#!./perl $mainperldir = "/usr/bin"; while (@ARGV) { $nonono = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-n'; $versiononly = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-v'; shift; } umask 022; @scripts = ('cppstdin', 'h2ph', 'c2ph', 'pstruct', 'x2p/s2p', 'x2p/find2perl'); @manpages = ('perl.man', 'h2ph.man', 'x2p/a2p.man', 'x2p/s2p.man'); # Read in the config file. open(CONFIG, "config.sh") || die "You haven't run Configure yet!\n"; while () { if (s/^(\w+=)/\$$1/) { $accum =~ s/'undef'/undef/g; eval $accum; $accum = ''; } $accum .= $_; } close CONFIG; open(PERL_C, "perl.c"); while () { last if /Revision:/; } close PERL_C; s/.*Revision: //; $major = $_ + 0; $ver = sprintf("%5.3f", $major + $PATCHLEVEL / 1000); $release = substr($ver,0,3); $patchlevel = substr($ver,3,2); # Do some quick sanity checks. if ($d_dosuid && $>) { die "You must run as root to install suidperl\n"; } $installbin || die "No installbin directory in config.sh\n"; -d $installbin || die "$installbin is not a directory\n"; -w $installbin || die "$installbin is not writable by you\n" unless $installbin =~ m#^/afs/#; -x 'perl' || die "perl isn't executable!\n"; -x 'suidperl' || die "suidperl isn't executable!\n" if $d_dosuid; -x 't/TEST' || warn "WARNING: You've never run 'make test'!!!", " (Installing anyway.)\n"; # First we install the version-numbered executables. &unlink("$installbin/perl$ver"); &cmd("cp perl $installbin/perl$ver"); &unlink("$installbin/sperl$ver"); if ($d_dosuid) { &cmd("cp suidperl $installbin/sperl$ver"); &chmod(04711, "$installbin/sperl$ver"); } exit 0 if $versiononly; # Make links to ordinary names if installbin directory isn't current directory. ($bdev,$bino) = stat($installbin); ($ddev,$dino) = stat('.'); if ($bdev != $ddev || $bino != $dino) { &unlink("$installbin/perl", "$installbin/suidperl"); &link("$installbin/perl$ver", "$installbin/perl"); &link("$installbin/sperl$ver", "$installbin/suidperl") if $d_dosuid; } ($bdev,$bino) = stat($installbin); ($ddev,$dino) = stat('x2p'); if ($bdev != $ddev || $bino != $dino) { &unlink("$installbin/a2p"); &cmd("cp x2p/a2p $installbin/a2p"); &chmod(0755, "$installbin/a2p"); } # Make some enemies in the name of standardization. :-) ($udev,$uino) = stat($mainperldir); if (-w _ && ($udev != $bdev || $uino != $bino) && !$nonono) { &unlink("$mainperldir/perl"); eval 'link("$installbin/perl", "$mainperldir/perl")' || eval 'symlink("$installbin/perl", "$mainperldir/perl")' || &cmd("cp $installbin/perl $mainperldir"); } # Install scripts. &makedir($installscr); for (@scripts) { &cmd("cp $_ $installscr"); s#.*/##; &chmod(0755, "$installscr/$_"); } # Install man pages. if ($mansrc ne '') { &makedir($mansrc); ($mdev,$mino) = stat($mansrc); if ($mdev != $ddev || $mino != $dino) { for (@manpages) { ($new = $_) =~ s/man$/$manext/; $new =~ s#.*/##; print STDERR " Installing $mansrc/$new\n"; next if $nonono; open(MI,$_) || warn "Can't open $_: $!\n"; open(MO,">$mansrc/$new") || warn "Can't install $mansrc/$new: $!\n"; print MO ".ds RP Release $release Patchlevel $patchlevel\n"; while () { print MO; } close MI; close MO; } } } # Install library files. &makedir($installprivlib); if (chdir "lib") { ($pdev,$pino) = stat($installprivlib); ($ldev,$lino) = stat('.'); if ($pdev != $ldev || $pino != $lino) { # Optimize for quick access. First the auto directory. system "tar cf - auto | (cd $installprivlib; tar xvf -)"; # Next the Perl modules. foreach $file (<*.pm>) { system "cmp", "-s", $file, "$privlib/$file"; if ($?) { &unlink("$installprivlib/$file"); &cmd("cp $file $installprivlib"); &chmod(0644, "$installprivlib/$file"); } } # Finally the old library files. foreach $file (<*.pl>) { system "cmp", "-s", $file, "$privlib/$file"; if ($?) { &unlink("$installprivlib/$file"); &cmd("cp $file $installprivlib"); &chmod(0644, "$installprivlib/$file"); } } } chdir ".." || die "Can't cd back to source directory: $!\n"; } else { warn "Can't cd to lib to install lib files: $!\n"; } print STDERR " Installation complete\n"; exit 0; ############################################################################### sub unlink { local(@names) = @_; foreach $name (@names) { next unless -e $name; print STDERR " unlink $name\n"; unlink($name) || warn "Couldn't unlink $name: $!\n" unless $nonono; } } sub cmd { local($cmd) = @_; print STDERR " $cmd\n"; unless ($nonono) { system $cmd; warn "Command failed!!!\n" if $?; } } sub link { local($from,$to) = @_; print STDERR " ln $from $to\n"; link($from,$to) || warn "Couldn't link $from to $to: $!\n" unless $nonono; } sub chmod { local($mode,$name) = @_; printf STDERR " chmod %o %s\n", $mode, $name; chmod($mode,$name) || warn sprintf("Couldn't chmod %o %s: $!\n",$mode,$name) unless $nonono; } sub makedir { local($dir) = @_; unless (-d $dir) { local($shortdir) = $dir; $shortdir =~ s#(.*)/.*#$1#; &makedir($shortdir); print STDERR " mkdir $dir\n"; mkdir($dir, 0777) || warn "Couldn't create $dir: $!\n" unless $nonono; } }