# hints/amigaos.sh # # talk to pueschel@imsdd.meb.uni-bonn.de if you want to change this file. # # misc stuff archname='m68k-amigaos' cc='gcc' firstmakefile='GNUmakefile' usenm='true' usemymalloc='n' usevfork='true' useperlio='true' d_eofnblk='define' d_fork='undef' d_vfork='define' groupstype='int' # compiler & linker flags ccflags='-DAMIGAOS -mstackextend' ldflags='' optimize='-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer' # uncomment the following settings if you are compiling for an 68020+ system # ccflags='-DAMIGAOS -mstackextend -m68020 -resident32' # ldflags='-m68020 -resident32' # libs libpth="$prefix/lib /local/lib" glibpth="$libpth" xlibpth="$libpth" libswanted='gdbm m' so=' ' # dynamic loading usedl='n' # uncomment the following line if a working version of dld is available # usedl='y' # dlext='o' # cccdlflags='none' # ccdlflags='none' # lddlflags='-oformat a.out-amiga -r' # Avoid telldir prototype conflict in pp_sys.c (AmigaOS uses const DIR *) # Configure should test for this. Volunteers? pp_sys_cflags='ccflags="$ccflags -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE"'