#!./perl BEGIN { unshift @INC, 't'; require Config; if (($Config::Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bB\b/) ){ print "1..0 # Skip -- Perl configured without B module\n"; exit 0; } require 'test.pl'; # we use runperl from 'test.pl', so can't use Test::More } plan tests => 159; require_ok("B::Concise"); $out = runperl(switches => ["-MO=Concise"], prog => '$a', stderr => 1); # If either of the next two tests fail, it probably means you need to # fix the section labeled 'fragile kludge' in Concise.pm ($op_base) = ($out =~ /^(\d+)\s*<0>\s*enter/m); is($op_base, 1, "Smallest OP sequence number"); ($op_base_p1, $cop_base) = ($out =~ /^(\d+)\s*<;>\s*nextstate\(main (-?\d+) /m); is($op_base_p1, 2, "Second-smallest OP sequence number"); is($cop_base, 1, "Smallest COP sequence number"); # test that with -exec B::Concise navigates past logops (bug #18175) $out = runperl( switches => ["-MO=Concise,-exec"], prog => q{$a=$b && print q/foo/}, stderr => 1, ); #diag($out); like($out, qr/print/, "'-exec' option output has print opcode"); ######## API tests v.60 use Config; # used for perlio check B::Concise->import(qw( set_style set_style_standard add_callback add_style walk_output reset_sequence )); ## walk_output argument checking # test that walk_output rejects non-HANDLE args foreach my $foo ("string", [], {}) { eval { walk_output($foo) }; isnt ($@, '', "walk_output() rejects arg '$foo'"); $@=''; # clear the fail for next test } # test accessor mode when arg undefd or 0 foreach my $foo (undef, 0) { my $handle = walk_output($foo); is ($handle, \*STDOUT, "walk_output set to STDOUT (default)"); } { # any object that can print should be ok for walk_output package Hugo; sub new { my $foo = bless {} }; sub print { CORE::print @_ } } my $foo = new Hugo; # suggested this API fix eval { walk_output($foo) }; is ($@, '', "walk_output() accepts obj that can print"); # test that walk_output accepts a HANDLE arg SKIP: { skip("no perlio in this build", 4) unless $Config::Config{useperlio}; foreach my $foo (\*STDOUT, \*STDERR) { eval { walk_output($foo) }; is ($@, '', "walk_output() accepts STD* " . ref $foo); } # now test a ref to scalar eval { walk_output(\my $junk) }; is ($@, '', "walk_output() accepts ref-to-sprintf target"); $junk = "non-empty"; eval { walk_output(\$junk) }; is ($@, '', "walk_output() accepts ref-to-non-empty-scalar"); } ## add_style my @stylespec; $@=''; eval { add_style ('junk_B' => @stylespec) }; like ($@, qr/expecting 3 style-format args/, "add_style rejects insufficient args"); @stylespec = (0,0,0); # right length, invalid values $@=''; eval { add_style ('junk' => @stylespec) }; is ($@, '', "add_style accepts: stylename => 3-arg-array"); $@=''; eval { add_style (junk => @stylespec) }; like ($@, qr/style 'junk' already exists, choose a new name/, "add_style correctly disallows re-adding same style-name" ); # test new arg-checks on set_style $@=''; eval { set_style (@stylespec) }; is ($@, '', "set_style accepts 3 style-format args"); @stylespec = (); # bad style eval { set_style (@stylespec) }; like ($@, qr/expecting 3 style-format args/, "set_style rejects bad style-format args"); #### for content with doc'd options our($a, $b); my $func = sub{ $a = $b+42 }; # canonical example asub sub render { walk_output(\my $out); eval { B::Concise::compile(@_)->() }; # diag "rendering $@\n"; return ($out, $@) if wantarray; return $out; } SKIP: { # tests output to GLOB, using perlio feature directly skip "no perlio on this build", 127 unless $Config::Config{useperlio}; set_style_standard('concise'); # MUST CALL before output needed @options = qw( -basic -exec -tree -compact -loose -vt -ascii -base10 -bigendian -littleendian ); foreach $opt (@options) { ($out) = render($opt, $func); isnt($out, '', "got output with option $opt"); } ## test output control via walk_output my $treegen = B::Concise::compile('-basic', $func); # reused { # test output into a package global string (sprintf-ish) our $thing; walk_output(\$thing); $treegen->(); ok($thing, "walk_output to our SCALAR, output seen"); } # test walkoutput acceptance of a scalar-bound IO handle open (my $fh, '>', \my $buf); walk_output($fh); $treegen->(); ok($buf, "walk_output to GLOB, output seen"); ## test B::Concise::compile error checking # call compile on non-CODE ref items if (0) { # pending STASH splaying foreach my $ref ([], {}) { my $typ = ref $ref; walk_output(\my $out); eval { B::Concise::compile('-basic', $ref)->() }; like ($@, qr/^err: not a coderef: $typ/, "compile detects $typ-ref where expecting subref"); is($out,'', "no output when errd"); # announcement prints } } # test against a bogus autovivified subref. # in debugger, it should look like: # 1 CODE(0x84840cc) # -> &CODE(0x84840cc) in ??? my ($res,$err); TODO: { #local $TODO = "\tdoes this handling make sense ?"; sub declared_only; ($res,$err) = render('-basic', \&declared_only); like ($res, qr/coderef CODE\(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\) has no START/, "'sub decl_only' seen as having no START"); sub defd_empty {}; ($res,$err) = render('-basic', \&defd_empty); my @lines = split(/\n/, $res); is(scalar @lines, 3, "'sub defd_empty {}' seen as 3 liner"); is(1, $res =~ /leavesub/ && $res =~ /(next|db)state/, "'sub defd_empty {}' seen as 2 ops: leavesub,nextstate"); ($res,$err) = render('-basic', \¬_even_declared); like ($res, qr/coderef CODE\(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\) has no START/, "'\¬_even_declared' seen as having no START"); { package Bar; our $AUTOLOAD = 'garbage'; sub AUTOLOAD { print "# in AUTOLOAD body: $AUTOLOAD\n" } } ($res,$err) = render('-basic', Bar::auto_func); like ($res, qr/unknown function \(Bar::auto_func\)/, "Bar::auto_func seen as unknown function"); ($res,$err) = render('-basic', \&Bar::auto_func); like ($res, qr/coderef CODE\(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\) has no START/, "'\&Bar::auto_func' seen as having no START"); ($res,$err) = render('-basic', \&Bar::AUTOLOAD); like ($res, qr/in AUTOLOAD body: /, "found body of Bar::AUTOLOAD"); } ($res,$err) = render('-basic', Foo::bar); like ($res, qr/unknown function \(Foo::bar\)/, "BC::compile detects fn-name as unknown function"); # v.62 tests pass ("TEST POST-COMPILE OPTION-HANDLING IN WALKER SUBROUTINE"); my $sample; my $walker = B::Concise::compile('-basic', $func); walk_output(\$sample); $walker->('-exec'); like($sample, qr/goto/m, "post-compile -exec"); walk_output(\$sample); $walker->('-basic'); unlike($sample, qr/goto/m, "post-compile -basic"); # bang at it combinatorically my %combos; my @modes = qw( -basic -exec ); my @styles = qw( -concise -debug -linenoise -terse ); # prep samples for $style (@styles) { for $mode (@modes) { walk_output(\$sample); reset_sequence(); $walker->($style, $mode); $combos{"$style$mode"} = $sample; } } # crosscheck that samples are all text-different @list = sort keys %combos; for $i (0..$#list) { for $j ($i+1..$#list) { isnt ($combos{$list[$i]}, $combos{$list[$j]}, "combos for $list[$i] and $list[$j] are different, as expected"); } } # add samples with styles in different order for $mode (@modes) { for $style (@styles) { reset_sequence(); walk_output(\$sample); $walker->($mode, $style); $combos{"$mode$style"} = $sample; } } # test commutativity of flags, ie that AB == BA for $mode (@modes) { for $style (@styles) { is ( $combos{"$style$mode"}, $combos{"$mode$style"}, "results for $style$mode vs $mode$style are the same" ); } } my %save = %combos; %combos = (); # outputs for $mode=any($order) and any($style) # add more samples with switching modes & sticky styles for $style (@styles) { walk_output(\$sample); reset_sequence(); $walker->($style); for $mode (@modes) { walk_output(\$sample); reset_sequence(); $walker->($mode); $combos{"$style/$mode"} = $sample; } } # crosscheck that samples are all text-different @nm = sort keys %combos; for $i (0..$#nm) { for $j ($i+1..$#nm) { isnt ($combos{$nm[$i]}, $combos{$nm[$j]}, "results for $nm[$i] and $nm[$j] are different, as expected"); } } # add samples with switching styles & sticky modes for $mode (@modes) { walk_output(\$sample); reset_sequence(); $walker->($mode); for $style (@styles) { walk_output(\$sample); reset_sequence(); $walker->($style); $combos{"$mode/$style"} = $sample; } } # test commutativity of flags, ie that AB == BA for $mode (@modes) { for $style (@styles) { is ( $combos{"$style/$mode"}, $combos{"$mode/$style"}, "results for $style/$mode vs $mode/$style are the same" ); } } #now do double crosschecks: commutativity across stick / nostick %combos = (%combos, %save); # test commutativity of flags, ie that AB == BA for $mode (@modes) { for $style (@styles) { is ( $combos{"$style$mode"}, $combos{"$style/$mode"}, "$style$mode VS $style/$mode are the same" ); is ( $combos{"$mode$style"}, $combos{"$mode/$style"}, "$mode$style VS $mode/$style are the same" ); is ( $combos{"$style$mode"}, $combos{"$mode/$style"}, "$style$mode VS $mode/$style are the same" ); is ( $combos{"$mode$style"}, $combos{"$style/$mode"}, "$mode$style VS $style/$mode are the same" ); } } } # test proper NULLING of pointer, derefd by CvSTART, when a coderef is # undefd. W/o this, the pointer can dangle into freed and reused # optree mem, which no longer points to opcodes. # Using B::Concise to render Config::AUTOLOAD's optree at BEGIN-time # triggers this obscure bug, cuz AUTOLOAD has a bootstrap version, # which is used at load-time then undeffed. It is normally # re-vivified later, but not in time for this (BEGIN/CHECK)-time # rendering. $out = runperl ( switches => ["-MO=Concise,Config::AUTOLOAD"], prog => 'use Config; BEGIN { $Config{awk} }', stderr => 1 ); like($out, qr/Config::AUTOLOAD exists in stash, but has no START/, "coderef properly undefined"); $out = runperl ( switches => ["-MO=Concise,Config::AUTOLOAD"], prog => 'use Config; CHECK { $Config{awk} }', stderr => 1 ); like($out, qr/Config::AUTOLOAD exists in stash, but has no START/, "coderef properly undefined"); # test -stash and -src rendering # todo: stderr=1 puts '-e syntax OK' into $out, # conceivably fouling one of the lines that are tested $out = runperl ( switches => ["-MO=Concise,-stash=B::Concise,-src"], prog => '-e 1', stderr => 1 ); like($out, qr/FUNC: \*B::Concise::concise_cv_obj/, "stash rendering of B::Concise includes Concise::concise_cv_obj"); like($out, qr/FUNC: \*B::Concise::walk_output/, "stash rendering includes Concise::walk_output"); like($out, qr/\# 4\d\d: \s+ \$l->concise\(\$level\);/, "src-line rendering works"); $out = runperl ( switches => ["-MStorable", "-MO=Concise,-stash=Storable,-src"], prog => '-e 1', stderr => 1 ); like($out, qr/FUNC: \*Storable::BIN_MAJOR/, "stash rendering includes constant sub: PAD_FAKELEX_MULTI"); like($out, qr/BIN_MAJOR is a constant sub, optimized to a IV/, "stash rendering identifies it as constant"); $out = runperl ( switches => ["-MO=Concise,-stash=ExtUtils::Mksymlists,-src,-exec"], prog => '-e 1', stderr => 1 ); like($out, qr/FUNC: \*ExtUtils::Mksymlists::_write_vms/, "stash rendering loads package as needed"); $out = runperl ( switches => ["-MO=Concise,-stash=Data::Dumper,-src,-exec"], prog => '-e 1', stderr => 1 ); like($out, qr/FUNC: \*Data::Dumper::format_refaddr/, "stash rendering loads package as needed"); my $prog = q{package FOO; sub bar { print q{bar} } package main; FOO::bar(); }; # this would fail if %INC used for -stash test $out = runperl ( switches => ["-MO=Concise,-src,-stash=FOO,-main"], prog => $prog, stderr => 1 ); like($out, qr/FUNC: \*FOO::bar/, "stash rendering works on inlined package"); # Test that consecutive nextstate ops are not nulled out when PERLDBf_NOOPT # is set. # XXX Does this test belong here? $out = runperl ( switches => ["-MO=Concise"], prog => 'BEGIN{$^P = 0x04} 1 if 0; print', stderr => 1 ); like $out, qr/nextstate.*nextstate/s, 'nulling of nextstate-nextstate happeneth not when $^P | PERLDBf_NOOPT'; # A very basic test for -tree output $out = runperl( switches => ["-MO=Concise,-tree"], prog => 'print', stderr => 1 ); ok index $out=~s/\r\n/\n/gr=~s/gvsv\(\*_\)/gvsv[*_]/r, <<'end'=~s/\r\n/\n/gr =>>= 0, '-tree output'; <6>leave[1 ref]-+-<1>enter |-<2>nextstate(main 1 -e:1) `-<5>print-+-<3>pushmark `-ex-rv2sv---<4>gvsv[*_] end __END__