#!/usr/bin/perl -w # I'm assuming that you're running this on some kind of ASCII system, but # it will generate EDCDIC too. (TODO) use strict; use Encode; my @lines = grep {!/^#/} ; sub addline { my ($arrays, $chrmap, $letter, $arrayname, $spare, $nocsum, $size, $condition) = @_; my $line = "/* $letter */ $size"; $line .= " | PACK_SIZE_SPARE" if $spare; $line .= " | PACK_SIZE_CANNOT_CSUM" if $nocsum; $line .= ","; # And then the hack $line = [$condition, $line] if $condition; $arrays->{$arrayname}->[ord $chrmap->{$letter}] = $line; # print ord $chrmap->{$letter}, " $line\n"; } sub output_tables { my %arrays; my $chrmap = shift; foreach (@_) { my ($letter, $shriek, $spare, $nocsum, $size, $condition) = /^([A-Za-z])(!?)\t(\S*)\t(\S*)\t([^\t\n]+)(?:\t+(.*))?$/; die "Can't parse '$_'" unless $size; if (defined $condition) { $condition = join " && ", map {"defined($_)"} split ' ', $condition; } unless ($size =~ s/^=//) { $size = "sizeof($size)"; } addline (\%arrays, $chrmap, $letter, $shriek ? 'shrieking' : 'normal', $spare, $nocsum, $size, $condition); } my %earliest; foreach my $arrayname (sort keys %arrays) { my $array = $arrays{$arrayname}; die "No defined entries in $arrayname" unless $array->[$#$array]; # Find the first used entry my $earliest = 0; $earliest++ while (!$array->[$earliest]); # Remove all the empty elements. splice @$array, 0, $earliest; print "unsigned char size_${arrayname}[", scalar @$array, "] = {\n"; my @lines; foreach (@$array) { # Remove the assumption here that the last entry isn't conditonal if (ref $_) { push @lines, ["#if $_->[0]", " $_->[1]", "#else", " 0,", "#endif"]; } else { push @lines, $_ ? " $_" : " 0,"; } } # remove the last, annoying, comma my $last = $lines[$#lines]; my $got; foreach (ref $last ? @$last : $last) { $got += s/,$//; } die "Last entry had no commas" unless $got; print map {"$_\n"} ref $_ ? @$_ : $_ foreach @lines; print "};\n"; $earliest{$arrayname} = $earliest; } print "struct packsize_t packsize[2] = {\n"; my @lines; foreach (qw(normal shrieking)) { my $array = $arrays{$_}; push @lines, " {size_$_, $earliest{$_}, " . (scalar @$array) . "},"; } # remove the last, annoying, comma chop $lines[$#lines]; print "$_\n" foreach @lines; print "};\n"; } my %asciimap = (map {chr $_, chr $_} 0..255); my %ebcdicmap = (map {chr $_, Encode::encode ("posix-bc", chr $_)} 0..255); print <<'EOC'; #if 'J'-'I' == 1 /* ASCII */ EOC output_tables (\%asciimap, @lines); print <<'EOC'; #else /* EBCDIC (or bust) */ EOC output_tables (\%ebcdicmap, @lines); print "#endif\n"; __DATA__ #Symbol spare nocsum size c char C unsigned char W unsigned char U char s! short s =SIZE16 S! unsigned short v =SIZE16 n =SIZE16 S =SIZE16 v! =SIZE16 PERL_PACK_CAN_SHRIEKSIGN n! =SIZE16 PERL_PACK_CAN_SHRIEKSIGN i int i! int I unsigned int I! unsigned int j =IVSIZE J =UVSIZE l! long l =SIZE32 L! unsigned long V =SIZE32 N =SIZE32 V! =SIZE32 PERL_PACK_CAN_SHRIEKSIGN N! =SIZE32 PERL_PACK_CAN_SHRIEKSIGN L =SIZE32 p * char * w * char q Quad_t HAS_QUAD Q Uquad_t HAS_QUAD f float d double F =NVSIZE D =LONG_DOUBLESIZE HAS_LONG_DOUBLE USE_LONG_DOUBLE