#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { unshift @INC, 't/lib/'; } chdir 't'; BEGIN { $Testfile = 'testfile.foo'; } BEGIN { 1 while unlink $Testfile, 'newfile'; # forcibly remove ecmddir/temp2, but don't import mkpath use File::Path (); File::Path::rmtree( 'ecmddir' ) if -e 'ecmddir'; } use Test::More tests => 40; use File::Spec; BEGIN { # bad neighbor, but test_f() uses exit() *CORE::GLOBAL::exit = ''; # quiet 'only once' warning. *CORE::GLOBAL::exit = sub (;$) { return $_[0] }; use_ok( 'ExtUtils::Command' ); } { # concatenate this file with itself # be extra careful the regex doesn't match itself use TieOut; my $out = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut'; my $self = $0; unless (-f $self) { my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($self); my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs); unshift(@dirs, File::Spec->updir); $dirs = File::Spec->catdir(@dirs); $self = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dirs, $file); } @ARGV = ($self, $self); cat(); is( scalar( $$out =~ s/use_ok\( 'ExtUtils::Command'//g), 2, 'concatenation worked' ); # the truth value here is reversed -- Perl true is shell false @ARGV = ( $Testfile ); is( test_f(), 1, 'testing non-existent file' ); # these are destructive, have to keep setting @ARGV @ARGV = ( $Testfile ); touch(); @ARGV = ( $Testfile ); is( test_f(), 0, 'testing touch() and test_f()' ); is_deeply( \@ARGV, [$Testfile], 'test_f preserves @ARGV' ); @ARGV = ( $Testfile ); ok( -e $ARGV[0], 'created!' ); my ($now) = time; utime ($now, $now, $ARGV[0]); sleep 2; # Just checking modify time stamp, access time stamp is set # to the beginning of the day in Win95. # There's a small chance of a 1 second flutter here. my $stamp = (stat($ARGV[0]))[9]; cmp_ok( abs($now - $stamp), '<=', 1, 'checking modify time stamp' ) || diag "mtime == $stamp, should be $now"; @ARGV = qw(newfile); touch(); my $new_stamp = (stat('newfile'))[9]; cmp_ok( abs($new_stamp - $stamp), '>=', 2, 'newer file created' ); @ARGV = ('newfile', $Testfile); eqtime(); $stamp = (stat($Testfile))[9]; cmp_ok( abs($new_stamp - $stamp), '<=', 1, 'eqtime' ); # eqtime use to clear the contents of the file being equalized! open(FILE, ">>$Testfile") || die $!; print FILE "Foo"; close FILE; @ARGV = ('newfile', $Testfile); eqtime(); ok( -s $Testfile, "eqtime doesn't clear the file being equalized" ); SKIP: { if ($^O eq 'amigaos' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'MacOS' ) { skip( "different file permission semantics on $^O", 3); } # change a file to execute-only @ARGV = ( '0100', $Testfile ); ExtUtils::Command::chmod(); is( ((stat($Testfile))[2] & 07777) & 0700, 0100, 'change a file to execute-only' ); # change a file to read-only @ARGV = ( '0400', $Testfile ); ExtUtils::Command::chmod(); is( ((stat($Testfile))[2] & 07777) & 0700, 0400, 'change a file to read-only' ); # change a file to write-only @ARGV = ( '0200', $Testfile ); ExtUtils::Command::chmod(); is( ((stat($Testfile))[2] & 07777) & 0700, 0200, 'change a file to write-only' ); } # change a file to read-write @ARGV = ( '0600', $Testfile ); my @orig_argv = @ARGV; ExtUtils::Command::chmod(); is_deeply( \@ARGV, \@orig_argv, 'chmod preserves @ARGV' ); is( ((stat($Testfile))[2] & 07777) & 0700, 0600, 'change a file to read-write' ); SKIP: { if ($^O eq 'amigaos' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'MacOS' || $^O eq 'haiku' ) { skip( "different file permission semantics on $^O", 5); } @ARGV = ('testdir'); mkpath; ok( -e 'testdir' ); # change a dir to execute-only @ARGV = ( '0100', 'testdir' ); ExtUtils::Command::chmod(); is( ((stat('testdir'))[2] & 07777) & 0700, 0100, 'change a dir to execute-only' ); # change a dir to write-only @ARGV = ( '0200', 'testdir' ); ExtUtils::Command::chmod(); is( ((stat('testdir'))[2] & 07777) & 0700, 0200, 'change a dir to write-only' ); # change a dir to read-only @ARGV = ( '0400', 'testdir' ); ExtUtils::Command::chmod(); is( ((stat('testdir'))[2] & 07777) & 0700, 0400, 'change a dir to read-only' ); # remove the dir we've been playing with @ARGV = ('testdir'); rm_rf; ok( ! -e 'testdir', 'rm_rf can delete a read-only dir' ); } # mkpath my $test_dir = File::Spec->join( 'ecmddir', 'temp2' ); @ARGV = ( $test_dir ); ok( ! -e $ARGV[0], 'temp directory not there yet' ); is( test_d(), 1, 'testing non-existent directory' ); @ARGV = ( $test_dir ); mkpath(); ok( -e $ARGV[0], 'temp directory created' ); is( test_d(), 0, 'testing existing dir' ); @ARGV = ( $test_dir ); # copy a file to a nested subdirectory unshift @ARGV, $Testfile; @orig_argv = @ARGV; cp(); is_deeply( \@ARGV, \@orig_argv, 'cp preserves @ARGV' ); ok( -e File::Spec->join( 'ecmddir', 'temp2', $Testfile ), 'copied okay' ); # cp should croak if destination isn't directory (not a great warning) @ARGV = ( $Testfile ) x 3; eval { cp() }; like( $@, qr/Too many arguments/, 'cp croaks on error' ); # move a file to a subdirectory @ARGV = ( $Testfile, 'ecmddir' ); @orig_argv = @ARGV; ok( mv() ); is_deeply( \@ARGV, \@orig_argv, 'mv preserves @ARGV' ); ok( ! -e $Testfile, 'moved file away' ); ok( -e File::Spec->join( 'ecmddir', $Testfile ), 'file in new location' ); # mv should also croak with the same wacky warning @ARGV = ( $Testfile ) x 3; eval { mv() }; like( $@, qr/Too many arguments/, 'mv croaks on error' ); # Test expand_wildcards() { my $file = $Testfile; @ARGV = (); chdir 'ecmddir'; # % means 'match one character' on VMS. Everything else is ? my $match_char = $^O eq 'VMS' ? '%' : '?'; ($ARGV[0] = $file) =~ s/.\z/$match_char/; # this should find the file ExtUtils::Command::expand_wildcards(); is_deeply( \@ARGV, [$file], 'expanded wildcard ? successfully' ); # try it with the asterisk now ($ARGV[0] = $file) =~ s/.{3}\z/\*/; ExtUtils::Command::expand_wildcards(); is_deeply( \@ARGV, [$file], 'expanded wildcard * successfully' ); chdir File::Spec->updir; } # remove some files my @files = @ARGV = ( File::Spec->catfile( 'ecmddir', $Testfile ), File::Spec->catfile( 'ecmddir', 'temp2', $Testfile ) ); rm_f(); ok( ! -e $_, "removed $_ successfully" ) for (@ARGV); # rm_f dir @ARGV = my $dir = File::Spec->catfile( 'ecmddir' ); rm_rf(); ok( ! -e $dir, "removed $dir successfully" ); } { { local @ARGV = 'd2utest'; mkpath; } open(FILE, '>d2utest/foo'); binmode(FILE); print FILE "stuff\015\012and thing\015\012"; close FILE; open(FILE, '>d2utest/bar'); binmode(FILE); my $bin = "\c@\c@\c@\c@\c@\c@\cA\c@\c@\c@\015\012". "\@\c@\cA\c@\c@\c@8__LIN\015\012"; print FILE $bin; close FILE; local @ARGV = 'd2utest'; ExtUtils::Command::dos2unix(); open(FILE, 'd2utest/foo'); is( join('', ), "stuff\012and thing\012", 'dos2unix' ); close FILE; open(FILE, 'd2utest/bar'); binmode(FILE); ok( -B 'd2utest/bar' ); is( join('', ), $bin, 'dos2unix preserves binaries'); close FILE; } END { 1 while unlink $Testfile, 'newfile'; File::Path::rmtree( 'ecmddir' ) if -e 'ecmddir'; File::Path::rmtree( 'd2utest' ) if -e 'd2utest'; }