#! perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More 0.89; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { fail("Got unexpected warning"); diag($_[0]) }; if ($] >= 5.010000) { is (eval <<'END', 1, 'state compiles') or diag $@; use experimental 'state'; state $foo = 1; is($foo, 1, '$foo is 1'); 1; END } if ($] >= 5.010001) { is (eval <<'END', 1, 'switch compiles') or diag $@; use experimental 'switch'; sub bar { 1 }; given(1) { when (\&bar) { pass("bar matches 1"); } default { fail("bar matches 1"); } } 1; END } if ($] >= 5.010001) { is (eval <<'END', 1, 'smartmatch compiles') or diag $@; use experimental 'smartmatch'; sub baz { 1 }; is(1 ~~ \&baz, 1, "is 1"); 1; END } if ($] >= 5.018) { is (eval <<'END', 1, 'lexical subs compiles') or diag $@; use experimental 'lexical_subs'; my sub foo { 1 }; is(foo(), 1, "foo is 1"); 1; END } if ($] >= 5.021005) { is (eval <<'END', 1, 'ref aliasing compiles') or diag $@; use experimental 'refaliasing'; my (@a, @b); \@a = \@b; is(\@a, \@b, '@a and @b are the same after \@a=\@b'); 1; END } done_testing;