use strict; use warnings; use Test::More 0.88; use CPAN::Meta; use Storable qw(dclone); use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); delete $ENV{PERL_YAML_BACKEND}; delete $ENV{PERL_JSON_BACKEND}; delete $ENV{CPAN_META_JSON_BACKEND}; delete $ENV{CPAN_META_JSON_DECODER}; my $distmeta = { name => 'Module-Build', abstract => 'Build and install Perl modules', description => "Module::Build is a system for building, testing, " . "and installing Perl modules. It is meant to be an " . "alternative to ExtUtils::MakeMaker... blah blah blah", version => '0.36', author => [ 'Ken Williams ', 'Module-Build List ', # additional contact ], release_status => 'stable', license => [ 'perl_5' ], prereqs => { runtime => { requires => { 'perl' => '5.006', 'Config' => '0', 'Cwd' => '0', 'Data::Dumper' => '0', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '0', 'File::Basename' => '0', 'File::Compare' => '0', 'File::Copy' => '0', 'File::Find' => '0', 'File::Path' => '0', 'File::Spec' => '0', 'IO::File' => '0', }, recommends => { 'Archive::Tar' => '1.00', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '0.3', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.02', 'Pod::Text' => '0', 'YAML' => '0.35', }, }, build => { requires => { 'Test::More' => '0', }, } }, resources => { license => [''], }, optional_features => { domination => { description => 'Take over the world', prereqs => { develop => { requires => { 'Genius::Evil' => '1.234' } }, runtime => { requires => { 'Machine::Weather' => '2.0' } }, }, }, }, dynamic_config => 1, keywords => [ qw/ toolchain cpan dual-life / ], 'meta-spec' => { version => '2', url => '', }, generated_by => 'Module::Build version 0.36', x_authority => 'cpan:FLORA', X_deep => { deep => 'structure' }, }; my $meta = CPAN::Meta->new(dclone $distmeta); is( blessed($meta->as_struct), undef, "the result of ->as_struct is unblessed", ); is_deeply( $meta->as_struct, $distmeta, "->as_struct (deep comparison)" ); isnt( $meta->as_struct, $distmeta, "->as_struct (is a deep clone)" ); my $old_copy = $meta->as_struct( {version => "1.4"} ); is( $old_copy->{'meta-spec'}{version}, "1.4", "->as_struct (downconversion)" ); isnt( $meta->resources, $meta->{resources}, "->resource (map values are deep cloned)"); is($meta->name, 'Module-Build', '->name'); is($meta->abstract, 'Build and install Perl modules', '->abstract'); like($meta->description, qr/Module::Build.+blah blah blah/, '->description'); is($meta->version, '0.36', '->version'); ok($meta->dynamic_config, "->dynamic_config"); is_deeply( [ $meta->author ], [ 'Ken Williams ', 'Module-Build List ', ], '->author', ); is_deeply( [ $meta->authors ], [ 'Ken Williams ', 'Module-Build List ', ], '->authors', ); is_deeply( [ $meta->license ], [ qw(perl_5) ], '->license', ); is_deeply( [ $meta->licenses ], [ qw(perl_5) ], '->licenses', ); is_deeply( [ $meta->keywords ], [ qw/ toolchain cpan dual-life / ], '->keywords', ); is_deeply( $meta->resources, { license => [ '' ] }, '->resources', ); is_deeply( $meta->meta_spec, { version => '2', url => '', }, '->meta_spec', ); is($meta->meta_spec_version, '2', '->meta_spec_version'); like($meta->generated_by, qr/Module::Build version 0.36/, '->generated_by'); my $basic = $meta->effective_prereqs; is_deeply( $basic->as_string_hash, $distmeta->{prereqs}, "->effective_prereqs()" ); is_deeply( [ sort $meta->custom_keys ] , [ 'X_deep', 'x_authority' ], "->custom_keys" ); is( $meta->custom('x_authority'), 'cpan:FLORA', "->custom(X)" ); is_deeply( $meta->custom('X_deep'), $distmeta->{'X_deep'}, "->custom(X) [is_deeply]" ); isnt( $meta->custom('X_deep'), $distmeta->{'X_deep'}, "->custom(x) [is a deep clone]" ); my $with_features = $meta->effective_prereqs([ qw(domination) ]); is_deeply( $with_features->as_string_hash, { develop => { requires => { 'Genius::Evil' => '1.234' } }, runtime => { requires => { 'perl' => '5.006', 'Config' => '0', 'Cwd' => '0', 'Data::Dumper' => '0', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '0', 'File::Basename' => '0', 'File::Compare' => '0', 'File::Copy' => '0', 'File::Find' => '0', 'File::Path' => '0', 'File::Spec' => '0', 'IO::File' => '0', 'Machine::Weather' => '2.0', }, recommends => { 'Archive::Tar' => '1.00', 'ExtUtils::Install' => '0.3', 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' => '2.02', 'Pod::Text' => '0', 'YAML' => '0.35', }, }, build => { requires => { 'Test::More' => '0', }, } }, "->effective_prereqs([ qw(domination) ])" ); my $chk_feature = sub { my $feature = shift; isa_ok($feature, 'CPAN::Meta::Feature'); is($feature->identifier, 'domination', '$feature->identifier'); is($feature->description, 'Take over the world', '$feature->description'); is_deeply( $feature->prereqs->as_string_hash, { develop => { requires => { 'Genius::Evil' => '1.234' } }, runtime => { requires => { 'Machine::Weather' => '2.0' } }, }, '$feature->prereqs', ); }; my @features = $meta->features; is(@features, 1, "we got one feature"); $chk_feature->($features[0]); $chk_feature->( $meta->feature('domination') ); sub read_file { my $filename = shift; open my $fh, '<', $filename; local $/; my $string = <$fh>; $string =~ s/\$VERSION/$CPAN::Meta::VERSION/g; $string; } sub clean_backends { my $string = shift; $string =~ s{"?generated_by.*}{}; $string =~ s{"?x_serialization_backend.*}{}; return $string; } is( clean_backends($meta->as_string()), clean_backends(read_file('t/data-valid/META-2.json')), 'as_string with no arguments defaults to version 2 and JSON', ); is( clean_backends($meta->as_string({ version => 2 })), clean_backends(read_file('t/data-valid/META-2.json')), 'as_string using version 2 defaults to JSON', ); is( clean_backends($meta->as_string({ version => 1.4 })), clean_backends(read_file('t/data-valid/META-1_4.yml')), 'as_string using version 1.4 defaults to YAML', ); done_testing; # vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et :