BEGIN { unless ("A" eq pack('U', 0x41)) { print "1..0 # Unicode::Normalize " . "cannot stringify a Unicode code point\n"; exit 0; } } BEGIN { if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { chdir('t') if -d 't'; @INC = $^O eq 'MacOS' ? qw(::lib) : qw(../lib); } } ######################### use Test; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { plan tests => 13 }; use Unicode::Normalize qw(:all); ok(1); # If we made it this far, we're ok. sub _pack_U { Unicode::Normalize::pack_U(@_) } sub _unpack_U { Unicode::Normalize::unpack_U(@_) } ######################### print getCombinClass( 0) == 0 && getCombinClass( 768) == 230 && getCombinClass(1809) == 36 && ($] < 5.007003 || getCombinClass(0x1D167) == 1) # Unicode 3.1 ? "ok" : "not ok", " 2\n"; print ! defined getCanon( 0) && ! defined getCanon(41) && getCanon(0x00C0) eq _pack_U(0x0041, 0x0300) && getCanon(0x00EF) eq _pack_U(0x0069, 0x0308) && getCanon(0x304C) eq _pack_U(0x304B, 0x3099) && getCanon(0x1EA4) eq _pack_U(0x0041, 0x0302, 0x0301) && getCanon(0x1F82) eq _pack_U(0x03B1, 0x0313, 0x0300, 0x0345) && getCanon(0x1FAF) eq _pack_U(0x03A9, 0x0314, 0x0342, 0x0345) && getCanon(0xAC00) eq _pack_U(0x1100, 0x1161) && getCanon(0xAE00) eq _pack_U(0x1100, 0x1173, 0x11AF) && ! defined getCanon(0x212C) && ! defined getCanon(0x3243) && getCanon(0xFA2D) eq _pack_U(0x9DB4) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 3\n"; print ! defined getCompat( 0) && ! defined getCompat(41) && getCompat(0x00C0) eq _pack_U(0x0041, 0x0300) && getCompat(0x00EF) eq _pack_U(0x0069, 0x0308) && getCompat(0x304C) eq _pack_U(0x304B, 0x3099) && getCompat(0x1EA4) eq _pack_U(0x0041, 0x0302, 0x0301) && getCompat(0x1F82) eq _pack_U(0x03B1, 0x0313, 0x0300, 0x0345) && getCompat(0x1FAF) eq _pack_U(0x03A9, 0x0314, 0x0342, 0x0345) && getCompat(0x212C) eq _pack_U(0x0042) && getCompat(0x3243) eq _pack_U(0x0028, 0x81F3, 0x0029) && getCompat(0xAC00) eq _pack_U(0x1100, 0x1161) && getCompat(0xAE00) eq _pack_U(0x1100, 0x1173, 0x11AF) && getCompat(0xFA2D) eq _pack_U(0x9DB4) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 4\n"; print ! defined getComposite( 0, 0) && ! defined getComposite( 0, 41) && ! defined getComposite(41, 0) && ! defined getComposite(41, 41) && ! defined getComposite(12, 0x0300) && ! defined getComposite(0x0055, 0xFF00) && 0x00C0 == getComposite(0x0041, 0x0300) && 0x00D9 == getComposite(0x0055, 0x0300) && 0x1E14 == getComposite(0x0112, 0x0300) && 0xAC00 == getComposite(0x1100, 0x1161) && 0xADF8 == getComposite(0x1100, 0x1173) && ! defined getComposite(0x1100, 0x11AF) && ! defined getComposite(0x1173, 0x11AF) && ! defined getComposite(0xAC00, 0x11A7) && 0xAC01 == getComposite(0xAC00, 0x11A8) && 0xAE00 == getComposite(0xADF8, 0x11AF) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 5\n"; print ! isExclusion( 0) && ! isExclusion(41) && isExclusion(2392) # DEVANAGARI LETTER QA && isExclusion(3907) # TIBETAN LETTER GHA && isExclusion(64334) # HEBREW LETTER PE WITH RAFE ? "ok" : "not ok", " 6\n"; print ! isSingleton( 0) && isSingleton(0x212B) # ANGSTROM SIGN ? "ok" : "not ok", " 7\n"; print reorder("") eq "" && reorder(_pack_U(0x0041, 0x0300, 0x0315, 0x0313, 0x031b, 0x0061)) eq _pack_U(0x0041, 0x031b, 0x0300, 0x0313, 0x0315, 0x0061) && reorder(_pack_U(0x00C1, 0x0300, 0x0315, 0x0313, 0x031b, 0x0061, 0x309A, 0x3099)) eq _pack_U(0x00C1, 0x031b, 0x0300, 0x0313, 0x0315, 0x0061, 0x309A, 0x3099) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 8\n"; sub answer { defined $_[0] ? $_[0] ? "YES" : "NO" : "MAYBE" } print answer(checkNFD("")) eq "YES" && answer(checkNFC("")) eq "YES" && answer(checkNFKD("")) eq "YES" && answer(checkNFKC("")) eq "YES" && answer(check("NFD", "")) eq "YES" && answer(check("NFC", "")) eq "YES" && answer(check("NFKD","")) eq "YES" && answer(check("NFKC","")) eq "YES" # U+0000 to U+007F are prenormalized in all the normalization forms. && answer(checkNFD("AZaz\t12!#`")) eq "YES" && answer(checkNFC("AZaz\t12!#`")) eq "YES" && answer(checkNFKD("AZaz\t12!#`")) eq "YES" && answer(checkNFKC("AZaz\t12!#`")) eq "YES" && answer(check("D", "AZaz\t12!#`")) eq "YES" && answer(check("C", "AZaz\t12!#`")) eq "YES" && answer(check("KD","AZaz\t12!#`")) eq "YES" && answer(check("KC","AZaz\t12!#`")) eq "YES" ? "ok" : "not ok", " 9\n"; print 1 && answer(checkNFD(NFD(_pack_U(0xC1, 0x1100, 0x1173, 0x11AF)))) eq "YES" && answer(checkNFD(_pack_U(0x20, 0xC1, 0x1100, 0x1173, 0x11AF))) eq "NO" && answer(checkNFC(_pack_U(0x20, 0xC1, 0x1173, 0x11AF))) eq "MAYBE" && answer(checkNFC(_pack_U(0x20, 0xC1, 0xAE00, 0x1100))) eq "YES" && answer(checkNFC(_pack_U(0x20, 0xC1, 0xAE00, 0x1100, 0x300))) eq "MAYBE" && answer(checkNFC(_pack_U(0x20, 0xC1, 0xFF71, 0x2025))) eq "YES" && answer(check("NFC", _pack_U(0x20, 0xC1, 0x212B, 0x300))) eq "NO" && answer(checkNFKD(_pack_U(0x20, 0xC1, 0xFF71, 0x2025))) eq "NO" && answer(checkNFKC(_pack_U(0x20, 0xC1, 0xAE00, 0x2025))) eq "NO" ? "ok" : "not ok", " 10\n"; "012ABC" =~ /(\d+)(\w+)/; print "012" eq NFC $1 && "ABC" eq NFC $2 ? "ok" : "not ok", " 11\n"; print "012" eq normalize('C', $1) && "ABC" eq normalize('C', $2) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 12\n"; print "012" eq normalize('NFC', $1) && "ABC" eq normalize('NFC', $2) ? "ok" : "not ok", " 13\n"; # s/^NF// in normalize() must not prevent using $1, $&, etc.