#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #if DJGPP==2 && DJGPP_MINOR<2 /* XXX I should rewrite this stuff someday. ML */ /* This is from popen.c */ /* Copyright (C) 1997 DJ Delorie, see COPYING.DJ for details */ /* Copyright (C) 1996 DJ Delorie, see COPYING.DJ for details */ /* Copyright (C) 1995 DJ Delorie, see COPYING.DJ for details */ /* hold file pointer, descriptor, command, mode, temporary file name, and the status of the command */ struct pipe_list { FILE *fp; int fd; int exit_status; char *command, mode[10], temp_name[L_tmpnam]; struct pipe_list *next; }; /* static, global list pointer */ static struct pipe_list *pl = NULL; FILE * popen (const char *cm, const char *md) /* program name, pipe mode */ { struct pipe_list *l1; /* make new node */ if ((l1 = (struct pipe_list *) malloc (sizeof (struct pipe_list))) == NULL) return NULL; /* zero out elements to we'll get here */ l1->fp = NULL; l1->next = pl; pl = l1; /* stick in elements we know already */ l1->exit_status = -1; strcpy (l1->mode, md); if (tmpnam (l1->temp_name) == NULL) return NULL; /* if can save the program name, build temp file */ if ((l1->command = malloc(strlen(cm)+1))) { strcpy(l1->command, cm); /* if caller wants to read */ if (l1->mode[0] == 'r') { /* dup stdout */ if ((l1->fd = dup (fileno (stdout))) == EOF) l1->fp = NULL; else if (!(l1->fp = freopen (l1->temp_name, "wb", stdout))) l1->fp = NULL; else /* exec cmd */ { if ((l1->exit_status = system (cm)) == EOF) l1->fp = NULL; } /* reopen real stdout */ if (dup2 (l1->fd, fileno (stdout)) == EOF) l1->fp = NULL; else /* open file for reader */ l1->fp = fopen (l1->temp_name, l1->mode); close(l1->fd); } else /* if caller wants to write */ if (l1->mode[0] == 'w') /* open temp file */ l1->fp = fopen (l1->temp_name, l1->mode); else /* unknown mode */ l1->fp = NULL; } return l1->fp; /* return == NULL ? ERROR : OK */ } int pclose (FILE *pp) { struct pipe_list *l1, *l2; /* list pointers */ int retval=0; /* function return value */ /* if pointer is first node */ if (pl->fp == pp) { /* save node and take it out the list */ l1 = pl; pl = l1->next; } else /* if more than one node in list */ if (pl->next) { /* find right node */ for (l2 = pl, l1 = pl->next; l1; l2 = l1, l1 = l2->next) if (l1->fp == pp) break; /* take node out of list */ l2->next = l1->next; } else return -1; /* if FILE not in list - return error */ if (l1->fp == pp) { /* close the (hopefully) popen()ed file */ fclose (l1->fp); /* if pipe was opened to write */ if (l1->mode[0] == 'w') { /* dup stdin */ if ((l1->fd = dup (fileno (stdin))) == EOF) retval = -1; else /* open temp stdin */ if (!(l1->fp = freopen (l1->temp_name, "rb", stdin))) retval = -1; else /* exec cmd */ if ((retval = system (l1->command)) != EOF) { /* reopen stdin */ if (dup2 (l1->fd, fileno (stdin)) == EOF) retval = -1; } close(l1->fd); } else /* if pipe was opened to read, return the exit status we saved */ if (l1->mode[0] == 'r') retval = l1->exit_status; else /* invalid mode */ retval = -1; } remove (l1->temp_name); /* remove temporary file */ free (l1->command); /* dealloc memory */ free (l1); /* dealloc memory */ return retval; /* retval==0 ? OK : ERROR */ } #endif /**/ #define EXECF_SPAWN 0 #define EXECF_EXEC 1 static int convretcode (int rc,char *prog,int fl) { if (rc < 0 && dowarn) warn ("Can't %s \"%s\": %s",fl ? "exec" : "spawn",prog,Strerror (errno)); if (rc > 0) return rc <<= 8; if (rc < 0) return 255 << 8; return 0; } int do_aspawn (SV *really,SV **mark,SV **sp) { dTHR; int rc; char **a,*tmps,**argv; if (sp<=mark) return -1; a=argv=(char**) alloca ((sp-mark+3)*sizeof (char*)); while (++mark <= sp) if (*mark) *a++ = SvPVx(*mark, na); else *a++ = ""; *a = Nullch; if (argv[0][0] != '/' && argv[0][0] != '\\' && !(argv[0][0] && argv[0][1] == ':' && (argv[0][2] == '/' || argv[0][2] != '\\')) ) /* will swawnvp use PATH? */ TAINT_ENV(); /* testing IFS here is overkill, probably */ if (really && *(tmps = SvPV(really, na))) rc=spawnvp (P_WAIT,tmps,argv); else rc=spawnvp (P_WAIT,argv[0],argv); return convretcode (rc,argv[0],EXECF_SPAWN); } #define EXTRA "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" int do_spawn2 (char *cmd,int execf) { char **a,*s,*shell,*metachars; int rc,unixysh; if ((shell=getenv("SHELL"))==NULL && (shell=getenv("COMSPEC"))==NULL) shell="c:\\command.com" EXTRA; unixysh=_is_unixy_shell (shell); metachars=unixysh ? "$&*(){}[]'\";\\?>|<~`\n" EXTRA : "*?[|<>\"\\" EXTRA; while (*cmd && isSPACE(*cmd)) cmd++; if (strnEQ (cmd,"/bin/sh",7) && isSPACE (cmd[7])) cmd+=5; /* save an extra exec if possible */ /* see if there are shell metacharacters in it */ if (strstr (cmd,"...")) goto doshell; if (unixysh) { if (*cmd=='.' && isSPACE (cmd[1])) goto doshell; if (strnEQ (cmd,"exec",4) && isSPACE (cmd[4])) goto doshell; for (s=cmd; *s && isALPHA (*s); s++) ; /* catch VAR=val gizmo */ if (*s=='=') goto doshell; } for (s=cmd; *s; s++) if (strchr (metachars,*s)) { if (*s=='\n' && s[1]=='\0') { *s='\0'; break; } doshell: if (execf==EXECF_EXEC) return convretcode (execl (shell,shell,unixysh ? "-c" : "/c",cmd,NULL),cmd,execf); return convretcode (system (cmd),cmd,execf); } New (1303,Argv,(s-cmd)/2+2,char*); Cmd=savepvn (cmd,s-cmd); a=Argv; for (s=Cmd; *s;) { while (*s && isSPACE (*s)) s++; if (*s) *(a++)=s; while (*s && !isSPACE (*s)) s++; if (*s) *s++='\0'; } *a=Nullch; if (!Argv[0]) return -1; if (execf==EXECF_EXEC) rc=execvp (Argv[0],Argv); else rc=spawnvp (P_WAIT,Argv[0],Argv); return convretcode (rc,Argv[0],execf); } int do_spawn (char *cmd) { return do_spawn2 (cmd,EXECF_SPAWN); } bool do_exec (char *cmd) { do_spawn2 (cmd,EXECF_EXEC); return FALSE; } /**/ struct globinfo { int fd; char *matches; size_t size; }; #define MAXOPENGLOBS 10 static struct globinfo myglobs[MAXOPENGLOBS]; static struct globinfo * searchfd (int fd) { int ic; for (ic=0; icmatches=p1=(char*) malloc (gi->size=len))==NULL) break; for (ic=0; icmatches=strdup (name))==NULL) break; gi->size=strlen (name)+1; } globfree (&pglob); gi->fd=*rv=__FSEXT_alloc_fd (glob_handler); return 1; } case __FSEXT_read: { int fd=va_arg (args,int); char *buf=va_arg (args,char*); size_t siz=va_arg (args,size_t); if ((gi=searchfd (fd))==NULL) break; ic=tell (fd); if (siz+ic>=gi->size) siz=gi->size-ic; memcpy (buf,ic+gi->matches,siz); lseek (fd,siz,1); *rv=siz; return 1; } case __FSEXT_close: { int fd=va_arg (args,int); if ((gi=searchfd (fd))==NULL) break; free (gi->matches); gi->fd=-1; break; } default: break; } return 0; } static XS(dos_GetCwd) { dXSARGS; if (items) croak ("Usage: Dos::GetCwd()"); { char tmp[PATH_MAX+2]; ST(0)=sv_newmortal (); if (getcwd (tmp,PATH_MAX+1)!=NULL) sv_setpv ((SV*)ST(0),tmp); } XSRETURN (1); } static XS(dos_UseLFN) { dXSARGS; XSRETURN_IV (_USE_LFN); } void init_os_extras() { char *file = __FILE__; dXSUB_SYS; newXS ("Dos::GetCwd",dos_GetCwd,file); newXS ("Dos::UseLFN",dos_UseLFN,file); /* install my File System Extension for globbing */ __FSEXT_add_open_handler (glob_handler); memset (myglobs,-1,sizeof (myglobs)); } static char *perlprefix; #define PERL5 "/perl5" char *djgpp_pathexp (const char *p) { static char expp[PATH_MAX]; strcpy (expp,perlprefix); switch (p[0]) { case 'B': strcat (expp,"/bin"); break; case 'S': strcat (expp,"/lib" PERL5 "/site"); break; default: strcat (expp,"/lib" PERL5); break; } return expp; } void Perl_DJGPP_init (int *argcp,char ***argvp) { char *p; perlprefix=strdup (**argvp); strlwr (perlprefix); if ((p=strrchr (perlprefix,'/'))!=NULL) { *p=0; if (strEQ (p-4,"/bin")) p[-4]=0; } else strcpy (perlprefix,".."); }