package Test2::EventFacet::Trace; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.302097'; BEGIN { require Test2::EventFacet; our @ISA = qw(Test2::EventFacet) } use Test2::Util qw/get_tid pkg_to_file/; use Carp qw/confess/; use Test2::Util::HashBase qw{^frame ^pid ^tid ^cid -hid -nested details -buffered}; { no warnings 'once'; *DETAIL = \&DETAILS; *detail = \&details; *set_detail = \&set_details; } sub init { confess "The 'frame' attribute is required" unless $_[0]->{+FRAME}; $_[0]->{+DETAILS} = delete $_[0]->{detail} if $_[0]->{detail}; $_[0]->{+PID} = $$ unless defined $_[0]->{+PID}; $_[0]->{+TID} = get_tid() unless defined $_[0]->{+TID}; } sub snapshot { my ($orig, @override) = @_; bless {%$orig, @override}, __PACKAGE__; } sub signature { my $self = shift; # Signature is only valid if all of these fields are defined, there is no # signature if any is missing. '0' is ok, but '' is not. return join ':' => map { (defined($_) && length($_)) ? $_ : return undef } ( $self->{+CID}, $self->{+PID}, $self->{+TID}, $self->{+FRAME}->[1], $self->{+FRAME}->[2], ); } sub debug { my $self = shift; return $self->{+DETAILS} if $self->{+DETAILS}; my ($pkg, $file, $line) = $self->call; return "at $file line $line"; } sub alert { my $self = shift; my ($msg) = @_; warn $msg . ' ' . $self->debug . ".\n"; } sub throw { my $self = shift; my ($msg) = @_; die $msg . ' ' . $self->debug . ".\n"; } sub call { @{$_[0]->{+FRAME}} } sub package { $_[0]->{+FRAME}->[0] } sub file { $_[0]->{+FRAME}->[1] } sub line { $_[0]->{+FRAME}->[2] } sub subname { $_[0]->{+FRAME}->[3] } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test2::EventFacet::Trace - Debug information for events =head1 DESCRIPTION The L object, as well as all L types need to have access to information about where they were created. This object represents that information. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test2::EventFacet::Trace; my $trace = Test2::EventFacet::Trace->new( frame => [$package, $file, $line, $subname], ); =head1 FACET FIELDS =over 4 =item $string = $trace->{details} =item $string = $trace->details() Used as a custom trace message that will be used INSTEAD of C<< at line >> when calling C<< $trace->debug >>. =item $frame = $trace->{frame} =item $frame = $trace->frame() Get the call frame arrayref. =item $int = $trace->{pid} =item $int = $trace->pid() The process ID in which the event was generated. =item $int = $trace->{tid} =item $int = $trace->tid() The thread ID in which the event was generated. =item $id = $trace->{cid} =item $id = $trace->cid() The ID of the context that was used to create the event. =item $hid = $trace->{hid} =item $hid = $trace->hid() The ID of the hub that was current when the event was created. =item $int = $trace->{nested} =item $int = $trace->nested() How deeply nested the event is. =item $bool = $trace->{buffered} =item $bool = $trace->buffered() True if the event was buffered and not sent to the formatter independent of a parent (This should never be set when nested is C<0> or C). =back =head1 METHODS B All facet frames are also methods. =over 4 =item $trace->set_detail($msg) =item $msg = $trace->detail Used to get/set a custom trace message that will be used INSTEAD of C<< at line >> when calling C<< $trace->debug >>. C is an alias to the C
facet field for backwards compatibility. =item $str = $trace->debug Typically returns the string C<< at line >>. If C is set then its value will be returned instead. =item $trace->alert($MESSAGE) This issues a warning at the frame (filename and line number where errors should be reported). =item $trace->throw($MESSAGE) This throws an exception at the frame (filename and line number where errors should be reported). =item ($package, $file, $line, $subname) = $trace->call() Get the caller details for the debug-info. This is where errors should be reported. =item $pkg = $trace->package Get the debug-info package. =item $file = $trace->file Get the debug-info filename. =item $line = $trace->line Get the debug-info line number. =item $subname = $trace->subname Get the debug-info subroutine name. =item $sig = trace->signature Get a signature string that identifies this trace. This is used to check if multiple events are related. The Trace includes pid, tid, file, line number, and the cid which is C<'C\d+'> for traces created by a context, or C<'T\d+'> for traces created by C. =back =head1 SOURCE The source code repository for Test2 can be found at F. =head1 MAINTAINERS =over 4 =item Chad Granum Eexodist@cpan.orgE =back =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item Chad Granum Eexodist@cpan.orgE =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016 Chad Granum Eexodist@cpan.orgE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See F =cut