=encoding utf8 =head1 NAME vote_admin_guide - Perl Governance Vote Administrator Guide =head1 Running a Steering Council nomination process Announce the nomination period to the Perl Core mailing list. Be explicit about the end time. Set a calendar reminder for yourself for when it's time to close the nominations and begin the voting. Remember that inactive Core Team members may not participate in the nomination or voting process. The governance document is clear that inactive members may not declare themselves active when a vote is proposed, which includes the nomination process. If someone outside the Core Team is nominated, contact them to confirm that they accept the nomination. If they do, ask the Steering Council to add them as a moderated member of the Perl Core list for the duration of the election and invite them to offer a statement on their candidacy to the list. Before the end of the nomination period, remind everyone of the schedule and share the current list of nominees to confirm you aren't missing anyone. At the end of the nomination period, notify the Perl Core list of the list of nominees and set their expectations for when you'll be opening the voting period. =head1 Using CIVS We are using L (CIVS), which is pretty easy to use, although it has a lot of options. First, bookmark that link, but realize that there are no user accounts. Whenever you create or participate in a poll, you'll get a unique URL, and you need to save it to come back to what you were doing before. =head2 Preliminary work You'll need to complete these steps. =head3 Get list of active Core Team member emails This can be found in the F file. =head3 Remind Core Team members to opt-in their email address CIVS has a required opt-in to send polls out to an email address. The active Core Team members that would like to vote and haven't opted-in yet must use the following link with the email address they have in F: L =head2 Running an election on CIVS The following instructions describe steps to run an election. =head3 Creating a poll On the right sidebar of the CIVS landing page is a list of links, and the first one is Create a poll. Some of the things it asks for are simple: what's it called? Who is running it? It asks for an email address, and it has to work: that's where you're going to get all the links! Note that "day and time you plan to stop" is just a text box. It gets sent to the recipient in their invitation to vote. It does not schedule one dang thing, so you better set yourself a reminder to close the poll on time! Also, remember to think about time zones! (You are free to selfishly pick your local time.) The description box is limited HTML: you can put in C<<

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