#!./miniperl -w $config_pm = $ARGV[0] || 'lib/Config.pm'; @ARGV = "./config.sh"; # list names to put first (and hence lookup fastest) @fast = qw(osname osvers so libpth archlib sharpbang startsh shsharp dynamic_ext static_ext extensions dl_src sig_name ccflags cppflags intsize); open CONFIG, ">$config_pm" or die "Can't open $config_pm: $!\n"; $myver = sprintf("%.3f", $]); print CONFIG <<"ENDOFBEG"; package Config; require Exporter; \@ISA = (Exporter); \@EXPORT = qw(%Config); \$] == $myver or die sprintf "Perl lib version ($myver) doesn't match executable version (%.3f)\\n", \$]; # This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes # made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built. ENDOFBEG @fast{@fast} = @fast; @non_v=(); @v_fast=(); @v_others=(); while (<>) { next if m:^#!/bin/sh:; # Catch CONFIG=true and PATCHLEVEL=n line from Configure. s/^(\w+)=(true|\d+)\s*$/$1='$2'\n/; unless (m/^(\w+)='(.*)'\s*$/){ push(@non_v, "#$_"); # not a name='value' line next; } if (!$fast{$1}){ push(@v_others, $_); next; } push(@v_fast,$_); } foreach(@non_v){ print CONFIG $_ } print CONFIG "\n", "\$config_sh=<<'!END!OF!CONFIG!';\n", join("", @v_fast, sort @v_others), "!END!OF!CONFIG!\n\n"; print CONFIG <<'ENDOFEND'; tie %Config, Config; sub TIEHASH { bless {} } sub FETCH { # check for cached value (which maybe undef so we use exists not defined) return $_[0]->{$_[1]} if (exists $_[0]->{$_[1]}); my($value); # search for the item in the big $config_sh string return undef unless (($value) = $config_sh =~ m/^$_[1]='(.*)'\s*$/m); $value = undef if $value eq 'undef'; # So we can say "if $Config{'foo'}". $_[0]->{$_[1]} = $value; # cache it return $value; } sub FIRSTKEY { $prevpos = 0; my $key; ($key) = $config_sh =~ m/^(.*)=/; $key; } sub NEXTKEY { my ($pos, $len); $pos = $prevpos; $pos = index( $config_sh, "\n", $pos) + 1; $prevpos = $pos; $len = index( $config_sh, "=", $pos) - $pos; $len > 0 ? substr( $config_sh, $pos, $len) : undef; } sub EXISTS{ exists($_[0]->{$_[1]}) or $config_sh =~ m/^$_[1]=/m; } sub readonly { die "\%Config::Config is read-only\n" } sub STORE { &readonly } sub DELETE{ &readonly } sub CLEAR { &readonly } 1; ENDOFEND close(CONFIG); # Now do some simple tests on the Config.pm file we have created unshift(@INC,'lib'); require $config_pm; import Config; die "$0: $config_pm not valid" unless $Config{'CONFIG'} eq 'true'; die "$0: error processing $config_pm" if defined($Config{'an impossible name'}) or $Config{'CONFIG'} ne 'true' # test cache ; die "$0: error processing $config_pm" if eval '$Config{"cc"} = 1' or eval 'delete $Config{"cc"}' ; exit 0;