BEGIN { if($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { chdir 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } } # Time-stamp: "2004-05-23 22:38:58 ADT" use strict; #sub Pod::Simple::Search::DEBUG () {5}; use Pod::Simple::Search; use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 11 } print "# ", __FILE__, ": Testing the surveying of a single specified docroot...\n"; my $x = Pod::Simple::Search->new; die "Couldn't make an object!?" unless ok defined $x; print "# Testing the surveying of a single docroot...\n"; $x->inc(0); use File::Spec; use Cwd; my $cwd = cwd(); print "# CWD: $cwd\n"; sub source_path { my $file = shift; if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { require File::Spec; my $updir = File::Spec->updir; my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($updir, 'lib', 'Pod', 'Simple', 't'); return File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file); } else { return $file; } } my $here; if( -e ($here = source_path('testlib1'))) { # } elsif(-e ($here = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 't', 'testlib1'))) { # } else { die "Can't find the test corpus"; } print "# OK, found the test corpus as $here\n"; ok 1; print $x->_state_as_string; #$x->verbose(12); use Pod::Simple; *pretty = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty; my($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey($here); my $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n"; $p =~ s/, +/,\n/g; $p =~ s/^/# /mg; print $p; { my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name; ok $names, "Blorm|Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlflif|perlthng|squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|zikzik"; } { my $names = join "|", sort keys %$name2where; ok $names, "Blorm|Zonk::Pronk|hinkhonk::Glunk|hinkhonk::Vliff|perlflif|perlthng|squaa|squaa::Glunk|squaa::Vliff|zikzik"; } ok( ($name2where->{'squaa'} || 'huh???'), '/squaa\.pm$/'); ok grep( m/squaa\.pm/, keys %$where2name ), 1; ###### Now with recurse(0) print "# Testing the surveying of a single docroot without recursing...\n"; $x->recurse(0); ($name2where, $where2name) = $x->survey($here); $p = pretty( $where2name, $name2where )."\n"; $p =~ s/, +/,\n/g; $p =~ s/^/# /mg; print $p; { my $names = join "|", sort values %$where2name; ok $names, "Blorm|squaa|zikzik"; } { my $names = join "|", sort keys %$name2where; ok $names, "Blorm|squaa|zikzik"; } ok( ($name2where->{'squaa'} || 'huh???'), '/squaa\.pm$/'); ok grep( m/squaa\.pm/, keys %$where2name ), 1; ok 1; __END__