fmt} )", @$item ); $gtv= sprintf "$self->{val_fmt}", $item->[1]; } else { $cstr= sprintf( "$self->{val_fmt} == $test", $item ); $gtv= sprintf "$self->{val_fmt}", $item; } if ( @cond ) { return "( $cstr || ( $gtv < $test &&\n" . $self->_combine( $test, @cond ) . " ) )"; } else { return $cstr; } } # _render() # recursively convert an optree to text with reasonably neat formatting sub _render { my ( $self, $op, $combine, $brace )= @_; if ( !ref $op ) { return $op; } my $cond= $self->_cond_as_str( $op, $combine ); my $yes= $self->_render( $op->{yes}, $combine, 1 ); my $no= $self->_render( $op->{no}, $combine, 0 ); return "( $cond )" if $yes eq '1' and $no eq '0'; my ( $lb, $rb )= $brace ? ( "( ", " )" ) : ( "", "" ); return "$lb$cond ? $yes : $no$rb" if !ref( $op->{yes} ) && !ref( $op->{no} ); my $ind1= " " x 4; my $ind= "\n" . ( $ind1 x $op->{depth} ); if ( ref $op->{yes} ) { $yes= $ind . $ind1 . $yes; } else { $yes= " " . $yes; } return "$lb$cond ?$yes$ind: $no$rb"; } # $expr=render($op,$combine) # # convert an optree to text with reasonably neat formatting. If $combine # is true then the condition is created using "fast breakouts" which # produce uglier expressions that are more efficient for common case, # longer lists such as that resulting from type 'cp' output. # Currently only used for type 'cp' macros. sub render { my ( $self, $op, $combine )= @_; my $str= "( " . $self->_render( $op, $combine ) . " )"; return __clean( $str ); } # make_macro # make a macro of a given type. # calls into make_trie and (generic_|length_)optree as needed # Opts are: # type : 'cp','generic','low','latin1','utf8','LATIN1','UTF8' # ret_type : 'cp' or 'len' # safe : add length guards to macro # # type defaults to 'generic', and ret_type to 'len' unless type is 'cp' # in which case it defaults to 'cp' as well. # # it is illegal to do a type 'cp' macro on a pattern with multi-codepoint # sequences in it, as the generated macro will accept only a single codepoint # as an argument. # # returns the macro. sub make_macro { my $self= shift; my %opts= @_; my $type= $opts{type} || 'generic'; die "Can't do a 'cp' on multi-codepoint character class '$self->{op}'" if $type eq 'cp' and $self->{has_multi}; my $ret_type= $opts{ret_type} || ( $opts{type} eq 'cp' ? 'cp' : 'len' ); my $method; if ( $opts{safe} ) { $method= 'length_optree'; } elsif ( $type eq 'generic' ) { $method= 'generic_optree'; } else { $method= 'optree'; } my $optree= $self->$method( %opts, type => $type, ret_type => $ret_type ); my $text= $self->render( $optree, $type eq 'cp' ); my @args= $type eq 'cp' ? 'cp' : 's'; push @args, "e" if $opts{safe}; push @args, "is_utf8" if $type eq 'generic'; push @args, "len" if $ret_type eq 'both'; my $pfx= $ret_type eq 'both' ? 'what_len_' : $ret_type eq 'cp' ? 'what_' : 'is_'; my $ext= $type eq 'generic' ? '' : '_' . lc( $type ); $ext .= "_safe" if $opts{safe}; my $argstr= join ",", @args; return "/*** GENERATED CODE ***/\n" . __macro( "#define $pfx$self->{op}$ext($argstr)\n$text" ); } # if we arent being used as a module (highly likely) then process # the __DATA__ below and produce macros in regcharclass.h # if an argument is provided to the script then it is assumed to # be the path of the file to output to, if the arg is '-' outputs # to STDOUT. if ( !caller ) { $|++; my $path= shift @ARGV; if ( !$path ) { $path= "regcharclass.h"; if ( !-e $path ) { $path= "../$path" } if ( !-e $path ) { die "Can't find '$path' to update!\n" } } my $out_fh; if ( $path eq '-' ) { $out_fh= \*STDOUT; } else { rename $path, "$path.bak"; open $out_fh, ">", $path or die "Can't write to '$path':$!"; binmode $out_fh; # want unix line endings even when run on win32. } my ( $zero )= $0 =~ /([^\\\/]+)$/; print $out_fh <<"HEADER"; /* -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- * * regcharclass.h * * Copyright (C) 2007, by Larry Wall and others * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. * * !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! * This file is built by Porting/$zero. * * Any changes made here will be lost! * */ HEADER my ( $op, $title, @txt, @types, @mods ); my $doit= sub { return unless $op; print $out_fh "/*\n\t$op: $title\n\n"; print $out_fh join "\n", ( map { "\t$_" } @txt ), "*/", ""; my $obj= __PACKAGE__->new( op => $op, title => $title, txt => \@txt ); #die Dumper(\@types,\@mods); foreach my $type_spec ( @types ) { my ( $type, $ret )= split /-/, $type_spec; $ret ||= 'len'; foreach my $mod ( @mods ) { next if $mod eq 'safe' and $type eq 'cp'; my $macro= $obj->make_macro( type => $type, ret_type => $ret, safe => $mod eq 'safe' ); print $out_fh $macro, "\n"; } } }; while ( <DATA> ) { s/^\s*#//; next unless /\S/; chomp; if ( /^([A-Z]+)/ ) { $doit->(); ( $op, $title )= split /\s*:\s*/, $_, 2; @txt= (); } elsif ( s/^=>// ) { my ( $type, $modifier )= split /:/, $_; @types= split ' ', $type; @mods= split ' ', $modifier; } else { push @txt, "$_"; } } $doit->(); print $out_fh "/* ex: set ro: */\n"; print "updated $path\n" if $path ne '-'; } # # Valid types: generic, LATIN1, UTF8, low, latin1, utf8 # default return value is octects read. # append -cp to make it codepoint matched. # modifiers come after the colon, valid possibilities # being 'fast' and 'safe'. # 1; # in the unlikely case we are being used as a module __DATA__ LNBREAK: Line Break: \R => generic UTF8 LATIN1 :fast safe "\x0D\x0A" # CRLF - Network (Windows) line ending 0x0A # LF | LINE FEED 0x0B # VT | VERTICAL TAB 0x0C # FF | FORM FEED 0x0D # CR | CARRIAGE RETURN 0x85 # NEL | NEXT LINE 0x2028 # LINE SEPARATOR 0x2029 # PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR HORIZWS: Horizontal Whitespace: \h \H => generic UTF8 LATIN1 cp :fast safe 0x09 # HT 0x20 # SPACE 0xa0 # NBSP 0x1680 # OGHAM SPACE MARK 0x180e # MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR 0x2000 # EN QUAD 0x2001 # EM QUAD 0x2002 # EN SPACE 0x2003 # EM SPACE 0x2004 # THREE-PER-EM SPACE 0x2005 # FOUR-PER-EM SPACE 0x2006 # SIX-PER-EM SPACE 0x2007 # FIGURE SPACE 0x2008 # PUNCTUATION SPACE 0x2009 # THIN SPACE 0x200A # HAIR SPACE 0x202f # NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE 0x205f # MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE 0x3000 # IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE VERTWS: Vertical Whitespace: \v \V => generic UTF8 LATIN1 cp :fast safe 0x0A # LF 0x0B # VT 0x0C # FF 0x0D # CR 0x85 # NEL 0x2028 # LINE SEPARATOR 0x2029 # PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR TRICKYFOLD: Problematic fold case letters. => generic cp generic-cp generic-both :fast safe 0x00DF # LATIN1 SMALL LETTER SHARP S 0x0390 # GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS 0x03B0 # GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIALYTIKA AND TONOS