/* deb.c * * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, * 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Larry Wall and others * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. * */ /* * 'Didst thou think that the eyes of the White Tower were blind? Nay, * I have seen more than thou knowest, Grey Fool.' --Denethor * * [p.853 of _The Lord of the Rings_, V/vii: "The Pyre of Denethor"] */ /* * This file contains various utilities for producing debugging output * (mainly related to displaying the stack) */ #include "EXTERN.h" #define PERL_IN_DEB_C #include "perl.h" #if defined(PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT) void Perl_deb_nocontext(const char *pat, ...) { #ifdef DEBUGGING dTHX; va_list args; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_DEB_NOCONTEXT; va_start(args, pat); vdeb(pat, &args); va_end(args); #else PERL_UNUSED_ARG(pat); #endif /* DEBUGGING */ } #endif void Perl_deb(pTHX_ const char *pat, ...) { va_list args; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_DEB; va_start(args, pat); #ifdef DEBUGGING vdeb(pat, &args); #else PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; #endif /* DEBUGGING */ va_end(args); } void Perl_vdeb(pTHX_ const char *pat, va_list *args) { #ifdef DEBUGGING const char* const file = PL_curcop ? OutCopFILE(PL_curcop) : "<null>"; const char* const display_file = file ? file : "<free>"; const long line = PL_curcop ? (long)CopLINE(PL_curcop) : 0; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_VDEB; if (DEBUG_v_TEST) PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(%ld:%s:%ld)\t", (long)PerlProc_getpid(), display_file, line); else PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(%s:%ld)\t", display_file, line); (void) PerlIO_vprintf(Perl_debug_log, pat, *args); #else PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(pat); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(args); #endif /* DEBUGGING */ } I32 Perl_debstackptrs(pTHX) { #ifdef DEBUGGING PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%8" UVxf " %8" UVxf " %8" IVdf " %8" IVdf " %8" IVdf "\n", PTR2UV(PL_curstack), PTR2UV(PL_stack_base), (IV)*PL_markstack_ptr, (IV)(PL_stack_sp-PL_stack_base), (IV)(PL_stack_max-PL_stack_base)); PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%8" UVxf " %8" UVxf " %8" UVuf " %8" UVuf " %8" UVuf "\n", PTR2UV(PL_mainstack), PTR2UV(AvARRAY(PL_curstack)), PTR2UV(PL_mainstack), PTR2UV(AvFILLp(PL_curstack)), PTR2UV(AvMAX(PL_curstack))); #else PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; #endif /* DEBUGGING */ return 0; } /* dump the contents of a particular stack * Display stack_base[stack_min+1 .. stack_max], * and display the marks whose offsets are contained in addresses * PL_markstack[mark_min+1 .. mark_max] and whose values are in the range * of the stack values being displayed * * Only displays top 30 max */ STATIC void S_deb_stack_n(pTHX_ SV** stack_base, I32 stack_min, I32 stack_max, I32 mark_min, I32 mark_max) { #ifdef DEBUGGING I32 i = stack_max - 30; const I32 *markscan = PL_markstack + mark_min; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_DEB_STACK_N; if (i < stack_min) i = stack_min; while (++markscan <= PL_markstack + mark_max) if (*markscan >= i) break; if (i > stack_min) PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "... "); if (stack_base[0] != &PL_sv_undef || stack_max < 0) PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, " [STACK UNDERFLOW!!!]\n"); do { ++i; if (markscan <= PL_markstack + mark_max && *markscan < i) { do { ++markscan; (void)PerlIO_putc(Perl_debug_log, '*'); } while (markscan <= PL_markstack + mark_max && *markscan < i); PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, " "); } if (i > stack_max) break; PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%-4s ", SvPEEK(stack_base[i])); } while (1); PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n"); #else PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(stack_base); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(stack_min); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(stack_max); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(mark_min); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(mark_max); #endif /* DEBUGGING */ } /* dump the current stack */ I32 Perl_debstack(pTHX) { #ifndef SKIP_DEBUGGING if (CopSTASH_eq(PL_curcop, PL_debstash) && !DEBUG_J_TEST_) return 0; PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, " => "); deb_stack_n(PL_stack_base, 0, PL_stack_sp - PL_stack_base, PL_curstackinfo->si_markoff, PL_markstack_ptr - PL_markstack); #endif /* SKIP_DEBUGGING */ return 0; } #ifdef DEBUGGING static const char * const si_names[] = { "UNKNOWN", "UNDEF", "MAIN", "MAGIC", "SORT", "SIGNAL", "OVERLOAD", "DESTROY", "WARNHOOK", "DIEHOOK", "REQUIRE", "MULTICALL" }; #endif /* display all stacks */ void Perl_deb_stack_all(pTHX) { #ifdef DEBUGGING I32 si_ix; const PERL_SI *si; /* rewind to start of chain */ si = PL_curstackinfo; while (si->si_prev) si = si->si_prev; si_ix=0; for (;;) { const size_t si_name_ix = si->si_type+1; /* -1 is a valid index */ const char * const si_name = si_name_ix < C_ARRAY_LENGTH(si_names) ? si_names[si_name_ix] : "????"; I32 ix; PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "STACK %" IVdf ": %s\n", (IV)si_ix, si_name); for (ix=0; ix<=si->si_cxix; ix++) { const PERL_CONTEXT * const cx = &(si->si_cxstack[ix]); PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, " CX %" IVdf ": %-6s => ", (IV)ix, PL_block_type[CxTYPE(cx)] ); /* substitution contexts don't save stack pointers etc) */ if (CxTYPE(cx) == CXt_SUBST) PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n"); else { /* Find the current context's stack range by searching * forward for any higher contexts using this stack; failing * that, it will be equal to the size of the stack for old * stacks, or PL_stack_sp for the current stack */ I32 i, stack_min, stack_max, mark_min, mark_max; const PERL_CONTEXT *cx_n = NULL; const PERL_SI *si_n; /* there's a separate argument stack per SI, so only * search this one */ for (i=ix+1; i<=si->si_cxix; i++) { const PERL_CONTEXT *this_cx = &(si->si_cxstack[i]); if (CxTYPE(this_cx) == CXt_SUBST) continue; cx_n = this_cx; break; } stack_min = cx->blk_oldsp; if (cx_n) { stack_max = cx_n->blk_oldsp; } else if (si == PL_curstackinfo) { stack_max = PL_stack_sp - AvARRAY(si->si_stack); } else { stack_max = AvFILLp(si->si_stack); } /* for the markstack, there's only one stack shared * between all SIs */ si_n = si; i = ix; cx_n = NULL; for (;;) { i++; if (i > si_n->si_cxix) { if (si_n == PL_curstackinfo) break; else { si_n = si_n->si_next; i = 0; } } if (CxTYPE(&(si_n->si_cxstack[i])) == CXt_SUBST) continue; cx_n = &(si_n->si_cxstack[i]); break; } mark_min = cx->blk_oldmarksp; if (cx_n) { mark_max = cx_n->blk_oldmarksp; } else { mark_max = PL_markstack_ptr - PL_markstack; } deb_stack_n(AvARRAY(si->si_stack), stack_min, stack_max, mark_min, mark_max); if (CxTYPE(cx) == CXt_EVAL || CxTYPE(cx) == CXt_SUB || CxTYPE(cx) == CXt_FORMAT) { const OP * const retop = cx->blk_sub.retop; PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, " retop=%s\n", retop ? OP_NAME(retop) : "(null)" ); } } } /* next context */ if (si == PL_curstackinfo) break; si = si->si_next; si_ix++; if (!si) break; /* shouldn't happen, but just in case.. */ } /* next stackinfo */ PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n"); #else PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; #endif /* DEBUGGING */ } /* * ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et: */