/* * Cygwin extras */ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #undef USE_DYNAMIC_LOADING #include "XSUB.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <process.h> #include <sys/cygwin.h> #include <mntent.h> #include <alloca.h> #include <dlfcn.h> /* * pp_system() implemented via spawn() * - more efficient and useful when embedding Perl in non-Cygwin apps * - code mostly borrowed from djgpp.c */ static int do_spawnvp (const char *path, const char * const *argv) { dTHX; Sigsave_t ihand,qhand; int childpid, result, status; rsignal_save(SIGINT, (Sighandler_t) SIG_IGN, &ihand); rsignal_save(SIGQUIT, (Sighandler_t) SIG_IGN, &qhand); childpid = spawnvp(_P_NOWAIT,path,argv); if (childpid < 0) { status = -1; if(ckWARN(WARN_EXEC)) Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_EXEC),"Can't spawn \"%s\": %s", path,Strerror (errno)); } else { do { result = wait4pid(childpid, &status, 0); } while (result == -1 && errno == EINTR); if(result < 0) status = -1; } (void)rsignal_restore(SIGINT, &ihand); (void)rsignal_restore(SIGQUIT, &qhand); return status; } int do_aspawn (SV *really, void **mark, void **sp) { dTHX; int rc; char const **a; char *tmps,**argv; STRLEN n_a; if (sp<=mark) return -1; argv=(char**) alloca ((sp-mark+3)*sizeof (char*)); a=(char const **)argv; while (++mark <= sp) if (*mark) *a++ = SvPVx((SV *)*mark, n_a); else *a++ = ""; *a = (char*)NULL; if (argv[0][0] != '/' && argv[0][0] != '\\' && !(argv[0][0] && argv[0][1] == ':' && (argv[0][2] == '/' || argv[0][2] != '\\')) ) /* will swawnvp use PATH? */ TAINT_ENV(); /* testing IFS here is overkill, probably */ if (really && *(tmps = SvPV(really, n_a))) rc=do_spawnvp (tmps,(const char * const *)argv); else rc=do_spawnvp (argv[0],(const char *const *)argv); return rc; } int do_spawn (char *cmd) { dTHX; char const **a; char *s; char const *metachars = "$&*(){}[]'\";\\?>|<~`\n"; const char *command[4]; while (*cmd && isSPACE(*cmd)) cmd++; if (strnEQ (cmd,"/bin/sh",7) && isSPACE (cmd[7])) cmd+=5; /* save an extra exec if possible */ /* see if there are shell metacharacters in it */ if (strstr (cmd,"...")) goto doshell; if (*cmd=='.' && isSPACE (cmd[1])) goto doshell; if (strnEQ (cmd,"exec",4) && isSPACE (cmd[4])) goto doshell; for (s=cmd; *s && isALPHA (*s); s++) ; /* catch VAR=val gizmo */ if (*s=='=') goto doshell; for (s=cmd; *s; s++) if (strchr (metachars,*s)) { if (*s=='\n' && s[1]=='\0') { *s='\0'; break; } doshell: command[0] = "sh"; command[1] = "-c"; command[2] = cmd; command[3] = NULL; return do_spawnvp("sh",command); } Newx (PL_Argv,(s-cmd)/2+2,const char*); PL_Cmd=savepvn (cmd,s-cmd); a=PL_Argv; for (s=PL_Cmd; *s;) { while (*s && isSPACE (*s)) s++; if (*s) *(a++)=s; while (*s && !isSPACE (*s)) s++; if (*s) *s++='\0'; } *a = (char*)NULL; if (!PL_Argv[0]) return -1; return do_spawnvp(PL_Argv[0],(const char * const *)PL_Argv); } /* see also Cwd.pm */ XS(Cygwin_cwd) { dXSARGS; char *cwd; /* See http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=38628 There is Cwd->cwd() usage in the wild, and previous versions didn't die. */ if(items > 1) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Cwd::cwd()"); if((cwd = getcwd(NULL, -1))) { ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(cwd, 0)); free(cwd); #ifndef INCOMPLETE_TAINTS SvTAINTED_on(ST(0)); #endif XSRETURN(1); } XSRETURN_UNDEF; } XS(XS_Cygwin_pid_to_winpid) { dXSARGS; dXSTARG; pid_t pid, RETVAL; if (items != 1) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Cygwin::pid_to_winpid(pid)"); pid = (pid_t)SvIV(ST(0)); if ((RETVAL = cygwin_internal(CW_CYGWIN_PID_TO_WINPID, pid)) > 0) { XSprePUSH; PUSHi((IV)RETVAL); XSRETURN(1); } XSRETURN_UNDEF; } XS(XS_Cygwin_winpid_to_pid) { dXSARGS; dXSTARG; pid_t pid, RETVAL; if (items != 1) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Cygwin::winpid_to_pid(pid)"); pid = (pid_t)SvIV(ST(0)); if ((RETVAL = cygwin32_winpid_to_pid(pid)) > 0) { XSprePUSH; PUSHi((IV)RETVAL); XSRETURN(1); } XSRETURN_UNDEF; } XS(XS_Cygwin_win_to_posix_path) { dXSARGS; int absolute_flag = 0; STRLEN len; int err; char *pathname, *buf; if (items < 1 || items > 2) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Cygwin::win_to_posix_path(pathname, [absolute])"); pathname = SvPV(ST(0), len); if (items == 2) absolute_flag = SvTRUE(ST(1)); if (!len) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "can't convert empty path"); buf = (char *) safemalloc (len + 260 + 1001); if (absolute_flag) err = cygwin_conv_to_full_posix_path(pathname, buf); else err = cygwin_conv_to_posix_path(pathname, buf); if (!err) { ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(buf, 0)); safefree(buf); XSRETURN(1); } else { safefree(buf); XSRETURN_UNDEF; } } XS(XS_Cygwin_posix_to_win_path) { dXSARGS; int absolute_flag = 0; STRLEN len; int err; char *pathname, *buf; if (items < 1 || items > 2) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Cygwin::posix_to_win_path(pathname, [absolute])"); pathname = SvPV(ST(0), len); if (items == 2) absolute_flag = SvTRUE(ST(1)); if (!len) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "can't convert empty path"); buf = (char *) safemalloc(len + 260 + 1001); if (absolute_flag) err = cygwin_conv_to_full_win32_path(pathname, buf); else err = cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(pathname, buf); if (!err) { ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(buf, 0)); safefree(buf); XSRETURN(1); } else { safefree(buf); XSRETURN_UNDEF; } } XS(XS_Cygwin_mount_table) { dXSARGS; struct mntent *mnt; if (items != 0) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Cygwin::mount_table"); /* => array of [mnt_dir mnt_fsname mnt_type mnt_opts] */ setmntent (0, 0); while ((mnt = getmntent (0))) { AV* av = newAV(); av_push(av, newSVpvn(mnt->mnt_dir, strlen(mnt->mnt_dir))); av_push(av, newSVpvn(mnt->mnt_fsname, strlen(mnt->mnt_fsname))); av_push(av, newSVpvn(mnt->mnt_type, strlen(mnt->mnt_type))); av_push(av, newSVpvn(mnt->mnt_opts, strlen(mnt->mnt_opts))); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newRV_noinc((SV*)av))); } endmntent (0); PUTBACK; } XS(XS_Cygwin_mount_flags) { dXSARGS; char *pathname; char flags[260]; if (items != 1) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Cygwin::mount_flags(mnt_dir|'/cygwin')"); pathname = SvPV_nolen(ST(0)); /* TODO: Check for cygdrive registry setting, * and then use CW_GET_CYGDRIVE_INFO */ if (!strcmp(pathname, "/cygdrive")) { char user[260]; char system[260]; char user_flags[260]; char system_flags[260]; cygwin_internal (CW_GET_CYGDRIVE_INFO, user, system, user_flags, system_flags); if (strlen(user) > 0) { sprintf(flags, "%s,cygdrive,%s", user_flags, user); } else { sprintf(flags, "%s,cygdrive,%s", system_flags, system); } ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(flags, 0)); XSRETURN(1); } else { struct mntent *mnt; setmntent (0, 0); while ((mnt = getmntent (0))) { if (!strcmp(pathname, mnt->mnt_dir)) { strcpy(flags, mnt->mnt_type); if (strlen(mnt->mnt_opts) > 0) { strcat(flags, ","); strcat(flags, mnt->mnt_opts); } break; } } endmntent (0); ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(flags, 0)); XSRETURN(1); } } XS(XS_Cygwin_is_binmount) { dXSARGS; char *pathname; if (items != 1) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: Cygwin::is_binmount(pathname)"); pathname = SvPV_nolen(ST(0)); ST(0) = boolSV(cygwin_internal(CW_GET_BINMODE, pathname)); XSRETURN(1); } void init_os_extras(void) { dTHX; char const *file = __FILE__; void *handle; newXS("Cwd::cwd", Cygwin_cwd, file); newXSproto("Cygwin::winpid_to_pid", XS_Cygwin_winpid_to_pid, file, "$"); newXSproto("Cygwin::pid_to_winpid", XS_Cygwin_pid_to_winpid, file, "$"); newXSproto("Cygwin::win_to_posix_path", XS_Cygwin_win_to_posix_path, file, "$;$"); newXSproto("Cygwin::posix_to_win_path", XS_Cygwin_posix_to_win_path, file, "$;$"); newXSproto("Cygwin::mount_table", XS_Cygwin_mount_table, file, ""); newXSproto("Cygwin::mount_flags", XS_Cygwin_mount_flags, file, "$"); newXSproto("Cygwin::is_binmount", XS_Cygwin_is_binmount, file, "$"); /* Initialize Win32CORE if it has been statically linked. */ handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY); if (handle) { void (*pfn_init)(pTHX); pfn_init = (void (*)(pTHX))dlsym(handle, "init_Win32CORE"); if (pfn_init) pfn_init(aTHX); dlclose(handle); } }