#!./perl BEGIN { unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio') { print "1..0 # Skip: not perlio\n"; exit 0; } } require($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? "../../t/test.pl" : "./t/test.pl"); my $buf_size_count = 8200; # Above default buffer size of 8192 plan(tests => 5 + 2 * $buf_size_count); my $io; use_ok('IO::File'); $io = IO::File->new; ok($io->open("io_utf8", ">:utf8"), "open >:utf8"); ok((print $io chr(256)), "print chr(256)"); undef $io; $io = IO::File->new; ok($io->open("io_utf8", "<:utf8"), "open <:utf8"); is(ord(<$io>), 256, "readline chr(256)"); for my $i (0 .. $buf_size_count - 1) { is($io->ungetc($i), $i, "ungetc of $i returns itself"); } for (my $i = $buf_size_count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { is(ord($io->getc()), $i, "getc gets back $i"); } undef $io; END { 1 while unlink "io_utf8"; }