optimize='' ccflags='-A cpu,mathchip -W0,-opt,2' cat <<'EOF' Some tests may fail unless you use 'chacl -B'. Also, op/stat test 2 may fail occasionally because Apollo doesn't guarantee that mtime will be equal to ctime on a newly created unmodified file. Finally, the sleep test will sometimes fail. See the sleep(3) man page to learn why. And a note on ccflags: Lastly, while -A cpu,mathchip generates optimal code for your DN3500 running sr10.3, be aware that you should be using -A cpu,mathlib_sr10 if your perl must also run on any machines running sr10.0, sr10.1, or sr10.2. The -A cpu,mathchip option generates code that doesn't work on pre-sr10.3 nodes. See the cc(1) man page for more details. -- Steve Vinoski EOF