#!/usr/bin/perl -w # t/xhtml01.t - check basic output from Pod::Simple::XHTML BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; } use strict; use lib '../lib'; use Test::More tests => 26; use_ok('Pod::Simple::XHTML') or exit; my $parser = Pod::Simple::XHTML->new (); isa_ok ($parser, 'Pod::Simple::XHTML'); my $results; my $PERLDOC = "http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?"; initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document( "=head1 Poit!" ); is($results, "
Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
EOHTML initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =pod B: Now, Pinky, if by any chance you are captured during this mission, remember you are Gunther Heindriksen from Appenzell. You moved to Grindelwald to drive the cog train to Murren. Can you repeat that? P: Mmmm, no, Brain, don't think I can. EOPOD is($results, <<'EOHTML', "multiple paragraphs");B: Now, Pinky, if by any chance you are captured during this mission, remember you are Gunther Heindriksen from Appenzell. You moved to Grindelwald to drive the cog train to Murren. Can you repeat that?
P: Mmmm, no, Brain, don't think I can.
EOHTML initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =over =item * P: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight? =item * B: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world! =back EOPOD is($results, <<'EOHTML', "simple bulleted list");Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!
1 + 1 = 2;
2 + 2 = 4;
initialize($parser, $results);
A plain paragraph with a CA plain paragraph with a functionname
A plain paragraph with body tags turned on.
EOHTML initialize($parser, $results); $parser->html_css('style.css'); $parser->html_header(undef); $parser->html_footer(undef); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =pod A plain paragraph with body tags and css tags turned on. EOPOD like($results, qr//, "adding html body tags and css tags"); initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =pod A plain paragraph with SA plain paragraph with
A plain paragraph with a Newlines.
EOHTML initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =pod A plain paragraph with a LA plain paragraph with a "Newlines" in perlport.
EOHTML initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =pod A plain paragraph with a LA plain paragraph with a Boo.
EOHTML initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =pod A plain paragraph with a LA plain paragraph with a http://link.included.here.
EOHTML initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =pod A plain paragraph with BA plain paragraph with bold text.
EOHTML initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =pod A plain paragraph with IA plain paragraph with italic text.
EOHTML initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =pod A plain paragraph with a FA plain paragraph with a filename.
EOHTML initialize($parser, $results); $parser->parse_string_document(<<'EOPOD'); =pod # this header is very important & don't you forget it my $text = "File is: " . # this header is very important & don't you forget it
my \$text = "File is: " . <FILE>;
SKIP: for my $use_html_entities (0, 1) {
if ($use_html_entities and not $Pod::Simple::XHTML::HAS_HTML_ENTITIES) {
skip("HTML::Entities not installed", 1);
local $Pod::Simple::XHTML::HAS_HTML_ENTITIES = $use_html_entities;
initialize($parser, $results);
# this header is very important & don't you forget it
B # this header is very important & don't you forget it
my \$file = <FILE> || 'Blank!';
my \$text = "File is: " . <FILE>;
sub initialize {
$_[0] = Pod::Simple::XHTML->new ();
$_[0]->output_string( \$results ); # Send the resulting output to a string
$_[1] = '';