#!./perl -w BEGIN { @INC = qw(lib); # This needs to be at BEGIN time, before any use of Config require './install_lib.pl'; } use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Find; use File::Copy; use File::Path qw(mkpath); use ExtUtils::Packlist; use Pod::Man; use vars qw($Is_VMS $Is_W32 $Is_OS2 $Is_Cygwin $Is_Darwin $Is_NetWare %opts $packlist); $ENV{SHELL} = 'sh' if $^O eq 'os2'; my $patchlevel = substr($],3,2); die "Patchlevel of perl ($patchlevel)", "and patchlevel of config.sh ($Config{'PERL_VERSION'}) don't match\n" if $patchlevel != $Config{'PERL_VERSION'}; my $usage = "Usage: installman --man1dir=/usr/wherever --man1ext=1 --man3dir=/usr/wherever --man3ext=3 --batchlimit=40 --notify --verbose --silent --help Defaults are: man1dir = $Config{'installman1dir'}; man1ext = $Config{'man1ext'}; man3dir = $Config{'installman3dir'}; man3ext = $Config{'man3ext'}; --notify (or -n) just lists commands that would be executed. --verbose (or -V) report all progress. --silent (or -S) be silent. Only report errors.\n"; GetOptions( \%opts, qw( man1dir=s man1ext=s man3dir=s man3ext=s batchlimit=i destdir:s notify n help silent S verbose V)) || die $usage; die $usage if $opts{help}; $opts{destdir} //= ''; foreach my $pre (qw(man1 man3)) { $opts{"${pre}dir"} //= $opts{destdir} . $Config{"install${pre}dir"}; $opts{"${pre}ext"} //= $Config{"${pre}ext"}; } $opts{silent} ||= $opts{S}; $opts{notify} ||= $opts{n}; $opts{verbose} ||= $opts{V} || $opts{notify}; #Sanity checks -x "./perl$Config{exe_ext}" or warn "./perl$Config{exe_ext} not found! Have you run make?\n"; -d "$opts{destdir}$Config{'installprivlib'}" || warn "Perl library directory $Config{'installprivlib'} not found. Have you run make install?. (Installing anyway.)\n"; -x "t/perl$Config{exe_ext}" || warn "WARNING: You've never run 'make test'!!!", " (Installing anyway.)\n"; $packlist = ExtUtils::Packlist->new("$opts{destdir}$Config{installarchlib}/.packlist"); # manpages not to be installed my %do_not_install = map { ($_ => 1) } qw( Pod/Functions.pm XS/APItest.pm ); # Install the main pod pages. pod2man('pod', $opts{man1dir}, $opts{man1ext}); # Install the pods for library modules. pod2man('lib', $opts{man3dir}, $opts{man3ext}); # Install the pods embedded in the installed scripts my $has_man1dir = $opts{man1dir} ne '' && -d $opts{man1dir}; open UTILS, "utils.lst" or die "Can't open 'utils.lst': $!"; while (<UTILS>) { next if /^#/; chomp; $_ = $1 if /#.*pod\s*=\s*(\S+)/; my ($where, $what) = m|^(\S*)/(\S+)|; pod2man($where, $opts{man1dir}, $opts{man1ext}, $what); if ($has_man1dir) { if (my ($where2, $what2) = m|#.*link\s*=\s*(\S+)/(\S+)|) { my $old = "$opts{man1dir}/$what.$opts{man1ext}"; my $new = "$opts{man1dir}/$what2.$opts{man1ext}"; unlink($new); link($old, $new); my $xold = $old; $xold =~ s/^\Q$opts{'destdir'}\E// if $opts{'destdir'}; my $xnew = $new; $xnew =~ s/^\Q$opts{'destdir'}\E// if $opts{'destdir'}; $packlist->{$xnew} = { from => $xold, type => 'link' }; } } } sub pod2man { # @script is scripts names if we are installing manpages embedded # in scripts, () otherwise my($poddir, $mandir, $manext, @script) = @_; if ($mandir eq ' ' or $mandir eq '') { if (@script) { warn "Skipping installation of $poddir/$_ man page.\n" foreach @script; } else { warn "Skipping installation of $poddir man pages.\n"; } return; } print "installing from $poddir\n" if $opts{verbose}; mkpath($mandir, $opts{verbose}, 0777) unless $opts{notify}; # In File::Path # Make a list of all the .pm and .pod files in the directory. We avoid # chdir because we are running with @INC = '../lib', and modules may wish # to dynamically require Carp::Heavy or other diagnostics warnings. # Hash the names of files we find, keys are names relative to perl build # dir ('.'), values are names relative to $poddir. my %modpods; if (@script) { %modpods = (map {+"$poddir/$_", $_} @script); } else { File::Find::find({no_chdir=>1, wanted => sub { # $_ is $File::Find::name when using no_chdir if (-f $_ and /\.p(?:m|od)$/) { my $fullname = $_; s!^\Q$poddir\E/!!; $modpods{$fullname} = $_; } }}, $poddir); } my @to_process; foreach my $mod (sort keys %modpods) { my $manpage = $modpods{$mod}; my $tmp; # Skip .pm files that have corresponding .pod files, and Functions.pm. next if (($tmp = $mod) =~ s/\.pm$/.pod/ && -f $tmp); next if $mod =~ m:/t/:; # no pods from test directories next if $do_not_install{$manpage}; # Skip files without pod docs my $has_pod; if (open T, $mod) { local $_; while (<T>) { ++$has_pod and last if /^=(?:head\d+|item|pod)\b/; } close T; } unless ($has_pod) { warn "no documentation in $mod\n"; next; } # Convert name from File/Basename.pm to File::Basename.3 format, # if necessary. $manpage =~ s#\.p(m|od)$##; if ($^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'amigaos' || $^O eq 'uwin' || $^O eq 'cygwin') { $manpage =~ s#/#.#g; } else { $manpage =~ s#/#::#g; } $tmp = "${mandir}/${manpage}.tmp"; $manpage = "${mandir}/${manpage}.${manext}"; push @to_process, [$mod, $tmp, $manpage]; } foreach my $page (@to_process) { my($pod, $tmp, $manpage) = @$page; my $parser = Pod::Man->new( section => $manext, official=> 1, center => 'Perl Programmers Reference Guide' ); my $xmanpage = $manpage; $xmanpage =~ s/^\Q$opts{'destdir'}\E// if $opts{'destdir'}; print " $xmanpage\n"; if (!$opts{notify} && $parser->parse_from_file($pod, $tmp)) { if (-s $tmp) { if (rename($tmp, $manpage)) { $packlist->{$xmanpage} = { type => 'file' }; next; } } unlink($tmp); } } } $packlist->write() unless $opts{notify}; print " Installation complete\n" if $opts{verbose}; exit 0; sub rename { my($from,$to) = @_; if (-f $to and not unlink($to)) { my($i); for ($i = 1; $i < 50; $i++) { last if CORE::rename($to, "$to.$i"); } warn("Cannot rename to `$to.$i': $!"), return 0 if $i >= 50; # Give up! } link($from,$to) || return 0; unlink($from); }