#!/usr/bin/perl use v5; use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use IO::Socket::IP; sub arguments_is { my ($arg, $exp, $name) = @_; $arg = [$arg] unless ref $arg; $name ||= join ' ', map { defined $_ ? $_ : 'undef' } @$arg; my $got = do { no warnings 'redefine'; my $args; local *IO::Socket::IP::_io_socket_ip__configure = sub { $args = $_[1]; return $_[0]; }; IO::Socket::IP->new(@$arg); $args; }; is_deeply($got, $exp, $name); } my @tests = ( [ [ '[::1]:80' ], { PeerHost => '::1', PeerService => '80' } ], [ [ '[::1]:http' ], { PeerHost => '::1', PeerService => 'http' } ], [ [ '[::1]' ], { PeerHost => '::1', } ], [ [ '[::1]:' ], { PeerHost => '::1', } ], [ [ '' ], { PeerHost => '', PeerService => '80' } ], [ [ '' ], { PeerHost => '', PeerService => 'http' } ], [ [ '' ], { PeerHost => '', } ], [ [ '' ], { PeerHost => '', } ], [ [ 'localhost:80' ], { PeerHost => 'localhost', PeerService => '80' } ], [ [ 'localhost:http' ], { PeerHost => 'localhost', PeerService => 'http' } ], [ [ PeerHost => '[::1]:80' ], { PeerHost => '::1', PeerService => '80' } ], [ [ PeerHost => '[::1]' ], { PeerHost => '::1' } ], [ [ LocalHost => '[::1]:80' ], { LocalHost => '::1', LocalService => '80' } ], [ [ LocalHost => undef ], { LocalHost => undef } ], # IO::Socket::INET is happy to take port from the *Host argument even if a *Port argument # exists [ [ PeerHost => '', PeerPort => '80' ], { PeerHost => '', PeerService => '80' } ], # *Host argument should take precedence over *Service if both exist [ [ PeerHost => '', PeerPort => '80' ], { PeerHost => '', PeerService => '443' } ], ); is_deeply( [ IO::Socket::IP->split_addr( "hostname:http" ) ], [ "hostname", "http" ], "split_addr hostname:http" ); is_deeply( [ IO::Socket::IP->split_addr( "" ) ], [ "", "80" ], "split_addr" ); is_deeply( [ IO::Socket::IP->split_addr( "[2001:db8::1]:80" ) ], [ "2001:db8::1", "80" ], "split_addr [2001:db8::1]:80" ); is_deeply( [ IO::Socket::IP->split_addr( "something.else" ) ], [ "something.else", undef ], "split_addr something.else" ); is( IO::Socket::IP->join_addr( "hostname", "http" ), "hostname:http", 'join_addr hostname:http' ); is( IO::Socket::IP->join_addr( "", 80 ), "", 'join_addr' ); is( IO::Socket::IP->join_addr( "2001:db8::1", 80 ), "[2001:db8::1]:80", 'join_addr [2001:db8::1]:80' ); is( IO::Socket::IP->join_addr( "something.else", undef ), "something.else", 'join_addr something.else' ); arguments_is(@$_) for @tests; done_testing;