#!./perl use File::Spec; use lib File::Spec->catdir('t', 'lib'); use Test::More; if( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { plan tests => 4; } else { plan skip_all => 'this is not win32'; } use Cwd; ok 1; my $cdir = getdcwd('C:'); like $cdir, qr{^C:}i; my $ddir = getdcwd('D:'); if (defined $ddir) { like $ddir, qr{^D:}i; } else { # May not have a D: drive mounted ok 1; } # Ensure compatibility with naughty versions of Template::Toolkit, # which pass in a bare $1 as an argument 'Foo/strawberry' =~ /(.*)/; my $result = File::Spec::Win32->catfile('C:/cache', $1); is( $result, 'C:\cache\Foo\strawberry' );