#!./perl use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio') { print "1..0 # Skip: not perlio\n"; exit 0; } } my $tmp = "via$$"; use Test::More tests => 16; my $fh; my $a = join("", map { chr } 0..255) x 10; my $b; BEGIN { use_ok('PerlIO::Via::QuotedPrint'); } ok( !open($fh,"Via(PerlIO::Via::QuotedPrint)", $tmp), 'open QuotedPrint for output'); ok( (print $fh $a), "print to output file"); ok( close($fh), 'close output file'); ok( open($fh," } ok( close($fh), "close input file"); is($a, $b, 'compare original data with filtered version'); { my $warnings = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings = join '', @_ }; use warnings 'layer'; # Find fd number we should be using my $fd = open($fh,">$tmp") && fileno($fh); print $fh "Hello\n"; close($fh); ok( ! open($fh,">Via(Unknown::Module)", $tmp), 'open Via Unknown::Module will fail'); like( $warnings, qr/^Cannot find package 'Unknown::Module'/, 'warn about unknown package' ); # Now open normally again to see if we get right fileno my $fd2 = open($fh,"<$tmp") && fileno($fh); is($fd2,$fd,"Wrong fd number after failed open"); my $data = <$fh>; is($data,"Hello\n","File clobbered by failed open"); close($fh); $warnings = ''; no warnings 'layer'; ok( ! open($fh,">Via(Unknown::Module)", $tmp), 'open Via Unknown::Module will fail'); is( $warnings, "", "don't warn about unknown package" ); } my $obj = ''; sub Foo::PUSHED { $obj = shift; -1; } sub PerlIO::Via::Bar::PUSHED { $obj = shift; -1; } open $fh, '<:Via(Foo)', "foo"; is( $obj, 'Foo', 'search for package Foo' ); open $fh, '<:Via(Bar)', "bar"; is( $obj, 'PerlIO::Via::Bar', 'search for package PerlIO::Via::Bar' ); END { 1 while unlink $tmp; }