use Test::More tests => 7; BEGIN { use_ok('NEXT') }; package A; use base qw(B); use NEXT; sub test_next { shift->NEXT::test_next(@_); } sub test_next_distinct { shift->NEXT::DISTINCT::test_next_distinct(@_); } sub test_next_actual { shift->NEXT::ACTUAL::test_next_actual(@_); } sub test_next_actual_distinct { shift->NEXT::ACTUAL::DISTINCT::test_next_actual_distinct(@_); } sub test_every { shift->EVERY::test_every(@_); } sub test_every_last { shift->EVERY::LAST::test_every_last(@_); } package B; sub test_next { $_[1]; } sub test_next_distinct { $_[1]; } sub test_next_actual { $_[1]; } sub test_next_actual_distinct { $_[1]; } sub test_every { $_[1]; } sub test_every_last { $_[1]; } package main; my $foo = bless {}, 'A'; "42" =~ /(.*)/; is($foo->test_next($&), $&, "The value of '\$&' was not overwritten in NEXT."); "42" =~ /(.*)/; is($foo->test_next_distinct($&), $&, "The value of '\$&' was not overwritten in NEXT::DISTINCT."); "42" =~ /(.*)/; is($foo->test_next_actual($&), $&, "The value of '\$&' was not overwritten in NEXT::ACTUAL."); "42" =~ /(.*)/; is($foo->test_next_actual_distinct($&), $&, "The value of '\$&' was not overwritten in NEXT::ACTUAL::DISTINCT."); "42" =~ /(.*)/; is($foo->test_every($&)->{'B::test_every'}, $&, "The value of '\$&' was not overwritten in EVERY."); "42" =~ /(.*)/; is($foo->test_every_last($&)->{'B::test_every_last'}, $&, "The value of '\$&' was not overwritten in EVERY::LAST.");