/* * Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Malcolm Beattie * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. * */ /* * This file is autogenerated from bytecode.pl. Changes made here will be lost. */ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" void * bset_obj_store(void *obj, I32 ix) { if (ix > PL_bytecode_obj_list_fill) { if (PL_bytecode_obj_list_fill == -1) New(666, PL_bytecode_obj_list, ix + 1, void*); else Renew(PL_bytecode_obj_list, ix + 1, void*); PL_bytecode_obj_list_fill = ix; } PL_bytecode_obj_list[ix] = obj; return obj; } #ifdef INDIRECT_BGET_MACROS void byterun(struct bytestream bs) #else void byterun(PerlIO *fp) #endif /* INDIRECT_BGET_MACROS */ { dTHR; int insn; while ((insn = BGET_FGETC()) != EOF) { switch (insn) { case INSN_COMMENT: /* 35 */ { comment_t arg; BGET_comment_t(arg); arg = arg; break; } case INSN_NOP: /* 10 */ { break; } case INSN_RET: /* 0 */ { BSET_ret(none); break; } case INSN_LDSV: /* 1 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); PL_bytecode_sv = arg; break; } case INSN_LDOP: /* 2 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); PL_op = arg; break; } case INSN_STSV: /* 3 */ { U32 arg; BGET_U32(arg); BSET_OBJ_STORE(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_STOP: /* 4 */ { U32 arg; BGET_U32(arg); BSET_OBJ_STORE(PL_op, arg); break; } case INSN_LDSPECSV: /* 5 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); BSET_ldspecsv(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_NEWSV: /* 6 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); BSET_newsv(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_NEWOP: /* 7 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); BSET_newop(PL_op, arg); break; } case INSN_NEWOPN: /* 8 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); BSET_newopn(PL_op, arg); break; } case INSN_NEWPV: /* 9 */ { PV arg; BGET_PV(arg); break; } case INSN_PV_CUR: /* 11 */ { STRLEN arg; BGET_U32(arg); PL_bytecode_pv.xpv_cur = arg; break; } case INSN_PV_FREE: /* 12 */ { BSET_pv_free(PL_bytecode_pv); break; } case INSN_SV_UPGRADE: /* 13 */ { char arg; BGET_U8(arg); BSET_sv_upgrade(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_SV_REFCNT: /* 14 */ { U32 arg; BGET_U32(arg); SvREFCNT(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_SV_REFCNT_ADD: /* 15 */ { I32 arg; BGET_I32(arg); BSET_sv_refcnt_add(SvREFCNT(PL_bytecode_sv), arg); break; } case INSN_SV_FLAGS: /* 16 */ { U32 arg; BGET_U32(arg); SvFLAGS(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XRV: /* 17 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); SvRV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XPV: /* 18 */ { BSET_xpv(PL_bytecode_sv); break; } case INSN_XIV32: /* 19 */ { I32 arg; BGET_I32(arg); SvIVX(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIV64: /* 20 */ { IV64 arg; BGET_IV64(arg); SvIVX(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XNV: /* 21 */ { double arg; BGET_double(arg); SvNVX(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XLV_TARGOFF: /* 22 */ { STRLEN arg; BGET_U32(arg); LvTARGOFF(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XLV_TARGLEN: /* 23 */ { STRLEN arg; BGET_U32(arg); LvTARGLEN(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XLV_TARG: /* 24 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); LvTARG(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XLV_TYPE: /* 25 */ { char arg; BGET_U8(arg); LvTYPE(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XBM_USEFUL: /* 26 */ { I32 arg; BGET_I32(arg); BmUSEFUL(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XBM_PREVIOUS: /* 27 */ { U16 arg; BGET_U16(arg); BmPREVIOUS(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XBM_RARE: /* 28 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); BmRARE(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XFM_LINES: /* 29 */ { I32 arg; BGET_I32(arg); FmLINES(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_LINES: /* 30 */ { long arg; BGET_I32(arg); IoLINES(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_PAGE: /* 31 */ { long arg; BGET_I32(arg); IoPAGE(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_PAGE_LEN: /* 32 */ { long arg; BGET_I32(arg); IoPAGE_LEN(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_LINES_LEFT: /* 33 */ { long arg; BGET_I32(arg); IoLINES_LEFT(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_TOP_NAME: /* 34 */ { pvcontents arg; BGET_pvcontents(arg); IoTOP_NAME(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_TOP_GV: /* 36 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&IoTOP_GV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_FMT_NAME: /* 37 */ { pvcontents arg; BGET_pvcontents(arg); IoFMT_NAME(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_FMT_GV: /* 38 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&IoFMT_GV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_BOTTOM_NAME: /* 39 */ { pvcontents arg; BGET_pvcontents(arg); IoBOTTOM_NAME(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_BOTTOM_GV: /* 40 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&IoBOTTOM_GV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_SUBPROCESS: /* 41 */ { short arg; BGET_U16(arg); IoSUBPROCESS(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_TYPE: /* 42 */ { char arg; BGET_U8(arg); IoTYPE(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XIO_FLAGS: /* 43 */ { char arg; BGET_U8(arg); IoFLAGS(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XCV_STASH: /* 44 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&CvSTASH(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XCV_START: /* 45 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); CvSTART(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XCV_ROOT: /* 46 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); CvROOT(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XCV_GV: /* 47 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&CvGV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XCV_FILEGV: /* 48 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&CvFILEGV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XCV_DEPTH: /* 49 */ { long arg; BGET_I32(arg); CvDEPTH(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XCV_PADLIST: /* 50 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&CvPADLIST(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XCV_OUTSIDE: /* 51 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&CvOUTSIDE(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XCV_FLAGS: /* 52 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); CvFLAGS(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_AV_EXTEND: /* 53 */ { SSize_t arg; BGET_I32(arg); BSET_av_extend(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_AV_PUSH: /* 54 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); BSET_av_push(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_XAV_FILL: /* 55 */ { SSize_t arg; BGET_I32(arg); AvFILLp(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XAV_MAX: /* 56 */ { SSize_t arg; BGET_I32(arg); AvMAX(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XAV_FLAGS: /* 57 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); AvFLAGS(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XHV_RITER: /* 58 */ { I32 arg; BGET_I32(arg); HvRITER(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_XHV_NAME: /* 59 */ { pvcontents arg; BGET_pvcontents(arg); HvNAME(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_HV_STORE: /* 60 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); BSET_hv_store(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_SV_MAGIC: /* 61 */ { char arg; BGET_U8(arg); BSET_sv_magic(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_MG_OBJ: /* 62 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); SvMAGIC(PL_bytecode_sv)->mg_obj = arg; break; } case INSN_MG_PRIVATE: /* 63 */ { U16 arg; BGET_U16(arg); SvMAGIC(PL_bytecode_sv)->mg_private = arg; break; } case INSN_MG_FLAGS: /* 64 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); SvMAGIC(PL_bytecode_sv)->mg_flags = arg; break; } case INSN_MG_PV: /* 65 */ { pvcontents arg; BGET_pvcontents(arg); BSET_mg_pv(SvMAGIC(PL_bytecode_sv), arg); break; } case INSN_XMG_STASH: /* 66 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&SvSTASH(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GV_FETCHPV: /* 67 */ { strconst arg; BGET_strconst(arg); BSET_gv_fetchpv(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_GV_STASHPV: /* 68 */ { strconst arg; BGET_strconst(arg); BSET_gv_stashpv(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_GP_SV: /* 69 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); GvSV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GP_REFCNT: /* 70 */ { U32 arg; BGET_U32(arg); GvREFCNT(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GP_REFCNT_ADD: /* 71 */ { I32 arg; BGET_I32(arg); BSET_gp_refcnt_add(GvREFCNT(PL_bytecode_sv), arg); break; } case INSN_GP_AV: /* 72 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&GvAV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GP_HV: /* 73 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&GvHV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GP_CV: /* 74 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&GvCV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GP_FILEGV: /* 75 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&GvFILEGV(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GP_IO: /* 76 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&GvIOp(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GP_FORM: /* 77 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&GvFORM(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GP_CVGEN: /* 78 */ { U32 arg; BGET_U32(arg); GvCVGEN(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GP_LINE: /* 79 */ { line_t arg; BGET_U16(arg); GvLINE(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_GP_SHARE: /* 80 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); BSET_gp_share(PL_bytecode_sv, arg); break; } case INSN_XGV_FLAGS: /* 81 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); GvFLAGS(PL_bytecode_sv) = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_NEXT: /* 82 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); PL_op->op_next = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_SIBLING: /* 83 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); PL_op->op_sibling = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_PPADDR: /* 84 */ { strconst arg; BGET_strconst(arg); BSET_op_ppaddr(PL_op->op_ppaddr, arg); break; } case INSN_OP_TARG: /* 85 */ { PADOFFSET arg; BGET_U32(arg); PL_op->op_targ = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_TYPE: /* 86 */ { OPCODE arg; BGET_U16(arg); BSET_op_type(PL_op, arg); break; } case INSN_OP_SEQ: /* 87 */ { U16 arg; BGET_U16(arg); PL_op->op_seq = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_FLAGS: /* 88 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); PL_op->op_flags = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_PRIVATE: /* 89 */ { U8 arg; BGET_U8(arg); PL_op->op_private = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_FIRST: /* 90 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); cUNOP->op_first = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_LAST: /* 91 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); cBINOP->op_last = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_OTHER: /* 92 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); cLOGOP->op_other = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_TRUE: /* 93 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); cCONDOP->op_true = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_FALSE: /* 94 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); cCONDOP->op_false = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_CHILDREN: /* 95 */ { U32 arg; BGET_U32(arg); cLISTOP->op_children = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_PMREPLROOT: /* 96 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); cPMOP->op_pmreplroot = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_PMREPLROOTGV: /* 97 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&cPMOP->op_pmreplroot = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_PMREPLSTART: /* 98 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); cPMOP->op_pmreplstart = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_PMNEXT: /* 99 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); *(OP**)&cPMOP->op_pmnext = arg; break; } case INSN_PREGCOMP: /* 100 */ { pvcontents arg; BGET_pvcontents(arg); BSET_pregcomp(PL_op, arg); break; } case INSN_OP_PMFLAGS: /* 101 */ { U16 arg; BGET_U16(arg); cPMOP->op_pmflags = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_PMPERMFLAGS: /* 102 */ { U16 arg; BGET_U16(arg); cPMOP->op_pmpermflags = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_SV: /* 103 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); cSVOP->op_sv = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_GV: /* 104 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&cGVOP->op_gv = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_PV: /* 105 */ { pvcontents arg; BGET_pvcontents(arg); cPVOP->op_pv = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_PV_TR: /* 106 */ { op_tr_array arg; BGET_op_tr_array(arg); cPVOP->op_pv = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_REDOOP: /* 107 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); cLOOP->op_redoop = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_NEXTOP: /* 108 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); cLOOP->op_nextop = arg; break; } case INSN_OP_LASTOP: /* 109 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); cLOOP->op_lastop = arg; break; } case INSN_COP_LABEL: /* 110 */ { pvcontents arg; BGET_pvcontents(arg); cCOP->cop_label = arg; break; } case INSN_COP_STASH: /* 111 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&cCOP->cop_stash = arg; break; } case INSN_COP_FILEGV: /* 112 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); *(SV**)&cCOP->cop_filegv = arg; break; } case INSN_COP_SEQ: /* 113 */ { U32 arg; BGET_U32(arg); cCOP->cop_seq = arg; break; } case INSN_COP_ARYBASE: /* 114 */ { I32 arg; BGET_I32(arg); cCOP->cop_arybase = arg; break; } case INSN_COP_LINE: /* 115 */ { line_t arg; BGET_U16(arg); cCOP->cop_line = arg; break; } case INSN_COP_WARNINGS: /* 116 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); cCOP->cop_warnings = arg; break; } case INSN_MAIN_START: /* 117 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); PL_main_start = arg; break; } case INSN_MAIN_ROOT: /* 118 */ { opindex arg; BGET_opindex(arg); PL_main_root = arg; break; } case INSN_CURPAD: /* 119 */ { svindex arg; BGET_svindex(arg); BSET_curpad(PL_curpad, arg); break; } default: croak("Illegal bytecode instruction %d\n", insn); /* NOTREACHED */ } } }