#define PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #include "bsd_glob.h" #define MY_CXT_KEY "File::Glob::_guts" XS_VERSION typedef struct { int x_GLOB_ERROR; HV * x_GLOB_ENTRIES; } my_cxt_t; START_MY_CXT #define GLOB_ERROR (MY_CXT.x_GLOB_ERROR) #include "const-c.inc" #ifdef WIN32 #define errfunc NULL #else static int errfunc(const char *foo, int bar) { PERL_UNUSED_ARG(foo); return !(bar == EACCES || bar == ENOENT || bar == ENOTDIR); } #endif static void doglob(pTHX_ const char *pattern, int flags) { dSP; glob_t pglob; int i; int retval; SV *tmp; { dMY_CXT; /* call glob */ memset(&pglob, 0, sizeof(glob_t)); retval = bsd_glob(pattern, flags, errfunc, &pglob); GLOB_ERROR = retval; /* return any matches found */ EXTEND(sp, pglob.gl_pathc); for (i = 0; i < pglob.gl_pathc; i++) { /* printf("# bsd_glob: %s\n", pglob.gl_pathv[i]); */ tmp = newSVpvn_flags(pglob.gl_pathv[i], strlen(pglob.gl_pathv[i]), SVs_TEMP); TAINT; SvTAINT(tmp); PUSHs(tmp); } PUTBACK; bsd_globfree(&pglob); } } static void iterate(pTHX_ bool(*globber)(pTHX_ AV *entries, SV *patsv)) { dSP; dMY_CXT; SV * const cxixsv = POPs; const char *cxixpv; STRLEN cxixlen; AV *entries; U32 const gimme = GIMME_V; SV *patsv = POPs; bool on_stack = FALSE; /* assume global context if not provided one */ SvGETMAGIC(cxixsv); if (SvOK(cxixsv)) cxixpv = SvPV_nomg(cxixsv, cxixlen); else cxixpv = "_G_", cxixlen = 3; if (!MY_CXT.x_GLOB_ENTRIES) MY_CXT.x_GLOB_ENTRIES = newHV(); entries = (AV *)*(hv_fetch(MY_CXT.x_GLOB_ENTRIES, cxixpv, cxixlen, 1)); /* if we're just beginning, do it all first */ if (SvTYPE(entries) != SVt_PVAV) { PUTBACK; on_stack = globber(aTHX_ entries, patsv); SPAGAIN; } /* chuck it all out, quick or slow */ if (gimme == G_ARRAY) { if (!on_stack) { Copy(AvARRAY(entries), SP+1, AvFILLp(entries)+1, SV *); SP += AvFILLp(entries)+1; } /* No G_DISCARD here! It will free the stack items. */ hv_delete(MY_CXT.x_GLOB_ENTRIES, cxixpv, cxixlen, 0); } else { if (AvFILLp(entries) + 1) { mPUSHs(av_shift(entries)); } else { /* return undef for EOL */ hv_delete(MY_CXT.x_GLOB_ENTRIES, cxixpv, cxixlen, G_DISCARD); PUSHs(&PL_sv_undef); } } PUTBACK; } /* returns true if the items are on the stack already, but only in list context */ static bool csh_glob(pTHX_ AV *entries, SV *patsv) { dSP; const char *pat; AV *patav = NULL; const char *patend; const char *s = NULL; const char *piece = NULL; SV *word = NULL; int const flags = (int)SvIV(get_sv("File::Glob::DEFAULT_FLAGS", GV_ADD)); bool is_utf8; STRLEN len; U32 const gimme = GIMME_V; /* glob without args defaults to $_ */ SvGETMAGIC(patsv); if ( !SvOK(patsv) && (patsv = DEFSV, SvGETMAGIC(patsv), !SvOK(patsv)) ) pat = "", len = 0, is_utf8 = 0; else pat = SvPV_nomg(patsv,len), is_utf8 = !!SvUTF8(patsv); patend = pat + len; /* extract patterns */ s = pat-1; while (++s < patend) { switch (*s) { case '\'': case '"' : { bool found = FALSE; const char quote = *s; if (!word) { word = newSVpvs(""); if (is_utf8) SvUTF8_on(word); } if (piece) sv_catpvn(word, piece, s-piece); piece = s+1; while (++s < patend) if (*s == '\\') { s++; /* If the backslash is here to escape a quote, obliterate it. */ if (s < patend && *s == quote) sv_catpvn(word, piece, s-piece-1), piece = s; } else if (*s == quote) { sv_catpvn(word, piece, s-piece); piece = NULL; found = TRUE; break; } if (!found) { /* unmatched quote */ /* Give up on tokenisation and treat the whole string as a single token, but with whitespace stripped. */ piece = pat; while (isSPACE(*pat)) pat++; while (isSPACE(*(patend-1))) patend--; /* bsd_glob expects a trailing null, but we cannot mod- ify the original */ if (patend < SvEND(patsv)) { if (word) sv_setpvn(word, pat, patend-pat); else word = newSVpvn_flags( pat, patend-pat, SVf_UTF8*is_utf8 ); piece = NULL; } else { if (word) SvREFCNT_dec(word), word=NULL; piece = pat; s = patend; } goto end_of_parsing; } break; } case '\\': if (!piece) piece = s; s++; /* If the backslash is here to escape a quote, obliterate it. */ if (s < patend && (*s == '"' || *s == '\'')) { if (!word) { word = newSVpvn(piece,s-piece-1); if (is_utf8) SvUTF8_on(word); } else sv_catpvn(word, piece, s-piece-1); piece = s; } break; default: if (isSPACE(*s)) { if (piece) { if (!word) { word = newSVpvn(piece,s-piece); if (is_utf8) SvUTF8_on(word); } else sv_catpvn(word, piece, s-piece); } if (!word) break; if (!patav) patav = (AV *)sv_2mortal((SV *)newAV()); av_push(patav, word); word = NULL; piece = NULL; } else if (!piece) piece = s; break; } } end_of_parsing: assert(SvTYPE(entries) != SVt_PVAV); sv_upgrade((SV *)entries, SVt_PVAV); if (patav) { I32 items = AvFILLp(patav) + 1; SV **svp = AvARRAY(patav); while (items--) { PUSHMARK(SP); PUTBACK; doglob(aTHX_ SvPVXx(*svp++), flags); SPAGAIN; { dMARK; dORIGMARK; while (++MARK <= SP) av_push(entries, SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN(*MARK)); SP = ORIGMARK; } } } /* piece is set at this point if there is no trailing whitespace. It is the beginning of the last token or quote-delimited piece thereof. word is set at this point if the last token has multiple quoted pieces. */ if (piece || word) { if (word) { if (piece) sv_catpvn(word, piece, s-piece); piece = SvPVX(word); } PUSHMARK(SP); PUTBACK; doglob(aTHX_ piece, flags); if (word) SvREFCNT_dec(word); SPAGAIN; { dMARK; dORIGMARK; /* short-circuit here for a fairly common case */ if (!patav && gimme == G_ARRAY) { PUTBACK; return TRUE; } while (++MARK <= SP) av_push(entries, SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN(*MARK)); SP = ORIGMARK; } } PUTBACK; return FALSE; } static void csh_glob_iter(pTHX) { iterate(aTHX_ csh_glob); } /* wrapper around doglob that can be passed to the iterator */ static bool doglob_iter_wrapper(pTHX_ AV *entries, SV *patsv) { dSP; const char *pattern; int const flags = (int)SvIV(get_sv("File::Glob::DEFAULT_FLAGS", GV_ADD)); SvGETMAGIC(patsv); if ( !SvOK(patsv) && (patsv = DEFSV, SvGETMAGIC(patsv), !SvOK(patsv)) ) pattern = ""; else pattern = SvPV_nomg_nolen(patsv); PUSHMARK(SP); PUTBACK; doglob(aTHX_ pattern, flags); SPAGAIN; { dMARK; dORIGMARK; if (GIMME_V == G_ARRAY) { PUTBACK; return TRUE; } sv_upgrade((SV *)entries, SVt_PVAV); while (++MARK <= SP) av_push(entries, SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN(*MARK)); SP = ORIGMARK; } return FALSE; } MODULE = File::Glob PACKAGE = File::Glob int GLOB_ERROR() PREINIT: dMY_CXT; CODE: RETVAL = GLOB_ERROR; OUTPUT: RETVAL void bsd_glob(pattern,...) char *pattern PREINIT: int flags = 0; PPCODE: { /* allow for optional flags argument */ if (items > 1) { flags = (int) SvIV(ST(1)); /* remove unsupported flags */ flags &= ~(GLOB_APPEND | GLOB_DOOFFS | GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC | GLOB_MAGCHAR); } else { flags = (int) SvIV(get_sv("File::Glob::DEFAULT_FLAGS", GV_ADD)); } PUTBACK; doglob(aTHX_ pattern, flags); SPAGAIN; } PROTOTYPES: DISABLE void csh_glob(...) PPCODE: /* For backward-compatibility with the original Perl function, we sim- * ply take the first two arguments, regardless of how many there are. */ if (items >= 2) SP += 2; else { SP += items; XPUSHs(&PL_sv_undef); if (!items) XPUSHs(&PL_sv_undef); } PUTBACK; csh_glob_iter(aTHX); SPAGAIN; void bsd_glob_override(...) PPCODE: if (items >= 2) SP += 2; else { SP += items; XPUSHs(&PL_sv_undef); if (!items) XPUSHs(&PL_sv_undef); } PUTBACK; iterate(aTHX_ doglob_iter_wrapper); SPAGAIN; BOOT: { #ifndef PERL_EXTERNAL_GLOB /* Don't do this at home! The globhook interface is highly volatile. */ PL_globhook = csh_glob_iter; #endif } BOOT: { MY_CXT_INIT; { dMY_CXT; MY_CXT.x_GLOB_ENTRIES = NULL; } } INCLUDE: const-xs.inc