#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require Config; import Config; if (! $Config{'use5005threads'}) { print "1..0 # Skip: no use5005threads\n"; exit 0; } # XXX known trouble with global destruction $ENV{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL} = 0 unless $ENV{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL} > 3; } $| = 1; print "1..74\n"; use Thread 'yield'; print "ok 1\n"; sub content { print shift; return shift; } # create a thread passing args and immedaietly wait for it. my $t = new Thread \&content,("ok 2\n","ok 3\n", 1..1000); print $t->join; # check that lock works ... {lock $foo; $t = new Thread sub { lock $foo; print "ok 5\n" }; print "ok 4\n"; } $t->join; sub dorecurse { my $val = shift; my $ret; print $val; if (@_) { $ret = Thread->new(\&dorecurse, @_); $ret->join; } } $t = new Thread \&dorecurse, map { "ok $_\n" } 6..10; $t->join; # test that sleep lets other thread run $t = new Thread \&dorecurse,"ok 11\n"; sleep 6; print "ok 12\n"; $t->join; sub islocked : locked { my $val = shift; my $ret; print $val; if (@_) { $ret = Thread->new(\&islocked, shift); } $ret; } $t = Thread->new(\&islocked, "ok 13\n", "ok 14\n"); $t->join->join; { package Loch::Ness; sub new { bless [], shift } sub monster : locked : method { my($s, $m) = @_; print "ok $m\n"; } sub gollum { &monster } } Loch::Ness->monster(15); Loch::Ness->new->monster(16); Loch::Ness->gollum(17); Loch::Ness->new->gollum(18); my $short = "This is a long string that goes on and on."; my $shorte = " a long string that goes on and on."; my $long = "This is short."; my $longe = " short."; my $thr1 = new Thread \&threaded, $short, $shorte, "19"; my $thr2 = new Thread \&threaded, $long, $longe, "20"; my $thr3 = new Thread \&testsprintf, "21"; sub testsprintf { my $testno = shift; # this may coredump if thread vars are not properly initialised my $same = sprintf "%.0f", $testno; if ($testno eq $same) { print "ok $testno\n"; } else { print "not ok $testno\t# '$testno' ne '$same'\n"; } } sub threaded { my ($string, $string_end, $testno) = @_; # Do the match, saving the output in appropriate variables $string =~ /(.*)(is)(.*)/; # Yield control, allowing the other thread to fill in the match variables yield(); # Examine the match variable contents; on broken perls this fails if ($3 eq $string_end) { print "ok $testno\n"; } else { warn <join; $thr2->join; $thr3->join; print "ok 22\n"; { my $THRf_STATE_MASK = 7; my $THRf_R_JOINABLE = 0; my $THRf_R_JOINED = 1; my $THRf_R_DETACHED = 2; my $THRf_ZOMBIE = 3; my $THRf_DEAD = 4; my $THRf_DID_DIE = 8; sub _test { my($test, $t, $state, $die) = @_; my $flags = $t->flags; if (($flags & $THRf_STATE_MASK) == $state && !($flags & $THRf_DID_DIE) == !$die) { print "ok $test\n"; } else { print <new(sub { sleep 4; die "thread die\n" }), Thread->new(sub { die "thread die\n" }), Thread->new(sub { sleep 4; 1 }), Thread->new(sub { 1 }), ) for 1, 2; $_->detach for @t[grep $_ & 4, 0..$#t]; sleep 1; my $test = 23; for (0..7) { my $t = $t[$_]; my $flags = ($_ & 1) ? ($_ & 4) ? $THRf_DEAD : $THRf_ZOMBIE : ($_ & 4) ? $THRf_R_DETACHED : $THRf_R_JOINABLE; _test($test++, $t, $flags, (($_ & 3) != 1) ? 0 : $THRf_DID_DIE); printf "%sok %s\n", !$t->done == !($_ & 1) ? "" : "not ", $test++; } # $test = 39; for (grep $_ & 1, 0..$#t) { next if $_ & 4; # can't join detached threads $t[$_]->eval; my $die = ($_ & 2) ? "" : "thread die\n"; printf "%sok %s\n", $@ eq $die ? "" : "not ", $test++; } # $test = 41; for (0..7) { my $t = $t[$_]; my $flags = ($_ & 1) ? ($_ & 4) ? $THRf_DEAD : $THRf_DEAD : ($_ & 4) ? $THRf_R_DETACHED : $THRf_R_JOINABLE; _test($test++, $t, $flags, (($_ & 3) != 1) ? 0 : $THRf_DID_DIE); printf "%sok %s\n", !$t->done == !($_ & 1) ? "" : "not ", $test++; } # $test = 57; for (grep !($_ & 1), 0..$#t) { next if $_ & 4; # can't join detached threads $t[$_]->eval; my $die = ($_ & 2) ? "" : "thread die\n"; printf "%sok %s\n", $@ eq $die ? "" : "not ", $test++; } sleep 1; # make sure even the detached threads are done sleeping # $test = 59; for (0..7) { my $t = $t[$_]; my $flags = ($_ & 1) ? ($_ & 4) ? $THRf_DEAD : $THRf_DEAD : ($_ & 4) ? $THRf_DEAD : $THRf_DEAD; _test($test++, $t, $flags, ($_ & 2) ? 0 : $THRf_DID_DIE); printf "%sok %s\n", $t->done ? "" : "not ", $test++; } # $test = 75; }