# Global variables that must be exported for embedded applications. # *** Do NOT add functions here, those go in global.sym. # *** Only structures/arrays with constant initializers should go here. # *** Usual globals initialized at runtime should be added in *var*.h. No Yes bincompat_options block_type charclass check core_reg_engine fold fold_latin1 fold_locale freq hexdigit keyword_plugin magic_data magic_vtables magic_vtable_names memory_wrap no_aelem no_dir_func no_func no_helem_sv no_localize_ref no_mem no_modify no_myglob no_security no_sock_func no_symref no_usym no_wrongref op_desc op_name opargs phase_names ppaddr regkind reg_name reg_extflags_name revision sig_name sig_num simple simple_bitmask subversion utf8skip uuemap varies varies_bitmask version warn_nl warn_nosemi warn_reserved warn_uninit watch_pvx