use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { require($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../../t/' : './t/'); use Config; if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) { skip_all(q/Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'/); } } our $TODO; use ExtUtils::testlib; use threads; BEGIN { if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') { skip_all('threads::shared not available'); } $| = 1; print("1..18\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ### }; ok(1, 'Loaded'); ### Start of Testing ### $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { my $msg = shift; ok(0, "WARN in main: $msg"); }; $SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub { my $msg = shift; ok(0, "DIE in main: $msg"); }; my $thr = threads->create(sub { threads->exit(); return (99); # Not seen }); ok($thr, 'Created: threads->exit()'); my $rc = $thr->join(); ok(! defined($rc), 'Exited: threads->exit()'); run_perl(prog => 'use threads 2.09;' . 'threads->exit(86);' . 'exit(99);', nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1, switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ]); { local $TODO = 'VMS exit semantics not like POSIX exit semantics' if $^O eq 'VMS'; is($?>>8, 86, 'thread->exit(status) in main'); } $thr = threads->create({'exit' => 'thread_only'}, sub { exit(1); return (99); # Not seen }); ok($thr, 'Created: thread_only'); $rc = $thr->join(); ok(! defined($rc), 'Exited: thread_only'); $thr = threads->create(sub { threads->set_thread_exit_only(1); exit(1); return (99); # Not seen }); ok($thr, 'Created: threads->set_thread_exit_only'); $rc = $thr->join(); ok(! defined($rc), 'Exited: threads->set_thread_exit_only'); my $WAIT :shared = 1; $thr = threads->create(sub { lock($WAIT); while ($WAIT) { cond_wait($WAIT); } exit(1); return (99); # Not seen }); threads->yield(); ok($thr, 'Created: $thr->set_thread_exit_only'); $thr->set_thread_exit_only(1); { lock($WAIT); $WAIT = 0; cond_broadcast($WAIT); } $rc = $thr->join(); ok(! defined($rc), 'Exited: $thr->set_thread_exit_only'); run_perl(prog => 'use threads 2.09 qw(exit thread_only);' . 'threads->create(sub { exit(99); })->join();' . 'exit(86);', nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1, switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ]); { local $TODO = 'VMS exit semantics not like POSIX exit semantics' if $^O eq 'VMS'; is($?>>8, 86, "'use threads 'exit' => 'thread_only'"); } my $out = run_perl(prog => 'use threads 2.09;' . 'threads->create(sub {' . ' exit(99);' . '});' . 'sleep(1);' . 'exit(86);', nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1, switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ], stderr => 1); { local $TODO = 'VMS exit semantics not like POSIX exit semantics' if $^O eq 'VMS'; is($?>>8, 99, "exit(status) in thread"); } like($out, qr/1 finished and unjoined/, "exit(status) in thread"); $out = run_perl(prog => 'use threads 2.09 qw(exit thread_only);' . 'threads->create(sub {' . ' threads->set_thread_exit_only(0);' . ' exit(99);' . '});' . 'sleep(1);' . 'exit(86);', nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1, switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ], stderr => 1); { local $TODO = 'VMS exit semantics not like POSIX exit semantics' if $^O eq 'VMS'; is($?>>8, 99, "set_thread_exit_only(0)"); } like($out, qr/1 finished and unjoined/, "set_thread_exit_only(0)"); run_perl(prog => 'use threads 2.09;' . 'threads->create(sub {' . ' $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { exit(99); };' . ' die();' . '})->join();' . 'exit(86);', nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1, switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ]); { local $TODO = 'VMS exit semantics not like POSIX exit semantics' if $^O eq 'VMS'; is($?>>8, 99, "exit(status) in thread warn handler"); } $thr = threads->create(sub { $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { threads->exit(); }; local $SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT'; die('Died'); }); ok($thr, 'Created: threads->exit() in thread warn handler'); $rc = $thr->join(); ok(! defined($rc), 'Exited: threads->exit() in thread warn handler'); exit(0); # EOF