
# $RCSfile: findcp,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 17:20:12 $

# This is a wrapper around the find command that pretends find has a switch
# of the form -cp host:destination.  It presumes your find implements -ls.
# It uses tar to do the actual copy.  If your tar knows about the I switch
# you may prefer to use findtar, since this one has to do the tar in batches.

sub copy {
    `tar cf - $list | rsh $desthost cd $destdir '&&' tar xBpf -`;

$sourcedir = $ARGV[0];
if ($sourcedir =~ /^\//) {
    $ARGV[0] = '.';
    unless (chdir($sourcedir)) { die "Can't find directory $sourcedir: $!"; }

$args = join(' ',@ARGV);
if ($args =~ s/-cp *([^ ]+)/-ls/) {
    $dest = $1;
    if ($dest =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
	$desthost = $1;
	$destdir = $2;
    else {
	die "Malformed destination--should be host:directory";
else {
    die("No destination specified");

open(find,"find $args |") || die "Can't run find for you: $!";

while (<find>) {
    @x = split(' ');
    if ($x[2] =~ /^d/) { next;}
    chop($filename = $x[10]);
    if (length($list) > 5000) {
	do copy();
	$list = '';
    else {
	$list .= ' ';
    $list .= $filename;

if ($list) {
    do copy();