# Test that header generation is spec compliant. # References: # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc822/3_Lexical.html use strict; use warnings; use Test::More 'no_plan'; use CGI; my $cgi = CGI->new; like $cgi->header( -type => "text/html" ), qr#Type: text/html#, 'known header, basic case: type => "text/html"'; eval { $cgi->header( -type => "text/html".$CGI::CRLF."evil: stuff" ) }; like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'invalid header blows up'); like $cgi->header( -type => "text/html".$CGI::CRLF." evil: stuff " ), qr#Content-Type: text/html evil: stuff#, 'known header, with leading and trailing whitespace on the continuation line'; eval { $cgi->header( -foobar => "text/html".$CGI::CRLF."evil: stuff" ) }; like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'unknown header with CRLF embedded blows up'); eval { $cgi->header( -foobar => $CGI::CRLF."Content-type: evil/header" ) }; like($@,qr/contains a newline/, 'unknown header with leading newlines blows up'); eval { $cgi->redirect( -type => "text/html".$CGI::CRLF."evil: stuff" ) }; like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'redirect with known header with CRLF embedded blows up'); eval { $cgi->redirect( -foobar => "text/html".$CGI::CRLF."evil: stuff" ) }; like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'redirect with unknown header with CRLF embedded blows up'); eval { $cgi->redirect( $CGI::CRLF.$CGI::CRLF."Content-Type: text/html") }; like($@,qr/contains a newline/,'redirect with leading newlines blows up'); { my $cgi = CGI->new('t=bogus%0A%0A'); my $out; eval { $out = $cgi->redirect( $cgi->param('t') ) }; like($@,qr/contains a newline/, "redirect does not allow double-newline injection"); }