#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- BEGIN { require "t/pod2html-lib.pl"; } use strict; use Cwd; use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL'; use Test::More tests => 2; my $cwd = cwd(); my $data_pos = tell DATA; # to read twice convert_n_test("htmldir4", "test --htmldir and --htmlroot 4a", "--podpath=t", "--htmldir=t", "--outfile=". catfile('t', 'htmldir4.html'), "--quiet", ); seek DATA, $data_pos, 0; # to read twice (expected output is the same) convert_n_test("htmldir4", "test --htmldir and --htmlroot 4b", "--podpath=t", "--podroot=$cwd", "--htmldir=". catdir($cwd, 't'), "--norecurse", "--quiet", ); __DATA__


htmldir - Test --htmldir feature


Normal text, a link to nowhere,

a link to perlvar-copy,


"Another Head 1" in feature,

and another "Another Head 1" in feature.