use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use ExtUtils::Constant 0.23 'WriteConstants'; use File::Spec; use strict; use warnings; my $core = grep { $_ eq 'PERL_CORE=1' } @ARGV; my $headerpath; if ($core) { $headerpath = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir, File::Spec->updir); } else { require Config; $headerpath = File::Spec->catdir($Config::Config{archlibexp}, "CORE"); } my @names = ({ name => 'HEf_SVKEY', macro => 1, type => "IV" }, qw(SVTYPEMASK SVt_PVGV SVt_PVHV PAD_FAKELEX_ANON PAD_FAKELEX_MULTI SVpad_STATE SVpad_TYPED SVpad_OUR)); my @depend; # First element in each tuple is the file; second is a regex snippet # giving the prefix to limit the names of symbols to define that come # from that file. If none, all symbols will be defined whose values # match the pattern below. foreach my $tuple (['cop.h'], ['cv.h', 'CVf'], ['gv.h', 'G[PV]f'], ['op.h'], ['opcode.h', 'OPp'], ['op_reg_common.h','(?:(?:RXf_)?PMf_)'], ['pad.h','PADNAMEf_'], ['regexp.h','RXf_'], ['sv.h', 'SV(?:[fps]|pad)_'], ) { my $file = $tuple->[0]; my $pfx = $tuple->[1] || ''; my $path = File::Spec->catfile($headerpath, $file); push @depend, $path; open my $fh, '<', $path or die "Cannot open $path: $!"; while (<$fh>) { push @names, $1 if (/ ^ \s* \# \s* define \s+ ( $pfx \w+ ) \s+ ( [()|\dx]+ [UuLl]{0,2} # Parens, '|', digits, 'x', # followed by optional long, # unsigned qualifiers | 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ # hex values | \(? \d+ [UuLl]{0,2} \s* << .*? # digits left shifted by anything # followed by optional # long, unsigned qualifiers ) \s* (?: $| \/ \* ) # ending at comment or $ /x); } close $fh; } WriteMakefile( NAME => "B", VERSION_FROM => "", realclean => {FILES=> ''}, depend => {'Makefile' => "@depend"}, ); # Currently only SVt_PVGV and SVt_PVHV aren't macros, but everything we name # should exist, so ensure that the C compile breaks if anything does not. WriteConstants( PROXYSUBS => {push => 'EXPORT_OK'}, NAME => 'B', NAMES => [map {ref $_ ? $_ : {name=>$_, macro=>1, type=>"UV"}} @names], XS_SUBNAME => undef, );