#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Regenerate (overwriting only if changed): # # embed.h # embedvar.h # global.sym # perlapi.c # perlapi.h # proto.h # # from information stored in # # embed.fnc # intrpvar.h # perlvars.h # pp.sym (which has been generated by opcode.pl) # # plus from the values hardcoded into this script in @extvars. # # Accepts the standard regen_lib -q and -v args. # # This script is normally invoked from regen.pl. require 5.003; # keep this compatible, an old perl is all we may have before # we build the new one use strict; BEGIN { # Get function prototypes require 'regen_lib.pl'; } my $SPLINT = 0; # Turn true for experimental splint support http://www.splint.org # # See database of global and static function prototypes in embed.fnc # This is used to generate prototype headers under various configurations, # export symbols lists for different platforms, and macros to provide an # implicit interpreter context argument. # sub do_not_edit ($) { my $file = shift; my $years = '1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009'; $years =~ s/1999,/1999,\n / if length $years > 40; my $warning = <<EOW; -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- $file Copyright (C) $years, by Larry Wall and others You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! This file is built by embed.pl from data in embed.fnc, embed.pl, pp.sym, intrpvar.h, and perlvars.h. Any changes made here will be lost! Edit those files and run 'make regen_headers' to effect changes. EOW $warning .= <<EOW if $file eq 'perlapi.c'; Up to the threshold of the door there mounted a flight of twenty-seven broad stairs, hewn by some unknown art of the same black stone. This was the only entrance to the tower; ... [p.577 of _The Lord of the Rings_, III/x: "The Voice of Saruman"] EOW if ($file =~ m:\.[ch]$:) { $warning =~ s:^: * :gm; $warning =~ s: +$::gm; $warning =~ s: :/:; $warning =~ s:$:/:; } else { $warning =~ s:^:# :gm; $warning =~ s: +$::gm; } $warning; } # do_not_edit open IN, "embed.fnc" or die $!; # walk table providing an array of components in each line to # subroutine, printing the result sub walk_table (&@) { my $function = shift; my $filename = shift || '-'; my $leader = shift; defined $leader or $leader = do_not_edit ($filename); my $trailer = shift; my $F; if (ref $filename) { # filehandle $F = $filename; } else { # safer_unlink $filename if $filename ne '/dev/null'; $F = safer_open("$filename-new"); } print $F $leader if $leader; seek IN, 0, 0; # so we may restart while (<IN>) { chomp; next if /^:/; while (s|\\$||) { $_ .= <IN>; chomp; } s/\s+$//; my @args; if (/^\s*(#|$)/) { @args = $_; } else { @args = split /\s*\|\s*/, $_; } my @outs = &{$function}(@args); print $F @outs; # $function->(@args) is not 5.003 } print $F $trailer if $trailer; unless (ref $filename) { safer_close($F); rename_if_different("$filename-new", $filename); } } sub munge_c_files () { my $functions = {}; unless (@ARGV) { warn "\@ARGV empty, nothing to do\n"; return; } walk_table { if (@_ > 1) { $functions->{$_[2]} = \@_ if $_[@_-1] =~ /\.\.\./; } } '/dev/null', '', ''; local $^I = '.bak'; while (<>) { s{(\b(\w+)[ \t]*\([ \t]*(?!aTHX))} { my $repl = $1; my $f = $2; if (exists $functions->{$f}) { $repl .= "aTHX_ "; warn("$ARGV:$.:$`#$repl#$'"); } $repl; }eg; print; close ARGV if eof; # restart $. } exit; } #munge_c_files(); # generate proto.h my $wrote_protected = 0; sub write_protos { my $ret = ""; if (@_ == 1) { my $arg = shift; $ret .= "$arg\n"; } else { my ($flags,$retval,$plain_func,@args) = @_; my @nonnull; my $has_context = ( $flags !~ /n/ ); my $never_returns = ( $flags =~ /r/ ); my $commented_out = ( $flags =~ /m/ ); my $binarycompat = ( $flags =~ /b/ ); my $is_malloc = ( $flags =~ /a/ ); my $can_ignore = ( $flags !~ /R/ ) && !$is_malloc; my @names_of_nn; my $func; my $splint_flags = ""; if ( $SPLINT && !$commented_out ) { $splint_flags .= '/*@noreturn@*/ ' if $never_returns; if ($can_ignore && ($retval ne 'void') && ($retval !~ /\*/)) { $retval .= " /*\@alt void\@*/"; } } if ($flags =~ /s/) { $retval = "STATIC $splint_flags$retval"; $func = "S_$plain_func"; } else { $retval = "PERL_CALLCONV $splint_flags$retval"; if ($flags =~ /[bp]/) { $func = "Perl_$plain_func"; } else { $func = $plain_func; } } $ret .= "$retval\t$func("; if ( $has_context ) { $ret .= @args ? "pTHX_ " : "pTHX"; } if (@args) { my $n; for my $arg ( @args ) { ++$n; if ( $arg =~ /\*/ && $arg !~ /\b(NN|NULLOK)\b/ ) { warn "$func: $arg needs NN or NULLOK\n"; our $unflagged_pointers; ++$unflagged_pointers; } my $nn = ( $arg =~ s/\s*\bNN\b\s+// ); push( @nonnull, $n ) if $nn; my $nullok = ( $arg =~ s/\s*\bNULLOK\b\s+// ); # strip NULLOK with no effect # Make sure each arg has at least a type and a var name. # An arg of "int" is valid C, but want it to be "int foo". my $temp_arg = $arg; $temp_arg =~ s/\*//g; $temp_arg =~ s/\s*\bstruct\b\s*/ /g; if ( ($temp_arg ne "...") && ($temp_arg !~ /\w+\s+(\w+)(?:\[\d+\])?\s*$/) ) { warn "$func: $arg ($n) doesn't have a name\n"; } if ( $SPLINT && $nullok && !$commented_out ) { $arg = '/*@null@*/ ' . $arg; } if (defined $1 && $nn && !($commented_out && !$binarycompat)) { push @names_of_nn, $1; } } $ret .= join ", ", @args; } else { $ret .= "void" if !$has_context; } $ret .= ")"; my @attrs; if ( $flags =~ /r/ ) { push @attrs, "__attribute__noreturn__"; } if ( $flags =~ /D/ ) { push @attrs, "__attribute__deprecated__"; } if ( $is_malloc ) { push @attrs, "__attribute__malloc__"; } if ( !$can_ignore ) { push @attrs, "__attribute__warn_unused_result__"; } if ( $flags =~ /P/ ) { push @attrs, "__attribute__pure__"; } if( $flags =~ /f/ ) { my $prefix = $has_context ? 'pTHX_' : ''; my $args = scalar @args; my $pat = $args - 1; my $macro = @nonnull && $nonnull[-1] == $pat ? '__attribute__format__' : '__attribute__format__null_ok__'; push @attrs, sprintf "%s(__printf__,%s%d,%s%d)", $macro, $prefix, $pat, $prefix, $args; } if ( @nonnull ) { my @pos = map { $has_context ? "pTHX_$_" : $_ } @nonnull; push @attrs, map { sprintf( "__attribute__nonnull__(%s)", $_ ) } @pos; } if ( @attrs ) { $ret .= "\n"; $ret .= join( "\n", map { "\t\t\t$_" } @attrs ); } $ret .= ";"; $ret = "/* $ret */" if $commented_out; if (@names_of_nn) { $ret .= "\n#define PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_\U$plain_func\E\t\\\n\t" . join '; ', map "assert($_)", @names_of_nn; } $ret .= @attrs ? "\n\n" : "\n"; } $ret; } # generates global.sym (API export list) { my %seen; sub write_global_sym { my $ret = ""; if (@_ > 1) { my ($flags,$retval,$func,@args) = @_; # If a function is defined twice, for example before and after an # #else, only process the flags on the first instance for global.sym return $ret if $seen{$func}++; if ($flags =~ /[AX]/ && $flags !~ /[xm]/ || $flags =~ /b/) { # public API, so export $func = "Perl_$func" if $flags =~ /[pbX]/; $ret = "$func\n"; } } $ret; } } our $unflagged_pointers; walk_table(\&write_protos, "proto.h", undef, "/* ex: set ro: */\n"); warn "$unflagged_pointers pointer arguments to clean up\n" if $unflagged_pointers; walk_table(\&write_global_sym, "global.sym", undef, "# ex: set ro:\n"); # XXX others that may need adding # warnhook # hints # copline my @extvars = qw(sv_undef sv_yes sv_no na dowarn curcop compiling tainting tainted stack_base stack_sp sv_arenaroot no_modify curstash DBsub DBsingle DBassertion debstash rsfp stdingv defgv errgv rsfp_filters perldb diehook dirty perl_destruct_level ppaddr ); sub readsyms (\%$) { my ($syms, $file) = @_; local (*FILE, $_); open(FILE, "< $file") or die "embed.pl: Can't open $file: $!\n"; while (<FILE>) { s/[ \t]*#.*//; # Delete comments. if (/^\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { my $sym = $1; warn "duplicate symbol $sym while processing $file line $.\n" if exists $$syms{$sym}; $$syms{$sym} = 1; } } close(FILE); } # Perl_pp_* and Perl_ck_* are in pp.sym readsyms my %ppsym, 'pp.sym'; sub readvars(\%$$@) { my ($syms, $file,$pre,$keep_pre) = @_; local (*FILE, $_); open(FILE, "< $file") or die "embed.pl: Can't open $file: $!\n"; while (<FILE>) { s/[ \t]*#.*//; # Delete comments. if (/PERLVARA?I?S?C?\($pre(\w+)/) { my $sym = $1; $sym = $pre . $sym if $keep_pre; warn "duplicate symbol $sym while processing $file line $.\n" if exists $$syms{$sym}; $$syms{$sym} = $pre || 1; } } close(FILE); } my %intrp; my %globvar; readvars %intrp, 'intrpvar.h','I'; readvars %globvar, 'perlvars.h','G'; my $sym; sub undefine ($) { my ($sym) = @_; "#undef $sym\n"; } sub hide ($$) { my ($from, $to) = @_; my $t = int(length($from) / 8); "#define $from" . "\t" x ($t < 3 ? 3 - $t : 1) . "$to\n"; } sub bincompat_var ($$) { my ($pfx, $sym) = @_; my $arg = ($pfx eq 'G' ? 'NULL' : 'aTHX'); undefine("PL_$sym") . hide("PL_$sym", "(*Perl_${pfx}${sym}_ptr($arg))"); } sub multon ($$$) { my ($sym,$pre,$ptr) = @_; hide("PL_$sym", "($ptr$pre$sym)"); } sub multoff ($$) { my ($sym,$pre) = @_; return hide("PL_$pre$sym", "PL_$sym"); } my $em = safer_open('embed.h-new'); print $em do_not_edit ("embed.h"), <<'END'; /* (Doing namespace management portably in C is really gross.) */ /* By defining PERL_NO_SHORT_NAMES (not done by default) the short forms * (like warn instead of Perl_warn) for the API are not defined. * Not defining the short forms is a good thing for cleaner embedding. */ #ifndef PERL_NO_SHORT_NAMES /* Hide global symbols */ #if !defined(PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT) END # Try to elimiate lots of repeated # #ifdef PERL_CORE # foo # #endif # #ifdef PERL_CORE # bar # #endif # by tracking state and merging foo and bar into one block. my $ifdef_state = ''; walk_table { my $ret = ""; my $new_ifdef_state = ''; if (@_ == 1) { my $arg = shift; $ret .= "$arg\n" if $arg =~ /^#\s*(if|ifn?def|else|endif)\b/; } else { my ($flags,$retval,$func,@args) = @_; unless ($flags =~ /[om]/) { if ($flags =~ /s/) { $ret .= hide($func,"S_$func"); } elsif ($flags =~ /p/) { $ret .= hide($func,"Perl_$func"); } } if ($ret ne '' && $flags !~ /A/) { if ($flags =~ /E/) { $new_ifdef_state = "#if defined(PERL_CORE) || defined(PERL_EXT)\n"; } else { $new_ifdef_state = "#ifdef PERL_CORE\n"; } if ($new_ifdef_state ne $ifdef_state) { $ret = $new_ifdef_state . $ret; } } } if ($ifdef_state && $new_ifdef_state ne $ifdef_state) { # Close the old one ahead of opening the new one. $ret = "#endif\n$ret"; } # Remember the new state. $ifdef_state = $new_ifdef_state; $ret; } $em, ""; if ($ifdef_state) { print $em "#endif\n"; } for $sym (sort keys %ppsym) { $sym =~ s/^Perl_//; print $em hide($sym, "Perl_$sym"); } print $em <<'END'; #else /* PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT */ END my @az = ('a'..'z'); $ifdef_state = ''; walk_table { my $ret = ""; my $new_ifdef_state = ''; if (@_ == 1) { my $arg = shift; $ret .= "$arg\n" if $arg =~ /^#\s*(if|ifn?def|else|endif)\b/; } else { my ($flags,$retval,$func,@args) = @_; unless ($flags =~ /[om]/) { my $args = scalar @args; if ($args and $args[$args-1] =~ /\.\.\./) { # we're out of luck for varargs functions under CPP } elsif ($flags =~ /n/) { if ($flags =~ /s/) { $ret .= hide($func,"S_$func"); } elsif ($flags =~ /p/) { $ret .= hide($func,"Perl_$func"); } } else { my $alist = join(",", @az[0..$args-1]); $ret = "#define $func($alist)"; my $t = int(length($ret) / 8); $ret .= "\t" x ($t < 4 ? 4 - $t : 1); if ($flags =~ /s/) { $ret .= "S_$func(aTHX"; } elsif ($flags =~ /p/) { $ret .= "Perl_$func(aTHX"; } $ret .= "_ " if $alist; $ret .= $alist . ")\n"; } } unless ($flags =~ /A/) { if ($flags =~ /E/) { $new_ifdef_state = "#if defined(PERL_CORE) || defined(PERL_EXT)\n"; } else { $new_ifdef_state = "#ifdef PERL_CORE\n"; } if ($new_ifdef_state ne $ifdef_state) { $ret = $new_ifdef_state . $ret; } } } if ($ifdef_state && $new_ifdef_state ne $ifdef_state) { # Close the old one ahead of opening the new one. $ret = "#endif\n$ret"; } # Remember the new state. $ifdef_state = $new_ifdef_state; $ret; } $em, ""; if ($ifdef_state) { print $em "#endif\n"; } for $sym (sort keys %ppsym) { $sym =~ s/^Perl_//; if ($sym =~ /^ck_/) { print $em hide("$sym(a)", "Perl_$sym(aTHX_ a)"); } elsif ($sym =~ /^pp_/) { print $em hide("$sym()", "Perl_$sym(aTHX)"); } else { warn "Illegal symbol '$sym' in pp.sym"; } } print $em <<'END'; #endif /* PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT */ #endif /* #ifndef PERL_NO_SHORT_NAMES */ END print $em <<'END'; /* Compatibility stubs. Compile extensions with -DPERL_NOCOMPAT to disable them. */ #if !defined(PERL_CORE) # define sv_setptrobj(rv,ptr,name) sv_setref_iv(rv,name,PTR2IV(ptr)) # define sv_setptrref(rv,ptr) sv_setref_iv(rv,NULL,PTR2IV(ptr)) #endif #if !defined(PERL_CORE) && !defined(PERL_NOCOMPAT) /* Compatibility for various misnamed functions. All functions in the API that begin with "perl_" (not "Perl_") take an explicit interpreter context pointer. The following are not like that, but since they had a "perl_" prefix in previous versions, we provide compatibility macros. */ # define perl_atexit(a,b) call_atexit(a,b) # define perl_call_argv(a,b,c) call_argv(a,b,c) # define perl_call_pv(a,b) call_pv(a,b) # define perl_call_method(a,b) call_method(a,b) # define perl_call_sv(a,b) call_sv(a,b) # define perl_eval_sv(a,b) eval_sv(a,b) # define perl_eval_pv(a,b) eval_pv(a,b) # define perl_require_pv(a) require_pv(a) # define perl_get_sv(a,b) get_sv(a,b) # define perl_get_av(a,b) get_av(a,b) # define perl_get_hv(a,b) get_hv(a,b) # define perl_get_cv(a,b) get_cv(a,b) # define perl_init_i18nl10n(a) init_i18nl10n(a) # define perl_init_i18nl14n(a) init_i18nl14n(a) # define perl_new_ctype(a) new_ctype(a) # define perl_new_collate(a) new_collate(a) # define perl_new_numeric(a) new_numeric(a) /* varargs functions can't be handled with CPP macros. :-( This provides a set of compatibility functions that don't take an extra argument but grab the context pointer using the macro dTHX. */ #if defined(PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT) && !defined(PERL_NO_SHORT_NAMES) # define croak Perl_croak_nocontext # define deb Perl_deb_nocontext # define die Perl_die_nocontext # define form Perl_form_nocontext # define load_module Perl_load_module_nocontext # define mess Perl_mess_nocontext # define newSVpvf Perl_newSVpvf_nocontext # define sv_catpvf Perl_sv_catpvf_nocontext # define sv_setpvf Perl_sv_setpvf_nocontext # define warn Perl_warn_nocontext # define warner Perl_warner_nocontext # define sv_catpvf_mg Perl_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext # define sv_setpvf_mg Perl_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext #endif #endif /* !defined(PERL_CORE) && !defined(PERL_NOCOMPAT) */ #if !defined(PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT) /* undefined symbols, point them back at the usual ones */ # define Perl_croak_nocontext Perl_croak # define Perl_die_nocontext Perl_die # define Perl_deb_nocontext Perl_deb # define Perl_form_nocontext Perl_form # define Perl_load_module_nocontext Perl_load_module # define Perl_mess_nocontext Perl_mess # define Perl_newSVpvf_nocontext Perl_newSVpvf # define Perl_sv_catpvf_nocontext Perl_sv_catpvf # define Perl_sv_setpvf_nocontext Perl_sv_setpvf # define Perl_warn_nocontext Perl_warn # define Perl_warner_nocontext Perl_warner # define Perl_sv_catpvf_mg_nocontext Perl_sv_catpvf_mg # define Perl_sv_setpvf_mg_nocontext Perl_sv_setpvf_mg #endif /* ex: set ro: */ END safer_close($em); rename_if_different('embed.h-new', 'embed.h'); $em = safer_open('embedvar.h-new'); print $em do_not_edit ("embedvar.h"), <<'END'; /* (Doing namespace management portably in C is really gross.) */ /* The following combinations of MULTIPLICITY and PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT are supported: 1) none 2) MULTIPLICITY # supported for compatibility 3) MULTIPLICITY && PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT All other combinations of these flags are errors. only #3 is supported directly, while #2 is a special case of #3 (supported by redefining vTHX appropriately). */ #if defined(MULTIPLICITY) /* cases 2 and 3 above */ # if defined(PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT) # define vTHX aTHX # else # define vTHX PERL_GET_INTERP # endif END for $sym (sort keys %intrp) { print $em multon($sym,'I','vTHX->'); } print $em <<'END'; #else /* !MULTIPLICITY */ /* case 1 above */ END for $sym (sort keys %intrp) { print $em multoff($sym,'I'); } print $em <<'END'; END print $em <<'END'; #endif /* MULTIPLICITY */ #if defined(PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT) END for $sym (sort keys %globvar) { print $em multon($sym, 'G','my_vars->'); print $em multon("G$sym",'', 'my_vars->'); } print $em <<'END'; #else /* !PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT */ END for $sym (sort keys %globvar) { print $em multoff($sym,'G'); } print $em <<'END'; #endif /* PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT */ #ifdef PERL_POLLUTE /* disabled by default in 5.6.0 */ END for $sym (sort @extvars) { print $em hide($sym,"PL_$sym"); } print $em <<'END'; #endif /* PERL_POLLUTE */ /* ex: set ro: */ END safer_close($em); rename_if_different('embedvar.h-new', 'embedvar.h'); my $capi = safer_open('perlapi.c-new'); my $capih = safer_open('perlapi.h-new'); print $capih do_not_edit ("perlapi.h"), <<'EOT'; /* declare accessor functions for Perl variables */ #ifndef __perlapi_h__ #define __perlapi_h__ #if defined (MULTIPLICITY) START_EXTERN_C #undef PERLVAR #undef PERLVARA #undef PERLVARI #undef PERLVARIC #undef PERLVARISC #define PERLVAR(v,t) EXTERN_C t* Perl_##v##_ptr(pTHX); #define PERLVARA(v,n,t) typedef t PL_##v##_t[n]; \ EXTERN_C PL_##v##_t* Perl_##v##_ptr(pTHX); #define PERLVARI(v,t,i) PERLVAR(v,t) #define PERLVARIC(v,t,i) PERLVAR(v, const t) #define PERLVARISC(v,i) typedef const char PL_##v##_t[sizeof(i)]; \ EXTERN_C PL_##v##_t* Perl_##v##_ptr(pTHX); #include "intrpvar.h" #include "perlvars.h" #undef PERLVAR #undef PERLVARA #undef PERLVARI #undef PERLVARIC #undef PERLVARISC #ifndef PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT EXTERN_C Perl_ppaddr_t** Perl_Gppaddr_ptr(pTHX); EXTERN_C Perl_check_t** Perl_Gcheck_ptr(pTHX); EXTERN_C unsigned char** Perl_Gfold_locale_ptr(pTHX); #define Perl_ppaddr_ptr Perl_Gppaddr_ptr #define Perl_check_ptr Perl_Gcheck_ptr #define Perl_fold_locale_ptr Perl_Gfold_locale_ptr #endif END_EXTERN_C #if defined(PERL_CORE) /* accessor functions for Perl variables (provide binary compatibility) */ /* these need to be mentioned here, or most linkers won't put them in the perl executable */ #ifndef PERL_NO_FORCE_LINK START_EXTERN_C #ifndef DOINIT EXTCONST void * const PL_force_link_funcs[]; #else EXTCONST void * const PL_force_link_funcs[] = { #undef PERLVAR #undef PERLVARA #undef PERLVARI #undef PERLVARIC #define PERLVAR(v,t) (void*)Perl_##v##_ptr, #define PERLVARA(v,n,t) PERLVAR(v,t) #define PERLVARI(v,t,i) PERLVAR(v,t) #define PERLVARIC(v,t,i) PERLVAR(v,t) #define PERLVARISC(v,i) PERLVAR(v,char) /* In Tru64 (__DEC && __osf__) the cc option -std1 causes that one * cannot cast between void pointers and function pointers without * info level warnings. The PL_force_link_funcs[] would cause a few * hundred of those warnings. In code one can circumnavigate this by using * unions that overlay the different pointers, but in declarations one * cannot use this trick. Therefore we just disable the warning here * for the duration of the PL_force_link_funcs[] declaration. */ #if defined(__DECC) && defined(__osf__) #pragma message save #pragma message disable (nonstandcast) #endif #include "intrpvar.h" #include "perlvars.h" #if defined(__DECC) && defined(__osf__) #pragma message restore #endif #undef PERLVAR #undef PERLVARA #undef PERLVARI #undef PERLVARIC #undef PERLVARISC }; #endif /* DOINIT */ END_EXTERN_C #endif /* PERL_NO_FORCE_LINK */ #else /* !PERL_CORE */ EOT foreach $sym (sort keys %intrp) { print $capih bincompat_var('I',$sym); } foreach $sym (sort keys %globvar) { print $capih bincompat_var('G',$sym); } print $capih <<'EOT'; #endif /* !PERL_CORE */ #endif /* MULTIPLICITY */ #endif /* __perlapi_h__ */ /* ex: set ro: */ EOT safer_close($capih); rename_if_different('perlapi.h-new', 'perlapi.h'); print $capi do_not_edit ("perlapi.c"), <<'EOT'; #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "perlapi.h" #if defined (MULTIPLICITY) /* accessor functions for Perl variables (provides binary compatibility) */ START_EXTERN_C #undef PERLVAR #undef PERLVARA #undef PERLVARI #undef PERLVARIC #undef PERLVARISC #define PERLVAR(v,t) t* Perl_##v##_ptr(pTHX) \ { dVAR; PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; return &(aTHX->v); } #define PERLVARA(v,n,t) PL_##v##_t* Perl_##v##_ptr(pTHX) \ { dVAR; PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; return &(aTHX->v); } #define PERLVARI(v,t,i) PERLVAR(v,t) #define PERLVARIC(v,t,i) PERLVAR(v, const t) #define PERLVARISC(v,i) PL_##v##_t* Perl_##v##_ptr(pTHX) \ { dVAR; PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; return &(aTHX->v); } #include "intrpvar.h" #undef PERLVAR #undef PERLVARA #define PERLVAR(v,t) t* Perl_##v##_ptr(pTHX) \ { dVAR; PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; return &(PL_##v); } #define PERLVARA(v,n,t) PL_##v##_t* Perl_##v##_ptr(pTHX) \ { dVAR; PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; return &(PL_##v); } #undef PERLVARIC #undef PERLVARISC #define PERLVARIC(v,t,i) \ const t* Perl_##v##_ptr(pTHX) \ { PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; return (const t *)&(PL_##v); } #define PERLVARISC(v,i) PL_##v##_t* Perl_##v##_ptr(pTHX) \ { dVAR; PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; return &(PL_##v); } #include "perlvars.h" #undef PERLVAR #undef PERLVARA #undef PERLVARI #undef PERLVARIC #undef PERLVARISC #ifndef PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT /* A few evil special cases. Could probably macrofy this. */ #undef PL_ppaddr #undef PL_check #undef PL_fold_locale Perl_ppaddr_t** Perl_Gppaddr_ptr(pTHX) { static Perl_ppaddr_t* const ppaddr_ptr = PL_ppaddr; PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; return (Perl_ppaddr_t**)&ppaddr_ptr; } Perl_check_t** Perl_Gcheck_ptr(pTHX) { static Perl_check_t* const check_ptr = PL_check; PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; return (Perl_check_t**)&check_ptr; } unsigned char** Perl_Gfold_locale_ptr(pTHX) { static unsigned char* const fold_locale_ptr = PL_fold_locale; PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; return (unsigned char**)&fold_locale_ptr; } #endif END_EXTERN_C #endif /* MULTIPLICITY */ /* ex: set ro: */ EOT safer_close($capi); rename_if_different('perlapi.c-new', 'perlapi.c'); # functions that take va_list* for implementing vararg functions # NOTE: makedef.pl must be updated if you add symbols to %vfuncs # XXX %vfuncs currently unused my %vfuncs = qw( Perl_croak Perl_vcroak Perl_warn Perl_vwarn Perl_warner Perl_vwarner Perl_die Perl_vdie Perl_form Perl_vform Perl_load_module Perl_vload_module Perl_mess Perl_vmess Perl_deb Perl_vdeb Perl_newSVpvf Perl_vnewSVpvf Perl_sv_setpvf Perl_sv_vsetpvf Perl_sv_setpvf_mg Perl_sv_vsetpvf_mg Perl_sv_catpvf Perl_sv_vcatpvf Perl_sv_catpvf_mg Perl_sv_vcatpvf_mg Perl_dump_indent Perl_dump_vindent Perl_default_protect Perl_vdefault_protect ); # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noet: