################################################################################ # # devtools.pl -- various utility functions # # NOTE: This will only be called by the overarching (modern) perl # ################################################################################ # # Version 3.x, Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Marcus Holland-Moritz. # Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess. # Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # ################################################################################ use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; use IO::File; use warnings; # Can't use strict because of %opt passed from caller require "./parts/inc/inctools"; eval "use Term::ANSIColor"; $@ and eval "sub colored { pop; @_ }"; my @argvcopy = @ARGV; sub verbose { if ($opt{verbose}) { my @out = @_; s/^(.*)/colored("($0) ", 'bold blue').colored($1, 'blue')/eg for @out; print STDERR @out; } } sub ddverbose { return $opt{verbose} ? ('--verbose') : (); } sub runtool { my $opt = ref $_[0] ? shift @_ : {}; my($prog, @args) = @_; my $sysstr = join ' ', map { "'$_'" } $prog, @args; $sysstr .= " >$opt->{'out'}" if exists $opt->{'out'}; $sysstr .= " 2>$opt->{'err'}" if exists $opt->{'err'}; verbose("running $sysstr\n"); my $rv = system $sysstr; verbose("$prog => exit code $rv\n"); return not $rv; } sub runperl { my $opt = ref $_[0] ? shift @_ : {}; runtool($opt, $^X, @_); } sub run { my $prog = shift; my @args = @_; runtool({ 'out' => 'tmp.out', 'err' => 'tmp.err' }, $prog, @args); my $out = IO::File->new("tmp.out") or die "tmp.out: $!\n"; my $err = IO::File->new("tmp.err") or die "tmp.err: $!\n"; my %rval = ( status => $? >> 8, stdout => [<$out>], stderr => [<$err>], didnotrun => 0, # Note that currently this will always be 0 # This must have been used in earlier versions ); unlink "tmp.out", "tmp.err"; $? & 128 and $rval{core} = 1; $? & 127 and $rval{signal} = $? & 127; # This is expected and isn't an error. @{$rval{stderr}} = grep { $_ !~ /make.*No rule .*realclean/ } @{$rval{stderr}}; if ( exists $rval{core} || exists $rval{signal} || ($opt{debug} > 2 && @{$rval{stderr}} && $rval{status}) || ($opt{debug} > 3 && @{$rval{stderr}}) || ($opt{debug} > 4 && @{$rval{stdout}})) { print STDERR "Returning\n", Dumper \%rval; # Under verbose, runtool already output the call string unless ($opt{verbose}) { print STDERR "from $prog ", join ", ", @args; print STDERR "\n"; } } return \%rval; } sub ident_str { return "$^X $0 @argvcopy"; } sub identify { verbose(ident_str() . "\n"); } sub ask($) { my $q = shift; my $a; local $| = 1; do { print "\a\n$q [y/n] "; return unless -t; # Fail if no tty input $a = <>; } while ($a !~ /^\s*([yn])\s*$/i); return lc $1 eq 'y'; } sub quit_now { print "\nSorry, cannot continue.\n\n"; exit 1; } sub ask_or_quit { quit_now unless &ask; } sub eta { my($start, $i, $n) = @_; return "--:--:--" if $i < 3; my $elapsed = tv_interval($start); my $h = int($elapsed*($n-$i)/$i); my $s = $h % 60; $h /= 60; my $m = $h % 60; $h /= 60; return sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s; } sub get_and_sort_perls($) { my $opt = shift; my $starting; $starting = int_parse_version($opt->{'debug-start'}) if $opt->{'debug-start'}; # Uses the opt structure parameter to find the perl versions to use this # run, and returns an array with a hash representing blead in the 0th # element and the oldest in the final one. Each entry looks like # { # 'version' => '5.031002', # 'file' => '5031002', # 'path' => '/home/khw/devel/bin/perl5.31.2' # }, # # Get blead and all other perls my @perls = $opt->{blead}; for my $dir (split ",", $opt->{install}) { push @perls, grep !/-RC\d+/, glob "$dir/bin/perl5.*"; } # Normalize version numbers into 5.xxxyyy, and convert each element # describing the perl to be a hash with keys 'version' and 'path' for (my $i = 0; $i < @perls; $i++) { my $version = `$perls[$i] -e 'print \$]'`; my $file = int_parse_version($version); $version = format_version($version); # Make this entry a hash with its version, file name, and path $perls[$i] = { version => $version, file => $file, path => $perls[$i], }; } # Sort in descending order. We start processing the most recent perl # first. @perls = sort { $b->{file} <=> $a->{file} } @perls; # Override blead's version if specified. if (exists $opt->{'blead-version'}) { $perls[0]{version} = format_version($opt->{'blead-version'}); } my %seen; # blead's todo is its version plus 1. Otherwise, each todo is the # previous one's. Also get rid of duplicate versions. $perls[0]{todo} = $perls[0]{file} + 1; $seen{$perls[0]{file}} = 1; for my $i (1 .. $#perls) { last unless defined $perls[$i]; if ( exists $seen{$perls[$i]{file}} || ($starting && $perls[$i]{file} gt $starting) ) { splice @perls, $i, 1; redo; } $seen{$perls[$i]{file}} = 1; $perls[$i]{todo} = $perls[$i-1]{file}; } # The earliest perl gets a special marker key, consisting of the proper # file name $perls[$#perls]{final} = $perls[$#perls]{file}; if ($opt{debug}) { print STDERR "The perls returned are: ", Dumper \@perls; } return \@perls; } 1;