# AtheOS hints file ( http://www.atheos.cx/ ) # Kurt Skauen, kurt@atheos.cx prefix="/usr/perl5" libpth='/system/libs /usr/lib' usrinc='/include' libs=' ' d_htonl='define' d_htons='define' d_ntohl='define' d_ntohs='define' d_locconv='undef' # POSIX and BSD functions are scattered over several non-standard libraries # in AtheOS, so I figured it would be safer to let the linker figure out # which symbols are available. usenm='false' # Hopefully, the native malloc knows better than perl's. usemymalloc='n' # AtheOS native FS does not support hard-links, but link() is defined # (for other FS's). d_link='undef' dont_use_nlink='define' ld='gcc' cc='gcc'