#! perl -w use strict ; require 5.006 ; use lib '.'; use private::MakeUtil; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 5.16 ; use ExtUtils::Install (); # only needed to check for version use Config; my $ZLIB_LIB ; my $ZLIB_INCLUDE ; my $BUILD_ZLIB = 0 ; my $OLD_ZLIB = '' ; my $WALL = '' ; my $GZIP_OS_CODE = -1 ; my $USE_PPPORT_H = ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? '' : '-DUSE_PPPORT_H'; my $OPTIMIZE = $Config{'optimize'}; if ($Config{'gccversion'} and $OPTIMIZE =~ /-g (gdb)? 3/x) { $OPTIMIZE =~ s/-g(gdb)?3/-g/g; # [88936] out of memory with -g3 since 2.062 } # Windows uses a different name for the zlib library my $ZLIB_LIBRARY_NAME = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'zlib' : 'z' ; #$WALL = ' -pedantic ' if $Config{'cc'} =~ /gcc/ ; #$WALL = ' -Wall -Wno-comment ' if $Config{'cc'} =~ /gcc/ ; # Ticket #18986 says that ExtUtils::Install 1.39 fixes the in-use issue # on win32/cygwin, so make the code below conditional on the version of # ExtUtils::Install. # Don't ask if MM_USE_DEFAULT is set -- enables perl core building on cygwin if ($^O =~ /cygwin/i and $ExtUtils::Install::VERSION < 1.39 and not ($ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} or $ENV{PERL_CORE})) { print < ; if ($answer =~ /^yes|y/i) { print "continuing...\n" } else { print "exiting...\n" ; exit 1 ; } } ParseCONFIG() ; UpDowngrade(getPerlFiles('MANIFEST')) unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Compress::Raw::Zlib', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Compress/Raw/Zlib.pm', INC => "-I$ZLIB_INCLUDE" , DEFINE => "-DNO_VIZ -DZ_SOLO $OLD_ZLIB $WALL -DGZIP_OS_CODE=$GZIP_OS_CODE $USE_PPPORT_H" , XS => { 'Zlib.xs' => 'Zlib.c'}, 'depend' => { 'Makefile' => 'config.in' }, 'clean' => { FILES => '*.c constants.h constants.xs' }, 'dist' => { COMPRESS => 'gzip', TARFLAGS => '-chvf', SUFFIX => 'gz', DIST_DEFAULT => 'MyTrebleCheck tardist', }, ( $BUILD_ZLIB ? zlib_files($ZLIB_LIB) : (LIBS => [ "-L$ZLIB_LIB -l$ZLIB_LIBRARY_NAME " ]) ), OPTIMIZE => $OPTIMIZE, INSTALLDIRS => ($] >= 5.009 && $] < 5.011 ? 'perl' : 'site'), META_MERGE => { no_index => { directory => [ 't', 'private' ], }, }, ((ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION() gt '6.30') ? ('LICENSE' => 'perl') : ()), ) ; sub version_Macro { my $ver = shift ; return [ "#if ZLIB_VERNUM >= 0x$ver\n", "#endif\n" ]; } my @names = qw( DEF_WBITS MAX_MEM_LEVEL MAX_WBITS OS_CODE Z_ASCII Z_BEST_COMPRESSION Z_BEST_SPEED Z_BINARY Z_BLOCK Z_BUF_ERROR Z_DATA_ERROR Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY Z_DEFLATED Z_ERRNO Z_FILTERED Z_FINISH Z_FIXED Z_FULL_FLUSH Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY Z_MEM_ERROR Z_NEED_DICT Z_NO_COMPRESSION Z_NO_FLUSH Z_NULL Z_OK Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH Z_RLE Z_STREAM_END Z_STREAM_ERROR Z_SYNC_FLUSH Z_UNKNOWN Z_VERSION_ERROR ); #ZLIB_VERNUM my %verSpecificNames = ( Z_TREES => '1240', ); if (eval {require ExtUtils::Constant; 1}) { # Check the constants above all appear in @EXPORT in Zlib.pm my %names = %verSpecificNames, map { $_, 1} @names, 'ZLIB_VERSION'; open F, ") { last if /^\s*\@EXPORT\s+=\s+qw\(/ ; } while () { last if /^\s*\)/ ; /(\S+)/ ; delete $names{$1} if defined $1 ; } close F ; if ( keys %names ) { my $missing = join ("\n\t", sort keys %names) ; die "The following names are missing from \@EXPORT in Zlib.pm\n" . "\t$missing\n" ; } push @names, { name => 'ZLIB_VERSION', type => 'PV' }; push @names, map { { name => $_, macro => version_Macro $verSpecificNames{$_} } } keys %verSpecificNames ; ExtUtils::Constant::WriteConstants( NAME => 'Zlib', NAMES => \@names, C_FILE => 'constants.h', XS_FILE => 'constants.xs', ); } else { foreach my $name (qw( constants.h constants.xs )) { my $from = catfile('fallback', $name); copy ($from, $name) or die "Can't copy $from to $name: $!"; } } sub ParseCONFIG { my ($k, $v) ; my @badkey = () ; my %Info = () ; my @Options = qw( INCLUDE LIB BUILD_ZLIB OLD_ZLIB GZIP_OS_CODE ) ; my %ValidOption = map {$_, 1} @Options ; my %Parsed = %ValidOption ; my $CONFIG = 'config.in' ; print "Parsing $CONFIG...\n" ; open(F, "<$CONFIG") or die "Cannot open file $CONFIG: $!\n" ; while () { s/^\s*|\s*$//g ; next if /^\s*$/ or /^\s*#/ ; s/\s*#\s*$// ; ($k, $v) = split(/\s+=\s+/, $_, 2) ; $k = uc $k ; if ($ValidOption{$k}) { delete $Parsed{$k} ; $Info{$k} = $v ; } else { push(@badkey, $k) ; } } close F ; print "Unknown keys in $CONFIG ignored [@badkey]\n" if @badkey ; # check parsed values my @missing = () ; die "The following keys are missing from $CONFIG [@missing]\n" if @missing = keys %Parsed ; $ZLIB_INCLUDE = defined $ENV{'ZLIB_INCLUDE'} ? $ENV{'ZLIB_INCLUDE'} : $Info{'INCLUDE'} ; $ZLIB_LIB = defined $ENV{'ZLIB_LIB'} ?$ENV{'ZLIB_LIB'} : $Info{'LIB'} ; if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $ZLIB_INCLUDE = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($ZLIB_INCLUDE); $ZLIB_LIB = VMS::Filespec::vmspath($ZLIB_LIB); } my $y = defined $ENV{'OLD_ZLIB'} ? $ENV{'OLD_ZLIB'} : $Info{'OLD_ZLIB'} ; $OLD_ZLIB = '-DOLD_ZLIB' if $y and $y =~ /^yes|on|true|1$/i; my $x = defined $ENV{'BUILD_ZLIB'} ? $ENV{'BUILD_ZLIB'} : $Info{'BUILD_ZLIB'} ; if ($x and $x =~ /^yes|on|true|1$/i ) { $BUILD_ZLIB = 1 ; # ZLIB_LIB & ZLIB_INCLUDE must point to the same place when # BUILD_ZLIB is specified. die "INCLUDE & LIB must be the same when BUILD_ZLIB is True\n" if $ZLIB_LIB ne $ZLIB_INCLUDE ; # Check the zlib source directory exists die "LIB/INCLUDE directory '$ZLIB_LIB' does not exits\n" unless -d $ZLIB_LIB ; # check for a well known file die "LIB/INCLUDE directory, '$ZLIB_LIB', doesn't seem to have the zlib source files\n" unless -e catfile($ZLIB_LIB, 'zlib.h') ; # write the Makefile print "Building Zlib enabled\n" ; } $GZIP_OS_CODE = defined $ENV{'GZIP_OS_CODE'} ? $ENV{'GZIP_OS_CODE'} : $Info{'GZIP_OS_CODE'} ; die "GZIP_OS_CODE not 'AUTO_DETECT' or a number between 0 and 255\n" unless uc $GZIP_OS_CODE eq 'AUTO_DETECT' || ( $GZIP_OS_CODE =~ /^(\d+)$/ && $1 >= 0 && $1 <= 255) ; if (uc $GZIP_OS_CODE eq 'AUTO_DETECT') { print "Auto Detect Gzip OS Code..\n" ; $GZIP_OS_CODE = getOSCode() ; } my $name = getOSname($GZIP_OS_CODE); print "Setting Gzip OS Code to $GZIP_OS_CODE [$name]\n" ; print < [ @h_files ], 'C' => [ @c_files ] , #'OBJECT' => qq[ @o_files ], 'OBJECT' => q[ $(O_FILES) ], ) ; } use vars qw ( @GZIP_OS_Names %OSnames) ; BEGIN { @GZIP_OS_Names = ( [ '' => 0, 'MS-DOS' ], [ 'amigaos' => 1, 'Amiga' ], [ 'VMS' => 2, 'VMS' ], [ '' => 3, 'Unix/Default' ], [ '' => 4, 'VM/CMS' ], [ '' => 5, 'Atari TOS' ], [ 'os2' => 6, 'HPFS (OS/2, NT)' ], [ 'MacOS' => 7, 'Macintosh' ], [ '' => 8, 'Z-System' ], [ '' => 9, 'CP/M' ], [ '' => 10, 'TOPS-20' ], [ '' => 11, 'NTFS (NT)' ], [ '' => 12, 'SMS QDOS' ], [ '' => 13, 'Acorn RISCOS' ], [ 'MSWin32' => 14, 'VFAT file system (Win95, NT)' ], [ '' => 15, 'MVS' ], [ 'beos' => 16, 'BeOS' ], [ '' => 17, 'Tandem/NSK' ], [ '' => 18, 'THEOS' ], [ '' => 255, 'Unknown OS' ], ); %OSnames = map { $$_[1] => $$_[2] } @GZIP_OS_Names ; } sub getOSCode { my $default = 3 ; # Unix is the default my $uname = $^O; for my $h (@GZIP_OS_Names) { my ($pattern, $code, $name) = @$h; return $code if $pattern && $uname eq $pattern ; } return $default ; } sub getOSname { my $code = shift ; return $OSnames{$code} || 'Unknown OS' ; } # end of file Makefile.PL