If you read this file _as_is_, just ignore the funny characters you see.
It is written in the POD format (see pod/perlpod.pod) which is specially
designed to be readable as is.

=head1 NAME

README.macos - Perl under Mac OS (Classic)


This document briefly describes perl under Mac OS (Classic).
If you are running perl under Mac OS X, you don't want to be
here (unless you are in the Classic environment under early versions of
Mac OS X).

When we say "Mac OS" below, we mean Mac OS 7, 8, and 9, and I<not>
Mac OS X.


The port of Perl to to Mac OS was officially removed as of Perl 5.12,
though the last offical production release of MacPerl corresponded to 
Perl 5.6. While Perl 5.10 included the port to Mac OS, ExtUtils::MakeMaker,
a core part of Perl's module installation infrastructure officially dropped support for Mac OS in April 2004.

Historical information (and working binaries of the last released version)
are available from L<http://dev.macperl.org> as of October 2009.

=head1 AUTHOR

perl was ported to Mac OS by Matthias Neeracher
E<lt>neeracher@mac.comE<gt>. Chris Nandor E<lt>pudge@pobox.comE<gt>
continued development and maintenance for the duration of the port's life.