#!./perl -w # # Copyright 2002, Larry Wall. # # You may redistribute only under the same terms as Perl 5, as specified # in the README file that comes with the distribution. # sub BEGIN { unshift @INC, 't'; unshift @INC, 't/compat' if $] < 5.006002; if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}){ require Config; if ($Config::Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bStorable\b/) { print "1..0 # Skip: Storable was not built\n"; exit 0; } } else { if ($] < 5.005) { print "1..0 # Skip: No Hash::Util pre 5.005\n"; exit 0; # And doing this seems on 5.004 seems to create bogus warnings about # uninitialized variables, or coredumps in Perl_pp_padsv } elsif (!eval "require Hash::Util") { if ($@ =~ /Can\'t locate Hash\/Util\.pm in \@INC/s) { print "1..0 # Skip: No Hash::Util:\n"; exit 0; } else { die; } } unshift @INC, 't'; } } use Storable qw(dclone freeze thaw); use Hash::Util qw(lock_hash unlock_value); use Test::More tests => 100; my %hash = (question => '?', answer => 42, extra => 'junk', undef => undef); lock_hash %hash; unlock_value %hash, 'answer'; unlock_value %hash, 'extra'; delete $hash{'extra'}; my $test; package Restrict_Test; sub me_second { return (undef, $_[0]); } package main; sub freeze_thaw { my $temp = freeze $_[0]; return thaw $temp; } sub testit { my $hash = shift; my $cloner = shift; my $copy = &$cloner($hash); my @in_keys = sort keys %$hash; my @out_keys = sort keys %$copy; is("@in_keys", "@out_keys", "keys match after deep clone"); # $copy = $hash; # used in initial debug of the tests is(Internals::SvREADONLY(%$copy), 1, "cloned hash restricted?"); is(Internals::SvREADONLY($copy->{question}), 1, "key 'question' not locked in copy?"); is(Internals::SvREADONLY($copy->{answer}), '', "key 'answer' not locked in copy?"); eval { $copy->{extra} = 15 } ; is($@, '', "Can assign to reserved key 'extra'?"); eval { $copy->{nono} = 7 } ; isnt($@, '', "Can not assign to invalid key 'nono'?"); is(exists $copy->{undef}, 1, "key 'undef' exists"); is($copy->{undef}, undef, "value for key 'undef' is undefined"); } for $Storable::canonical (0, 1) { for my $cloner (\&dclone, \&freeze_thaw) { print "# \$Storable::canonical = $Storable::canonical\n"; testit (\%hash, $cloner); my $object = \%hash; # bless {}, "Restrict_Test"; my %hash2; $hash2{"k$_"} = "v$_" for 0..16; lock_hash %hash2; for (0..16) { unlock_value %hash2, "k$_"; delete $hash2{"k$_"}; } my $copy = &$cloner(\%hash2); for (0..16) { my $k = "k$_"; eval { $copy->{$k} = undef } ; is($@, '', "Can assign to reserved key '$k'?"); } } }