#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Test blog function (and bpow, since it uses blog), as well as bexp(). use Test::More; use strict; BEGIN { $| = 1; # to locate the testing files my $location = $0; $location =~ s/biglog.t//i; if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { # testing with the core distribution @INC = qw(../lib); } unshift @INC, '../lib'; if (-d 't') { chdir 't'; require File::Spec; unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->updir, $location); } else { unshift @INC, $location; } print "# INC = @INC\n"; plan tests => 17; } use Math::BigRat; my $cl = "Math::BigRat"; ############################################################################# # test log($n) # does not work yet #is ($cl->new(2)->blog(), '0', "blog(2)"); #is ($cl->new(288)->blog(), '5',"blog(288)"); #is ($cl->new(2000)->blog(), '7', "blog(2000)"); ############################################################################# # test exp($n) is ($cl->new(1)->bexp()->as_int(), '2', "bexp(1)"); is ($cl->new(2)->bexp()->as_int(), '7',"bexp(2)"); is ($cl->new(3)->bexp()->as_int(), '20', "bexp(3)"); # rounding not implemented yet #is ($cl->new(3)->bexp(10), '20', "bexp(3,10)"); # $x < 0 => NaN ok ($cl->new(-2)->blog(), 'NaN'); ok ($cl->new(-1)->blog(), 'NaN'); ok ($cl->new(-10)->blog(), 'NaN'); ok ($cl->new(-2,2)->blog(), 'NaN'); ############################################################################# # test bexp() with cached results is ($cl->new(1)->bexp(), '90933395208605785401971970164779391644753259799242' . '/' . '33452526613163807108170062053440751665152000000000', 'bexp(1)'); is ($cl->new(2)->bexp(1,40), $cl->new(1)->bexp(1,45)->bpow(2,40), 'bexp(2)'); is ($cl->new("12.5")->bexp(1,61), $cl->new(1)->bexp(1,65)->bpow(12.5,61), 'bexp(12.5)'); ############################################################################# # test bexp() with big values (non-cached) is ($cl->new(1)->bexp(1,100)->as_float(100), '2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547594571382178525166427', 'bexp(100)'); is ($cl->new("12.5")->bexp(1,91), $cl->new(1)->bexp(1,95)->bpow(12.5,91), 'bexp(12.5) to 91 digits'); ############################################################################# # some integer results is ($cl->new(2)->bpow(32)->blog(2), '32', "2 ** 32"); is ($cl->new(3)->bpow(32)->blog(3), '32', "3 ** 32"); is ($cl->new(2)->bpow(65)->blog(2), '65', "2 ** 65"); my $x = Math::BigInt->new( '777' ) ** 256; my $base = Math::BigInt->new( '12345678901234' ); is ($x->copy()->blog($base), 56, 'blog(777**256, 12345678901234)'); $x = Math::BigInt->new( '777' ) ** 777; $base = Math::BigInt->new( '777' ); is ($x->copy()->blog($base), 777, 'blog(777**777, 777)'); # all done 1;