/* dump.c * * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, * 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, by Larry Wall and others * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. * */ /* * "'You have talked long in your sleep, Frodo,' said Gandalf gently, 'and * it has not been hard for me to read your mind and memory.'" */ /* This file contains utility routines to dump the contents of SV and OP * structures, as used by command-line options like -Dt and -Dx, and * by Devel::Peek. * * It also holds the debugging version of the runops function. */ #include "EXTERN.h" #define PERL_IN_DUMP_C #include "perl.h" #include "regcomp.h" #include "proto.h" static const char* const svtypenames[SVt_LAST] = { "NULL", "BIND", "IV", "NV", "RV", "PV", "PVIV", "PVNV", "PVMG", "PVGV", "PVLV", "PVAV", "PVHV", "PVCV", "PVFM", "PVIO" }; static const char* const svshorttypenames[SVt_LAST] = { "UNDEF", "BIND", "IV", "NV", "RV", "PV", "PVIV", "PVNV", "PVMG", "GV", "PVLV", "AV", "HV", "CV", "FM", "IO" }; #define Sequence PL_op_sequence void Perl_dump_indent(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const char* pat, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, pat); dump_vindent(level, file, pat, &args); va_end(args); } void Perl_dump_vindent(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const char* pat, va_list *args) { dVAR; PerlIO_printf(file, "%*s", (int)(level*PL_dumpindent), ""); PerlIO_vprintf(file, pat, *args); } void Perl_dump_all(pTHX) { dVAR; PerlIO_setlinebuf(Perl_debug_log); if (PL_main_root) op_dump(PL_main_root); dump_packsubs(PL_defstash); } void Perl_dump_packsubs(pTHX_ const HV *stash) { dVAR; I32 i; if (!HvARRAY(stash)) return; for (i = 0; i <= (I32) HvMAX(stash); i++) { const HE *entry; for (entry = HvARRAY(stash)[i]; entry; entry = HeNEXT(entry)) { const GV * const gv = (GV*)HeVAL(entry); if (SvTYPE(gv) != SVt_PVGV || !GvGP(gv)) continue; if (GvCVu(gv)) dump_sub(gv); if (GvFORM(gv)) dump_form(gv); if (HeKEY(entry)[HeKLEN(entry)-1] == ':') { const HV * const hv = GvHV(gv); if (hv && (hv != PL_defstash)) dump_packsubs(hv); /* nested package */ } } } } void Perl_dump_sub(pTHX_ const GV *gv) { SV * const sv = sv_newmortal(); gv_fullname3(sv, gv, NULL); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ 0, Perl_debug_log, "\nSUB %s = ", SvPVX_const(sv)); if (CvISXSUB(GvCV(gv))) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ 0, Perl_debug_log, "(xsub 0x%"UVxf" %d)\n", PTR2UV(CvXSUB(GvCV(gv))), (int)CvXSUBANY(GvCV(gv)).any_i32); else if (CvROOT(GvCV(gv))) op_dump(CvROOT(GvCV(gv))); else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ 0, Perl_debug_log, "\n"); } void Perl_dump_form(pTHX_ const GV *gv) { SV * const sv = sv_newmortal(); gv_fullname3(sv, gv, NULL); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ 0, Perl_debug_log, "\nFORMAT %s = ", SvPVX_const(sv)); if (CvROOT(GvFORM(gv))) op_dump(CvROOT(GvFORM(gv))); else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ 0, Perl_debug_log, "\n"); } void Perl_dump_eval(pTHX) { dVAR; op_dump(PL_eval_root); } /* =for apidoc Apd|char*|pv_escape|NN SV *dsv|NN const char const *str\ |const STRLEN count|const STRLEN max |STRLEN const *escaped, const U32 flags Escapes at most the first "count" chars of pv and puts the results into dsv such that the size of the escaped string will not exceed "max" chars and will not contain any incomplete escape sequences. If flags contains PERL_PV_ESCAPE_QUOTE then any double quotes in the string will also be escaped. Normally the SV will be cleared before the escaped string is prepared, but when PERL_PV_ESCAPE_NOCLEAR is set this will not occur. If PERL_PV_ESCAPE_UNI is set then the input string is treated as Unicode, if PERL_PV_ESCAPE_UNI_DETECT is set then the input string is scanned using C to determine if it is Unicode. If PERL_PV_ESCAPE_ALL is set then all input chars will be output using C<\x01F1> style escapes, otherwise only chars above 255 will be escaped using this style, other non printable chars will use octal or common escaped patterns like C<\n>. If PERL_PV_ESCAPE_NOBACKSLASH then all chars below 255 will be treated as printable and will be output as literals. If PERL_PV_ESCAPE_FIRSTCHAR is set then only the first char of the string will be escaped, regardles of max. If the string is utf8 and the chars value is >255 then it will be returned as a plain hex sequence. Thus the output will either be a single char, an octal escape sequence, a special escape like C<\n> or a 3 or more digit hex value. If PERL_PV_ESCAPE_RE is set then the escape char used will be a '%' and not a '\\'. This is because regexes very often contain backslashed sequences, whereas '%' is not a particularly common character in patterns. Returns a pointer to the escaped text as held by dsv. =cut */ #define PV_ESCAPE_OCTBUFSIZE 32 char * Perl_pv_escape( pTHX_ SV *dsv, char const * const str, const STRLEN count, const STRLEN max, STRLEN * const escaped, const U32 flags ) { const char esc = (flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_RE) ? '%' : '\\'; const char dq = (flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_QUOTE) ? '"' : esc; char octbuf[PV_ESCAPE_OCTBUFSIZE] = "%123456789ABCDF"; STRLEN wrote = 0; /* chars written so far */ STRLEN chsize = 0; /* size of data to be written */ STRLEN readsize = 1; /* size of data just read */ bool isuni= flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_UNI ? 1 : 0; /* is this Unicode */ const char *pv = str; const char * const end = pv + count; /* end of string */ octbuf[0] = esc; if (!flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_NOCLEAR) sv_setpvn(dsv, "", 0); if ((flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_UNI_DETECT) && is_utf8_string((U8*)pv, count)) isuni = 1; for ( ; (pv < end && (!max || (wrote < max))) ; pv += readsize ) { const UV u= (isuni) ? utf8_to_uvchr((U8*)pv, &readsize) : (U8)*pv; const U8 c = (U8)u & 0xFF; if ( ( u > 255 ) || (flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_ALL)) { if (flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_FIRSTCHAR) chsize = my_snprintf( octbuf, PV_ESCAPE_OCTBUFSIZE, "%"UVxf, u); else chsize = my_snprintf( octbuf, PV_ESCAPE_OCTBUFSIZE, "%cx{%"UVxf"}", esc, u); } else if (flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_NOBACKSLASH) { chsize = 1; } else { if ( (c == dq) || (c == esc) || !isPRINT(c) ) { chsize = 2; switch (c) { case '\\' : /* fallthrough */ case '%' : if ( c == esc ) { octbuf[1] = esc; } else { chsize = 1; } break; case '\v' : octbuf[1] = 'v'; break; case '\t' : octbuf[1] = 't'; break; case '\r' : octbuf[1] = 'r'; break; case '\n' : octbuf[1] = 'n'; break; case '\f' : octbuf[1] = 'f'; break; case '"' : if ( dq == '"' ) octbuf[1] = '"'; else chsize = 1; break; default: if ( (pv < end) && isDIGIT((U8)*(pv+readsize)) ) chsize = my_snprintf( octbuf, PV_ESCAPE_OCTBUFSIZE, "%c%03o", esc, c); else chsize = my_snprintf( octbuf, PV_ESCAPE_OCTBUFSIZE, "%c%o", esc, c); } } else { chsize = 1; } } if ( max && (wrote + chsize > max) ) { break; } else if (chsize > 1) { sv_catpvn(dsv, octbuf, chsize); wrote += chsize; } else { const char string = (char) c; sv_catpvn(dsv, &string, 1); wrote++; } if ( flags & PERL_PV_ESCAPE_FIRSTCHAR ) break; } if (escaped != NULL) *escaped= pv - str; return SvPVX(dsv); } /* =for apidoc Apd|char *|pv_pretty|NN SV *dsv|NN const char const *str\ |const STRLEN count|const STRLEN max\ |const char const *start_color| const char const *end_color\ |const U32 flags Converts a string into something presentable, handling escaping via pv_escape() and supporting quoting and ellipses. If the PERL_PV_PRETTY_QUOTE flag is set then the result will be double quoted with any double quotes in the string escaped. Otherwise if the PERL_PV_PRETTY_LTGT flag is set then the result be wrapped in angle brackets. If the PERL_PV_PRETTY_ELLIPSES flag is set and not all characters in string were output then an ellipsis C<...> will be appended to the string. Note that this happens AFTER it has been quoted. If start_color is non-null then it will be inserted after the opening quote (if there is one) but before the escaped text. If end_color is non-null then it will be inserted after the escaped text but before any quotes or ellipses. Returns a pointer to the prettified text as held by dsv. =cut */ char * Perl_pv_pretty( pTHX_ SV *dsv, char const * const str, const STRLEN count, const STRLEN max, char const * const start_color, char const * const end_color, const U32 flags ) { const U8 dq = (flags & PERL_PV_PRETTY_QUOTE) ? '"' : '%'; STRLEN escaped; if ( dq == '"' ) sv_setpvn(dsv, "\"", 1); else if ( flags & PERL_PV_PRETTY_LTGT ) sv_setpvn(dsv, "<", 1); else sv_setpvn(dsv, "", 0); if ( start_color != NULL ) Perl_sv_catpv( aTHX_ dsv, start_color); pv_escape( dsv, str, count, max, &escaped, flags | PERL_PV_ESCAPE_NOCLEAR ); if ( end_color != NULL ) Perl_sv_catpv( aTHX_ dsv, end_color); if ( dq == '"' ) sv_catpvn( dsv, "\"", 1 ); else if ( flags & PERL_PV_PRETTY_LTGT ) sv_catpvn( dsv, ">", 1); if ( (flags & PERL_PV_PRETTY_ELLIPSES) && ( escaped < count ) ) sv_catpvn( dsv, "...", 3 ); return SvPVX(dsv); } /* =for apidoc pv_display char *pv_display(SV *dsv, const char *pv, STRLEN cur, STRLEN len, STRLEN pvlim, U32 flags) Similar to pv_escape(dsv,pv,cur,pvlim,PERL_PV_ESCAPE_QUOTE); except that an additional "\0" will be appended to the string when len > cur and pv[cur] is "\0". Note that the final string may be up to 7 chars longer than pvlim. =cut */ char * Perl_pv_display(pTHX_ SV *dsv, const char *pv, STRLEN cur, STRLEN len, STRLEN pvlim) { pv_pretty( dsv, pv, cur, pvlim, NULL, NULL, PERL_PV_PRETTY_DUMP); if (len > cur && pv[cur] == '\0') sv_catpvn( dsv, "\\0", 2 ); return SvPVX(dsv); } char * Perl_sv_peek(pTHX_ SV *sv) { dVAR; SV * const t = sv_newmortal(); int unref = 0; U32 type; sv_setpvn(t, "", 0); retry: if (!sv) { sv_catpv(t, "VOID"); goto finish; } else if (sv == (SV*)0x55555555 || SvTYPE(sv) == 'U') { sv_catpv(t, "WILD"); goto finish; } else if (sv == &PL_sv_undef || sv == &PL_sv_no || sv == &PL_sv_yes || sv == &PL_sv_placeholder) { if (sv == &PL_sv_undef) { sv_catpv(t, "SV_UNDEF"); if (!(SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_OK|SVf_OOK|SVs_OBJECT| SVs_GMG|SVs_SMG|SVs_RMG)) && SvREADONLY(sv)) goto finish; } else if (sv == &PL_sv_no) { sv_catpv(t, "SV_NO"); if (!(SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_ROK|SVf_OOK|SVs_OBJECT| SVs_GMG|SVs_SMG|SVs_RMG)) && !(~SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_NOK|SVf_READONLY| SVp_POK|SVp_NOK)) && SvCUR(sv) == 0 && SvNVX(sv) == 0.0) goto finish; } else if (sv == &PL_sv_yes) { sv_catpv(t, "SV_YES"); if (!(SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_ROK|SVf_OOK|SVs_OBJECT| SVs_GMG|SVs_SMG|SVs_RMG)) && !(~SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_NOK|SVf_READONLY| SVp_POK|SVp_NOK)) && SvCUR(sv) == 1 && SvPVX_const(sv) && *SvPVX_const(sv) == '1' && SvNVX(sv) == 1.0) goto finish; } else { sv_catpv(t, "SV_PLACEHOLDER"); if (!(SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_OK|SVf_OOK|SVs_OBJECT| SVs_GMG|SVs_SMG|SVs_RMG)) && SvREADONLY(sv)) goto finish; } sv_catpv(t, ":"); } else if (SvREFCNT(sv) == 0) { sv_catpv(t, "("); unref++; } else if (DEBUG_R_TEST_) { int is_tmp = 0; I32 ix; /* is this SV on the tmps stack? */ for (ix=PL_tmps_ix; ix>=0; ix--) { if (PL_tmps_stack[ix] == sv) { is_tmp = 1; break; } } if (SvREFCNT(sv) > 1) Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, "<%"UVuf"%s>", (UV)SvREFCNT(sv), is_tmp ? "T" : ""); else if (is_tmp) sv_catpv(t, ""); } if (SvROK(sv)) { sv_catpv(t, "\\"); if (SvCUR(t) + unref > 10) { SvCUR_set(t, unref + 3); *SvEND(t) = '\0'; sv_catpv(t, "..."); goto finish; } sv = (SV*)SvRV(sv); goto retry; } type = SvTYPE(sv); if (type == SVt_PVCV) { Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, "CV(%s)", CvGV(sv) ? GvNAME(CvGV(sv)) : ""); goto finish; } else if (type < SVt_LAST) { sv_catpv(t, svshorttypenames[type]); if (type == SVt_NULL) goto finish; } else { sv_catpv(t, "FREED"); goto finish; } if (SvPOKp(sv)) { if (!SvPVX_const(sv)) sv_catpv(t, "(null)"); else { SV * const tmp = newSVpvs(""); sv_catpv(t, "("); if (SvOOK(sv)) Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, "[%s]", pv_display(tmp, SvPVX_const(sv)-SvIVX(sv), SvIVX(sv), 0, 127)); Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, "%s)", pv_display(tmp, SvPVX_const(sv), SvCUR(sv), SvLEN(sv), 127)); if (SvUTF8(sv)) Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, " [UTF8 \"%s\"]", sv_uni_display(tmp, sv, 6 * SvCUR(sv), UNI_DISPLAY_QQ)); SvREFCNT_dec(tmp); } } else if (SvNOKp(sv)) { STORE_NUMERIC_LOCAL_SET_STANDARD(); Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, "(%"NVgf")",SvNVX(sv)); RESTORE_NUMERIC_LOCAL(); } else if (SvIOKp(sv)) { if (SvIsUV(sv)) Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, "(%"UVuf")", (UV)SvUVX(sv)); else Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, "(%"IVdf")", (IV)SvIVX(sv)); } else sv_catpv(t, "()"); finish: while (unref--) sv_catpv(t, ")"); return SvPV_nolen(t); } void Perl_do_pmop_dump(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const PMOP *pm) { char ch; if (!pm) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "{}\n"); return; } Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "{\n"); level++; if (pm->op_pmflags & PMf_ONCE) ch = '?'; else ch = '/'; if (PM_GETRE(pm)) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "PMf_PRE %c%s%c%s\n", ch, PM_GETRE(pm)->precomp, ch, (pm->op_private & OPpRUNTIME) ? " (RUNTIME)" : ""); else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "PMf_PRE (RUNTIME)\n"); if (pm->op_type != OP_PUSHRE && pm->op_pmreplrootu.op_pmreplroot) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "PMf_REPL = "); op_dump(pm->op_pmreplrootu.op_pmreplroot); } if (pm->op_pmflags || (PM_GETRE(pm) && PM_GETRE(pm)->check_substr)) { SV * const tmpsv = pm_description(pm); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "PMFLAGS = (%s)\n", SvCUR(tmpsv) ? SvPVX_const(tmpsv) + 1 : ""); SvREFCNT_dec(tmpsv); } Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level-1, file, "}\n"); } static SV * S_pm_description(pTHX_ const PMOP *pm) { SV * const desc = newSVpvs(""); const REGEXP * const regex = PM_GETRE(pm); const U32 pmflags = pm->op_pmflags; if (pmflags & PMf_ONCE) sv_catpv(desc, ",ONCE"); #ifdef USE_ITHREADS if (SvREADONLY(PL_regex_pad[pm->op_pmoffset])) sv_catpv(desc, ":USED"); #else if (pmflags & PMf_USED) sv_catpv(desc, ":USED"); #endif if (regex) { if (regex->extflags & RXf_TAINTED) sv_catpv(desc, ",TAINTED"); if (regex->check_substr) { if (!(regex->extflags & RXf_NOSCAN)) sv_catpv(desc, ",SCANFIRST"); if (regex->extflags & RXf_CHECK_ALL) sv_catpv(desc, ",ALL"); } if (regex->extflags & RXf_SKIPWHITE) sv_catpv(desc, ",SKIPWHITE"); } if (pmflags & PMf_CONST) sv_catpv(desc, ",CONST"); if (pmflags & PMf_KEEP) sv_catpv(desc, ",KEEP"); if (pmflags & PMf_GLOBAL) sv_catpv(desc, ",GLOBAL"); if (pmflags & PMf_CONTINUE) sv_catpv(desc, ",CONTINUE"); if (pmflags & PMf_RETAINT) sv_catpv(desc, ",RETAINT"); if (pmflags & PMf_EVAL) sv_catpv(desc, ",EVAL"); return desc; } void Perl_pmop_dump(pTHX_ PMOP *pm) { do_pmop_dump(0, Perl_debug_log, pm); } /* An op sequencer. We visit the ops in the order they're to execute. */ STATIC void S_sequence(pTHX_ register const OP *o) { dVAR; const OP *oldop = NULL; if (!o) return; #ifdef PERL_MAD if (o->op_next == 0) return; #endif if (!Sequence) Sequence = newHV(); for (; o; o = o->op_next) { STRLEN len; SV * const op = newSVuv(PTR2UV(o)); const char * const key = SvPV_const(op, len); if (hv_exists(Sequence, key, len)) break; switch (o->op_type) { case OP_STUB: if ((o->op_flags & OPf_WANT) != OPf_WANT_LIST) { (void)hv_store(Sequence, key, len, newSVuv(++PL_op_seq), 0); break; } goto nothin; case OP_NULL: #ifdef PERL_MAD if (o == o->op_next) return; #endif if (oldop && o->op_next) continue; break; case OP_SCALAR: case OP_LINESEQ: case OP_SCOPE: nothin: if (oldop && o->op_next) continue; (void)hv_store(Sequence, key, len, newSVuv(++PL_op_seq), 0); break; case OP_MAPWHILE: case OP_GREPWHILE: case OP_AND: case OP_OR: case OP_DOR: case OP_ANDASSIGN: case OP_ORASSIGN: case OP_DORASSIGN: case OP_COND_EXPR: case OP_RANGE: (void)hv_store(Sequence, key, len, newSVuv(++PL_op_seq), 0); sequence_tail(cLOGOPo->op_other); break; case OP_ENTERLOOP: case OP_ENTERITER: (void)hv_store(Sequence, key, len, newSVuv(++PL_op_seq), 0); sequence_tail(cLOOPo->op_redoop); sequence_tail(cLOOPo->op_nextop); sequence_tail(cLOOPo->op_lastop); break; case OP_SUBST: (void)hv_store(Sequence, key, len, newSVuv(++PL_op_seq), 0); sequence_tail(cPMOPo->op_pmstashstartu.op_pmreplstart); break; case OP_QR: case OP_MATCH: case OP_HELEM: break; default: (void)hv_store(Sequence, key, len, newSVuv(++PL_op_seq), 0); break; } oldop = o; } } static void S_sequence_tail(pTHX_ const OP *o) { while (o && (o->op_type == OP_NULL)) o = o->op_next; sequence(o); } STATIC UV S_sequence_num(pTHX_ const OP *o) { dVAR; SV *op, **seq; const char *key; STRLEN len; if (!o) return 0; op = newSVuv(PTR2UV(o)); key = SvPV_const(op, len); seq = hv_fetch(Sequence, key, len, 0); return seq ? SvUV(*seq): 0; } void Perl_do_op_dump(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const OP *o) { dVAR; UV seq; const OPCODE optype = o->op_type; sequence(o); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "{\n"); level++; seq = sequence_num(o); if (seq) PerlIO_printf(file, "%-4"UVuf, seq); else PerlIO_printf(file, " "); PerlIO_printf(file, "%*sTYPE = %s ===> ", (int)(PL_dumpindent*level-4), "", OP_NAME(o)); if (o->op_next) PerlIO_printf(file, seq ? "%"UVuf"\n" : "(%"UVuf")\n", sequence_num(o->op_next)); else PerlIO_printf(file, "DONE\n"); if (o->op_targ) { if (optype == OP_NULL) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " (was %s)\n", PL_op_name[o->op_targ]); if (o->op_targ == OP_NEXTSTATE) { if (CopLINE(cCOPo)) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "LINE = %"UVuf"\n", (UV)CopLINE(cCOPo)); if (CopSTASHPV(cCOPo)) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "PACKAGE = \"%s\"\n", CopSTASHPV(cCOPo)); if (cCOPo->cop_label) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "LABEL = \"%s\"\n", cCOPo->cop_label); } } else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "TARG = %ld\n", (long)o->op_targ); } #ifdef DUMPADDR Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "ADDR = 0x%"UVxf" => 0x%"UVxf"\n", (UV)o, (UV)o->op_next); #endif if (o->op_flags || o->op_latefree || o->op_latefreed || o->op_attached) { SV * const tmpsv = newSVpvs(""); switch (o->op_flags & OPf_WANT) { case OPf_WANT_VOID: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",VOID"); break; case OPf_WANT_SCALAR: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",SCALAR"); break; case OPf_WANT_LIST: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",LIST"); break; default: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",UNKNOWN"); break; } if (o->op_flags & OPf_KIDS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",KIDS"); if (o->op_flags & OPf_PARENS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",PARENS"); if (o->op_flags & OPf_STACKED) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",STACKED"); if (o->op_flags & OPf_REF) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",REF"); if (o->op_flags & OPf_MOD) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",MOD"); if (o->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",SPECIAL"); if (o->op_latefree) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",LATEFREE"); if (o->op_latefreed) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",LATEFREED"); if (o->op_attached) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",ATTACHED"); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "FLAGS = (%s)\n", SvCUR(tmpsv) ? SvPVX_const(tmpsv) + 1 : ""); SvREFCNT_dec(tmpsv); } if (o->op_private) { SV * const tmpsv = newSVpvs(""); if (PL_opargs[optype] & OA_TARGLEX) { if (o->op_private & OPpTARGET_MY) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",TARGET_MY"); } else if (optype == OP_LEAVESUB || optype == OP_LEAVE || optype == OP_LEAVESUBLV || optype == OP_LEAVEWRITE) { if (o->op_private & OPpREFCOUNTED) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",REFCOUNTED"); } else if (optype == OP_AASSIGN) { if (o->op_private & OPpASSIGN_COMMON) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",COMMON"); } else if (optype == OP_SASSIGN) { if (o->op_private & OPpASSIGN_BACKWARDS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",BACKWARDS"); } else if (optype == OP_TRANS) { if (o->op_private & OPpTRANS_SQUASH) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",SQUASH"); if (o->op_private & OPpTRANS_DELETE) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",DELETE"); if (o->op_private & OPpTRANS_COMPLEMENT) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",COMPLEMENT"); if (o->op_private & OPpTRANS_IDENTICAL) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",IDENTICAL"); if (o->op_private & OPpTRANS_GROWS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",GROWS"); } else if (optype == OP_REPEAT) { if (o->op_private & OPpREPEAT_DOLIST) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",DOLIST"); } else if (optype == OP_ENTERSUB || optype == OP_RV2SV || optype == OP_GVSV || optype == OP_RV2AV || optype == OP_RV2HV || optype == OP_RV2GV || optype == OP_AELEM || optype == OP_HELEM ) { if (optype == OP_ENTERSUB) { if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_AMPER) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",AMPER"); if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_DB) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",DB"); if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_HASTARG) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",HASTARG"); if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_NOPAREN) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",NOPAREN"); if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_INARGS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",INARGS"); if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_NOMOD) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",NOMOD"); } else { switch (o->op_private & OPpDEREF) { case OPpDEREF_SV: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",SV"); break; case OPpDEREF_AV: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",AV"); break; case OPpDEREF_HV: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",HV"); break; } if (o->op_private & OPpMAYBE_LVSUB) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",MAYBE_LVSUB"); } if (optype == OP_AELEM || optype == OP_HELEM) { if (o->op_private & OPpLVAL_DEFER) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",LVAL_DEFER"); } else { if (o->op_private & HINT_STRICT_REFS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",STRICT_REFS"); if (o->op_private & OPpOUR_INTRO) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",OUR_INTRO"); } } else if (optype == OP_CONST) { if (o->op_private & OPpCONST_BARE) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",BARE"); if (o->op_private & OPpCONST_STRICT) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",STRICT"); if (o->op_private & OPpCONST_ARYBASE) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",ARYBASE"); if (o->op_private & OPpCONST_WARNING) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",WARNING"); if (o->op_private & OPpCONST_ENTERED) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",ENTERED"); } else if (optype == OP_FLIP) { if (o->op_private & OPpFLIP_LINENUM) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",LINENUM"); } else if (optype == OP_FLOP) { if (o->op_private & OPpFLIP_LINENUM) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",LINENUM"); } else if (optype == OP_RV2CV) { if (o->op_private & OPpLVAL_INTRO) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",INTRO"); } else if (optype == OP_GV) { if (o->op_private & OPpEARLY_CV) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",EARLY_CV"); } else if (optype == OP_LIST) { if (o->op_private & OPpLIST_GUESSED) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",GUESSED"); } else if (optype == OP_DELETE) { if (o->op_private & OPpSLICE) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",SLICE"); } else if (optype == OP_EXISTS) { if (o->op_private & OPpEXISTS_SUB) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",EXISTS_SUB"); } else if (optype == OP_SORT) { if (o->op_private & OPpSORT_NUMERIC) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",NUMERIC"); if (o->op_private & OPpSORT_INTEGER) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",INTEGER"); if (o->op_private & OPpSORT_REVERSE) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",REVERSE"); } else if (optype == OP_OPEN || optype == OP_BACKTICK) { if (o->op_private & OPpOPEN_IN_RAW) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",IN_RAW"); if (o->op_private & OPpOPEN_IN_CRLF) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",IN_CRLF"); if (o->op_private & OPpOPEN_OUT_RAW) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",OUT_RAW"); if (o->op_private & OPpOPEN_OUT_CRLF) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",OUT_CRLF"); } else if (optype == OP_EXIT) { if (o->op_private & OPpEXIT_VMSISH) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",EXIT_VMSISH"); if (o->op_private & OPpHUSH_VMSISH) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",HUSH_VMSISH"); } else if (optype == OP_DIE) { if (o->op_private & OPpHUSH_VMSISH) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",HUSH_VMSISH"); } else if (PL_check[optype] != MEMBER_TO_FPTR(Perl_ck_ftst)) { if (OP_IS_FILETEST_ACCESS(o) && o->op_private & OPpFT_ACCESS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",FT_ACCESS"); if (o->op_private & OPpFT_STACKED) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",FT_STACKED"); } if (o->op_flags & OPf_MOD && o->op_private & OPpLVAL_INTRO) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",INTRO"); if (SvCUR(tmpsv)) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "PRIVATE = (%s)\n", SvPVX_const(tmpsv) + 1); SvREFCNT_dec(tmpsv); } #ifdef PERL_MAD if (PL_madskills && o->op_madprop) { SV * const tmpsv = newSVpvn("", 0); MADPROP* mp = o->op_madprop; Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "MADPROPS = {\n"); level++; while (mp) { const char tmp = mp->mad_key; sv_setpvn(tmpsv,"'",1); if (tmp) sv_catpvn(tmpsv, &tmp, 1); sv_catpv(tmpsv, "'="); switch (mp->mad_type) { case MAD_NULL: sv_catpv(tmpsv, "NULL"); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "%s\n", SvPVX(tmpsv)); break; case MAD_PV: sv_catpv(tmpsv, "<"); sv_catpvn(tmpsv, (char*)mp->mad_val, mp->mad_vlen); sv_catpv(tmpsv, ">"); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "%s\n", SvPVX(tmpsv)); break; case MAD_OP: if ((OP*)mp->mad_val) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "%s\n", SvPVX(tmpsv)); do_op_dump(level, file, (OP*)mp->mad_val); } break; default: sv_catpv(tmpsv, "(UNK)"); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "%s\n", SvPVX(tmpsv)); break; } mp = mp->mad_next; } level--; Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "}\n"); SvREFCNT_dec(tmpsv); } #endif switch (optype) { case OP_AELEMFAST: case OP_GVSV: case OP_GV: #ifdef USE_ITHREADS Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "PADIX = %" IVdf "\n", (IV)cPADOPo->op_padix); #else if ( ! PL_op->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL) { /* not lexical */ if (cSVOPo->op_sv) { SV * const tmpsv = newSV(0); ENTER; SAVEFREESV(tmpsv); #ifdef PERL_MAD /* FIXME - is this making unwarranted assumptions about the UTF-8 cleanliness of the dump file handle? */ SvUTF8_on(tmpsv); #endif gv_fullname3(tmpsv, (GV*)cSVOPo->op_sv, NULL); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "GV = %s\n", SvPV_nolen_const(tmpsv)); LEAVE; } else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "GV = NULL\n"); } #endif break; case OP_CONST: case OP_METHOD_NAMED: #ifndef USE_ITHREADS /* with ITHREADS, consts are stored in the pad, and the right pad * may not be active here, so skip */ Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "SV = %s\n", SvPEEK(cSVOPo_sv)); #endif break; case OP_SETSTATE: case OP_NEXTSTATE: case OP_DBSTATE: if (CopLINE(cCOPo)) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "LINE = %"UVuf"\n", (UV)CopLINE(cCOPo)); if (CopSTASHPV(cCOPo)) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "PACKAGE = \"%s\"\n", CopSTASHPV(cCOPo)); if (cCOPo->cop_label) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "LABEL = \"%s\"\n", cCOPo->cop_label); break; case OP_ENTERLOOP: Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "REDO ===> "); if (cLOOPo->op_redoop) PerlIO_printf(file, "%"UVuf"\n", sequence_num(cLOOPo->op_redoop)); else PerlIO_printf(file, "DONE\n"); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "NEXT ===> "); if (cLOOPo->op_nextop) PerlIO_printf(file, "%"UVuf"\n", sequence_num(cLOOPo->op_nextop)); else PerlIO_printf(file, "DONE\n"); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "LAST ===> "); if (cLOOPo->op_lastop) PerlIO_printf(file, "%"UVuf"\n", sequence_num(cLOOPo->op_lastop)); else PerlIO_printf(file, "DONE\n"); break; case OP_COND_EXPR: case OP_RANGE: case OP_MAPWHILE: case OP_GREPWHILE: case OP_OR: case OP_AND: Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "OTHER ===> "); if (cLOGOPo->op_other) PerlIO_printf(file, "%"UVuf"\n", sequence_num(cLOGOPo->op_other)); else PerlIO_printf(file, "DONE\n"); break; case OP_PUSHRE: case OP_MATCH: case OP_QR: case OP_SUBST: do_pmop_dump(level, file, cPMOPo); break; case OP_LEAVE: case OP_LEAVEEVAL: case OP_LEAVESUB: case OP_LEAVESUBLV: case OP_LEAVEWRITE: case OP_SCOPE: if (o->op_private & OPpREFCOUNTED) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "REFCNT = %"UVuf"\n", (UV)o->op_targ); break; default: break; } if (o->op_flags & OPf_KIDS) { OP *kid; for (kid = cUNOPo->op_first; kid; kid = kid->op_sibling) do_op_dump(level, file, kid); } Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level-1, file, "}\n"); } void Perl_op_dump(pTHX_ const OP *o) { do_op_dump(0, Perl_debug_log, o); } void Perl_gv_dump(pTHX_ GV *gv) { SV *sv; if (!gv) { PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "{}\n"); return; } sv = sv_newmortal(); PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "{\n"); gv_fullname3(sv, gv, NULL); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ 1, Perl_debug_log, "GV_NAME = %s", SvPVX_const(sv)); if (gv != GvEGV(gv)) { gv_efullname3(sv, GvEGV(gv), NULL); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ 1, Perl_debug_log, "-> %s", SvPVX_const(sv)); } PerlIO_putc(Perl_debug_log, '\n'); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ 0, Perl_debug_log, "}\n"); } /* map magic types to the symbolic names * (with the PERL_MAGIC_ prefixed stripped) */ static const struct { const char type; const char *name; } magic_names[] = { { PERL_MAGIC_sv, "sv(\\0)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_arylen, "arylen(#)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_rhash, "rhash(%)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_pos, "pos(.)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_symtab, "symtab(:)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_backref, "backref(<)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_arylen_p, "arylen_p(@)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_overload, "overload(A)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_bm, "bm(B)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_regdata, "regdata(D)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_env, "env(E)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_hints, "hints(H)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_isa, "isa(I)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_dbfile, "dbfile(L)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_shared, "shared(N)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_tied, "tied(P)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_sig, "sig(S)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_uvar, "uvar(U)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_overload_elem, "overload_elem(a)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_overload_table, "overload_table(c)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_regdatum, "regdatum(d)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_envelem, "envelem(e)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_fm, "fm(f)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_regex_global, "regex_global(g)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_hintselem, "hintselem(h)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_isaelem, "isaelem(i)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_nkeys, "nkeys(k)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_dbline, "dbline(l)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_shared_scalar, "shared_scalar(n)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_collxfrm, "collxfrm(o)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_tiedelem, "tiedelem(p)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_tiedscalar, "tiedscalar(q)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_qr, "qr(r)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_sigelem, "sigelem(s)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_taint, "taint(t)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_uvar_elem, "uvar_elem(v)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_vec, "vec(v)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_vstring, "vstring(V)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_utf8, "utf8(w)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_substr, "substr(x)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_defelem, "defelem(y)" }, { PERL_MAGIC_ext, "ext(~)" }, /* this null string terminates the list */ { 0, NULL }, }; void Perl_do_magic_dump(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const MAGIC *mg, I32 nest, I32 maxnest, bool dumpops, STRLEN pvlim) { for (; mg; mg = mg->mg_moremagic) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MAGIC = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(mg)); if (mg->mg_virtual) { const MGVTBL * const v = mg->mg_virtual; const char *s; if (v == &PL_vtbl_sv) s = "sv"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_env) s = "env"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_envelem) s = "envelem"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_sig) s = "sig"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_sigelem) s = "sigelem"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_pack) s = "pack"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_packelem) s = "packelem"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_dbline) s = "dbline"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_isa) s = "isa"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_arylen) s = "arylen"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_mglob) s = "mglob"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_nkeys) s = "nkeys"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_taint) s = "taint"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_substr) s = "substr"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_vec) s = "vec"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_pos) s = "pos"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_bm) s = "bm"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_fm) s = "fm"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_uvar) s = "uvar"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_defelem) s = "defelem"; #ifdef USE_LOCALE_COLLATE else if (v == &PL_vtbl_collxfrm) s = "collxfrm"; #endif else if (v == &PL_vtbl_amagic) s = "amagic"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_amagicelem) s = "amagicelem"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_backref) s = "backref"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_utf8) s = "utf8"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_arylen_p) s = "arylen_p"; else if (v == &PL_vtbl_hintselem) s = "hintselem"; else s = NULL; if (s) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MG_VIRTUAL = &PL_vtbl_%s\n", s); else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MG_VIRTUAL = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(v)); } else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MG_VIRTUAL = 0\n"); if (mg->mg_private) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MG_PRIVATE = %d\n", mg->mg_private); { int n; const char *name = NULL; for (n = 0; magic_names[n].name; n++) { if (mg->mg_type == magic_names[n].type) { name = magic_names[n].name; break; } } if (name) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MG_TYPE = PERL_MAGIC_%s\n", name); else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MG_TYPE = UNKNOWN(\\%o)\n", mg->mg_type); } if (mg->mg_flags) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MG_FLAGS = 0x%02X\n", mg->mg_flags); if (mg->mg_type == PERL_MAGIC_envelem && mg->mg_flags & MGf_TAINTEDDIR) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " TAINTEDDIR\n"); if (mg->mg_flags & MGf_REFCOUNTED) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " REFCOUNTED\n"); if (mg->mg_flags & MGf_GSKIP) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " GSKIP\n"); if (mg->mg_type == PERL_MAGIC_regex_global && mg->mg_flags & MGf_MINMATCH) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MINMATCH\n"); } if (mg->mg_obj) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MG_OBJ = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(mg->mg_obj)); if (mg->mg_type == PERL_MAGIC_qr) { const regexp * const re = (regexp *)mg->mg_obj; SV * const dsv = sv_newmortal(); const char * const s = pv_pretty(dsv, re->wrapped, re->wraplen, 60, NULL, NULL, ( PERL_PV_PRETTY_QUOTE | PERL_PV_ESCAPE_RE | PERL_PV_PRETTY_ELLIPSES | ((re->extflags & RXf_UTF8) ? PERL_PV_ESCAPE_UNI : 0)) ); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level+1, file, " PAT = %s\n", s); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level+1, file, " REFCNT = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)re->refcnt); } if (mg->mg_flags & MGf_REFCOUNTED) do_sv_dump(level+2, file, mg->mg_obj, nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); /* MG is already +1 */ } if (mg->mg_len) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MG_LEN = %ld\n", (long)mg->mg_len); if (mg->mg_ptr) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MG_PTR = 0x%"UVxf, PTR2UV(mg->mg_ptr)); if (mg->mg_len >= 0) { if (mg->mg_type != PERL_MAGIC_utf8) { SV * const sv = newSVpvs(""); PerlIO_printf(file, " %s", pv_display(sv, mg->mg_ptr, mg->mg_len, 0, pvlim)); SvREFCNT_dec(sv); } } else if (mg->mg_len == HEf_SVKEY) { PerlIO_puts(file, " => HEf_SVKEY\n"); do_sv_dump(level+2, file, (SV*)((mg)->mg_ptr), nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); /* MG is already +1 */ continue; } else PerlIO_puts(file, " ???? - please notify IZ"); PerlIO_putc(file, '\n'); } if (mg->mg_type == PERL_MAGIC_utf8) { const STRLEN * const cache = (STRLEN *) mg->mg_ptr; if (cache) { IV i; for (i = 0; i < PERL_MAGIC_UTF8_CACHESIZE; i++) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " %2"IVdf": %"UVuf" -> %"UVuf"\n", i, (UV)cache[i * 2], (UV)cache[i * 2 + 1]); } } } } void Perl_magic_dump(pTHX_ const MAGIC *mg) { do_magic_dump(0, Perl_debug_log, mg, 0, 0, FALSE, 0); } void Perl_do_hv_dump(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const char *name, HV *sv) { const char *hvname; Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "%s = 0x%"UVxf, name, PTR2UV(sv)); if (sv && (hvname = HvNAME_get(sv))) PerlIO_printf(file, "\t\"%s\"\n", hvname); else PerlIO_putc(file, '\n'); } void Perl_do_gv_dump(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const char *name, GV *sv) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "%s = 0x%"UVxf, name, PTR2UV(sv)); if (sv && GvNAME(sv)) PerlIO_printf(file, "\t\"%s\"\n", GvNAME(sv)); else PerlIO_putc(file, '\n'); } void Perl_do_gvgv_dump(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const char *name, GV *sv) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "%s = 0x%"UVxf, name, PTR2UV(sv)); if (sv && GvNAME(sv)) { const char *hvname; PerlIO_printf(file, "\t\""); if (GvSTASH(sv) && (hvname = HvNAME_get(GvSTASH(sv)))) PerlIO_printf(file, "%s\" :: \"", hvname); PerlIO_printf(file, "%s\"\n", GvNAME(sv)); } else PerlIO_putc(file, '\n'); } void Perl_do_sv_dump(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, SV *sv, I32 nest, I32 maxnest, bool dumpops, STRLEN pvlim) { dVAR; SV *d; const char *s; U32 flags; U32 type; if (!sv) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "SV = 0\n"); return; } flags = SvFLAGS(sv); type = SvTYPE(sv); d = Perl_newSVpvf(aTHX_ "(0x%"UVxf") at 0x%"UVxf"\n%*s REFCNT = %"IVdf"\n%*s FLAGS = (", PTR2UV(SvANY(sv)), PTR2UV(sv), (int)(PL_dumpindent*level), "", (IV)SvREFCNT(sv), (int)(PL_dumpindent*level), ""); if (!(flags & SVpad_NAME && (type == SVt_PVMG || type == SVt_PVNV))) { if (flags & SVs_PADSTALE) sv_catpv(d, "PADSTALE,"); } if (!(flags & SVpad_NAME && type == SVt_PVMG)) { if (flags & SVs_PADTMP) sv_catpv(d, "PADTMP,"); if (flags & SVs_PADMY) sv_catpv(d, "PADMY,"); } if (flags & SVs_TEMP) sv_catpv(d, "TEMP,"); if (flags & SVs_OBJECT) sv_catpv(d, "OBJECT,"); if (flags & SVs_GMG) sv_catpv(d, "GMG,"); if (flags & SVs_SMG) sv_catpv(d, "SMG,"); if (flags & SVs_RMG) sv_catpv(d, "RMG,"); if (flags & SVf_IOK) sv_catpv(d, "IOK,"); if (flags & SVf_NOK) sv_catpv(d, "NOK,"); if (flags & SVf_POK) sv_catpv(d, "POK,"); if (flags & SVf_ROK) { sv_catpv(d, "ROK,"); if (SvWEAKREF(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "WEAKREF,"); } if (flags & SVf_OOK) sv_catpv(d, "OOK,"); if (flags & SVf_FAKE) sv_catpv(d, "FAKE,"); if (flags & SVf_READONLY) sv_catpv(d, "READONLY,"); if (flags & SVf_BREAK) sv_catpv(d, "BREAK,"); if (flags & SVf_AMAGIC) sv_catpv(d, "OVERLOAD,"); if (flags & SVp_IOK) sv_catpv(d, "pIOK,"); if (flags & SVp_NOK) sv_catpv(d, "pNOK,"); if (flags & SVp_POK) sv_catpv(d, "pPOK,"); if (flags & SVp_SCREAM && type != SVt_PVHV && !isGV_with_GP(sv)) { if (SvPCS_IMPORTED(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "PCS_IMPORTED,"); else sv_catpv(d, "SCREAM,"); } switch (type) { case SVt_PVCV: case SVt_PVFM: if (CvANON(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "ANON,"); if (CvUNIQUE(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "UNIQUE,"); if (CvCLONE(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "CLONE,"); if (CvCLONED(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "CLONED,"); if (CvCONST(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "CONST,"); if (CvNODEBUG(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "NODEBUG,"); if (SvCOMPILED(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "COMPILED,"); if (CvLVALUE(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "LVALUE,"); if (CvMETHOD(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "METHOD,"); if (CvLOCKED(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "LOCKED,"); if (CvWEAKOUTSIDE(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "WEAKOUTSIDE,"); break; case SVt_PVHV: if (HvSHAREKEYS(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "SHAREKEYS,"); if (HvLAZYDEL(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "LAZYDEL,"); if (HvHASKFLAGS(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "HASKFLAGS,"); if (HvREHASH(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "REHASH,"); if (flags & SVphv_CLONEABLE) sv_catpv(d, "CLONEABLE,"); break; case SVt_PVGV: case SVt_PVLV: if (isGV_with_GP(sv)) { if (GvINTRO(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "INTRO,"); if (GvMULTI(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "MULTI,"); if (GvUNIQUE(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "UNIQUE,"); if (GvASSUMECV(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "ASSUMECV,"); if (GvIN_PAD(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "IN_PAD,"); } if (isGV_with_GP(sv) && GvIMPORTED(sv)) { sv_catpv(d, "IMPORT"); if (GvIMPORTED(sv) == GVf_IMPORTED) sv_catpv(d, "ALL,"); else { sv_catpv(d, "("); if (GvIMPORTED_SV(sv)) sv_catpv(d, " SV"); if (GvIMPORTED_AV(sv)) sv_catpv(d, " AV"); if (GvIMPORTED_HV(sv)) sv_catpv(d, " HV"); if (GvIMPORTED_CV(sv)) sv_catpv(d, " CV"); sv_catpv(d, " ),"); } } if (SvTAIL(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "TAIL,"); if (SvVALID(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "VALID,"); /* FALL THROUGH */ default: evaled_or_uv: if (SvEVALED(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "EVALED,"); if (SvIsUV(sv) && !(flags & SVf_ROK)) sv_catpv(d, "IsUV,"); break; case SVt_PVMG: if (SvPAD_TYPED(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "TYPED,"); if (SvPAD_OUR(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "OUR,"); /* FALL THROUGH */ case SVt_PVNV: if (SvPAD_STATE(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "STATE,"); goto evaled_or_uv; case SVt_PVAV: break; } /* SVphv_SHAREKEYS is also 0x20000000 */ if ((type != SVt_PVHV) && SvUTF8(sv)) sv_catpv(d, "UTF8"); if (*(SvEND(d) - 1) == ',') { SvCUR_set(d, SvCUR(d) - 1); SvPVX(d)[SvCUR(d)] = '\0'; } sv_catpv(d, ")"); s = SvPVX_const(d); #ifdef DEBUG_LEAKING_SCALARS Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "ALLOCATED at %s:%d %s %s%s\n", sv->sv_debug_file ? sv->sv_debug_file : "(unknown)", sv->sv_debug_line, sv->sv_debug_inpad ? "for" : "by", sv->sv_debug_optype ? PL_op_name[sv->sv_debug_optype]: "(none)", sv->sv_debug_cloned ? " (cloned)" : ""); #endif Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "SV = "); if (type < SVt_LAST) { PerlIO_printf(file, "%s%s\n", svtypenames[type], s); if (type == SVt_NULL) { SvREFCNT_dec(d); return; } } else { PerlIO_printf(file, "UNKNOWN(0x%"UVxf") %s\n", (UV)type, s); SvREFCNT_dec(d); return; } if ((type >= SVt_PVIV && type != SVt_PVAV && type != SVt_PVHV && type != SVt_PVCV && !isGV_with_GP(sv)) || type == SVt_IV) { if (SvIsUV(sv) #ifdef PERL_OLD_COPY_ON_WRITE || SvIsCOW(sv) #endif ) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " UV = %"UVuf, (UV)SvUVX(sv)); else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " IV = %"IVdf, (IV)SvIVX(sv)); if (SvOOK(sv)) PerlIO_printf(file, " (OFFSET)"); #ifdef PERL_OLD_COPY_ON_WRITE if (SvIsCOW_shared_hash(sv)) PerlIO_printf(file, " (HASH)"); else if (SvIsCOW_normal(sv)) PerlIO_printf(file, " (COW from 0x%"UVxf")", (UV)SvUVX(sv)); #endif PerlIO_putc(file, '\n'); } if ((type == SVt_PVNV || type == SVt_PVMG) && SvFLAGS(sv) & SVpad_NAME) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " COP_LOW = %"UVuf"\n", (UV) COP_SEQ_RANGE_LOW(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " COP_HIGH = %"UVuf"\n", (UV) COP_SEQ_RANGE_HIGH(sv)); } else if ((type >= SVt_PVNV && type != SVt_PVAV && type != SVt_PVHV && type != SVt_PVCV && type != SVt_PVFM && !isGV_with_GP(sv) && !SvVALID(sv)) || type == SVt_NV) { STORE_NUMERIC_LOCAL_SET_STANDARD(); /* %Vg doesn't work? --jhi */ #ifdef USE_LONG_DOUBLE Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " NV = %.*" PERL_PRIgldbl "\n", LDBL_DIG, SvNVX(sv)); #else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " NV = %.*g\n", DBL_DIG, SvNVX(sv)); #endif RESTORE_NUMERIC_LOCAL(); } if (SvROK(sv)) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " RV = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(SvRV(sv))); if (nest < maxnest) do_sv_dump(level+1, file, SvRV(sv), nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); } if (type < SVt_PV) { SvREFCNT_dec(d); return; } if (type <= SVt_PVLV && !isGV_with_GP(sv)) { if (SvPVX_const(sv)) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file," PV = 0x%"UVxf" ", PTR2UV(SvPVX_const(sv))); if (SvOOK(sv)) PerlIO_printf(file, "( %s . ) ", pv_display(d, SvPVX_const(sv)-SvIVX(sv), SvIVX(sv), 0, pvlim)); PerlIO_printf(file, "%s", pv_display(d, SvPVX_const(sv), SvCUR(sv), SvLEN(sv), pvlim)); if (SvUTF8(sv)) /* the 6? \x{....} */ PerlIO_printf(file, " [UTF8 \"%s\"]", sv_uni_display(d, sv, 6 * SvCUR(sv), UNI_DISPLAY_QQ)); PerlIO_printf(file, "\n"); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " CUR = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)SvCUR(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " LEN = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)SvLEN(sv)); } else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " PV = 0\n"); } if (type >= SVt_PVMG) { if (type == SVt_PVMG && SvPAD_OUR(sv)) { HV * const ost = SvOURSTASH(sv); if (ost) do_hv_dump(level, file, " OURSTASH", ost); } else { if (SvMAGIC(sv)) do_magic_dump(level, file, SvMAGIC(sv), nest, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); } if (SvSTASH(sv)) do_hv_dump(level, file, " STASH", SvSTASH(sv)); } switch (type) { case SVt_PVAV: Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " ARRAY = 0x%"UVxf, PTR2UV(AvARRAY(sv))); if (AvARRAY(sv) != AvALLOC(sv)) { PerlIO_printf(file, " (offset=%"IVdf")\n", (IV)(AvARRAY(sv) - AvALLOC(sv))); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " ALLOC = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(AvALLOC(sv))); } else PerlIO_putc(file, '\n'); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FILL = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)AvFILLp(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MAX = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)AvMAX(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " ARYLEN = 0x%"UVxf"\n", SvMAGIC(sv) ? PTR2UV(AvARYLEN(sv)) : 0); sv_setpvn(d, "", 0); if (AvREAL(sv)) sv_catpv(d, ",REAL"); if (AvREIFY(sv)) sv_catpv(d, ",REIFY"); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FLAGS = (%s)\n", SvCUR(d) ? SvPVX_const(d) + 1 : ""); if (nest < maxnest && av_len((AV*)sv) >= 0) { int count; for (count = 0; count <= av_len((AV*)sv) && count < maxnest; count++) { SV** const elt = av_fetch((AV*)sv,count,0); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level + 1, file, "Elt No. %"IVdf"\n", (IV)count); if (elt) do_sv_dump(level+1, file, *elt, nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); } } break; case SVt_PVHV: Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " ARRAY = 0x%"UVxf, PTR2UV(HvARRAY(sv))); if (HvARRAY(sv) && HvKEYS(sv)) { /* Show distribution of HEs in the ARRAY */ int freq[200]; #define FREQ_MAX ((int)(sizeof freq / sizeof freq[0] - 1)) int i; int max = 0; U32 pow2 = 2, keys = HvKEYS(sv); NV theoret, sum = 0; PerlIO_printf(file, " ("); Zero(freq, FREQ_MAX + 1, int); for (i = 0; (STRLEN)i <= HvMAX(sv); i++) { HE* h; int count = 0; for (h = HvARRAY(sv)[i]; h; h = HeNEXT(h)) count++; if (count > FREQ_MAX) count = FREQ_MAX; freq[count]++; if (max < count) max = count; } for (i = 0; i <= max; i++) { if (freq[i]) { PerlIO_printf(file, "%d%s:%d", i, (i == FREQ_MAX) ? "+" : "", freq[i]); if (i != max) PerlIO_printf(file, ", "); } } PerlIO_putc(file, ')'); /* The "quality" of a hash is defined as the total number of comparisons needed to access every element once, relative to the expected number needed for a random hash. The total number of comparisons is equal to the sum of the squares of the number of entries in each bucket. For a random hash of n keys into k buckets, the expected value is n + n(n-1)/2k */ for (i = max; i > 0; i--) { /* Precision: count down. */ sum += freq[i] * i * i; } while ((keys = keys >> 1)) pow2 = pow2 << 1; theoret = HvKEYS(sv); theoret += theoret * (theoret-1)/pow2; PerlIO_putc(file, '\n'); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " hash quality = %.1"NVff"%%", theoret/sum*100); } PerlIO_putc(file, '\n'); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " KEYS = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)HvKEYS(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FILL = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)HvFILL(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " MAX = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)HvMAX(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " RITER = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)HvRITER_get(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " EITER = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(HvEITER_get(sv))); { MAGIC * const mg = mg_find(sv, PERL_MAGIC_symtab); if (mg && mg->mg_obj) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " PMROOT = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(mg->mg_obj)); } } { const char * const hvname = HvNAME_get(sv); if (hvname) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " NAME = \"%s\"\n", hvname); } if (SvOOK(sv)) { const AV * const backrefs = *Perl_hv_backreferences_p(aTHX_ (HV*)sv); if (backrefs) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " BACKREFS = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(backrefs)); do_sv_dump(level+1, file, (SV*)backrefs, nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); } } if (nest < maxnest && !HvEITER_get(sv)) { /* Try to preserve iterator */ HE *he; HV * const hv = (HV*)sv; int count = maxnest - nest; hv_iterinit(hv); while ((he = hv_iternext_flags(hv, HV_ITERNEXT_WANTPLACEHOLDERS)) && count--) { STRLEN len; const U32 hash = HeHASH(he); SV * const keysv = hv_iterkeysv(he); const char * const keypv = SvPV_const(keysv, len); SV * const elt = hv_iterval(hv, he); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level+1, file, "Elt %s ", pv_display(d, keypv, len, 0, pvlim)); if (SvUTF8(keysv)) PerlIO_printf(file, "[UTF8 \"%s\"] ", sv_uni_display(d, keysv, 6 * SvCUR(keysv), UNI_DISPLAY_QQ)); if (HeKREHASH(he)) PerlIO_printf(file, "[REHASH] "); PerlIO_printf(file, "HASH = 0x%"UVxf"\n", (UV)hash); do_sv_dump(level+1, file, elt, nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); } hv_iterinit(hv); /* Return to status quo */ } break; case SVt_PVCV: if (SvPOK(sv)) { STRLEN len; const char *const proto = SvPV_const(sv, len); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " PROTOTYPE = \"%.*s\"\n", (int) len, proto); } /* FALL THROUGH */ case SVt_PVFM: do_hv_dump(level, file, " COMP_STASH", CvSTASH(sv)); if (!CvISXSUB(sv)) { if (CvSTART(sv)) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " START = 0x%"UVxf" ===> %"IVdf"\n", PTR2UV(CvSTART(sv)), (IV)sequence_num(CvSTART(sv))); } Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " ROOT = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(CvROOT(sv))); if (CvROOT(sv) && dumpops) { do_op_dump(level+1, file, CvROOT(sv)); } } else { SV * const constant = cv_const_sv((CV *)sv); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " XSUB = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(CvXSUB(sv))); if (constant) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " XSUBANY = 0x%"UVxf " (CONST SV)\n", PTR2UV(CvXSUBANY(sv).any_ptr)); do_sv_dump(level+1, file, constant, nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); } else { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " XSUBANY = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)CvXSUBANY(sv).any_i32); } } do_gvgv_dump(level, file, " GVGV::GV", CvGV(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FILE = \"%s\"\n", CvFILE(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " DEPTH = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)CvDEPTH(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FLAGS = 0x%"UVxf"\n", (UV)CvFLAGS(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " OUTSIDE_SEQ = %"UVuf"\n", (UV)CvOUTSIDE_SEQ(sv)); if (type == SVt_PVFM) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " LINES = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)FmLINES(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " PADLIST = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(CvPADLIST(sv))); if (nest < maxnest) { do_dump_pad(level+1, file, CvPADLIST(sv), 0); } { const CV * const outside = CvOUTSIDE(sv); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " OUTSIDE = 0x%"UVxf" (%s)\n", PTR2UV(outside), (!outside ? "null" : CvANON(outside) ? "ANON" : (outside == PL_main_cv) ? "MAIN" : CvUNIQUE(outside) ? "UNIQUE" : CvGV(outside) ? GvNAME(CvGV(outside)) : "UNDEFINED")); } if (nest < maxnest && (CvCLONE(sv) || CvCLONED(sv))) do_sv_dump(level+1, file, (SV*)CvOUTSIDE(sv), nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); break; case SVt_PVGV: case SVt_PVLV: if (type == SVt_PVLV) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " TYPE = %c\n", LvTYPE(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " TARGOFF = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)LvTARGOFF(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " TARGLEN = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)LvTARGLEN(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " TARG = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(LvTARG(sv))); if (LvTYPE(sv) != 't' && LvTYPE(sv) != 'T') do_sv_dump(level+1, file, LvTARG(sv), nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); } if (SvVALID(sv)) { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FLAGS = %u\n", (U8)BmFLAGS(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " RARE = %u\n", (U8)BmRARE(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " PREVIOUS = %"UVuf"\n", (UV)BmPREVIOUS(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " USEFUL = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)BmUSEFUL(sv)); } if (!isGV_with_GP(sv)) break; Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " NAME = \"%s\"\n", GvNAME(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " NAMELEN = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)GvNAMELEN(sv)); do_hv_dump (level, file, " GvSTASH", GvSTASH(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " GP = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(GvGP(sv))); if (!GvGP(sv)) break; Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " SV = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(GvSV(sv))); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " REFCNT = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)GvREFCNT(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " IO = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(GvIOp(sv))); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FORM = 0x%"UVxf" \n", PTR2UV(GvFORM(sv))); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " AV = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(GvAV(sv))); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " HV = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(GvHV(sv))); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " CV = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(GvCV(sv))); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " CVGEN = 0x%"UVxf"\n", (UV)GvCVGEN(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " LINE = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)GvLINE(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FILE = \"%s\"\n", GvFILE(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FLAGS = 0x%"UVxf"\n", (UV)GvFLAGS(sv)); do_gv_dump (level, file, " EGV", GvEGV(sv)); break; case SVt_PVIO: Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " IFP = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(IoIFP(sv))); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " OFP = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(IoOFP(sv))); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " DIRP = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(IoDIRP(sv))); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " LINES = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)IoLINES(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " PAGE = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)IoPAGE(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " PAGE_LEN = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)IoPAGE_LEN(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " LINES_LEFT = %"IVdf"\n", (IV)IoLINES_LEFT(sv)); if (IoTOP_NAME(sv)) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " TOP_NAME = \"%s\"\n", IoTOP_NAME(sv)); if (!IoTOP_GV(sv) || SvTYPE(IoTOP_GV(sv)) == SVt_PVGV) do_gv_dump (level, file, " TOP_GV", IoTOP_GV(sv)); else { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " TOP_GV = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(IoTOP_GV(sv))); do_sv_dump (level+1, file, (SV *) IoTOP_GV(sv), nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); } /* Source filters hide things that are not GVs in these three, so let's be careful out there. */ if (IoFMT_NAME(sv)) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FMT_NAME = \"%s\"\n", IoFMT_NAME(sv)); if (!IoFMT_GV(sv) || SvTYPE(IoFMT_GV(sv)) == SVt_PVGV) do_gv_dump (level, file, " FMT_GV", IoFMT_GV(sv)); else { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FMT_GV = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(IoFMT_GV(sv))); do_sv_dump (level+1, file, (SV *) IoFMT_GV(sv), nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); } if (IoBOTTOM_NAME(sv)) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " BOTTOM_NAME = \"%s\"\n", IoBOTTOM_NAME(sv)); if (!IoBOTTOM_GV(sv) || SvTYPE(IoBOTTOM_GV(sv)) == SVt_PVGV) do_gv_dump (level, file, " BOTTOM_GV", IoBOTTOM_GV(sv)); else { Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " BOTTOM_GV = 0x%"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(IoBOTTOM_GV(sv))); do_sv_dump (level+1, file, (SV *) IoBOTTOM_GV(sv), nest+1, maxnest, dumpops, pvlim); } if (isPRINT(IoTYPE(sv))) Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " TYPE = '%c'\n", IoTYPE(sv)); else Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " TYPE = '\\%o'\n", IoTYPE(sv)); Perl_dump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " FLAGS = 0x%"UVxf"\n", (UV)IoFLAGS(sv)); break; } SvREFCNT_dec(d); } void Perl_sv_dump(pTHX_ SV *sv) { dVAR; if (SvROK(sv)) do_sv_dump(0, Perl_debug_log, sv, 0, 4, 0, 0); else do_sv_dump(0, Perl_debug_log, sv, 0, 0, 0, 0); } int Perl_runops_debug(pTHX) { dVAR; if (!PL_op) { if (ckWARN_d(WARN_DEBUGGING)) Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_DEBUGGING), "NULL OP IN RUN"); return 0; } DEBUG_l(Perl_deb(aTHX_ "Entering new RUNOPS level\n")); do { PERL_ASYNC_CHECK(); if (PL_debug) { if (PL_watchaddr && (*PL_watchaddr != PL_watchok)) PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "WARNING: %"UVxf" changed from %"UVxf" to %"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(PL_watchaddr), PTR2UV(PL_watchok), PTR2UV(*PL_watchaddr)); if (DEBUG_s_TEST_) { if (DEBUG_v_TEST_) { PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n"); deb_stack_all(); } else debstack(); } if (DEBUG_t_TEST_) debop(PL_op); if (DEBUG_P_TEST_) debprof(PL_op); } } while ((PL_op = CALL_FPTR(PL_op->op_ppaddr)(aTHX))); DEBUG_l(Perl_deb(aTHX_ "leaving RUNOPS level\n")); TAINT_NOT; return 0; } I32 Perl_debop(pTHX_ const OP *o) { dVAR; if (CopSTASH_eq(PL_curcop, PL_debstash) && !DEBUG_J_TEST_) return 0; Perl_deb(aTHX_ "%s", OP_NAME(o)); switch (o->op_type) { case OP_CONST: PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(%s)", SvPEEK(cSVOPo_sv)); break; case OP_GVSV: case OP_GV: if (cGVOPo_gv) { SV * const sv = newSV(0); #ifdef PERL_MAD /* FIXME - is this making unwarranted assumptions about the UTF-8 cleanliness of the dump file handle? */ SvUTF8_on(sv); #endif gv_fullname3(sv, cGVOPo_gv, NULL); PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(%s)", SvPV_nolen_const(sv)); SvREFCNT_dec(sv); } else PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(NULL)"); break; case OP_PADSV: case OP_PADAV: case OP_PADHV: { /* print the lexical's name */ CV * const cv = deb_curcv(cxstack_ix); SV *sv; if (cv) { AV * const padlist = CvPADLIST(cv); AV * const comppad = (AV*)(*av_fetch(padlist, 0, FALSE)); sv = *av_fetch(comppad, o->op_targ, FALSE); } else sv = NULL; if (sv) PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "(%s)", SvPV_nolen_const(sv)); else PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "[%"UVuf"]", (UV)o->op_targ); } break; default: break; } PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "\n"); return 0; } STATIC CV* S_deb_curcv(pTHX_ const I32 ix) { dVAR; const PERL_CONTEXT * const cx = &cxstack[ix]; if (CxTYPE(cx) == CXt_SUB || CxTYPE(cx) == CXt_FORMAT) return cx->blk_sub.cv; else if (CxTYPE(cx) == CXt_EVAL && !CxTRYBLOCK(cx)) return PL_compcv; else if (ix == 0 && PL_curstackinfo->si_type == PERLSI_MAIN) return PL_main_cv; else if (ix <= 0) return NULL; else return deb_curcv(ix - 1); } void Perl_watch(pTHX_ char **addr) { dVAR; PL_watchaddr = addr; PL_watchok = *addr; PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "WATCHING, %"UVxf" is currently %"UVxf"\n", PTR2UV(PL_watchaddr), PTR2UV(PL_watchok)); } STATIC void S_debprof(pTHX_ const OP *o) { dVAR; if (!DEBUG_J_TEST_ && CopSTASH_eq(PL_curcop, PL_debstash)) return; if (!PL_profiledata) Newxz(PL_profiledata, MAXO, U32); ++PL_profiledata[o->op_type]; } void Perl_debprofdump(pTHX) { dVAR; unsigned i; if (!PL_profiledata) return; for (i = 0; i < MAXO; i++) { if (PL_profiledata[i]) PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log, "%5lu %s\n", (unsigned long)PL_profiledata[i], PL_op_name[i]); } } #ifdef PERL_MAD /* * XML variants of most of the above routines */ STATIC void S_xmldump_attr(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const char* pat, ...) { va_list args; PerlIO_printf(file, "\n "); va_start(args, pat); xmldump_vindent(level, file, pat, &args); va_end(args); } void Perl_xmldump_indent(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const char* pat, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, pat); xmldump_vindent(level, file, pat, &args); va_end(args); } void Perl_xmldump_vindent(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const char* pat, va_list *args) { PerlIO_printf(file, "%*s", (int)(level*PL_dumpindent), ""); PerlIO_vprintf(file, pat, *args); } void Perl_xmldump_all(pTHX) { PerlIO_setlinebuf(PL_xmlfp); if (PL_main_root) op_xmldump(PL_main_root); if (PL_xmlfp != (PerlIO*)PerlIO_stdout()) PerlIO_close(PL_xmlfp); PL_xmlfp = 0; } void Perl_xmldump_packsubs(pTHX_ const HV *stash) { I32 i; HE *entry; if (!HvARRAY(stash)) return; for (i = 0; i <= (I32) HvMAX(stash); i++) { for (entry = HvARRAY(stash)[i]; entry; entry = HeNEXT(entry)) { GV *gv = (GV*)HeVAL(entry); HV *hv; if (SvTYPE(gv) != SVt_PVGV || !GvGP(gv)) continue; if (GvCVu(gv)) xmldump_sub(gv); if (GvFORM(gv)) xmldump_form(gv); if (HeKEY(entry)[HeKLEN(entry)-1] == ':' && (hv = GvHV(gv)) && hv != PL_defstash) xmldump_packsubs(hv); /* nested package */ } } } void Perl_xmldump_sub(pTHX_ const GV *gv) { SV * const sv = sv_newmortal(); gv_fullname3(sv, gv, Nullch); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ 0, PL_xmlfp, "\nSUB %s = ", SvPVX(sv)); if (CvXSUB(GvCV(gv))) Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ 0, PL_xmlfp, "(xsub 0x%"UVxf" %d)\n", PTR2UV(CvXSUB(GvCV(gv))), (int)CvXSUBANY(GvCV(gv)).any_i32); else if (CvROOT(GvCV(gv))) op_xmldump(CvROOT(GvCV(gv))); else Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ 0, PL_xmlfp, "\n"); } void Perl_xmldump_form(pTHX_ const GV *gv) { SV * const sv = sv_newmortal(); gv_fullname3(sv, gv, Nullch); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ 0, PL_xmlfp, "\nFORMAT %s = ", SvPVX(sv)); if (CvROOT(GvFORM(gv))) op_xmldump(CvROOT(GvFORM(gv))); else Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ 0, PL_xmlfp, "\n"); } void Perl_xmldump_eval(pTHX) { op_xmldump(PL_eval_root); } char * Perl_sv_catxmlsv(pTHX_ SV *dsv, SV *ssv) { return sv_catxmlpvn(dsv, SvPVX(ssv), SvCUR(ssv), SvUTF8(ssv)); } char * Perl_sv_catxmlpvn(pTHX_ SV *dsv, const char *pv, STRLEN len, int utf8) { unsigned int c; const char * const e = pv + len; const char * const start = pv; STRLEN dsvcur; STRLEN cl; sv_catpvn(dsv,"",0); dsvcur = SvCUR(dsv); /* in case we have to restart */ retry: while (pv < e) { if (utf8) { c = utf8_to_uvchr((U8*)pv, &cl); if (cl == 0) { SvCUR(dsv) = dsvcur; pv = start; utf8 = 0; goto retry; } } else c = (*pv & 255); switch (c) { case 0x00: case 0x01: case 0x02: case 0x03: case 0x04: case 0x05: case 0x06: case 0x07: case 0x08: case 0x0b: case 0x0c: case 0x0e: case 0x0f: case 0x10: case 0x11: case 0x12: case 0x13: case 0x14: case 0x15: case 0x16: case 0x17: case 0x18: case 0x19: case 0x1a: case 0x1b: case 0x1c: case 0x1d: case 0x1e: case 0x1f: case 0x7f: case 0x80: case 0x81: case 0x82: case 0x83: case 0x84: case 0x86: case 0x87: case 0x88: case 0x89: case 0x90: case 0x91: case 0x92: case 0x93: case 0x94: case 0x95: case 0x96: case 0x97: case 0x98: case 0x99: case 0x9a: case 0x9b: case 0x9c: case 0x9d: case 0x9e: case 0x9f: Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ dsv, "STUPIDXML(#x%X)", c); break; case '<': Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ dsv, "<"); break; case '>': Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ dsv, ">"); break; case '&': Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ dsv, "&"); break; case '"': Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ dsv, """); break; default: if (c < 0xD800) { if (c < 32 || c > 127) { Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ dsv, "&#x%X;", c); } else { const char string = (char) c; sv_catpvn(dsv, &string, 1); } break; } if ((c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDB7F) || (c >= 0xDC00 && c <= 0xDFFF) || (c >= 0xFFF0 && c <= 0xFFFF) || c > 0x10ffff) Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ dsv, "STUPIDXML(#x%X)", c); else Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ dsv, "&#x%X;", c); } if (utf8) pv += UTF8SKIP(pv); else pv++; } return SvPVX(dsv); } char * Perl_sv_xmlpeek(pTHX_ SV *sv) { SV * const t = sv_newmortal(); STRLEN n_a; int unref = 0; sv_utf8_upgrade(t); sv_setpvn(t, "", 0); /* retry: */ if (!sv) { sv_catpv(t, "VOID=\"\""); goto finish; } else if (sv == (SV*)0x55555555 || SvTYPE(sv) == 'U') { sv_catpv(t, "WILD=\"\""); goto finish; } else if (sv == &PL_sv_undef || sv == &PL_sv_no || sv == &PL_sv_yes || sv == &PL_sv_placeholder) { if (sv == &PL_sv_undef) { sv_catpv(t, "SV_UNDEF=\"1\""); if (!(SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_OK|SVf_OOK|SVs_OBJECT| SVs_GMG|SVs_SMG|SVs_RMG)) && SvREADONLY(sv)) goto finish; } else if (sv == &PL_sv_no) { sv_catpv(t, "SV_NO=\"1\""); if (!(SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_ROK|SVf_OOK|SVs_OBJECT| SVs_GMG|SVs_SMG|SVs_RMG)) && !(~SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_NOK|SVf_READONLY| SVp_POK|SVp_NOK)) && SvCUR(sv) == 0 && SvNVX(sv) == 0.0) goto finish; } else if (sv == &PL_sv_yes) { sv_catpv(t, "SV_YES=\"1\""); if (!(SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_ROK|SVf_OOK|SVs_OBJECT| SVs_GMG|SVs_SMG|SVs_RMG)) && !(~SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_POK|SVf_NOK|SVf_READONLY| SVp_POK|SVp_NOK)) && SvCUR(sv) == 1 && SvPVX(sv) && *SvPVX(sv) == '1' && SvNVX(sv) == 1.0) goto finish; } else { sv_catpv(t, "SV_PLACEHOLDER=\"1\""); if (!(SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_OK|SVf_OOK|SVs_OBJECT| SVs_GMG|SVs_SMG|SVs_RMG)) && SvREADONLY(sv)) goto finish; } sv_catpv(t, " XXX=\"\" "); } else if (SvREFCNT(sv) == 0) { sv_catpv(t, " refcnt=\"0\""); unref++; } else if (DEBUG_R_TEST_) { int is_tmp = 0; I32 ix; /* is this SV on the tmps stack? */ for (ix=PL_tmps_ix; ix>=0; ix--) { if (PL_tmps_stack[ix] == sv) { is_tmp = 1; break; } } if (SvREFCNT(sv) > 1) Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, " DRT=\"<%"UVuf"%s>\"", (UV)SvREFCNT(sv), is_tmp ? "T" : ""); else if (is_tmp) sv_catpv(t, " DRT=\"\""); } if (SvROK(sv)) { sv_catpv(t, " ROK=\"\""); } switch (SvTYPE(sv)) { default: sv_catpv(t, " FREED=\"1\""); goto finish; case SVt_NULL: sv_catpv(t, " UNDEF=\"1\""); goto finish; case SVt_IV: sv_catpv(t, " IV=\""); break; case SVt_NV: sv_catpv(t, " NV=\""); break; case SVt_RV: sv_catpv(t, " RV=\""); break; case SVt_PV: sv_catpv(t, " PV=\""); break; case SVt_PVIV: sv_catpv(t, " PVIV=\""); break; case SVt_PVNV: sv_catpv(t, " PVNV=\""); break; case SVt_PVMG: sv_catpv(t, " PVMG=\""); break; case SVt_PVLV: sv_catpv(t, " PVLV=\""); break; case SVt_PVAV: sv_catpv(t, " AV=\""); break; case SVt_PVHV: sv_catpv(t, " HV=\""); break; case SVt_PVCV: if (CvGV(sv)) Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, " CV=\"(%s)\"", GvNAME(CvGV(sv))); else sv_catpv(t, " CV=\"()\""); goto finish; case SVt_PVGV: sv_catpv(t, " GV=\""); break; case SVt_BIND: sv_catpv(t, " BIND=\""); break; case SVt_PVFM: sv_catpv(t, " FM=\""); break; case SVt_PVIO: sv_catpv(t, " IO=\""); break; } if (SvPOKp(sv)) { if (SvPVX(sv)) { sv_catxmlsv(t, sv); } } else if (SvNOKp(sv)) { STORE_NUMERIC_LOCAL_SET_STANDARD(); Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, "%"NVgf"",SvNVX(sv)); RESTORE_NUMERIC_LOCAL(); } else if (SvIOKp(sv)) { if (SvIsUV(sv)) Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, "%"UVuf"", (UV)SvUVX(sv)); else Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ t, "%"IVdf"", (IV)SvIVX(sv)); } else sv_catpv(t, ""); sv_catpv(t, "\""); finish: while (unref--) sv_catpv(t, ")"); return SvPV(t, n_a); } void Perl_do_pmop_xmldump(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const PMOP *pm) { if (!pm) { Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "\n"); return; } Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "precomp; SV * const tmpsv = newSVpvn("",0); SvUTF8_on(tmpsv); sv_catxmlpvn(tmpsv, s, strlen(s), 1); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "pre=\"%s\"\n", SvPVX(tmpsv)); SvREFCNT_dec(tmpsv); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "when=\"%s\"\n", (pm->op_private & OPpRUNTIME) ? "RUN" : "COMP"); } else Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "pre=\"\" when=\"RUN\"\n"); if (pm->op_pmflags || (PM_GETRE(pm) && PM_GETRE(pm)->check_substr)) { SV * const tmpsv = pm_description(pm); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "pmflags=\"%s\"\n", SvCUR(tmpsv) ? SvPVX(tmpsv) + 1 : ""); SvREFCNT_dec(tmpsv); } level--; if (pm->op_type != OP_PUSHRE && pm->op_pmreplrootu.op_pmreplroot) { Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, ">\n"); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level+1, file, "\n"); do_op_xmldump(level+2, file, pm->op_pmreplrootu.op_pmreplroot); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level+1, file, "\n"); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "\n"); } else Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "/>\n"); } void Perl_pmop_xmldump(pTHX_ const PMOP *pm) { do_pmop_xmldump(0, PL_xmlfp, pm); } void Perl_do_op_xmldump(pTHX_ I32 level, PerlIO *file, const OP *o) { UV seq; int contents = 0; if (!o) return; sequence(o); seq = sequence_num(o); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, " ", OP_NAME(o), seq); level++; if (o->op_next) PerlIO_printf(file, seq ? "%"UVuf"\"" : "(%"UVuf")\"", sequence_num(o->op_next)); else PerlIO_printf(file, "DONE\""); if (o->op_targ) { if (o->op_type == OP_NULL) { PerlIO_printf(file, " was=\"%s\"", PL_op_name[o->op_targ]); if (o->op_targ == OP_NEXTSTATE) { if (CopLINE(cCOPo)) PerlIO_printf(file, " line=\"%"UVuf"\"", (UV)CopLINE(cCOPo)); if (CopSTASHPV(cCOPo)) PerlIO_printf(file, " package=\"%s\"", CopSTASHPV(cCOPo)); if (cCOPo->cop_label) PerlIO_printf(file, " label=\"%s\"", cCOPo->cop_label); } } else PerlIO_printf(file, " targ=\"%ld\"", (long)o->op_targ); } #ifdef DUMPADDR PerlIO_printf(file, " addr=\"0x%"UVxf" => 0x%"UVxf"\"", (UV)o, (UV)o->op_next); #endif if (o->op_flags) { SV * const tmpsv = newSVpvn("", 0); switch (o->op_flags & OPf_WANT) { case OPf_WANT_VOID: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",VOID"); break; case OPf_WANT_SCALAR: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",SCALAR"); break; case OPf_WANT_LIST: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",LIST"); break; default: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",UNKNOWN"); break; } if (o->op_flags & OPf_KIDS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",KIDS"); if (o->op_flags & OPf_PARENS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",PARENS"); if (o->op_flags & OPf_STACKED) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",STACKED"); if (o->op_flags & OPf_REF) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",REF"); if (o->op_flags & OPf_MOD) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",MOD"); if (o->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",SPECIAL"); PerlIO_printf(file, " flags=\"%s\"", SvCUR(tmpsv) ? SvPVX(tmpsv) + 1 : ""); SvREFCNT_dec(tmpsv); } if (o->op_private) { SV * const tmpsv = newSVpvn("", 0); if (PL_opargs[o->op_type] & OA_TARGLEX) { if (o->op_private & OPpTARGET_MY) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",TARGET_MY"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_LEAVESUB || o->op_type == OP_LEAVE || o->op_type == OP_LEAVESUBLV || o->op_type == OP_LEAVEWRITE) { if (o->op_private & OPpREFCOUNTED) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",REFCOUNTED"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_AASSIGN) { if (o->op_private & OPpASSIGN_COMMON) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",COMMON"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_SASSIGN) { if (o->op_private & OPpASSIGN_BACKWARDS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",BACKWARDS"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_TRANS) { if (o->op_private & OPpTRANS_SQUASH) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",SQUASH"); if (o->op_private & OPpTRANS_DELETE) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",DELETE"); if (o->op_private & OPpTRANS_COMPLEMENT) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",COMPLEMENT"); if (o->op_private & OPpTRANS_IDENTICAL) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",IDENTICAL"); if (o->op_private & OPpTRANS_GROWS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",GROWS"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_REPEAT) { if (o->op_private & OPpREPEAT_DOLIST) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",DOLIST"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_ENTERSUB || o->op_type == OP_RV2SV || o->op_type == OP_GVSV || o->op_type == OP_RV2AV || o->op_type == OP_RV2HV || o->op_type == OP_RV2GV || o->op_type == OP_AELEM || o->op_type == OP_HELEM ) { if (o->op_type == OP_ENTERSUB) { if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_AMPER) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",AMPER"); if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_DB) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",DB"); if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_HASTARG) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",HASTARG"); if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_NOPAREN) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",NOPAREN"); if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_INARGS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",INARGS"); if (o->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_NOMOD) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",NOMOD"); } else { switch (o->op_private & OPpDEREF) { case OPpDEREF_SV: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",SV"); break; case OPpDEREF_AV: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",AV"); break; case OPpDEREF_HV: sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",HV"); break; } if (o->op_private & OPpMAYBE_LVSUB) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",MAYBE_LVSUB"); } if (o->op_type == OP_AELEM || o->op_type == OP_HELEM) { if (o->op_private & OPpLVAL_DEFER) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",LVAL_DEFER"); } else { if (o->op_private & HINT_STRICT_REFS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",STRICT_REFS"); if (o->op_private & OPpOUR_INTRO) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",OUR_INTRO"); } } else if (o->op_type == OP_CONST) { if (o->op_private & OPpCONST_BARE) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",BARE"); if (o->op_private & OPpCONST_STRICT) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",STRICT"); if (o->op_private & OPpCONST_ARYBASE) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",ARYBASE"); if (o->op_private & OPpCONST_WARNING) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",WARNING"); if (o->op_private & OPpCONST_ENTERED) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",ENTERED"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_FLIP) { if (o->op_private & OPpFLIP_LINENUM) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",LINENUM"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_FLOP) { if (o->op_private & OPpFLIP_LINENUM) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",LINENUM"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_RV2CV) { if (o->op_private & OPpLVAL_INTRO) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",INTRO"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_GV) { if (o->op_private & OPpEARLY_CV) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",EARLY_CV"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_LIST) { if (o->op_private & OPpLIST_GUESSED) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",GUESSED"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_DELETE) { if (o->op_private & OPpSLICE) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",SLICE"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_EXISTS) { if (o->op_private & OPpEXISTS_SUB) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",EXISTS_SUB"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_SORT) { if (o->op_private & OPpSORT_NUMERIC) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",NUMERIC"); if (o->op_private & OPpSORT_INTEGER) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",INTEGER"); if (o->op_private & OPpSORT_REVERSE) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",REVERSE"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_OPEN || o->op_type == OP_BACKTICK) { if (o->op_private & OPpOPEN_IN_RAW) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",IN_RAW"); if (o->op_private & OPpOPEN_IN_CRLF) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",IN_CRLF"); if (o->op_private & OPpOPEN_OUT_RAW) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",OUT_RAW"); if (o->op_private & OPpOPEN_OUT_CRLF) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",OUT_CRLF"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_EXIT) { if (o->op_private & OPpEXIT_VMSISH) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",EXIT_VMSISH"); if (o->op_private & OPpHUSH_VMSISH) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",HUSH_VMSISH"); } else if (o->op_type == OP_DIE) { if (o->op_private & OPpHUSH_VMSISH) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",HUSH_VMSISH"); } else if (PL_check[o->op_type] != MEMBER_TO_FPTR(Perl_ck_ftst)) { if (OP_IS_FILETEST_ACCESS(o) && o->op_private & OPpFT_ACCESS) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",FT_ACCESS"); if (o->op_private & OPpFT_STACKED) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",FT_STACKED"); } if (o->op_flags & OPf_MOD && o->op_private & OPpLVAL_INTRO) sv_catpv(tmpsv, ",INTRO"); if (SvCUR(tmpsv)) S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "private=\"%s\"", SvPVX(tmpsv) + 1); SvREFCNT_dec(tmpsv); } switch (o->op_type) { case OP_AELEMFAST: if (o->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL) { break; } case OP_GVSV: case OP_GV: #ifdef USE_ITHREADS S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "padix=\"%" IVdf "\"", (IV)cPADOPo->op_padix); #else if (cSVOPo->op_sv) { SV * const tmpsv1 = newSV(0); SV * const tmpsv2 = newSVpvn("",0); char *s; STRLEN len; SvUTF8_on(tmpsv1); SvUTF8_on(tmpsv2); ENTER; SAVEFREESV(tmpsv1); SAVEFREESV(tmpsv2); gv_fullname3(tmpsv1, (GV*)cSVOPo->op_sv, Nullch); s = SvPV(tmpsv1,len); sv_catxmlpvn(tmpsv2, s, len, 1); S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "gv=\"%s\"", SvPV(tmpsv2, len)); LEAVE; } else S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "gv=\"NULL\""); #endif break; case OP_CONST: case OP_METHOD_NAMED: #ifndef USE_ITHREADS /* with ITHREADS, consts are stored in the pad, and the right pad * may not be active here, so skip */ S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "%s", sv_xmlpeek(cSVOPo_sv)); #endif break; case OP_ANONCODE: if (!contents) { contents = 1; PerlIO_printf(file, ">\n"); } do_op_xmldump(level+1, file, CvROOT(cSVOPo_sv)); break; case OP_SETSTATE: case OP_NEXTSTATE: case OP_DBSTATE: if (CopLINE(cCOPo)) S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "line=\"%"UVuf"\"", (UV)CopLINE(cCOPo)); if (CopSTASHPV(cCOPo)) S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "package=\"%s\"", CopSTASHPV(cCOPo)); if (cCOPo->cop_label) S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "label=\"%s\"", cCOPo->cop_label); break; case OP_ENTERLOOP: S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "redo=\""); if (cLOOPo->op_redoop) PerlIO_printf(file, "%"UVuf"\"", sequence_num(cLOOPo->op_redoop)); else PerlIO_printf(file, "DONE\""); S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "next=\""); if (cLOOPo->op_nextop) PerlIO_printf(file, "%"UVuf"\"", sequence_num(cLOOPo->op_nextop)); else PerlIO_printf(file, "DONE\""); S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "last=\""); if (cLOOPo->op_lastop) PerlIO_printf(file, "%"UVuf"\"", sequence_num(cLOOPo->op_lastop)); else PerlIO_printf(file, "DONE\""); break; case OP_COND_EXPR: case OP_RANGE: case OP_MAPWHILE: case OP_GREPWHILE: case OP_OR: case OP_AND: S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "other=\""); if (cLOGOPo->op_other) PerlIO_printf(file, "%"UVuf"\"", sequence_num(cLOGOPo->op_other)); else PerlIO_printf(file, "DONE\""); break; case OP_LEAVE: case OP_LEAVEEVAL: case OP_LEAVESUB: case OP_LEAVESUBLV: case OP_LEAVEWRITE: case OP_SCOPE: if (o->op_private & OPpREFCOUNTED) S_xmldump_attr(aTHX_ level, file, "refcnt=\"%"UVuf"\"", (UV)o->op_targ); break; default: break; } if (PL_madskills && o->op_madprop) { char prevkey = '\0'; SV * const tmpsv = newSVpvn("", 0); const MADPROP* mp = o->op_madprop; sv_utf8_upgrade(tmpsv); if (!contents) { contents = 1; PerlIO_printf(file, ">\n"); } Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "\n"); level++; while (mp) { char tmp = mp->mad_key; sv_setpvn(tmpsv,"\"",1); if (tmp) sv_catxmlpvn(tmpsv, &tmp, 1, 0); if ((tmp == '_') || (tmp == '#')) /* '_' '#' whitespace belong to the previous token. */ sv_catxmlpvn(tmpsv, &prevkey, 1, 0); else prevkey = tmp; sv_catpv(tmpsv, "\""); switch (mp->mad_type) { case MAD_NULL: sv_catpv(tmpsv, "NULL"); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "\n", SvPVX(tmpsv)); break; case MAD_PV: sv_catpv(tmpsv, " val=\""); sv_catxmlpvn(tmpsv, (char*)mp->mad_val, mp->mad_vlen,1); sv_catpv(tmpsv, "\""); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "\n", SvPVX(tmpsv)); break; case MAD_SV: sv_catpv(tmpsv, " val=\""); sv_catxmlsv(tmpsv, (SV*)mp->mad_val); sv_catpv(tmpsv, "\""); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "\n", SvPVX(tmpsv)); break; case MAD_OP: if ((OP*)mp->mad_val) { Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "\n", SvPVX(tmpsv)); do_op_xmldump(level+1, file, (OP*)mp->mad_val); Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "\n"); } break; default: Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "\n", SvPVX(tmpsv)); break; } mp = mp->mad_next; } level--; Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level, file, "\n"); SvREFCNT_dec(tmpsv); } switch (o->op_type) { case OP_PUSHRE: case OP_MATCH: case OP_QR: case OP_SUBST: if (!contents) { contents = 1; PerlIO_printf(file, ">\n"); } do_pmop_xmldump(level, file, cPMOPo); break; default: break; } if (o->op_flags & OPf_KIDS) { OP *kid; if (!contents) { contents = 1; PerlIO_printf(file, ">\n"); } for (kid = cUNOPo->op_first; kid; kid = kid->op_sibling) do_op_xmldump(level, file, kid); } if (contents) Perl_xmldump_indent(aTHX_ level-1, file, "\n", OP_NAME(o)); else PerlIO_printf(file, " />\n"); } void Perl_op_xmldump(pTHX_ const OP *o) { do_op_xmldump(0, PL_xmlfp, o); } #endif /* * Local variables: * c-indentation-style: bsd * c-basic-offset: 4 * indent-tabs-mode: t * End: * * ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noet: */